dic11pof2008.2009: Dictionary for book of outgoing record POF 2008-2009 survey

Description Format Source


Data dictionary for reading "T_CADERNETA_DESPESA_S.txt" file (book of outgoing (type 11) record from POF 2008-2009 survey).

The COD_LOCAL_COMPRA (site of acquisition) appers in the file 'Descricoes dos registros POF 2008-2009.doc' (documentation provided by IBGE) as having the level 88801 associated to the label ignorado, but in the files 'Classificacoes POF 2008-2009.doc' and 'Cadastro de local de aquisicoes da POF 2008-2009.xls' appears the same label associated to other level, 99902. In the file 'Descricoes dos registros POF 2008-2009.doc' the level ZERO is associated to the label nao aplicavel.


This dictionary is a data frame with one line for each variable, and it has 4 columms, with important information of each variable.

inicio numeric Position of the value's first character in the data file
cod character Variable code
tamanho numeric Field size
desc character Short description


The dictionaries were made based on the documentation of the PNAD survey available at http://www.ibge.gov.br.

dicionariosIBGE documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:52 p.m.