

# tests for 'core' #

# create a DLM by specifying its vectors and matrices
# check if the model is valid
mod <- dlmodeler.build(
		a0 = c(0,0), # initial state: (level, trend)
		P0 = diag(c(0,0)), # initial state variance set to...
		P0inf = diag(2), # ...use exact diffuse initialization
		matrix(c(1,0,1,1),2,2), # state transition matrix
		diag(c(1,1)), # state disturbance selection matrix
		diag(c(.5,.05)), # state disturbance variance matrix
		matrix(c(1,0),1,2), # observation design matrix
		matrix(1,1,1) # observation disturbance variance matrix

if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$status==TRUE)) stop("unit test failed")
if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$m==2)) stop("unit test failed")
if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$r==2)) stop("unit test failed")
if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$d==1)) stop("unit test failed")
if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$timevar==FALSE)) stop("unit test failed")
if(!(is.na(dlmodeler.check(mod)$timevar.Tt))) stop("unit test failed")
if(!(is.na(dlmodeler.check(mod)$timevar.Rt))) stop("unit test failed")
if(!(is.na(dlmodeler.check(mod)$timevar.Qt))) stop("unit test failed")
if(!(is.na(dlmodeler.check(mod)$timevar.Zt))) stop("unit test failed")
if(!(is.na(dlmodeler.check(mod)$timevar.Ht))) stop("unit test failed")

# an empty DLM with 4 state variables (3 of which are stochastic)
# and bi-variate observations, check if the model is valid
mod <- dlmodeler.build(dimensions=c(4,3,2))

if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$status==TRUE)) stop("unit test failed")
if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$m==4)) stop("unit test failed")
if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$r==3)) stop("unit test failed")
if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$d==2)) stop("unit test failed")
if(!(dlmodeler.check(mod)$timevar==FALSE)) stop("unit test failed")
if(!(is.na(dlmodeler.check(mod)$timevar.Tt))) stop("unit test failed")
if(!(is.na(dlmodeler.check(mod)$timevar.Rt))) stop("unit test failed")
if(!(is.na(dlmodeler.check(mod)$timevar.Qt))) stop("unit test failed")
if(!(is.na(dlmodeler.check(mod)$timevar.Zt))) stop("unit test failed")
if(!(is.na(dlmodeler.check(mod)$timevar.Ht))) stop("unit test failed")

# operations on matrices
v1 <- matrix(1:9,nrow=3,ncol=3)
v2 <- array(1:18,dim=c(3,3,2))

m1 <- dlmodeler:::dlmodeler.timevar.fun(v1,v1,function(x,y) x+y)
if(!(sum(abs(m1-v1-v1))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
m21 <- dlmodeler:::dlmodeler.timevar.fun(v2,v1,function(x,y) x+y)
if(!(sum(abs(m21[,,1]-v1-v1))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
if(!(sum(abs(m21[,,2]-v1-v1-9))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
m22 <- dlmodeler:::dlmodeler.timevar.fun(v1,v2,function(x,y) x+y)
if(!(sum(abs(m22[,,1]-m21[,,1]))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
if(!(sum(abs(m22[,,2]-m21[,,2]))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
m3 <- dlmodeler:::dlmodeler.timevar.fun(v2,v1,function(x,y) x+y)
if(!(sum(abs(m3[,,1]-v1-v1))==0)) stop("unit test failed")
if(!(sum(abs(m3[,,2]-v1-matrix(10:18,nrow=3,ncol=3)))==0)) stop("unit test failed")

mt <- matrix(c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9,9,9,0,0,0,9,9,9,0,0,0,9,9,9),nrow=6,ncol=6)
md <- dlmodeler:::dlmodeler.timevar.fun(v1,v2,dlmodeler:::dlmodeler.bdiag)
if(!(sum(abs(md[,,2]-md[,,1]-mt))==0)) stop("unit test failed")

# operators
m1 <- dlmodeler.build.dseasonal(12)
m2 <- dlmodeler.build.polynomial(0)
m3 <- dlmodeler.build.dseasonal(5)
m4 <- dlmodeler.build.constant(4)


# univariate and time-varying tests #
# this example is fairly complete, covers 'add', 'filter', 'smooth'
# 'extract', 'polynomial', 'dseasonal', 'tseasonal', 'regression'
# test it with various backends

# generate some data
N <- 365*10
t <- c(1:N,rep(NA,365))
a <- rnorm(N+365,0,.5)
y <- pi + cos(2*pi*t/365.25) + .25*sin(2*pi*t/365.25*3) +
		exp(1)*a + rnorm(N+365,0,.5)

# build a model for this data
m1 <- dlmodeler.build.polynomial(0,sigmaH=.5,name='level')
m2 <- dlmodeler.build.dseasonal(7,sigmaH=0,name='week')
m3 <- dlmodeler.build.tseasonal(365.25,3,sigmaH=0,name='year')
m4 <- dlmodeler.build.regression(a,sigmaH=0,name='reg')
m <- m1+m2+m3+m4

test.backend <- function(backend)
	test.ok <- TRUE
	system.time(f <- dlmodeler.filter(y, m, raw.result=TRUE, backend=backend))
	# extract all the components
	m.state.mean <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="state",value="mean")
	m.state.cov <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="state",value="covariance")
	m.obs.mean <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="observation",value="mean")
	m.obs.cov <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="observation",value="covariance")
	m.obs.int <- dlmodeler.extract(f,m,type="observation",value="interval",prob=.01)
	# show the one step ahead forecasts & 99\% prediction intervals
	#lines(m.obs.int$mymodel$upper[1,],col='light grey')
	#lines(m.obs.int$mymodel$lower[1,],col='light grey')
	# see to which values the filter has converged:
	test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$level[,N]-pi)/pi < .05 # should be close to pi
	test.ok <- test.ok & abs(mean(abs(m.state.mean$week[,N]))) < .05 # should be close to 0
	test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$year[1,N]-1) < .05 # should be close to 1
	test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$year[6,N]-.25) < .05 # should be close to .25
	test.ok <- test.ok & abs(m.state.mean$reg[,N]-exp(1))/exp(1) < .05 # should be close to e
	# show the filtered level+year components
	#		type='l',ylim=c(pi-2,pi+2),col='light green',
	#		ylab="smoothed & filtered level+year")
	if(backend!='FKF') {
		system.time(s <- dlmodeler.smooth(f))
		# show the smoothed level+year components
		s.obs.mean <- dlmodeler.extract(s,m,type="observation",value="mean")
		#	ylim=c(pi-2,pi+2),col='dark green')

#if(require('KFAS')) {
#  cat('Found package KFAS. Testing...\n')
  if(!(test.backend('KFAS'))) stop("KFAS unit test failed")

if(require('FKF')) {
  cat('Found package FKF. Testing...\n')
  if(!(test.backend('FKF'))) stop("FKF unit test failed")

if(require('dlm')) {
  cat('Found package dlm. Testing...\n')
  if(!(test.backend('dlm'))) stop("dlm unit test failed")

# tests for 'dlm', 'FKF', 'KFAS' #

yt <- matrix(c(Nile,rep(NA,12)),nrow=1)
mod <- dlmodeler.build.polynomial(1,sigmaH=1,sigmaQ=c(exp(-5),exp(-8)),name='mymodel')
mod$a0 <- c(10,40)
mod$P0 <- mod$P0inf*1e2
mod$P0inf <- mod$P0inf*0

ref <- dlmodeler.filter(yt,mod,backend='KFAS')
test.backend <- function(backend)
	mod$a0 <- c(10,40)
	filt <- dlmodeler.filter(c(yt),mod,backend=backend)

#if(require('KFAS')) {
#  cat('Found package KFAS. Testing...\n')
  test.backend('KFAS')/mean(yt,na.rm=TRUE) < .05

if(require('FKF')) {
  cat('Found package FKF. Testing...\n')
  test.backend('FKF')/mean(yt,na.rm=TRUE) < .05

if(require('dlm')) {
  cat('Found package dlm. Testing...\n')
  test.backend('dlm')/mean(yt,na.rm=TRUE) < .05

# advanced tests for 'core' #

# forecast simulation with a constant model (no diffuse init)
yt <- matrix(c(Nile,rep(NA,12)),nrow=1)
mod <- dlmodeler.build.polynomial(1,sigmaH=1,sigmaQ=c(exp(-5),exp(-8)),name='mymodel')
mod$a0 <- c(0,40)
mod$P0 <- mod$P0inf*1e3
mod$P0inf <- mod$P0inf*0

test.backend <- function(backend)
	nb.ahead <- 5
	nb.iters <- 10
	nb.start <- 10
	fcst.debug <- dlmodeler.forecast(yt, mod, nb.ahead, nb.iters, start=nb.start, backend=backend, debug=TRUE)
	fcst.fast <- dlmodeler.forecast(yt, mod, nb.ahead, nb.iters, start=nb.start, backend=backend, debug=FALSE)
	ctl <- dlmodeler.filter(yt,mod,backend='KFAS')$f[1,nb.start:(nb.iters+nb.start-1)]
	ctl.debug <- subset(fcst.debug,distance==1)$yhat
	ctl.fast <- subset(fcst.fast,distance==1)$yhat
	d0.fast <- sum(abs(ctl-ctl.debug))
	d0.debug <- sum(abs(ctl-ctl.fast))

	nb.ahead <- 5
	nb.iters <- 10
	nb.start <- 50
	fcst.debug <- dlmodeler.forecast(yt, mod, nb.ahead, nb.iters, start=nb.start, backend=backend, debug=TRUE)
	fcst.fast <- dlmodeler.forecast(yt, mod, nb.ahead, nb.iters, start=nb.start, backend=backend, debug=FALSE)
	ctl <- dlmodeler.filter(yt,mod,backend='KFAS')$f[1,nb.start:(nb.iters+nb.start-1)]
	ctl.debug <- subset(fcst.debug,distance==1)$yhat
	ctl.fast <- subset(fcst.fast,distance==1)$yhat
	d1.fast <- sum(abs(ctl-ctl.debug))
	d1.debug <- sum(abs(ctl-ctl.fast))

#if(require('KFAS')) {
#  cat('Found package KFAS. Testing...\n')
  test.backend('KFAS')/mean(yt,na.rm=TRUE) < 0.05

if(require('FKF')) {
  cat('Found package FKF. Testing...\n')
  test.backend('FKF')/mean(yt,na.rm=TRUE) < 0.05

if(require('dlm')) {
  cat('Found package dlm. Testing...\n')
  test.backend('dlm')/mean(yt,na.rm=TRUE) < 5

# forecast simulation with a constant model (with diffuse)
yt <- matrix(c(Nile,rep(NA,12)),nrow=1)
mod <- dlmodeler.build.polynomial(1,sigmaH=1,sigmaQ=c(exp(-5),exp(-8)),name='mymodel')
mod$a0 <- c(0,40)

#if(require('KFAS')) {
#  cat('Found package KFAS. Testing...\n')
  test.backend('KFAS')/mean(yt,na.rm=TRUE) < 0.05

if(require('FKF')) {
  cat('Found package FKF. Testing...\n')
  test.backend('FKF')/mean(yt,na.rm=TRUE) < 0.05

if(require('dlm')) {
  cat('Found package dlm. Testing...\n')
  test.backend('dlm')/mean(yt,na.rm=TRUE) < 5

# TODO: tests for 'bind'

# tests for 'fit' #

y <- matrix(Nile,nrow=1)
build.fun <- function(p) {
	varH <- exp(p[1])
	varQ <- exp(p[2])

# fit the model by maximum likelihood estimation
# compare the fitted parameters with those reported by the Durbin & Koopman
fit <- dlmodeler.fit.MLE(y, build.fun, c(0,0), verbose=FALSE)
abs(fit$model$Ht-15099)/15099 < .05
abs(fit$model$Qt-1469.1)/1469.1 < .05

# test build.unknowns
test.model <- build.fun(c(NA,NA))
test.model <- dlmodeler:::dlmodeler.build.unknowns(test.model)

# test build.function
bfun <- dlmodeler:::dlmodeler.build.function(test.model)
my.model <- bfun(fit$par)
abs(my.model$Ht-15099)/15099 < .05
abs(my.model$Qt-1469.1)/1469.1 < .05

# test automatic fitting with NA
fit <- dlmodeler.fit(yt,build.fun(c(NA,NA)),method="MLE")
(fit$model$Ht-15099)/15099 < .05
(fit$model$Qt-1469.1)/1469.1 < .05

# test AIC & logLik
abs(-2*logLik(fit)+2*3-AIC(fit))/AIC(fit) < .05

# test fitting functions
fit.MLE <- dlmodeler.fit(yt,build.fun(c(NA,NA)),method="MLE")
fit.MSE <- dlmodeler.fit(yt,build.fun(c(NA,NA)),method="MSE",ahead=5,start=20)
fit.MAD <- dlmodeler.fit(yt,build.fun(c(NA,NA)),method="MAD",ahead=5,start=20)
fit.MAPE <- dlmodeler.fit(yt,build.fun(c(NA,NA)),method="MAPE",ahead=1,start=20)

fcst.MLE <- dlmodeler.forecast(yt, fit.MLE$model, ahead=4, iters=40, start=50)
fcst.MSE <- dlmodeler.forecast(yt, fit.MSE$model, ahead=4, iters=40, start=50)
fcst.MAD <- dlmodeler.forecast(yt, fit.MAD$model, ahead=4, iters=40, start=50)
fcst.MAPE <- dlmodeler.forecast(yt, fit.MAPE$model, ahead=4, iters=40, start=50)

mean(abs(fcst.MLE$yhat-fcst.MLE$y)) < 100
mean(abs(fcst.MSE$yhat-fcst.MSE$y)) < 100
mean(abs(fcst.MAD$yhat-fcst.MAD$y)) < 100
mean(abs(fcst.MAPE$yhat-fcst.MAPE$y)) < 100

# user-inspired non regression tests

# fitting CAPM
Xvar <- rnorm(1000)
Yvar <- rnorm(1000)+2*Xvar

build.fun <- function(p) {
    sigmaQ = exp(p[1]),
    sigmaH = 0,
    intercept = TRUE,

  system.time(dlmodeler.filter(Yvar, build.fun(0), backend='KFAS', logLik=T, filter=F))
  system.time(dlmodeler.filter(Yvar, build.fun(0), backend='FKF', logLik=T, filter=F))
  system.time(dlmodeler.filter(Yvar, build.fun(0), backend='dlm', logLik=T, filter=F))

  system.time(fit <- dlmodeler.fit.MLE(matrix(Yvar,nrow=1), build.fun, c(0), backend = 'KFAS', verbose = TRUE))
  system.time(fit <- dlmodeler.fit.MLE(matrix(Yvar,nrow=1), build.fun, c(0), backend = 'FKF', verbose = TRUE))
  system.time(fit <- dlmodeler.fit.MLE(matrix(Yvar,nrow=1), build.fun, c(0), backend = 'dlm', verbose = TRUE))

# fitting random walk + regression
t <- (1:100)/pi
Xi <- rnorm(100)

# generate some data according to the model Yt = alpha(t) + b * Xi
y <- sin(t) + 1.44*Xi

model.1 <- dlmodeler.build.polynomial(ord=0,sigmaQ=NA)
model.2 <- dlmodeler.build.regression(matrix(Xi,nrow=1), intercept=FALSE)
model <- dlmodeler.add(model.1, model.2)
fit <- dlmodeler.fit(y, model)

lines(t,fit$filtered$f, col="red")
cat("Estimate of b: ", fit$filtered$at[2,101])

# tests for 'models-basic'

# TODO: tests for 'structural', 'regression', 'arima'

# tests for 'models-advanced'

# TODO: tests for 'weekdays'

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dlmodeler documentation built on May 29, 2017, 11:33 a.m.