# expressions
#' Create a column reference expression
#' @param names the column name to be referenced, could be a list to refer to schema.table.column etc.
#' @param table the optional table name or a relation object to be referenced
#' @return a column reference expression
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' col_ref_expr <- expr_reference("some_column_name")
#' col_ref_expr2 <- expr_reference("some_column_name", "some_table_name")
expr_reference <- function(names, table = NULL) {
if (inherits(table, "duckdb_relation")) {
names <- c(rel_alias(table), names)
if (is.character(table) && !identical(table, "")) {
names <- c(table, names)
#' Create a constant expression
#' @param val the constant value
#' @return a constant expression
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' const_int_expr <- expr_constant(42)
#' const_str_expr <- expr_constant("Hello, World")
expr_constant <- rapi_expr_constant
#' Create a function call expression
#' @param name the function name
#' @param args the a list of expressions for the function arguments
#' @return a function call expression
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' call_expr <- expr_function("ABS", list(expr_constant(-42)))
expr_function <- function(name, args, order_bys = list(), filter_bys = list()) {
rapi_expr_function(name, args, order_bys, filter_bys)
#' Convert an expression to a string for debugging purposes
#' @param expr the expression
#' @return a string representation of the expression
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' expr_str <- expr_tostring(expr_constant(42))
expr_tostring <- rapi_expr_tostring
#' Set the alias for an expression
#' @param expr the expression
#' @param alias the alias
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' expr_set_alias(expr_constant(42), "my_alias")
expr_set_alias <- rapi_expr_set_alias
#' @export
print.duckdb_expr <- function(x, ...) {
message("DuckDB Expression: ", expr_tostring(x))
# relations
#' Convert a R data.frame to a DuckDB relation object
#' @param con a DuckDB DBI connection object
#' @param df the data.frame
#' @param experimental enable experimental string handling
#' @return the `duckdb_relation` object wrapping the data.frame
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb())
#' rel <- rel_from_df(con, mtcars)
rel_from_df <- function(con, df, experimental=FALSE) {
rapi_rel_from_df(con@conn_ref,, experimental)
#' @export
print.duckdb_relation <- function(x, ...) {
message("DuckDB Relation: \n", rapi_rel_tostring(x))
#' @export <- function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = NULL, ...) {
if (!missing(row.names) || !missing(optional)) {
stop("row.names and optional parameters not supported")
#' @export
names.duckdb_relation <- function(x) {
#' @export
head.duckdb_relation <- function(x, n = 6L, ...) {
rapi_rel_limit(x, n)
#' Lazily retrieve the top-n rows of a DuckDB relation object
#' @param rel the DuckDB relation object
#' @param n the amount of rows to retrieve
#' @return the now limited `duckdb_relation` object
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb())
#' rel <- rel_from_df(con, mtcars)
#' rel2 <- rel_limit(rel, 10)
rel_limit <- rapi_rel_limit
#' Lazily project a DuckDB relation object
#' @param rel the DuckDB relation object
#' @param exprs a list of DuckDB expressions to project
#' @return the now projected `duckdb_relation` object
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb())
#' rel <- rel_from_df(con, mtcars)
#' rel2 <- rel_project(rel, list(expr_reference("cyl"), expr_reference("disp")))
rel_project <- rapi_rel_project
#' Lazily filter a DuckDB relation object
#' @param rel the DuckDB relation object
#' @param exprs a list of DuckDB expressions to filter by
#' @return the now filtered `duckdb_relation` object
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb())
#' DBI::dbExecute(con, "CREATE OR REPLACE MACRO gt(a, b) AS a > b")
#' rel <- rel_from_df(con, mtcars)
#' rel2 <- rel_filter(rel, list(expr_function("gt", list(expr_reference("cyl"), expr_constant("6")))))
rel_filter <- rapi_rel_filter
#' Lazily aggregate a DuckDB relation object
#' @param rel the DuckDB relation object
#' @param groups a list of DuckDB expressions to group by
#' @param aggregates a (optionally named) list of DuckDB expressions with aggregates to compute
#' @return the now aggregated `duckdb_relation` object
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb())
#' rel <- rel_from_df(con, mtcars)
#' aggrs <- list(avg_hp = expr_function("avg", list(expr_reference("hp"))))
#' rel2 <- rel_aggregate(rel, list(expr_reference("cyl")), aggrs)
rel_aggregate <- rapi_rel_aggregate
#' Lazily reorder a DuckDB relation object
#' @param rel the DuckDB relation object
#' @param orders a list of DuckDB expressions to order by
#' @param ascending a vector of boolean values describing sort order of expressions. True for ascending.
#' @return the now aggregated `duckdb_relation` object
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb())
#' rel <- rel_from_df(con, mtcars)
#' rel2 <- rel_order(rel, list(expr_reference("hp")))
rel_order <- function(rel, orders, ascending = NULL) {
if (is.null(ascending)) {
ascending <- rep(TRUE, length(orders))
if (length(orders) != length(ascending)) {
stop("length of ascending must equal length of orders")
return(rapi_rel_order(rel, orders, ascending))
#' Get an external pointer pointing to NULL
#' @return an external pointer pointing to null_ptr.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' null_ptr <- sexp_null_ptr()
sexp_null_ptr <- rapi_get_null_SEXP_ptr
expr_window <- function(window_function, partitions=list(), order_bys=list(),
start_expr = NULL, end_expr=NULL, offset_expr=NULL, default_expr=NULL) {
null_ptr <- sexp_null_ptr()
if (is.null(start_expr)) {
start_expr <- null_ptr
if (is.null(end_expr)) {
end_expr <- null_ptr
if (is.null(offset_expr)) {
offset_expr <- null_ptr
if (is.null(default_expr)) {
default_expr <- null_ptr
expr_window_(window_function, partitions, order_bys, tolower(window_boundary_start), tolower(window_boundary_end), start_expr, end_expr, offset_expr, default_expr)
window_boundaries <- c("unbounded_preceding",
expr_window_ <- function (window_function, partitions=list(), order_bys=list(), window_boundary_start=window_boundaries,
window_boundary_end=window_boundaries, start_expr = list(), end_expr=list(), offset_expr=list(), default_expr=list()) {
window_boundary_start <- match.arg(window_boundary_start)
window_boundary_end <- match.arg(window_boundary_end)
rapi_expr_window(window_function, partitions, order_bys, window_boundary_start, window_boundary_end, start_expr, end_expr, offset_expr, default_expr)
#' Lazily INNER join two DuckDB relation objects
#' @param left the left-hand-side DuckDB relation object
#' @param right the right-hand-side DuckDB relation object
#' @param conds a list of DuckDB expressions to use for the join
#' @param join a string describing the join type (either "inner", "left", "right", or "outer")
#' @return a new `duckdb_relation` object resulting from the join
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb())
#' DBI::dbExecute(con, "CREATE OR REPLACE MACRO eq(a, b) AS a = b")
#' left <- rel_from_df(con, mtcars)
#' right <- rel_from_df(con, mtcars)
#' cond <- list(expr_function("eq", list(expr_reference("cyl", left), expr_reference("cyl", right))))
#' rel2 <- rel_join(left, right, cond, "inner")
#' rel2 <- rel_join(left, right, cond, "right")
#' rel2 <- rel_join(left, right, cond, "left")
#' rel2 <- rel_join(left, right, cond, "outer")
rel_inner_join <- function(left, right, conds) {
rel_join(left, right, conds, "inner", "regular")
rel_join <- function(left, right, conds,
join = c("inner", "left", "right", "outer", "cross", "semi", "anti"),
join_ref_type = c("regular", "natural", "cross", "positional", "asof")) {
join <- match.arg(join)
join_ref_type <- match.arg(join_ref_type)
# the ref type is naturally regular. Users won't write rel_join(left, right, conds, "cross", "cross")
# so we update it here.
if (join == "cross" && join_ref_type == "regular") {
join_ref_type <- "cross"
rapi_rel_join(left, right, conds, join, join_ref_type)
#' UNION ALL on two DuckDB relation objects
#' @param rel_a a DuckDB relation object
#' @param rel_b a DuckDB relation object
#' @return a new `duckdb_relation` object resulting from the union
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb())
#' rel_a <- rel_from_df(con, mtcars)
#' rel_b <- rel_from_df(con, mtcars)
#' rel_union_all(rel_a, rel_b)
rel_union_all <- rapi_rel_union_all
#' Lazily compute a distinct result on a DuckDB relation object
#' @param rel the input DuckDB relation object
#' @return a new `duckdb_relation` object with distinct rows
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb())
#' rel <- rel_from_df(con, mtcars)
#' rel2 <- rel_distinct(rel)
rel_distinct <- rapi_rel_distinct
#' SET INTERSECT on two DuckDB relation objects
#' @param rel_a a DuckDB relation object
#' @param rel_b a DuckDB relation object
#' @return a new `duckdb_relation` object resulting from the intersection
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' rel_a <- rel_from_df(con, mtcars)
#' rel_b <- rel_from_df(con, mtcars)
#' rel_set_intersect_all(rel_a, rel_b)
rel_set_intersect <- rapi_rel_set_intersect
#' SET DIFF on two DuckDB relation objects
#' @param rel_a a DuckDB relation object
#' @param rel_b a DuckDB relation object
#' @return a new `duckdb_relation` object resulting from the set difference
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' rel_a <- rel_from_df(con, mtcars)
#' rel_b <- rel_from_df(con, mtcars)
#' rel_set_diff(rel_a, rel_b)
rel_set_diff <- rapi_rel_set_diff
#' SET SYMDIFF on two DuckDB relation objects
#' @param rel_a a DuckDB relation object
#' @param rel_b a DuckDB relation object
#' @return a new `duckdb_relation` object resulting from the symmetric difference of rel_a and rel_b
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' rel_a <- rel_from_df(con, mtcars)
#' rel_b <- rel_from_df(con, mtcars)
#' rel_set_symdiff(rel_a, rel_b)
rel_set_symdiff <- rapi_rel_set_symdiff
#' Run a SQL query on a DuckDB relation object
#' @param rel the DuckDB relation object
#' @param sql a SQL query to run, use `_` to refer back to the relation
#' @return the now aggregated `duckdb_relation` object
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb())
#' rel <- rel_from_df(con, mtcars)
#' rel2 <- rel_sql(rel, "SELECT hp, cyl FROM _ WHERE hp > 100")
rel_sql <- rapi_rel_sql
#' Print the EXPLAIN output for a DuckDB relation object
#' @param rel the DuckDB relation object
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb())
#' rel <- rel_from_df(con, mtcars)
#' rel_explain(rel)
rel_explain <- function(rel) {
#' Get the internal alias for a DuckDB relation object
#' @param rel the DuckDB relation object
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb())
#' rel <- rel_from_df(con, mtcars)
#' rel_alias(rel)
rel_alias <- rapi_rel_alias
#' Set the internal alias for a DuckDB relation object
#' @param rel the DuckDB relation object
#' @param alias the new alias
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb())
#' rel <- rel_from_df(con, mtcars)
#' rel_set_alias(rel, "my_new_alias")
rel_set_alias <- rapi_rel_set_alias
#' Transforms a relation object to a lazy data frame using altrep
#' @param rel the DuckDB relation object
#' @return a data frame
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb())
#' rel <- rel_from_df(con, mtcars)
#' print(rel_to_altrep(rel))
rel_to_altrep <- rapi_rel_to_altrep
#' Retrieves the data frame back from a altrep df
#' @param df the data frame created by rel_to_altrep
#' @return the relation object
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb())
#' rel <- rel_from_df(con, mtcars)
#' df = rel_to_altrep(rel)
#' print(rel_from_altrep_df(df))
rel_from_altrep_df <- function(df, strict = TRUE, allow_materialized = TRUE) {
rapi_rel_from_altrep_df(df, strict, allow_materialized)
df_is_materialized <- function(df) {
is.null(rel_from_altrep_df(df, allow_materialized = FALSE))
#' Convert a relation to a SQL string
#' @param rel the DuckDB relation object
#' @return a SQL string
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb())
#' rel <- rel_from_df(con, mtcars)
#' print(rel_to_sql(rel))
rel_to_sql <- rapi_rel_to_sql
#' Create a duckdb table relation from a table name
#' @param table the table name
#' @return a duckdb relation
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb())
#' DBI::dbWriteTable(con, "mtcars", mtcars)
#' rel <- rel_from_table(con, "mtcars")
rel_from_table <- function(con, table_name, schema_name="MAIN") {
rapi_rel_from_table(con@conn_ref, schema_name, table_name)
#' Convert a duckdb relation from a table-producing function
#' @param name the table function name
#' @param positional_parameters the table function positional parameters list
#' @param named_parameters the table function named parameters list
#' @return a duckdb relation
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb())
#' rel <- rel_from_table_function(con, 'generate_series', list(10L))
rel_from_table_function <- function(con, function_name, positional_parameters = list(), named_parameters = list()) {
rapi_rel_from_table_function(con@conn_ref, function_name, positional_parameters, named_parameters)
rel_to_parquet <- rapi_rel_to_parquet
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