dicdom2009: Data Dictionary for domiciles record PNAD 2009 survey

Description Format Source


Data dictionary for reading "DOM2009.TXT" file (domiciles record from PNAD 2009 survey). In the column desc we choose to remove all accents to avoid encoding problems.

The variable V0216 in the original PNAD documentation has two meanings (categorical and quantitative), because of that we created two variables V0216a (categorical) and V0216b (quantitative) to avoid complications with the dicitionary analysis

In the original PNAD documentation, the variables below have the following comments:

Variable V0102 has comment " As 2 primeiras posições são o código da Unidade da Federação"

Variable V4614 has comment "exclusive o rendimento das pessoas cuja condição na unidade domiciliar era pensionista, empregado doméstico ou parente do empregado doméstico e das pessoas de menos de 10 anos de idade"

Variable V4617 has comment "Identificação de estrato de município auto-representativo e não auto-representativo"

Variable V4618 has comment "Unidade primária de amostragem"

Variable V4620 has comment "exclusive as pessoas cuja condição na unidade domiciliar era pensionista, empregado doméstico ou parente do empregado doméstico"

Variable V4605 has value with 10 decimals

Variable V4607 has value with 10 decimals

Variable V4608 has value with 1 decimal

Variable V4619 has value with 2 decimals

Variable V9992 has values in the format AAAAMMDD.

Variable V4611 has comment "Igual ao peso da pessoa de referencia do domicilio".


This dictionary is a data frame with one line for each survey variable, and it has 4 columms, with important information of each variable.

inicio numeric Position of the value's first character in the data file
cod character Variable code
tamanho numeric Field size
desc character Short description


The dictionaries were made based on the documentation of the PNAD survey available at http://www.ibge.gov.br.

dicionariosIBGE documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:52 p.m.