
Defines functions get_tree_as_dot_string saveDifferentiationTreeToFile check_upperlevels getTESs evolve_until_attractor match_against_known_attractors getATM get_matrices_attractors `%++%` `%+%`

Documented in getATM getTESs saveDifferentiationTreeToFile

`%+%` <- function(a, b) paste0(a, b)
`%++%` <- function(a, b) paste(a, b, sep = " ")

get_matrices_attractors <- function(attractors, numGens) {
  matrix_attractor_list <- list()
  for (i in c(1:length(attractors$attractors))) {
    matrix_attractor_list[[i]] <- attractors$attractors[[i]]$involvedStates
  atts_names <- attractors$stateInfo$genes
  int_to_bit_vector <- function(attractor_column, num_bit) {
    v <- as.numeric(intToBits(attractor_column))[1:num_bit]
    names(v) <- atts_names
  fun_for_a_matrix_describing_the_attractor <- function(attractors_matrix, num_bits) {
    apply(attractors_matrix, 2, int_to_bit_vector, num_bit = num_bits)
  synchronous_attractors <- lapply(matrix_attractor_list, fun_for_a_matrix_describing_the_attractor, num_bits = numGens)
  names_attrs <- c(1:length(attractors$attractors))
  names(synchronous_attractors) <- sapply("a", paste0, names_attrs)

#' Compute ATM
#' \code{getATM} returns the ATM (Attractor Transition Matrix) structure.
#' The ATM computes the probability of a transition between the attractors of the Boolean network upon the introduction of noise in the form of a logic negation to each node of each state of each attractor,  checking in which attractor the dynamics relaxes.
#' The diagonal of the ATM accounts for attractor robustness, as diagonal values represent the probability of returning to the same attractor after a perturbation.
#' @param net The Boolean network previously loaded with loadNetwork() of BoolNet package
#' @param synchronous_attractors Synchronous attractors of the Boolean network
#' @param MAX_STEPS_TO_FIND_ATTRACTORS Number of steps after that the dynamics after the perturbation gives up
#' @return The output will be a named list containing the computed ATM structure, the number of the lost flips (i.e., the number of perturbations that have not reach another attractor within the provided MAX_STEPS_TO_FIND_ATTRACTORS), and lastly the attractors in two formats: the one returned by the BoolNet package (called decimal) and their binary translation (called binary).
#' @importFrom BoolNet stateTransition
#' @examples
#' net <- BoolNet::generateRandomNKNetwork(10, 2)
#' attractors <- BoolNet::getAttractors(net)
#' getATM(net, attractors)
#' @export
getATM <- function(net, synchronous_attractors, MAX_STEPS_TO_FIND_ATTRACTORS = 1000) {
  initial_attractors <- synchronous_attractors
  num_genes <- length(synchronous_attractors$stateInfo$genes)
  num_attractors <- length(synchronous_attractors$attractors)

  attractors <- get_matrices_attractors(synchronous_attractors, num_genes)
  ATM <- matrix(rep(0, len = num_attractors^2), nrow = num_attractors)

  lost <- 0
  for (i in c(1:num_attractors)) {
    att <- attractors[i][[1]]
    for (j in 1:ncol(att)) {
      for (gene in c(1:num_genes)) {
        flipped <- att[, j]
        flipped[gene] <- xor(att[, j][gene], 1)
        att_found_index <- evolve_until_attractor(net, attractors, flipped, MAX_STEPS_TO_FIND_ATTRACTORS)
        if (att_found_index != -1) {
          ATM[i, att_found_index] <- ATM[i, att_found_index] + 1
        } else {
          lost <- lost + 1

  rownames(ATM) <- names(attractors)
  colnames(ATM) <- names(attractors)

  ATM <- sweep(ATM, 1, rowSums(ATM), FUN = "/")
  ATM <- round(ATM, 2)

  attrs_decimal <- initial_attractors$attractors
  names(attrs_decimal) <- names(attractors)
  attrs <- list("decimal" = attrs_decimal, "binary" = attractors)
  a <- list("ATM" = ATM, "lostFLips" = lost, "attractors" = attrs)

match_against_known_attractors <- function(state, attractors) {
  num_attractors <- length(attractors)
  for (i in c(1:num_attractors)) {
    att <- attractors[i][[1]]
    for (j in 1:ncol(att)) {
      if (all(state == att[, j])) {

evolve_until_attractor <- function(net, attractors, state, MAX_STEPS_TO_FIND_ATTRACTORS) {
  for (i in c(1:MAX_STEPS_TO_FIND_ATTRACTORS)) {
    idx <- match_against_known_attractors(state, attractors)
    if (idx != -1) {
    } else {
      state <- stateTransition(net, state, type = c("synchronous"))

#' Compute TES
#' Creates a structure for constructing the TES as described in "A Dynamical Model of Genetic Networks for Cell Differentiation
#' Villani M, Barbieri A, Serra R (2011) A Dynamical Model of Genetic Networks for Cell Differentiation. PLOS ONE 6(3): e17703. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0017703"
#' @param ATM ATM structure as returned from the \code{\link{getATM}} method.
#' @return The output will be a named list that contains the list of computed TESs, the noise thresholds at which they emerged and lastly the ATM structure.
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_adjacency_matrix clusters
#' @examples
#' net <- BoolNet::generateRandomNKNetwork(10, 2)
#' attractors <- BoolNet::getAttractors(net)
#' ATM <- getATM(net, attractors)
#' getTESs(ATM)
#' @export
getTESs <- function(ATM) {
  ATM_structure <- ATM
  thresholds <- unique(sort(c(ATM)))
  if (!(0 %in% thresholds)) {
    message("In the ATM there is no threshold value equal to 0, it will be added for the calculation of TESs")
    thresholds <- c(0, thresholds)
  tes_i <- 1
  tes_list <- list()
  total_tes <- 0
  for (thrs in thresholds) {
    ATM[ATM <= thrs] <- 0
    adj_mtrx <- ATM
    adj_mtrx[adj_mtrx != 0] <- 1

    ATM_graph <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adj_mtrx, mode = "directed")
    scc <- igraph::clusters(ATM_graph, mode = "strong")

    scc_list <- list()
    i <- 1
    scc_unique_id <- unique(scc$membership)
    for (id in scc_unique_id) {
      scc_list[[i]] <- names(which(scc$membership == id))
      i <- i + 1

    tes <- list()
    j <- 1
    for (scc in scc_list) {
      is_TES <- TRUE
      for (elm in scc) {
        out_arcs <- names(which(adj_mtrx[elm, ] > 0))
        if (any(!(out_arcs %in% scc))) {
          is_TES <- FALSE
      if (is_TES) {
        tes[[j]] <- scc
        j <- j + 1

    names_TESs <- (c(1:length(tes))) + total_tes
    names(tes) <- sapply("TES_", paste0, names_TESs)

    tes_list[[tes_i]] <- tes
    total_tes <- total_tes + length(tes_list[[tes_i]])

    tes_i <- tes_i + 1

  names_level_TESs <- c(1:length(tes_list)) - 1
  names(tes_list) <- sapply("level_", paste0, names_level_TESs)
  a <- list("TES" = tes_list, "thresholds" = thresholds, "ATM" = ATM_structure)

check_upperlevels <- function(attrs, tes_lvl, grand_father_level) {
  if (grand_father_level < 1) {
  } else {
    for (grand_father_TES_name in names(tes_lvl[[grand_father_level]])) {
      if (attrs %in% tes_lvl[[grand_father_level]][[grand_father_TES_name]]) {
    check_upperlevels(attrs, tes_lvl, grand_father_level - 1)

#' Save the graphic representation of the differentiation tree.
#' \code{saveDifferentiationTreeToFile} saves the image of the computed differentiation tree into a file.
#' @param TESs TES structure computed with \code{\link{getTESs}}.
#' @param filename Defines the filename for exporting the image of the differentiation tree. The only file extension accepted is "svg", filenames omitting the extensions and those with other extensions will be forced to SVG format.
#' @return None
#' @importFrom DOT dot
#' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext
#' @examples
#' net <- BoolNet::generateRandomNKNetwork(10, 2)
#' attractors <- BoolNet::getAttractors(net)
#' ATM <- getATM(net, attractors)
#' TESs <- getTESs(ATM)
#' saveDifferentiationTreeToFile(TESs, tempfile(tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".svg"))
#' @export
saveDifferentiationTreeToFile <- function(TESs, filename) {
  dot_rep <- get_tree_as_dot_string(TESs)
  file <- filename
  if (!grepl("\\.svg$", file)) {
    file <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(file)
    file <- file %+% ".svg"
  temp <- dot(dot_rep, return="verbatim")
  write(temp, file)

get_tree_as_dot_string <- function(TESs) {
  tes_lvl <- TESs$TES
  names_per_level <- function(level) {
  TES_names <- lapply(tes_lvl, names_per_level)
  TES_names <- unlist(TES_names)
  g_string <- "digraph diffTree {forcelabels=true;\n"
  for (lvl in c(1:length(tes_lvl))) {
    if (lvl != 1) {
      if (length(tes_lvl[[lvl]]) == length(TESs$ATM$attractors$decimal)) {
        if (length(tes_lvl[[lvl]]) == length(tes_lvl[[lvl - 1]])) {

    for (tesNAME in names(tes_lvl[[lvl]])) {
      attractors_of_this_TES <- "attrs:" %+% paste(tes_lvl[[lvl]][[tesNAME]], collapse = ",")
      g_string <- g_string %+% tesNAME %+% " [label = \"" %+% tesNAME %+% "\\n " %+% attractors_of_this_TES %+% "\"];\n"
      found <- FALSE
      if (lvl != 1) {
        for (fatherTESname in names(tes_lvl[[lvl - 1]])) {
          if (any(tes_lvl[[lvl]][[tesNAME]] %in% tes_lvl[[lvl - 1]][[fatherTESname]])) {
            g_string <- g_string %+% fatherTESname %+% " -> " %+% tesNAME %+% "[label=" %+% TESs$thresholds[[lvl]] %+% "];\n"
            found <- TRUE
        if (!found) {
          grand_father_TES_name <- check_upperlevels(tes_lvl[[lvl]][[tesNAME]], tes_lvl, lvl - 2)
          if (grand_father_TES_name != -1) {
            g_string <- g_string %+% grand_father_TES_name %+% " -> " %+% tesNAME %+% "[style=dashed, color=grey];\n"

    same_rank <- sapply(names(tes_lvl[[lvl]]), paste0, ";")
    same_rank <- paste(same_rank, collapse = "")
    g_string <- g_string %+% "{ rank=same;" %+% same_rank %+% " }\n"
  s_string <- g_string %+% "}"

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diffeRenTES documentation built on April 28, 2022, 9:05 a.m.