
test_that("read_only flag and shutdown works as expected", {

  dbdir <- tempfile()

  # 1st: create a db and write some tables

  callr::r(function(dbdir) {
    con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), dbdir, read_only = FALSE) # FALSE is the default
    res <- DBI::dbWriteTable(con, "iris", iris)
  }, args = list(dbdir))

  # 2nd: start two parallel read-only references
  drv <- duckdb(dbdir, read_only = TRUE)
  con <- dbConnect(drv)

  res <- dbReadTable(con, "iris")

  # can have another conn on this drv
  con2 <- dbConnect(drv)
  res <- dbReadTable(con2, "iris")

  # con is still alive
  callr::r(function(dbdir) {
    con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), dbdir, read_only = TRUE)
    res <- DBI::dbReadTable(con, "iris")
    DBI::dbDisconnect(con, shutdown = TRUE)
  }, args = list(dbdir))

  # shut down one of them again
  res <- dbReadTable(con, "iris")

  dbDisconnect(con2, shutdown = TRUE)

  # now we can get write access again
  # TODO shutdown
  callr::r(function(dbdir) {
    con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), dbdir, read_only = FALSE) # FALSE is the default
    res <- DBI::dbWriteTable(con, "iris2", iris)
  }, args = list(dbdir))


test_that("read_only flag does not throw error when rel_sql is called", {
    db_path <- withr::local_tempfile(pattern = "readonly", fileext = ".duckdb")

    con <- dbConnect(duckdb(), db_path)
    # just need a db to open in read only mode
    dbExecute(con, "create table t1 as select range a from range(2)")

    con <- dbConnect(duckdb(), db_path, read_only=TRUE)
    rel <- duckdb:::rel_from_df(con, mtcars)
    ans <- data.frame(cyl=c(4), disp=c(71.1))
    expect_rel2 <- duckdb:::rel_sql(rel, "SELECT cyl, disp FROM _ where disp = 71.1")
    expect_equivalent(expect_rel2, ans)

test_that("read_only flag still throws error when table is attempted to be created", {
    db_path <- withr::local_tempfile(pattern = "readonly", fileext = ".duckdb")

    con <- dbConnect(duckdb(), db_path)
    # just need a db to open in read only mode
    dbExecute(con, "create table t1 as select range a from range(2)")

    con <- dbConnect(duckdb(), db_path, read_only=TRUE)
    rel <- duckdb:::rel_from_df(con, mtcars)
    expect_error(duckdb:::rel_sql(rel, "create table t2 as (SELECT cyl, disp FROM _ )"))

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duckdb documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:33 p.m.