Man pages for diveRsity
A Comprehensive, General Purpose Population Genetics Analysis Package

allCountC++ level observed heterozyosity calculation
ARCount alleles per locus
arHexBootstrapped allelic richness and heterozygosity
arp2genFast and simple conversion of arlequin (.arp) genotype files...
arSampleResample based calculation of allelic richness
basicStatsClaculate basic descriptive population parameters from a...
Big_dataExample infile for diveRsity package
bigDivPartGenetic differentiation statistics and their estimators for...
bigPreDivMemory efficient diversity statistic calculations
bsFundivMigrate bootstrap routine
bsHetCalcC++ level observed heterozyosity calculation
chiCalcTesting sample independence from genotype counts
corPlotA function to plot the relationship between Gst, G'st, Theta,...
corPlotterAn internal function for plotting the relationship between...
diffCalcA faster function for calculating genetic differentiation...
diffCalcHarmC++ level function for global total and sub-population...
diffPlotA function to plot pairwise statistics calculated by divPart.
divBasicA function to calculate basic population parameters such as...
divMigrateAn experimental function for the detection of directional...
divMigrateOnlineAn experimental function for the detection of directional...
divMigrateOnline_testAn experimental function for the detection of directional...
divOnlineA function to launch a web app version of 'diveRsity' from...
divPartGenetic differentiation statistics and their estimators
divRatioCalculates the standardised diversity ratios relative to a...
divSimCoSimilarity coefficients for co-dominant diploid genenotype...
expHetC++ level observed heterozyosity calculation
fastDivPartGenetic differentiation statistics and their estimators
fileReaderGenepop and arlequin file conversion to data.frame
fstOnlyA minimal function for the calculate of Weir & Cockerham's...
fstWCCalculation of Weir and Cockerham's F-stats
genos2matConvert genos loci into presance absence matrices
glbWCcppC++ level function for Weir & Cockerham F-stats
gpSamplerRandomly sample a genepop file
haploDivA function, allowing the calculation of Weir & Cockerham's...
HexCalculates expected heterozygosity for 'divRatio'
hweFunC++ level function for global total and sub-population...
hweTabC++ level observed heterozyosity calculation
inCalcA function to calculate locus informative for the inference...
inFuncInternal calculation of Rosenberg et al's In
microPlexerLaunches a 'shiny' app for the arrangement of microsatellite...
multiplotWinston Chang's multiplot function for arranging ggplots into...
myTabC++ level allele frequency calculation
obsHetC++ level observed heterozyosity calculation
plotterInternal interactive plot generation
polyInA function for calculating informativeness for the inference...
pop_statsExample pop_stats data frame for use in the function...
pre.divLowMemoryInternal differentiation calculations
pwDivCalcPairwise diversity calculations for directional migration
pwHCalcC++ level calculation of total and sub-population...
pwHtPairwise directional differentiation heterozygosity...
pwTabMergeC++ level function for generating pairwise hsums for fst...
pwWCcppC++ level function for pairwise Weir & Cockerham F-stats
rarefactorRarefaction method for allelic richness
readGenepopA function to calculate allele frequencies from genepop...
readGenepopXInternal genepop file reader
regroupregroup individuals in a genepop file according to an index
rgpEfficient genepop reader
snp2genConversion function for SNP nucleotide genotype matrix to a...
SNPsExample input format for 'snp2gp' function
statCalcInternal differentiation calculator
TabC++ level allele frequency calculation
tabMergeC++ level function for combining pw hsums
Test_dataExample infile for diveRsity package
varFuncC++ level function for global total and sub-population...
writeBootGenerate bootstrap pairwise matrices per locus
diveRsity documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:30 p.m.