
## =============================================================================
## Examples from the book 
## Soetaert, K., Cash, J.R. and Mazzia, F. (2012).
## Solving Differential Equations in R. 
## Springer
## Chapter 10. Solving Partial Differential Equations in R.
## =============================================================================

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## The heat equation
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
N        <- 100
xgrid    <- setup.grid.1D(x.up = 0, x.down = 1, N = N)
x        <- xgrid$x.mid
D.coeff  <- 0.01

Diffusion <- function (t, Y, parms){
   tran <- tran.1D(C = Y, C.up =  0, C.down = 1, 
                 D = D.coeff, dx = xgrid)
   list(dY = tran$dC, flux.up = tran$flux.up, 
        flux.down = tran$flux.down)

Yini  <- sin(pi*x)
times <- seq(from = 0, to = 5, by = 0.01)
  out <- ode.1D(y = Yini, times = times, func = Diffusion, 
             parms = NULL, dimens = N)               ))

par (mfrow=c(1, 2))
plot(out[1, 2:(N+1)], x, type = "l", lwd = 2,
    xlab = "Variable, Y", ylab = "Distance, x")
for (i in seq(2, length(times), by = 50)) 
     lines(out[i, 2:(N+1)], x)
image(out, grid = x, mfrow = NULL, ylab = "Distance, x", 
     main = "Y")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## The wave equation
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
dx    <- 0.2
xgrid <- setup.grid.1D(x.up = -100, x.down = 100, dx.1 = dx)
x     <- xgrid$x.mid
N     <- xgrid$N

lam   <- 0.05
uini  <- exp(-lam*x^2)
vini  <- rep(0, N)
yini  <- c(uini, vini)
times <- seq (from = 0, to = 50, by = 1)

wave <- function (t, y, parms) {
  u <- y[1:N]
  v <- y[(N+1):(2*N)]
  du <- v
  dv <- tran.1D(C = u, C.up = 0, C.down = 0, D = 1, 
               dx = xgrid)$dC
  return(list(c(du, dv)))

out <- ode.1D(func = wave, y = yini, times = times, 
             parms = NULL, method = "adams",
             dimens = N, names = c("u", "v")) 
u <- subset(out, which = "u")

analytic <- function (t, x)
  0.5 * (exp(-lam * (x+1*t)^2 ) +exp(-lam * (x-1*t)^2) )

OutAna <- outer(times, x, FUN = analytic)

max(abs(u - OutAna))

outtime <- seq(from = 0, to = 50, by = 10) 
matplot.1D(out, which = "u", subset = time %in% outtime,
    grid = x, xlab = "x", ylab = "u", type = "l", 
    lwd = 2, xlim = c(-50, 50), 
    col = c("black", rep("darkgrey", 5)))
legend("topright", lty = 1:6, lwd = 2, 
      col = c("black", rep("darkgrey", 5)),
      title = "t = ", legend = outtime)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## The Laplace equation
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nx <- 100
Ny <- 100
xgrid <- setup.grid.1D (x.up = 0, x.down = 1, N = Nx)
ygrid <- setup.grid.1D (x.up = 0, x.down = 1, N = Ny)
x     <- xgrid$x.mid
y     <- ygrid$x.mid

laplace <- function(t, U, parms) {
  w <- matrix(nrow = Nx, ncol = Ny, data = U)
  dw <- tran.2D(C = w, C.x.up = 0, C.x.down = 0, 
               flux.y.up = 0, 
               flux.y.down = -1 * sin(pi*x)*pi*sinh(pi),
               D.x = 1, D.y = 1,    
               dx = xgrid, dy = ygrid)$dC 

  out <- steady.2D(y = runif(Nx*Ny), func = laplace, 
                  parms = NULL, nspec = 1,
                  dimens = c(Nx, Ny), lrw = 1e7)
w <- matrix(nrow = Nx, ncol = Ny, data = out$y)

analytic <- function (x, y) sin(pi*x) * cosh(pi*y)
OutAna <- outer(x, y, FUN = analytic)

max(abs(w - OutAna))

image(out, grid = list(x, y), main = "elliptic Laplace", 
     add.contour = TRUE)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## The advection equation
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
adv.func <- function(t, y, p, adv.method)
  list(advection.1D(C = y, C.up = y[N], C.down = y[1], 
                   v = 0.1, adv.method = adv.method, 
                   dx = xgrid)$dC)

xgrid <- setup.grid.1D(0.3, 1.3, N = 50)
x     <- xgrid$x.mid
N     <- length(x)

yini  <- sin(pi * x)^50
times <- seq(0, 20, 0.01)

out1 <- ode.1D(y = yini, func = adv.func, times = times, 
              parms = NULL, method = "euler", dimens = N, 
              adv.method = "muscl")
out2 <- ode.1D(y = yini, func = adv.func, times = times, 
              parms = NULL, method = "euler", dimens = N, 
              adv.method = "super")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## The Brusselator in 1D
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

N    <- 50     
Grid <- setup.grid.1D(x.up = 0, x.down = 1, N = N)

x1ini <- 1 + sin(2 * pi * Grid$x.mid)
x2ini <- rep(x = 3, times = N)
yini <- c(x1ini, x2ini)

brusselator1D <- function(t, y, parms) {

   X1 <- y[1:N]
   X2 <- y[(N+1):(2*N)]

   dX1 <- 1 + X1^2*X2 - 4*X1 +                       
         tran.1D (C = X1, C.up = 1, C.down = 1,   
                 D = 0.02, dx = Grid)$dC     
   dX2 <- 3*X1 - X1^2*X2 +                          
         tran.1D (C = X2, C.up = 3, C.down = 3,    
                 D = 0.02, dx = Grid)$dC     

   list(c(dX1, dX2))                                    

times <- seq(from = 0, to = 10, by = 0.1)

  out <- ode.1D(y = yini, func = brusselator1D,  
               times = times, parms = NULL, nspec = 2, 
               names = c("X1", "X2"), dimens = N)

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
image(out, mfrow = NULL, grid = Grid$x.mid, 
     which = "X1",  method = "contour")
image(out, mfrow = NULL, grid = Grid$x.mid, 
     which = "X1")

par(mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1))
image(out, mfrow = NULL, grid = Grid$x.mid, 
     which = "X1",  method = "persp", col = NA)
image(out, mfrow = NULL, grid = Grid$x.mid,  
     which = "X1",  method = "persp", border = NA, 
     shade = 0.3 )

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## The Brusselator in 2D
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
brusselator2D <- function(t, y, parms) {

   X1 <- matrix(nrow = Nx, ncol = Ny, 
               data = y[1:(Nx*Ny)])
   X2 <- matrix(nrow = Nx, ncol = Ny, 
               data = y[(Nx*Ny+1) : (2*Nx*Ny)])

   dX1 <- 1 + X1^2*X2 - 4*X1 +                
         tran.2D (C = X1, D.x = D_X1, D.y = D_X1,
                  dx = Gridx, dy = Gridy)$dC      
   dX2 <- 3*X1 - X1^2*X2 +                     
         tran.2D (C = X2, D.x = D_X2, D.y = D_X2,
                  dx = Gridx, dy = Gridy)$dC      

   list(c(dX1, dX2))                                    

Nx   <- 50
Ny   <- 50
Gridx <- setup.grid.1D(x.up = 0, x.down = 1, N = Nx)
Gridy <- setup.grid.1D(x.up = 0, x.down = 1, N = Ny)

D_X1 <- 2     
D_X2 <- 8*D_X1

X1ini <- matrix(nrow = Nx, ncol = Ny, data = runif(Nx*Ny))
X2ini <- matrix(nrow = Nx, ncol = Ny, data = runif(Nx*Ny))

yini <- c(X1ini, X2ini)

times <- 0:8
 out <- ode.2D(y = yini, parms = NULL, func = brusselator2D, 
              nspec = 2, dimens = c(Nx, Ny), times = times, 
              lrw = 2000000, names=c("X1", "X2"))

par(oma = c(0,0,1,0))
image(out, which = "X1", xlab = "x", ylab = "y", 
     mfrow = c(3, 3), ask = FALSE, 
     main = paste("t = ", times), 
     grid = list(x = Gridx$x.mid, y = Gridy$x.mid))
mtext(side = 3, outer = TRUE, cex = 1.25, line = -1,
     "2-D Brusselator, species X1")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## The polar Laplace equation
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Nr <- 100
Np <- 100
r         <- seq(2, 4, len = Nr+1)
theta     <- seq(0, 2*pi, len = Np+1)
theta.mid <- 0.5*(theta[-1] + theta[-Np])

Model <- function(t, C, p) {
 y = matrix(nrow = Nr, ncol = Np, data = C)
 tran <- tran.polar (y, D.r = 1, r = r, theta = theta,
             C.r.up = 0, C.r.down = 4 * sin(5*theta.mid),
             cyclicBnd = 2)

STD <- steady.2D(y = runif(Nr*Np), parms = NULL, 
                func = Model, dimens = c(Nr, Np), 
                lrw = 1e6, cyclicBnd = 2)

OUT <- polar2cart (STD, r = r, theta = theta, 
                   x = seq(-4, 4, len = 400), 
                   y = seq(-4, 4, len = 400))

image(OUT, main = "Laplace")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## The sine-gordon
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Nx  <- 100
Ny  <- 100

xgrid <- setup.grid.1D(-7, 7, N=Nx)
ygrid <- setup.grid.1D(-7, 7, N=Ny)

x <- xgrid$x.mid     
y <- ygrid$x.mid

sinegordon2D <- function(t, C, parms) {

   u <- matrix(nrow = Nx, ncol = Ny, 
              data = C[1 : (Nx*Ny)])
   v <- matrix(nrow = Nx, ncol = Ny, 
              data = C[(Nx*Ny+1) : (2*Nx*Ny)])

   dv <- tran.2D (C = u, C.x.up = 0, C.x.down = 0,     
                 C.y.up = 0, C.y.down = 0,
                 D.x = 1, D.y = 1,             
                 dx = xgrid, dy = ygrid)$dC - sin(u)   
   list(c(v, dv))                            

peak <- function (x, y, x0 = 0, y0 = 0) 
                 exp(-((x-x0)^2 + (y-y0)^2))
uini <- outer(x, y, 
 FUN = function(x, y) peak(x, y, 2,2) + peak(x, y,-2,-2)  
                    + peak(x, y,-2,2) + peak(x, y, 2,-2))
vini <- rep(0, Nx*Ny)

times <- 0:3  
out  <- ode.2D (y = c(uini, vini), times = times, 
               parms = NULL, func = sinegordon2D, 
               names = c("u", "v"),
               dimens = c(Nx, Ny), method = "ode45")

mr <- par(mar = c(0, 0, 1, 0))
image(out, main = paste("time =", times), which = "u", 
     grid = list(x = x, y = y), method = "persp", 
     border = NA, col = "grey",  box = FALSE, 
     shade = 0.5, theta = 30, phi = 60, mfrow = c(2, 2), 
     ask = FALSE)
par(mar = mr)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## The Schrodinger equation
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
alf <- 0.5
gam <- 1

Schrodinger <- function(t, u, parms) {
   du <- 1i * tran.1D (C = u, D = 1, dx = xgrid)$dC  +
                1i * gam * abs(u)^2 * u
N     <- 300    
xgrid <- setup.grid.1D(-20, 80, N = N)    
x     <- xgrid$x.mid                  

c1  <- 1
c2  <- 0.1

sech    <- function(x) 2/(exp(x) + exp(-x))
soliton <- function (x, c1)
  sqrt(2*alf/gam) * exp(0.5*1i*c1*x) * sech(sqrt(alf)*x) 

yini <- soliton(x, c1) + soliton(x-25, c2)

times <- seq(0, 40, by = 0.1)
 out <- ode.1D(y = yini, parms = NULL, func = Schrodinger, 
              times = times, dimens = 300, method = "adams")

image(abs(out), grid = x, ylab = "x", main = "two solitons")

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