
Defines functions slope shape.index rrate rfi orient opcr opc oedist inclin hypso elev dne area2d angularity

Documented in angularity area2d dne elev hypso inclin oedist opc opcr orient rfi rrate shape.index slope

# angularity----
#' @title angularity
#' @description Compute the angularity (delta slope).
#' @param mesh object of class mesh3d
#' @param ratio logical, if false standard angularity will be computed (default),
#' if true a relative angularity ratio will be computed (see below)
#' @return If ratio = FALSE, a numeric vector of angularity values i.e. delta slope of
#' each polygon compared to their adjacent polygons, for all the polygons of the
#' mesh.
#' If ratio = TRUE, a numeric vector of angularity ratio values. Ratio is computed
#' by dividing polygon slope by 90, replacing vertex elevation by the average
#' ratio of faces adjacent to the vertex, then dividing the slope of polygons from
#' this new mesh by 90. Although it is a non-standard variable, it was implemented because
#' it better discriminates sharp edges than basic angularity.
#' Warning: both options can take up a significant amount of time for large meshes.
#' @references \href{https://palaeo-electronica.org/2000_1/gorilla/issue1_00.htm}{Ungar and Williamson (2000)}
#' @examples
#' delta_slope <- angularity(dkmodel$complex, ratio = FALSE)
#' summary(delta_slope)
#' #angularity ratio:
#' delta_slope_ratio <- angularity(dkmodel$complex, ratio = TRUE)
#' summary(delta_slope_ratio)
#' #render on a map:
#' dkmap(dkmodel$complex, delta_slope, col = "slope",
#' legend.lab = "Angularity (°)")
#' #angularity ratio:
#' dkmap(dkmodel$complex, delta_slope_ratio, col = "slope",
#' legend.lab = "Angularity ratio")
#' @export
angularity <- function(mesh, ratio = FALSE){
  # Perform various checks:
  if (!isa(mesh, what = "mesh3d")) stop("mesh must be an object of class 'mesh3d'")
  if (is.null(mesh$normals)) mesh <- Rvcg::vcgUpdateNormals(mesh, silent = TRUE)
  # Main job
  # ...Get slope (or ratio) of the mesh
  Normals <- mesh$normals
  NU <- sqrt((Normals[1, ]) ^ 2 + (Normals[2, ]) ^ 2)
  NV <- sqrt((Normals[1, ]) ^ 2 + (Normals[2, ]) ^ 2 + (Normals[3, ]) ^ 2)
  Rad <- acos(NU / NV)
  Deg <- 180 * (Rad) / pi
  Slope <- 90 - Deg
  if (ratio) Slope <- Slope / 90
  # ...replace vertex elevation by the average slope of adjacent faces
  mesh$vb[3, ] <- Slope
  # ...Angularity is the slope (or ratio) of the new mesh
  if (!ratio) Results <- doolkit::slope(mesh)
  if (ratio) Results <- doolkit::slope(mesh)/90

# arc----
#' @title Average-Relative Curvature (ARC)
#' @description Compute a scale-free estimate of mean curvature.
#' @param mesh object of class mesh3d
#' @param range a numeric vector of the form c('minrange', 'maxrange') indicating
#' the set limits for extreme values, beyond which arc values will be truncated.
#' If 'minrange' and 'maxrange' are comprised between 0 and 1, they are used as
#' arc percentages. If 'minrange' and 'maxrange' are not comprised between 0 and 1,
#' they are used as raw arc values
#' @return A numeric vector of area-relative curvature values for all the polygons of the mesh.
#' @details Area-relative curvature (ARC) is obtained by dividing the mean curvature of each triangle
#' by the mean curvature of an hemisphere, the surface area of which is the same as the surface area
#' of the total mesh object. Coincidentally, the surface area of a hemisphere is linked to
#' its mean curvature by the following function: 2.4481 * 1 / square root(surface area)
#' As a result, ARC is a scale-free estimate of surface curvature. It can
#' be used to estimate the sharpness of a mesh.
#' @examples
#' curvature <- arc(dkmodel$complex)
#' summary(curvature)
#' #There is a default truncature of extreme values below 1% or above 99%.
#' #Without truncature:
#' curvature <- arc(dkmodel$complex, range = c(0, 1))
#' summary(curvature)
#' #mean positive ARC:
#' parc <- mean(curvature[curvature >= 0])
#' #mean negative ARC:
#' narc <- mean(curvature[curvature < 0])
#' #render on a map:
#' dkmap(dkmodel$complex, curvature, col = "arc",
#' min.range = -20, max.range = 20)
#' #absolute truncature of the values above 20 or below -20:
#' dkmap(dkmodel$complex, curvature, col = "arc", min.range = -20, max.range = 20)
#' @export
arc <- function (mesh, range = c(0.01, 0.99)){
  # Perform various checks:
  if (!isa(mesh, what = "mesh3d")) stop("mesh must be an object of class 'mesh3d'")
  # Main job
  # ...Get mean curvature
  Curv <- Rvcg::vcgCurve(mesh)$meanitmax
  # ...Replace border values by 0
  Curv[dkborder(mesh)] <- 0
  # ...Relative truncature
  if (range[1] >= 0 && range[2] <= 1) {
    Curv[Curv > stats::quantile(Curv, range[2])] <- stats::quantile(Curv, range[2])
    Curv[Curv < stats::quantile(Curv, range[1])] <- stats::quantile(Curv, range[1])
  # ...Standardisation
  Curv.theo <- 2.4481 * (1 / sqrt(Rvcg::vcgArea(mesh)))
  Arc <- Curv/Curv.theo
  # ...Absolute truncature
  if (range[1] < 0 || range[2] > 1) {
    Arc[Arc < range[1]] <- range[1]
    Arc[Arc > range[2]] <- range[2]

# area2d----
#' @title 2D surface area
#' @description Compute the area of a 2d projection on the (xy) plane.
#' @param mesh object of class mesh3d
#' @param method the method used to compute the hull of the 2d projection, either
#' 'convex' (see \code{\link[grDevices]{chull}}),
#' or 'concave' (see \code{\link[concaveman]{concaveman}}). The default method is 'concave'.
#' @return A single 2D surface area value, corresponding to the footprint of the mesh.
#' @details This function can assess 2D surface area of the projection of a mesh on the (xy) plane.
#' The projection is assimilated to a hull, which can be a convex hull
#' (see \code{\link[grDevices]{chull}}) or a concave hull
#' (see \code{\link[concaveman]{concaveman}}). Note that if your mesh is a combination
#' of two or more discontinuous surfaces (e.g., isolated cusps), you should not use
#' either approach.
#' As of version 1.42.2, the concave hull fails intermittently on Mac systems, so the function
#' defaults to convex hulls (on other systems, it defaults to concave hulls)
#' @seealso \code{\link{rfi}}
#' @examples
#' #The following objects should have the exact same footprints:
#' area2d(dkmodel$basin)
#' area2d(dkmodel$complex)
#' area2d(dkmodel$cusp)
#' area2d(dkmodel$flat)
#' #Graphical rendering of convex hull
#' x <- dkmodel$cusp
#' FootprintVerts <- t(x$vb[1:2, ])
#' Hull <- grDevices::chull(x = FootprintVerts[, 1], y = FootprintVerts[, 2])
#' plot(x$vb[1, ], x$vb[2, ], xlab = "x", ylab = "y")
#' points(x$vb[1, Hull], x$vb[2, Hull], col = "orange1")
#' #Graphical rendering of concave hull
#' x <- dkmodel$cusp
#' FootprintVerts <- t(x$vb[1:2, ])
#' FootprintVerts[, 1] <- FootprintVerts[, 1] - min(FootprintVerts[, 1])
#' FootprintVerts[, 2] <- FootprintVerts[, 2] - min(FootprintVerts[, 2])
#' Hull <- concaveman::concaveman(points = FootprintVerts)
#' plot(x$vb[1, ] - min(x$vb[1, ]), x$vb[2, ] - min(x$vb[2, ]), xlab = "x", ylab = "y")
#' points(Hull, col = "green1")
#' @export
area2d <- function(mesh, method = "concave"){
  # Perform various checks:
  if (!isa(mesh, what = "mesh3d")) stop("mesh must be an object of class 'mesh3d'")
  if (method != "concave" && method != "convex") stop("method must be 'concave' or 'convex'")
  if (.Platform$OS.type == "mac") method = "convex"
  # Main job
  # ...Get the (x,y) coordinates of all the vertices
  FootprintVerts <- t(mesh$vb[1:2, ])
  FootprintVerts <- FootprintVerts[!duplicated(FootprintVerts),]
  if (method == "concave") {
    #1 move all coordinates >= 0
    FootprintVerts[, 1] <- FootprintVerts[, 1] - min(FootprintVerts[, 1])
    FootprintVerts[, 2] <- FootprintVerts[, 2] - min(FootprintVerts[, 2])
    #2 extract the hull using the package aphahull
    Hull <- concaveman::concaveman(points = FootprintVerts)
    #3 make a polygon from the points of the hull and measure its area
    Poly <- sp::Polygon(Hull, hole = FALSE)
    Area2D <- Poly@area
  if (method == "convex") {
    #1 extract the hull using chull from grDevices
    Hull <- grDevices::chull(x = FootprintVerts[, 1], y = FootprintVerts[, 2])
    #2 close the contour
    FootprintVerts <- rbind(FootprintVerts, FootprintVerts[1, ])
    #3 make a polygon from the points of the hull and measure its area
    Poly <- sp::Polygon(FootprintVerts[Hull, ], hole = FALSE)
    Area2D <- Poly@area

# dne----
#' @title Dirichlet normal energy
#' @description Compute the Dirichlet normal energy.
#' @param mesh object of class mesh3d
#' @param range an integer between 0 and 1 indicating the percentage of values
#' to consider for the computation. Following Pampush et al. (2016) default is
#' set to 0.999.
#' @param total logical, should the result of the function be the total DNE.
#' @return If total = FALSE, a numeric vector of dne values for all the polygons of the
#' mesh. If total = TRUE, a single DNE value, calculated as the sum of the
#' products of polygon normal energies * polygon areas.
#' @references \doi{10.1002/ajpa.21489}{Bunn et al. (2011)}
#' @references \doi{10.1007/s10914-016-9326-0}{Pampush et al. (2016)}
#' @details The current algorithm gives a different estimate of DNE when compared with the
#' values obtained using the molaR package. Albeit small, this difference likely comes from
#' different methods of border selection. The doolkit package uses the function dkborder,
#' which accurately selects every polygon sharing a vertex (or more) with the border.
#' @seealso \code{\link[molaR]{DNE}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{dkborder}}
#' @examples
#' dne <- dne(dkmodel$complex)
#' summary(dkmodel$complex)
#' #total DNE value corresponds to the sum of products Dne * Area:
#' round(sum(dne*Rvcg::vcgArea(dkmodel$complex, perface = TRUE)$pertriangle), 3)
#' #can be directly computed using \code{dne}:
#' dne(dkmodel$complex, total = TRUE)
#' #render on a map:
#' dkmap(dkmodel$complex, dne, legend.type = "log", col = "dne")
#' @export
dne <- function(mesh, range = 0.999, total = FALSE){
  # Perform various checks:
  if (!isa(mesh, what = "mesh3d")) stop("mesh must be an object of class 'mesh3d'")
  # Update normals
  mesh <- Rvcg::vcgUpdateNormals(mesh, type = 0, silent = TRUE)
  # Main job
  Dne <- NULL
  for (i in 1:length(mesh$it[1, ])){
    N1T <- mesh$vb[1:3, mesh$it[1, i]]
    N2T <- mesh$vb[1:3, mesh$it[2, i]]
    N3T <- mesh$vb[1:3, mesh$it[3, i]]
    NN1T <- mesh$normals[, mesh$it[1, i]]
    NN2T <- mesh$normals[, mesh$it[2, i]]
    NN3T <- mesh$normals[, mesh$it[3, i]]
    U <- c(N2T[1]-N1T[1], N2T[2]-N1T[2], N2T[3]-N1T[3])
    V <- c(N3T[1]-N1T[1], N3T[2]-N1T[2], N3T[3]-N1T[3])
    NU <- c(NN2T[1]-NN1T[1], NN2T[2]-NN1T[2], NN2T[3]-NN1T[3])
    NV <- c(NN3T[1]-NN1T[1], NN3T[2]-NN1T[2], NN3T[3]-NN1T[3])
    UU <- U%*%U
    UV <- U%*%V
    VV <- V%*%V
    NUNU <- NU%*%NU
    NUNV <- NU%*%NV
    NVNV <- NV%*%NV
    G <- matrix(c(UU, UV, UV, VV), nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
    H <- matrix(c(NUNU, NUNV, NUNV, NVNV), nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
    Dne[i] <- sum(diag(MASS::ginv(G)%*%H))
  # ...Set border values to 0
  Dne[doolkit::dkborder(mesh)] <- 0
  # ...Set values out of range to 0
  Dne[Dne >= stats::quantile(Dne, range)] <- 0
  # ...Return vector (if total = FALSE) or single value (if total = TRUE)
  if(!total) return(Dne)
  if(total) return(round(sum(Dne * Rvcg::vcgArea(mesh, perface = TRUE)$pertriangle), 3))

# elev----
#' @title elevation
#' @description Compute the elevation (z component of triangle barycenter).
#' @param mesh object of class mesh3d
#' @param origin logical, if TRUE the z of the mesh is adjusted so that the lowest z = 0
#' (see \code{\link{dkorigin}})
#' @return A numeric vector of elevation values for all the polygons of the mesh.
#' @seealso \code{\link{inclin}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{rfi}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{slope}}
#' @examples
#' elev <- elev(dkmodel$cusp)
#' summary(elev)
#' #render on a map:
#' dkmap(dkmodel$cusp, elev)
#' @export
elev <- function(mesh, origin = TRUE){
  # Perform various checks:
  if (!isa(mesh, what = "mesh3d")) stop("mesh must be an object of class 'mesh3d'")
  # Main job
  # ...Set back origin to 0 if origin is TRUE:
  if (origin) {
    mesh <- doolkit::dkorigin(mesh)
  # ...computation
  Elev <- Rvcg::vcgBary(mesh)[, 3]

# hypso----
#' @title hypso
#' @description Compute the maximum height, length, width and corresponding
#' hypsodonty index (ratio of the maximum height over the maximum length)
#' @param mesh object of class mesh3d
#' @param origin logical, whether to set the z of the mesh's lowermost point
#' to zero.
#' @return A list of values for hypsodonty index, height, length and width of
#' the mesh. The hypsodonty index is not expressed relative to 100 but to 1.
#'     Note: the tooth surface is expected to be oriented such as the X-axis
#'     is the bucco-lingual axis, the Y-axis is the mesio-distal axis, and the
#'     occlusal plane is parallel to the (XY) plane and faces upward.
#' @examples
#' hypso(dkmodel$cusp)
#' @export
hypso <- function(mesh, origin = TRUE){
  # Perform various checks:
  if (!isa(mesh, what = "mesh3d")) stop("mesh must be an object of class 'mesh3d'")
  # Main job
  # ...Set back origin to 0
  if (origin) {
    mesh <- doolkit::dkorigin(mesh)
  # ...Get x, y and z dimensions
  Xmax <- max(mesh$vb[1,])
  Xmin <- min(mesh$vb[1,])
  Ymax <- max(mesh$vb[2,])
  Ymin <- min(mesh$vb[2,])
  Zmax <- max(mesh$vb[3,])
  Zmin <- min(mesh$vb[3,])
  # ...Computation
  Hypso <- list()
  Hypso$hypsodonty <- round((Zmax - Zmin) / (Ymax - Ymin), 2)
  Hypso$height <- round(Zmax - Zmin, 2)
  Hypso$length <- round(Ymax - Ymin, 2)
  Hypso$width <- round(Xmax - Xmin, 2)

# inclin----
#' @title inclin
#' @description Compute inclination i.e. the angle between triangles and the vertical plane in degrees, comprised
#' between 0 and 180.
#' @param mesh object of class mesh3d
#' @return A numeric vector of inclination values for all the polygons of the mesh.
#' @references \doi{10.1371/journal.pone.0066142}{Guy et al. (2013)}
#' @seealso \code{\link{slope}}
#' @examples
#' inclin <- inclin(dkmodel$cusp)
#' summary(inclin)
#' #render on a map:
#' dkmap(dkmodel$cusp, inclin, col = "inclin",
#' min.range = 0, max.range = 180, legend = TRUE)
#' @export
inclin <- function(mesh){
  # Perform various checks:
  if (!isa(mesh, what = "mesh3d")) stop("mesh must be an object of class 'mesh3d'")
  # Main job
  # ...Get normals
  Normals <- Morpho::facenormals(mesh)$normals
  # ...Calculate inclination from the angle of normals
  NU <- sqrt((Normals[1, ])^2 + (Normals[2, ])^2)
  NV <- sqrt((Normals[1, ])^2 + (Normals[2, ])^2 + (Normals[3, ])^2)
  Rad <- acos(NU/NV)
  Deg <- 180*(Rad)/pi
  Inclin <- Deg
  # ...Correct for polygons with negative normals = facing downward
  Inclin[Normals[3, ] < 0] <- 90-Deg[Normals[3, ] < 0]
  Inclin[Normals[3, ] >= 0] <- 90+Deg[Normals[3, ] >= 0]

# oedist----
#' @title Distance from outer enamel surface to enamel dentine junction
#' @description Compute the distance from enamel vertices to dentine mesh.
#' @param oes object of class mesh3d; should be the outer enamel surface
#' @param edj object of class mesh3d; should be the enamel-dentine junction
#' @param ray logical, if TRUE the search is along vertex normals (default is FALSE)
#' @return A numeric vector of vertex-to-mesh distance values for all the polygons of the x mesh.
#' @references \doi{10.1371/journal.pone.0066142}{Guy et al. (2013)}
#' @references \doi{10.1371/journal.pone.0138802}{Guy et al. (2015)}
#' @references \doi{10.3389/fphys.2017.00524}{Thiery et al. (2017)}
#' @references \doi{10.1098/rsbl.2019.0671}{Schwartz et al. (2020)}
#' @seealso \code{\link[Morpho]{meshDist}}
#' @examples
#' edd <- oedist(dkmodel$cusp, dkmodel$flat)
#' summary(edd)
#' AETgeom <- mean(edd)
#' #Geometric relative enamel thickness, obtained by dividing AETgeom by the
#' #square root of EDJ area
#' #Note: it is different from classic RET which requires the volume of the
#' #dentine inside the enamel cap (see Thiery et al., 2017)
#' AETgeom/sqrt(Rvcg::vcgArea(dkmodel$flat))
#' #Absolute crown strength:
#' edj_radius <- max(dist(cbind(dkmodel$flat$vb[1,], dkmodel$flat$vb[2,])))/2
#' sqrt(mean(edd) * edj_radius)
#' #render on a map:
#' oedist <- doolkit::oedist(dkmodel$cusp, dkmodel$flat)
#' dkmap(dkmodel$cusp, oedist)
#' #distance map can also be rendered on EDJ surface:
#' eodist <- oedist(dkmodel$flat, dkmodel$cusp)
#' dkmap(dkmodel$flat, eodist)
#' @export
oedist <- function(oes, edj, ray = FALSE){
  # Perform various checks:
  if (!isa(oes, what = "mesh3d")) stop("oes must be an object of class 'mesh3d'")
  if (!isa(edj, what = "mesh3d")) stop("edj must be an object of class 'mesh3d'")
  # Main job
  # ...Compute absolute shortest distances FROM vertex TO second mesh
  VertDist <- abs(Morpho::meshDist(oes, edj, distvec = NULL, sign = FALSE, plot = FALSE, ray = ray)$dists)
  # ...Get face value = average of corresponding vertex values
  TrDist <- rep(0, length(oes$it[1, ]))
  for (i in 1:length(oes$it[1, ])) {
    Dist1 <- VertDist[oes$it[1, i]]
    Dist2 <- VertDist[oes$it[2, i]]
    Dist3 <- VertDist[oes$it[3, i]]
    TrDist[i] <- mean(c(Dist1, Dist2, Dist3))

# opc----
#' @title orientation patch count
#' @description Count the number of orientation patches using \code{\link{poly.network}}.
#' @param mesh object of class mesh3d
#' @param bins the number of orientation bins to be defined (default set to 8)
#' @param min.size the minimal amount of polygons defining a "patch" (default set to 3)
#' @param rotation if applicable, the number of degrees to which bins are to be rotated.
#' By default the bins start from an angle of pi/2 and rotates clockwise.
#' @return A data.frame displaying the number of patches and their size (number of triangles)
#' for each orientation bin. Note: if you want the surface area of each patch, see\code{\link{poly.network}}
#' @references \doi{10.1038/nature05433}{Evans et al. (2007)}
#' @seealso \code{\link{orient}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{opcr}}
#' @examples
#' #8 bins (default):
#' opc <- opc(dkmodel$complex)
#' #8 bins starting from mesial, as in Evans et al. 2007:
#' opc <- opc(dkmodel$complex, rotation = -(360/16))
#' #4 bins (mesial, buccal, distal and lingual):
#' opc <- opc(dkmodel$complex, bins = 4, rotation = -(360/8))
#' @export
opc <- function(mesh, bins = 8, min.size = 3, rotation = 0){
  # Perform various checks:
  if (!isa(mesh, what = "mesh3d")) stop("mesh must be an object of class 'mesh3d'")
  # Main job
  # ...A function to count patches:
  patchcount <- function(mesh, bins, min.size, rotation) {
    #1: get orientation
    d <- data.frame(face = c(1:length(mesh$it[1,])), orient = doolkit::orient(mesh))
    #2: get edgelist of faces adjacent to at least another one (excludes borders)
    Edges <- Rvcg::vcgGetEdge(mesh, unique = FALSE)
    Edgelist <- t(matrix(Edges$facept[Edges$border == 0], nrow = 2))
    Edgelist <- data.frame(as.numeric(Edgelist[,1]), as.numeric(Edgelist[,2]))
    #3: get patch-related data for each bin
    Patch.data <- data.frame(Bin = 0, Count = 0, Size = 0)
    for (i in (1:bins)) {
      bin_low_limit <- (i-1)*(360/bins) + rotation
      bin_up_limit <- i*(360/bins) + rotation
      # get list of faces within the bin
      Faces <- d$face[d$orient >= bin_low_limit & d$orient < bin_up_limit]
      if(bin_up_limit >= 360) {
        bin_up_limit <- bin_up_limit - 360
        Faces2 <- d$face[d$orient < bin_up_limit]
        Faces <- data.frame(c(Faces, Faces2))
        if (bin_low_limit == 360) bin_low_limit <- 0
      Faces <- data.frame(Faces)
      # for a given bin, get subgraph of the faces adjacent to at least another one
      edgen <- Edgelist[which(Edgelist[, 1] %in% Faces[, 1]), ]
      edgen <- edgen[which(edgen[, 2] %in% Faces[, 1]), ]
      edgen <- as.matrix(edgen)
      requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE)
      Network <- igraph::graph_from_edgelist(edgen, directed = FALSE)
      # get clusters within the bin
      Patches <- igraph::components(Network)
      Patch.data[i, 1] <- paste(bin_low_limit, "-", bin_up_limit, sep = "")
      Patch.data[i, 2] <- length(Patches$csize[Patches$csize >= min.size])
      Patch.data[i, 3] <- sum(Patches$csize[Patches$csize >= min.size])
  # ...Use function to get patches
  Opc <- list()
  Opc$patches <- patchcount(mesh = mesh, bins = bins, min.size = min.size, rotation = rotation)
  Opc$opc <- sum(Opc$patches$Count)

# opcr----
#' @title orientation patch count rotated
#' @description Compute the orientation patch count rotated of a triangle mesh.
#' @param mesh object of class mesh3d
#' @param bins the number of orientation bins to be defined (default set to 8)
#' @param min.size the minimal amount of polygons defining a "patch" (default set to 3)
#' @return A data.frame displaying the number of patches and their size (number of triangles)
#' for each orientation bin.
#' @references \doi{10.1038/nature10880}{Wilson et al. (2012)}
#' @seealso \code{\link{opc}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{orient}}
#' @seealso \code{\link[molaR]{OPCr}}
#' @examples
#' #8bins (default):
#' opcr <- opcr(dkmodel$complex)
#' #16 bins (computation time increase exponentially):
#' opcr <- opcr(dkmodel$complex, bins = 16)
#' @export
opcr <- function(mesh, bins = 8, min.size = 3){
  # Perform various checks:
  if (!isa(mesh, what = "mesh3d")) stop("mesh must be an object of class 'mesh3d'")
  # Main job
  Opcr <- list(opcr = 0, rotations = data.frame(Rotation = 0, Opc = 0))
  for (j in (1:bins)) {
    Rotated.angle <- (j-1)*(360/(bins*bins))
    Patches <- doolkit::opc(mesh = mesh, bins = bins, min.size = min.size, rotation = Rotated.angle)$patches
    Opcr$rotations[j, 1] <- paste(Rotated.angle)
    Opcr$rotations[j, 2] <- sum(Patches$Count)
  Opcr$opcr <- mean(Opcr$rotations$Opc)

# orient----
#' @title orientation of polygons
#' @description Returns the occlusal orientation (exposure in GIS)
#' @param mesh object of class mesh3d
#' @return A numeric vector of occlusal orientation values in degrees for all
#' the polygons of the mesh.
#' Let the orientation from above be depicted as a trigonomical circle,
#' then for a tooth positioned as in Guy et al. (2015) an orientation of 0 (mesial) would
#' be located at an angle of pi/2, and an orientation of 90° (buccal) would
#' be located at an angle of 2*pi.
#' @seealso \code{\link{opc}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{opcr}}
#' @examples
#' orient <- orient(dkmodel$complex)
#' summary(orient)
#' @export
orient <- function(mesh){
  # Perform various checks:
  if (!isa(mesh, what = "mesh3d")) stop("mesh must be an object of class 'mesh3d'")
  # Main job
  # ...Get face normals
  Normals <- Morpho::facenormals(mesh)$normals
  # ...Get face orientation
  memb1 <- atan2(Normals[1,], Normals[2,])
  memb1[memb1<0] <- memb1[memb1<0]+(2*pi)
  memb2 <- atan2(1,0)
  theta <- 180*(memb1 - memb2)/pi+90

# rfi----
#' @title relief index
#' @description Compute the relief index of a  3d triangle mesh.
#' @param mesh object of class mesh3d
#' @param method a character string indicating which method is to be used for the computation of
#' relief index
#' @param hull the method used to compute the hull of the 2d projection, either 'convex' or 'concave'.
#' The default method is 'convex'. See \code{\link{area2d}}
#' @return A single relief index value.
#' @details As of version 1.42.2, the concave hull fails intermittently on Mac systems, so the function
#' defaults to convex hulls (on other systems, it defaults to concave hulls).
#' @references \doi{10.1016/j.jhevol.2008.08.002}{Boyer (2008)}
#' \doi{10.1371/journal.pone.0066142}{Guy et al. (2013)}
#' \href{https://palaeo-electronica.org/2000_1/gorilla/issue1_00.htm}{Ungar and Williamson (2000)}
#' @seealso \code{\link{area2d}}
#' @seealso \code{\link[molaR]{RFI}}
#' @examples
#' rfi <- rfi(dkmodel$cusp, method = "Ungar", hull = "convex")
#' lrfi <- rfi(dkmodel$cusp, method = "Boyer", hull = "convex")
#' gamma <- rfi(dkmodel$cusp, method = "Guy")
#' @export
rfi <- function(mesh, method = "Ungar", hull = "concave"){
  # Perform various checks:
  if (!isa(mesh, what = "mesh3d")) stop("mesh must be an object of class 'mesh3d'")
  if (method != "Ungar" && method != "Boyer" && method != "Guy") stop("method must be 'Boyer', 'Ungar' or 'Guy'")
  if (hull != "concave" && hull != "convex") stop("method must be 'concave' or 'convex'")
  if (.Platform$OS.type == "mac") hull = "convex"
  # Main job
  if (method == "Ungar"){
    Surf3D <- Rvcg::vcgArea(mesh)
    Surf2D <- doolkit::area2d(mesh, method = hull)
    RFI <- Surf3D/Surf2D
  if (method == "Boyer"){
    Surf3D <- Rvcg::vcgArea(mesh)
    Surf2D <- doolkit::area2d(mesh, method = hull)
    RFI <- log(sqrt(Surf3D)/sqrt(Surf2D))
  if (method == "Guy"){
    Dataset <- data.frame(Area = Rvcg::vcgArea(mesh), Elevation = doolkit::elev(mesh), Slope = doolkit::slope(mesh))
    RFI <- (sum(Dataset$Area[Dataset$Slope<45])*mean(Dataset$Elevation[Dataset$Slope<45])) / (sum(Dataset$Area[Dataset$Slope>45])*mean(Dataset$Elevation[Dataset$Slope>45]))

# rrate----
#' @title relief rate
#' @description Compute the relief rate from a sub-sample of a 3d triangle mesh.
#' For instance, the relief rate could be computed from the portion of a molar above
#' the lowermost point of its central basin, compared to the whole tooth.
#' @param uncropped object of class mesh3d. Should entirely contain the 'cropped' argument.
#' @param cropped object of class mesh3d. Should be part of the 'uncropped' argument.
#' @param origin logical, if TRUE both cropped and uncropped mesh are translated along the z-axis
#' so that the lowest z of the uncropped mesh = 0; see \code{\link{dkorigin}}
#' @return A single relief rate value.
#' @references \doi{10.1002/ajpa.23916}{Thiery et al. (2019)}
#' @examples
#' medelev <- median(elev(dkmodel$cusp))
#' basins <- dkcrop(dkmodel$cusp, which(elev(dkmodel$cusp) < medelev))
#' cusps <- dkcrop(dkmodel$cusp, which(elev(dkmodel$cusp) > medelev))
#' rrate(dkmodel$cusp, basins)
#' rrate(dkmodel$cusp, cusps)
#' @export
rrate <- function(uncropped, cropped, origin = TRUE){
  # Perform various checks:
  if (!isa(uncropped, what = "mesh3d")) stop("uncropped must be an object of class 'mesh3d'")
  if (!isa(cropped, what = "mesh3d")) stop("cropped must be an object of class 'mesh3d'")
  # Main job
  # ...Set back origin to 0
  if (origin) {
    cropped$vb[3, ] <- cropped$vb[3, ] - min(uncropped$vb[3, ])
    uncropped$vb[3, ] <- uncropped$vb[3, ] - min(uncropped$vb[3, ])
  # ...computation
  RRate <- mean(elev(cropped) - min(elev(cropped))) / mean(elev(uncropped) - min(elev(uncropped)))
  return (RRate)

# shape.index----
#' @title shape.index
#' @description Compute various shape indices.
#' @param mesh object of class mesh3d
#' @param origin logical, if TRUE the z of the mesh is adjusted so that the lowest z = 0;
#' see \code{\link{dkorigin}}
#' @return A list of indices:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Form factor (Horton, 1932)
#'   \item Basin elongation (Schum, 1956)
#'   \item Lemniscate ratio 'K' (Chorley et al., 1957)
#' }
#' @details A handful of indices have been developed to characterize the shape of natural
#' landscapes, including drainage basins. While some indices are very scale-sensitive (e.g.,
#' Gravelius' compactness coefficient), others are dimensionless.
#' Horton (1932) introduced a form factor computed as the quotient of the basin's surface area
#' over the square of the maximum basin length. Schumm (1956) developed a basin elongation index
#' computed as the quotient of twice the square root of surface area over the product of basin
#' length and the squareroot of pi. Lastly, Chorley et al. (1957) developed a lemniscate ratio
#' which corresponds to the ratio between the surface of a lemniscate of same length over the
#' basin area,and computed as (pi*(Length^2))/(4*Area).
#' @references \doi{10.1029/TR013i001p00350}{Horton (1932)}
#' @references \doi{10.1130/0016-7606(1956)67[597:EODSAS]2.0.CO;2}{Schumm (1956)}
#' @references \doi{10.2475/ajs.255.2.138}{Chorley et al. (1957)}
#' @examples
#' ShapInd <- shape.index(dkmodel$basin)
#' ShapInd$FormFactor
#' ShapInd$Elongation
#' ShapInd$K
#' @export
shape.index <- function(mesh, origin = TRUE) {
  # Perform various checks:
  if (!isa(mesh, what = "mesh3d")) stop("mesh must be an object of class 'mesh3d'")
  # Main job
  # ...Set back origin to 0
  if (origin) {
    mesh <- doolkit::dkorigin(mesh)
  # ...Get area and length
  Area <- Rvcg::vcgArea(mesh)
  Length <- hypso(mesh)$length
  # ...Calculate indices
  Indices <- list(FormFactor = NULL, Elongation = NULL, K = NULL)
  Indices$FormFactor <- Area/(Length^2)
  Indices$Elongation <- (2*sqrt(Area))/(Length*sqrt(pi))
  Indices$K <- (pi*(Length^2))/(4*Area)

# slope----
#' @title slope
#' @description Compute slope i.e. the angle between triangles and the horizontal plane in degrees, comprised
#' between 0 and 90.
#' @param mesh object of class mesh3d
#' @return A numeric vector of slope values for all the polygons of the mesh.
#' @seealso \code{\link{inclin}}
#' @references \href{https://palaeo-electronica.org/2000_1/gorilla/issue1_00.htm}{Ungar and Williamson (2000)}
#' @examples
#' slope <- slope(dkmodel$cusp)
#' summary(slope)
#' #render on a map:
#' dkmap(dkmodel$cusp, slope, col.levels = 9, col = "slope",
#' min.range = 0, max.range = 90, legend = TRUE)
#' @export
slope <- function(mesh) {
  # Perform various checks:
  if (!isa(mesh, what = "mesh3d")) stop("mesh must be an object of class 'mesh3d'")
  # Main job
  # ...Get surface normals
  Normals <- Morpho::facenormals(mesh)$normals
  # ...Calculate slope from the angle of normals
  NU <- sqrt((Normals[1, ])^2 + (Normals[2, ])^2)
  NV <- sqrt((Normals[1, ])^2 + (Normals[2, ])^2 + (Normals[3, ])^2)
  Rad <- acos(NU/NV)
  Deg <- 180*(Rad)/pi
  Slope <- 90-Deg

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