
Defines functions formulas.daSubmodels names.daSubmodels daSubmodels

Documented in daSubmodels formulas.daSubmodels

#' Returns all the submodels derived from full models.
#' You could set some variables as constants, limiting the number of models.
#' Includes, by default, the null model
#' @param x regression class (lm or lmer)
#' @param constants vector of constants
#' @param terms     vector of terms. By default, obtained using the formula
#' @return list with elements level, pred.matrix, predictors, response, constants
#' @importFrom stats formula terms
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
daSubmodels <- function(x, constants = NULL, terms = NULL) {
  f <- formula(x)
  t.f <- terms(f)

  if(is.null(terms)) {
    x.terms <- attr(t.f, "term.labels")
  } else {
  response <-
    rownames(attr(terms(f), "factors"))[attr(t.f, "response")]

  if (length(constants) > 0) {
    if (sum(constants %in% x.terms) != length(constants)) {
      stop("all constants should be in predictors")
    x.terms <- x.terms[-which(x.terms %in% constants)]
  # Every grouped term should be considered as a constant
  # Because you don't want to mess with it!!!
  # This is useful to don't break mixed models
  gt <- grep("\\|", x.terms)
  if (length(gt) > 0) {
    gt.2 <- paste("(", x.terms[gt], ")")
    constants <- c(gt.2, constants)
    x.terms <- x.terms[-gt]
  # Set combinations
  models <- list()
  m <- length(x.terms)
  if(m<2) {
    stop("You should have at least two predictors in a dominance analysis")
  prot.model <- rep(NA, m)
  names(prot.model) <- x.terms
  c.length <- length(constants)

  # Construct the data.frame
  d.f <- NULL
  model.predictors = list()
  ii <- 2
  level <- numeric(1)
  pred.matrix <- matrix(0, 1, length(x.terms))
  colnames(pred.matrix) <- x.terms
  for (i in 1:m) {
    combinaciones <- combn(x.terms, i)
    models[[i]] <- list()
    for (j in 1:dim(combinaciones)[2]) {
      vars = sort(combinaciones[, j])
      ss <- 1:length(vars)
      #models[[i]][[modelo]]<-list(vars=vars[ss], level=i)
      level[ii] <- i
      pred.matrix <- rbind(pred.matrix, as.numeric(x.terms %in% vars))
      ii <- ii + 1
  out <-
      level = level,
      pred.matrix = pred.matrix,
      predictors = x.terms,
      response = response,
      constants = constants
  class(out) <- "daSubmodels"

#' @keywords internal
names.daSubmodels <- function(x) {
  pm <- x$pred.matrix
  out <- character(nrow(pm))
  base <- NULL
  if (!is.null(x$constants)) {
    base <- paste0(x$constants, collapse = "+")

  response <- x$response
  pred <- x$predictors
  for (i in 1:nrow(pm)) {
    f.pred <- paste0(c(base, pred[which(pm[i, ] == 1)]), collapse = "+")
    # Special case!
    if (f.pred == "") {
      f.pred = "1"
    out[i] <- f.pred
#' Return a list with formulas for a given daSubmodels object
#' @param x daSubmodels
#' @param env environment
#' @return list
#' @export
#' @keywords internal

formulas.daSubmodels <- function(x, env = parent.frame()) {
  pm <- x$pred.matrix
  out <- list()
  base <- NULL
  if (!is.null(x$constants)) {
    base <- paste0(x$constants, collapse = "+")
  response <- x$response
  pred <- x$predictors
  for (i in 1:nrow(pm)) {
    f.pred <- paste0(c(base, pred[which(pm[i, ] == 1)]), collapse = "+")
    # Special case!
    if (f.pred == "") {
      f.pred = "1"
    f <- paste0(response, "~", f.pred, collapse = "")
    out[[i]] <- formula(f, env)

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dominanceanalysis documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:28 a.m.