Man pages for dosresmeta
Multivariate Dose-Response Meta-Analysis

alcohol_crcEight published studies on the relation between alcohol...
alcohol_cvdSix published studies on the relation between alcohol intake...
alcohol_esophFourteen case-control studies on the relation between alcohol...
alcohol_lcFour published studies on the relation between alcohol intake...
ariFive clinical trials on the relation between aripiprazole and...
blup.dosresmetaBest Linear Unbiased Predictions from dosresmeta Models
bmi_rcFour case-control studies on the relation between Body Mass...
cc_exCase-control data on alcohol and breast cancer risk
ci_exCumulative incidence data on high-fat dairy food and...
coef.dosresmetaExtract Coefficients and (Co)Variance Matrix from dosresmeta...
coffee_cancerEight prospective studies on the relation between coffee...
coffee_cvdThirteen prospective studies on the relation between coffee...
coffee_mortTwenty-one prospective studies on the relation between coffee...
coffee_strokeEleven prospective studies on the relation between coffee...
covar.logrrComputes the covariance matrix for a set of log relative...
covar.smdComputes mean and standardized mean differences for...
dosresmetaMultivariate Dose-Response Meta-Analysis
dosresmeta.controlAncillary Parameters for Controlling the Fit in dosresmeta...
dosresmeta.fixedFixed-Effects Estimator for dosresmeta Models
dosresmeta.mlML and REML Estimators for dosresmeta Models
dosresmetaObjectdosresmeta Object
dosresmeta-packageMultivariate dose-response meta-analysis
fish_raSix studies on the relation between fish consumption and...
fpgridGrid with combinations of p for two-order fractional...
fracpolFractional Polynomials
gofComputes statistics to evaluate the goodness-of-fit from...
grlApproximating effective-counts as proposed by Greenland &...
hamlingApproximating effective-counts as proposed by Hamling
ir_exIncidence-rate data on fiber intake and coronary heart...
logLik.dosresmetaExtract Log-Likelihood from dosresmeta Objects
milk_mortEleven prospective studies on the relation between milk...
milk_ovNine studies on the relation between milk consumption and...
mlprof.funLikelihood Functions for dosresmeta Models
oc_breastTwenty-two case-control studies on the relation between oral...
predict.dosresmetaPredicted Values from dosresmeta Models
process_bcTen studies on the relation between processed meat and...
qtest.dosresmetaCochran Q Test of Heterogeneity for dosresmeta Models
red_bcTwelve studies on the relation between red meat and bladder...
sim_osSimulated data for one-stage dose-response meta-analysis
summary.dosresmetaSummarizing dosresmeta Models
vpcVariance Partition Components for dosresmeta Objects
waldtestWald Test for Model Coefficients
dosresmeta documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:30 a.m.