
dists <- list(
   dist(matrix(rnorm(1000), ncol = 4)),
   dist(matrix(rnorm(1000), ncol = 20)),
   dist(matrix(rnorm(10000), ncol = 40)),
   dist(matrix(sample(1:100000, 1000), ncol = 4)),
   dist(matrix(sample(1:100000, 1000), ncol = 20)),
   dist(matrix(sample(1:100000, 1000), ncol = 50))

context("Reference implementation")

# get dcs and reference targets

dcComparison <- simplify2array(Map(function(x, y) abs(1 - x / y) <= 0.15, dcs, referenceDcs))
test_that("Reference DCs and new DCs are within 15% of each other", {

densityClustNewImp <- lapply(dists, densityClust)
test_that("Test equivalence to reference implementation of densityClust", {
   expect_equal(densityClustReference, densityClustNewImp)   

# convenient for debugging, but calling non-exported functions not allowed in CRAN
# localDensityNewImp <- Map(densityClust:::localDensity, dists, estimateDcNewImp)
# test_that("Test equivalence to reference implementation of localDensity", {
#    expect_equal(localDensityReference, localDensityNewImp)
# })
# distanceToPeakNewImp <- Map(densityClust:::distanceToPeak, dists, localDensityNewImp)
# test_that("Test equivalence to reference implementation of distanc eToPeak", {
#    expect_equal(distanceToPeakReference, distanceToPeakNewImp)
# })

gaussianDensityClustNewImp <- lapply(dists, FUN = function(x) densityClust(x, gaussian = TRUE))
test_that("Test equivalence to reference implementation of gaussianDensityClust", {
   expect_equal(gaussianDensityClustReference, gaussianDensityClustNewImp)   

# convenient for debugging, but calling non-exported functions not allowed in CRAN
# gaussianLocalDensityNewImp <- Map(f = function(x, y) densityClust:::localDensity(x, y, gaussian = TRUE), dists, estimateDcReference)
# test_that("Test equivalence to reference implementation of localDensity", {
#    expect_equal(gaussianLocalDensityReference, gaussianLocalDensityNewImp)
# })

#check the findDistValueByRowColInd return the correct index as desired: 
test_that("Test equivalence to reference implementation of gaussianDensityClust", {
  test <- dist(c(1:100))
  test_mat <- as.matrix(test)
  cluster <- test_mat[, 1]
  newImp_res <- densityClust:::findDistValueByRowColInd(test, attr(test, 'Size'), which(cluster == 1), which(cluster != 1)) <= 4
  oriImp_res <- as.vector(test_mat[cluster == 1, cluster != 1] <= 4)
  expect_equal(newImp_res, oriImp_res )
  newImp_res <- densityClust:::findDistValueByRowColInd(test, attr(test, 'Size'), which(cluster == 4), which(cluster == 5))
  oriImp_re <- as.vector(test_mat[cluster == 4, cluster == 5])
  expect_equal(newImp_res, oriImp_re)
  dist_vals <- densityClust:::findDistValueByRowColInd(test, attr(test, 'Size'), 1:100, 1:100)

  expect_equal(dist_vals, as.vector(test_mat))

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densityClust documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:13 a.m.