
context("function chron")
test.chron <- function() {
    ## RNG Setup for srs1 (we use a _particular_ random series...)
    if (!exists(".Random.seed", 1)) {
        if (getRversion() <= "3.0.0") {
        } else {
    seed <- get(".Random.seed", 1)
    on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", seed, 1))

    ## Other setup
    N <- 500
    srs1 <- pmax(rnorm(N, 1, 0.4), 0.1)
    dat1 <- data.frame(srs1 - 0.05, srs1, srs1 + 0.05)
    res1.1 <- chron(dat1, biweight = FALSE, prewhiten = TRUE)
    res1.2 <- chron(dat1, biweight = TRUE, prewhiten = FALSE)

    srs2 <- 0.5 * sin(pi / 50 * seq_len(N)) + 1 # period is 100
    sd2.1 <- sd(srs2)
    dat2 <- data.frame(srs2 - 0.1, srs2, srs2 + 0.1)
    res2 <- chron(dat2, biweight = FALSE, prewhiten = TRUE)
    sd2.2 <- sd(res2[["res"]], na.rm=TRUE)
    threes <- rep.int(3, N)

    ## Test
    test_that("chron works (no autocorrelation)", {
        expect_equal(res1.1[["samp.depth"]], threes)
        expect_equal(res1.2[["samp.depth"]], threes)
        expect_equal(res1.1[["std"]], srs1)
        expect_equal(res1.2[["std"]], srs1)
        expect_equal(res1.1[["res"]], srs1)
    test_that("chron works (with autocorrelation)", {
        expect_equal(res2[["samp.depth"]], threes)
        expect_equal(res2[["std"]], srs2)
        expect_true(length(which(is.na(res2[["res"]]))) > 0)
        expect_true(sd2.2 < sd2.1)

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