Man pages for discSurv
Discrete Time Survival Analysis

adjDevResidAdjusted Deviance Residuals in short format
calibrationPlotCalibration Plots
cIndexConcordance index
cIndexCompRisksDiscrete concordance index for competing risks
compRisksGEEGEE model for discrete competing risks
contToDiscContinuous to Discrete Transformation
covarGEEGEE covariance of all events for discrete competing risks
crash2Crash 2 competing risk data
dataCensoringData Censoring Transformation for short formats
dataLongData Long Transformation
dataLongCompRisksData Long Competing Risks Transformation
dataLongCompRisksTimeDepData Long Competing Risks Time Dependent Covariates...
dataLongMultiSpellData long transformation for multi spell analysis
dataLongSubDistData Matrix and Weights for Discrete Subdistribution Hazard...
dataLongTimeDepData Long Time Dependent Covariates
devResidDeviance Residuals
discSurv-packageDiscrete Survival Analysis
estCumInzEstimates Cumulative Incidence Function for Discrete Time...
estMargProbEstimated Marginal Probabilities
estMargProbCompRisksEstimated Marginal Probabilities for Competing Risks
estRecalLogistic recalibration based on linear predictors
estSurvEstimated Survival Function
estSurvCensEstimated Survival Function of Censoring Process
estSurvCompRisksEstimated Survival Function for Competing Risks
gumbelGumbel Link Function
intPredErrIntegrated prediction error
intPredErrCompRisksIntegrated Prediction Error for Competing Risks
lifeTableLife Table Construction and Estimates
martingaleResidMartingale Residuals
minNodePruningMinimal Node Size Pruning
minNodePruningCompRisksMinimal Node Size Pruning in the Presence of Competing Risks
plotCumIncPlot Estimated Cumulative Incidence Function
plotSurvPlot Estimated Survival Function
predErrCompRisksPrediction Error Curves for Competing Risks
predErrCurvePrediction Error Curves
survTreeLaplaceHazardLaplace Hazards for a Competing Risk Survival Tree Object
survTreeLaplaceHazardRangerLaplace Hazards for a Competing Risk Survival Tree Object
unempMultiSpellMultiple Spell employment data
weightsLtoTCompute Subdistribution Weights
discSurv documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:12 p.m.