dicPNAD2007: Data set for PNAD 2007 survey

Description Format Source


This dataset contains 2 data.frames.

The two data.frames, dicdom2007 and dicpes2007, are data dictionaries used by the fuction le.pesquisa for reading the two microdada files provided by IBGE.


A data set with 2 different data frames:

  1. dicdom2007 (dictionary with domiciles record from PNAD 2007 survey)

  2. dicpes2007 (dictionary with people record from PNAD 2007 survey)


The dictionaries were made based on the documentation of the PNAD survey available at http://www.ibge.gov.br.

dicionariosIBGE documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:52 p.m.