
Defines functions make.data

#' @importFrom stats aggregate
make.data <- function(response, ddfobject, segdata, obsdata, group,
                      convert.units, availability, segment.area,

  # probably want to do something smart here...
  seglength.name <- 'Effort'
  segnum.name <- 'Sample.Label'
  distance.name <- 'distance'
  cluster.name <- 'size'

  # avoid irritating "tibble" issues
  segdata <- data.frame(segdata)
  obsdata <- data.frame(obsdata)

  # matching doesn't work later if we don't ensure character labels
  obsdata$object <- as.character(obsdata$object)
  obsdata$Sample.Label <- as.character(obsdata$Sample.Label)
  segdata$Sample.Label <- as.character(segdata$Sample.Label)

  # Estimating group abundance/density
    obsdata[, cluster.name][obsdata[, cluster.name] > 0] <- 1

  # for single ddfs, make a list of 1
  if(any(c("ddf", "dsmodel")  %in% class(ddfobject))){
    ddfobject <- list(ddfobject)
    segdata$ddfobj <- 1
    obsdata$ddfobj <- 1
    if(!any("ddfobj" %in% names(segdata))){
      stop("If there are multiple detection functions there must be a column named \"ddfobj\" in the segment and observation data.frame, see ?\"dsm-data\"")

  # iterate over the list of ddfs
  full_obsdata <- c()
  segdata$segment.area <- NA
  segdata$width <- NA

  # deal with availability
  if(response == "density.est"){
    if(!(length(availability) %in% c(1, nrow(obsdata)))){
      stop("Length of 'availability' must be 1 or 'obsdata' rows")
    obsdata$availability <- availability
  }else if(response == "count"){
    if(!(length(availability) %in% c(1, nrow(segdata)))){
      stop("Length of 'availability' must be 1 or 'segdata' rows")
    segdata$availability <- availability
  }else if(response == "abundance.est"){
    if(!(length(availability) %in% c(1, nrow(obsdata)))){
      stop("Length of 'availability' must be 1 or 'obsdata' rows")
    obsdata$availability <- availability

  for(i in seq_along(ddfobject)){

    this_ddf <- ddfobject[[i]]

    # make this a mrds ddf object if we had a Distance one
    if(all(class(this_ddf) == "dsmodel")){
      this_ddf <- this_ddf$ddf
      ddfobject[[i]] <- this_ddf

    # grab the probabilities of detection
    fitted.p <- fitted(this_ddf)

    # remove observations which were not in the detection function
    if(!("ddfobj" %in% names(obsdata))){
      stop("No ddfobj column in observation data")
    this_obsdata <- obsdata[obsdata[["ddfobj"]]==i, ]

    # Check that observations are between left and right truncation
    # warning only -- observations are excluded below
    # No truncation check for strip transects
    if(any(this_obsdata[, distance.name] > this_ddf$meta.data$width)){
      warning(paste("Some observations are outside of detection function", i,

    # reorder the fitted ps, match the ordering in obsdata
    # put this in a column of this_obsdata
    this_obsdata$p <- fitted.p[match(this_obsdata$object, names(fitted.p))]

    # calculate the "width" of the transect, make sure we get it right
    # if we are doing left truncation
    width <- this_ddf$meta.data$width
      width <- width - this_ddf$meta.data$left
    segdata$width[segdata$ddfobj==i] <- width

    # what if there are no matches? Perhaps this is due to the object
    # numbers being wrong? (HINT: yes.)
    if(nrow(this_obsdata) == 0){
      stop(paste("No observations in detection function", i,
                 "matched those in observation table. Check the \"object\" column."))

    # make sure that the right columns are in the obsdata
    if(this_ddf$method %in% c("io", "trial")){
      if(!("observer" %in% names(this_obsdata))){
        stop("obsdata must have a column named observer")
        if((this_ddf$method == "trial") && !all(this_obsdata$observer==1)){
          stop("Only observer 1 data is needed for obsdata with trial mode")

    # depending on the detection function (and its data format)
    # we need a different subset of obsdata
    # ds = all detections
    # io = only unique obsns
    # trial = only obs 1
    if(this_ddf$method == "io"){
        stop(paste0("Some object IDs are duplicated in observation data for detection function model ", i, " only unique IDs are required for observation data for io models"))
    }else if(this_ddf$method == "trial"){
      this_obsdata <- this_obsdata[this_obsdata[["observer"]] == 1, ]

    # bind this to the full data
    full_obsdata <- rbind(full_obsdata, this_obsdata)

    # set the segment area for this detection function in the segdata
      # here "Effort" is number of visits
      segdata$segment.area[segdata$ddfobj==i] <- pi *
        segdata$width[segdata$ddfobj==i]^2 *
        segdata[, seglength.name][segdata$ddfobj==i]
    # line transects
      segdata$segment.area[segdata$ddfobj==i] <- 2 *
        segdata[, seglength.name][segdata$ddfobj==i] *


  # set the full observation data
  obsdata <- full_obsdata

  # set the segment area in the data
    segdata$segment.area <- segment.area

  ## Aggregate response values of the sightings over segments
  if(response == "density.est"){
    responsedata <- aggregate(obsdata[, cluster.name]/
                              (obsdata$p * obsdata$availability),
                              list(obsdata[, segnum.name]), sum)
    off.set <- "none"
  }else if(response == "count"){
    responsedata <- aggregate(obsdata[, cluster.name],
                              list(obsdata[, segnum.name]), sum)
    off.set <- "eff.area"
  }else if(response == "abundance.est"){
    responsedata <- aggregate(obsdata[, cluster.name]/
                              (obsdata$p * obsdata$availability),
                              list(obsdata[, segnum.name]), sum)
    off.set <- "area"

  ## warn if any observations were not allocated
  responsecheck <- aggregate(obsdata[, cluster.name],
                             list(obsdata[, segnum.name]), sum)
  if(sum(obsdata[, cluster.name]) != sum(responsecheck[, 2])){
    message(paste0("Some observations were not allocated to segments!\n",
                   "Check that Sample.Labels match"))

  # name the response data columns
  names(responsedata) <- c(segnum.name, response)

  # if the Sample.Labels don't match at all then we need to stop, nothing
  # can work as all the response values will be zero
  if(!any(segdata[, segnum.name] %in% responsedata[, segnum.name])){
    stop("No matches between segment and observation data.frame Sample.Labels!")

  # Next merge the response variable with the segment records and any
  # response variable that is NA should be assigned 0 because these
  # occur due to 0 sightings
  dat <- merge(segdata, responsedata, by=segnum.name, all.x=TRUE)
  dat[, response][is.na(dat[, response])] <- 0

  # for the offsets with effective area, need to make sure that
  # the ps match the segments
  if(off.set == "eff.area"){
    dat$p <- NA
    for(i in seq_along(ddfobject)){
      this_ddf <- ddfobject[[i]]

      # get all the covariates in this model
      df_vars <- all_df_vars(this_ddf)

      if("fake_ddf" %in% class(this_ddf)){
        # strip transect
        dat[dat$ddfobj == i, ]$p <- 1
      }else if(length(df_vars) == 0){
        # if there are no covariates, and all the fitted ps are the same
        # then just duplicate that value enough times for the segments
        dat[dat$ddfobj == i, ]$p <- rep(fitted(this_ddf)[1],
                                        nrow(dat[dat$ddfobj == i, ]))
      }else if(this_ddf$method %in% c("ds", "io", "trial")){
        # get all the covariates in this model
        df_vars <- all_df_vars(this_ddf)

        # check these vars are in the segment table
        if(!all(df_vars %in% colnames(dat))){
          stop(paste0("Detection function covariates are not in the segment data",
                      "\n  Missing: ", df_vars[!(df_vars %in% colnames(dat))]))

        # make a data.frame to predict for
        nd <- dat[dat$ddfobj == i, ][, df_vars, drop=FALSE]
        nd$distance <- 0

        if(this_ddf$method == "io"){
          nd <- rbind(nd, nd)
          nd$observer <- c(rep(1, nrow(nd)/2), rep(2, nrow(nd)/2))
          dat[dat$ddfobj == i, ]$p <- predict(this_ddf, newdata=nd)$fitted
        }else if(this_ddf$method == "trial"){
          nd$observer <- 1
          dat[dat$ddfobj == i, ]$p <- predict(this_ddf, newdata=nd)$fitted
          dat[dat$ddfobj == i, ]$p <- predict(this_ddf, newdata=nd)$fitted
        stop("Only \"ds\", \"io\" and \"trial\" models are supported!")
    } # end loop over detection functions

  # check that none of the Effort values are zero
  if(any(dat[, seglength.name]==0)){
    stop(paste0("Effort values for segments: ",
                paste(which(dat[, seglength.name]==0), collapse=", "),
                " are 0."))

  # correct segment area units
  dat$segment.area <- dat$segment.area*convert.units

  # calculate the offset
  #   area we just calculate the area
  #   effective area multiply by p (and availability)
  #   when density is response, offset should be 1 (and is ignored anyway)
  dat$off.set <- switch(off.set,
                        eff.area = dat$segment.area*dat$p*dat$availability,
                        area     = dat$segment.area,
                        none     = 1)

  # calculate the density (count/area)
  if(response == "density.est"){
    dat[, response] <- dat[, response]/(dat$segment.area)

  # Set offset as log (or whatever link is) of area or effective area
  dat$off.set <- family$linkfun(dat$off.set)


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