
Defines functions as_dmdScheme.xml_document

Documented in as_dmdScheme.xml_document

#' @param useSchemeInXml if \code{TRUE}, use scheme definition in xml and raise
#'   an error if the xml does not contain a scheme definition. If False, use the
#'   scheme definition from the corresponding installed package, even if the xml
#'   contains a scheme definition. if \code{NULL} (the default), use the
#'   definition in the xml if it contains a definition, if not use the
#'   corresponding definition from the installed package.
#' @importFrom xml2 xml_attrs as_list xml_name xml_children
#' @rdname as_dmdScheme
#' @export
#' @examples
#' xml <- as_xml(dmdScheme_example())
#' x <- as_dmdScheme(xml)
#' all.equal(dmdScheme_example(), x)
as_dmdScheme.xml_document <- function(
    keepData = TRUE,
    useSchemeInXml = NULL,
    verbose = FALSE

  # Helper functions --------------------------------------------------------
  xmlAttrList <- function(xml) {
    x <- as.list(xml2::xml_attrs(xml))
    for (i in grep(" #%# ", x)) {
      x[[i]] <- strsplit(x[[i]], " #%# ")[[1]]

  checkAttr <- function(xml, x) {
    xmlAtt <- xmlAttrList(xml)
    xAtt <- attributes(x)
    xmlAtt <- xmlAtt[ -which( names(xmlAtt) == "output") ]
    ok <- names(xmlAtt) %in% names(xAtt)
    if (!all(ok)) {
      stop("Attribute", names(xmlAtt)[!ok], "not in scheme definition!")
    xmlAtt$fileName <- NULL
    xAtt$fileName <- NULL
    ok <- xmlAtt %in% xAtt
    if (!all(ok)) {
      stop("Value of Attribute", names(xmlAtt)[!ok], "is different than expected!")

  xml_to_dmdSchemeOnly <- function(x) {

    xml <- x

    # Check if output = "complete" --------------------------------------------

    if (!(xml2::xml_attr(xml, "output") %in% c("complete", "scheme"))) {
      stop("Can not create scheme from this xml!")

    # Do conversion iteratively by ...List ------------------------------------

    dmdS <- lapply(
      function(i) {
        atr <- xmlAttrList( xml2::xml_child(xml, i) )
        atr <- atr[ !(names(atr) %in% c("row.names", "output")) ]

        # Create data.frame with names and type ---------------------------------------

        dmdD <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = length(atr$names), nrow = 1), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

        colnames(dmdD) <- atr$names
        atr <- atr[ !(names(atr) %in% c("names")) ]

        dmdD[] <- Map(`class<-`, dmdD, atr$type)

        # Add remaining attributes ------------------------------------------------

        for (a in grep(pattern = "class", x = names(atr), invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)) {
          atr[[a]] <- gsub("^$", NA, atr[[a]])
          atr[[a]] <- gsub("^NA$", NA, atr[[a]])
          attr(dmdD, a) <-  atr[[a]]

        # Set class ---------------------------------------------------------------

        class(dmdD) <- append( grep("tbl_df|tbl|data.frame", atr$class, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE), class(dmdD) )
        atr <- atr[ !(names(atr) %in% c("class")) ]

        # Return dmdSchemeData ----------------------------------------------------
        rownames(dmdD) <- NULL

        # attributes(dmdD) <- attributes(dmdD)[ order(names(attributes(dmdD))) ]


    # Get Attributes ----------------------------------------------------------

    atr <- xmlAttrList(xml)
    atr <- atr[ !(names(atr) %in% c("row.names", "output")) ]

    # Set class ---------------------------------------------------------------

    class(dmdS) <- atr$class
    atr <- atr[ !(names(atr) %in% c("class")) ]

    # Add remaining attributes ------------------------------------------------

    for (a in names(atr)) {
      attr(dmdS, a) <-  atr[[a]]

    # Return dmdSchemeData ----------------------------------------------------



  # End Helper Functions ----------------------------------------------------

  # create scheme -----------------------------------------------------------

  complete <- ifelse(
    "output" %in% names(xml2::xml_attrs(x)),
    xml2::xml_attrs(x)[["output"]] == "complete",

  if (is.null(useSchemeInXml)) {
    useSchemeInXml <- complete

  if (useSchemeInXml) {
    if (!complete) {
      stop("The xml is not exported with the option 'output = complete' and containds no scheme definition!")
    result <- xml_to_dmdSchemeOnly(x)
  } else {
    result <- dmdScheme()
    # Check if result scheme exists -------------------------------------------

    if (is.null(result)) {
      stop("xml is in a not in a loaded scheme definition.\n",
           "Load the R package containing the scheme before trying again."

    # Check version -----------------------------------------------------------

    if (xml2::xml_attrs(x)[["dmdSchemeVersion"]] != attr(result, "dmdSchemeVersion")) {
      stop("Version conflict - can not proceed:\n",
           x, " version : ", xml2::xml_attrs(x)[["dmdSchemeVersion"]], "\n",
           "dmdScheme version : ", attr(result, "version"))

    # Check remaining attributes ----------------------------------------------

    checkAttr(x, result)

    # Check if all objects are also in dmdScheme ------------------------------

    if (!all(xml_name(xml_children(x)) %in% paste0(names(result), "List"))) {
        "Nodes of xml file not in dmdScheme.\n",
        "Nodes in xml file  : ", paste(names(x), collapse = " "), "\n",
        "Names in dmdScheme : ", paste(names(result), collapse = " "), "\n"

  if (keepData) {

    # Do the initial conversion to list ---------------------------------------

    xmlList <- xml2::as_list(x)[[1]]

    # Do the conversion iteratively -------------------------------------------

    for (sheetList in names(xmlList)) {
      sheet <- gsub("List", "", sheetList)

      # Check names -----------------------------------------------------------

      if (!all(names(xmlList[[sheetList]][[sheet]]) %in% names(result[[sheet]]))) {
          "Nodes of xml file not in dmdScheme.\n",
          "Nodes in xml file  : ", paste(names(x), collapse = " "), "\n",
          "Names in dmdScheme : ", paste(names(result[[sheet]]), collapse = " "), "\n"

      for (i in 1:length(xmlList[[sheetList]])) {

        # add data to result ------------------------------------------------------


        types <- sapply(result[[sheet]], typeof)

        data <- xmlList[[sheetList]][[i]]
        is.na(data) <- lengths(data) == 0
        data <- unlist(data)

        result[[sheet]] <- rbind(

        result[[sheet]][] <- Map(`class<-`, result[[sheet]], types)


        # result[[sheet]] <- tibble::add_row(
        #   result[[sheet]],
        #   !!!unlist(
        #     xmlList[[sheetList]][[i]]
        #   )
        # )

        # As the scheme contains a row with NAs already, this needs to be deleted ----

        if (i == 1) {
          result[[sheet]] <- result[[sheet]][-1,]

        rownames(result[[sheet]]) <- NULL

        # attributes(result[[sheet]]) <- attributes(result[[sheet]])[ order(names(attributes(result[[sheet]]))) ]


    # Copy remaining attributes -----------------------------------------------

    atr <- xmlAttrList(x)
    atr <- atr[ !(names(atr) %in% c("row.names", "output", "dmdSchemeName", "dmdSchemeVersion" )) ]
    for (i in names(atr)) {
      atr[[i]] <- gsub("^$", NA, atr[[i]])
      atr[[i]] <- gsub("^NA$", NA, atr[[i]])
      attr(result, i) <- atr[[i]]

  # Return ------------------------------------------------------------------


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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

dmdScheme documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 9:06 a.m.