
##Wrote by Federico Comoglio (D-BSSE, ETH Zurich) and Maurizio Rinaldi (Dipartimento di Scienza del Farmaco, University Piemonte Orientale 'A. Avogadro') 
##Last update: 06/08/2013


setMethod(f = 'show', 
		signature = 'Counts',
		definition = function(object) {
			cat('***', '\n')
			cat('An object of class \'Counts\'', '\n')
				cat('Counts: ', object@counts, '\n')
			cat('from Fractions: ', object@fractions, '\n')
			cat('Prior support: ', paste('[', object@n1, ',', object@n2, ']', sep = ''), '\n')
			if(length(object@posterior) > 0) cat('Posterior:', head(object@posterior, 3), '...', tail(object@posterior, 3), '\n')
			if(length(object@map) > 0) cat('MAP of n: ', object@map, '\n')
			if(length(object@map.p) > 0) cat('Maximum posterior probability: ', object@map.p, '\n')
			if(length(object@qlow) > 0 && length(object@qup) > 0) 
				cat('Credible interval at ', 100  * signif(object@qup.cum - object@qlow.cum, 3), '% level: ',  paste('[', object@qlow, ',', object@qup, ']', sep = ''), '\n', sep = '')

setMethod(f = 'summary',
		signature = 'Counts',
		definition = function(object,...){
			cat('An object of class \'Counts\'', '\n')
			cat('Counts: ', object@counts, '\n')
			cat('from Fractions: ', object@fractions, '\n')
			cat('Prior support: ', paste('[', object@n1, ',', object@n2, ']', sep = ''), '\n')
			tmp <- ifelse(!identical(object@posterior, numeric(0)), TRUE, FALSE)
			cat('Computed posterior probability distribution: ', tmp, '\n')	

setMethod(f = 'plot',
		signature= 'Counts', 
		definition = function (x, ...) {
			if(length(x@posterior) > 0 || x@gamma == TRUE) {#it has been computed 
				plotPosterior(x, ...)
			else {
				stop('Slot posterior empty, need to compute posterior density first (see computePosterior).')

# Getters
setGeneric( name = 'getCounts', def = function(object) standardGeneric ('getCounts') )
setMethod(f = 'getCounts',
		signature = 'Counts',
		definition = function(object) return(object@counts) 		

setGeneric( name = 'getFractions', def = function(object) standardGeneric ('getFractions') )
setMethod(f = 'getFractions',
		signature = 'Counts',
		definition = function(object) return(object@fractions) 		

setGeneric( name = 'setCounts<-', def = function(object, value) standardGeneric('setCounts<-') )
setReplaceMethod(f = 'setCounts',
		signature = 'Counts',
		definition = function(object, value) {
			object@counts <- as.integer(value)

setGeneric( name = 'setFractions<-', def = function(object, value) standardGeneric ('setFractions<-') )
setReplaceMethod(f = 'setFractions',
		signature = 'Counts',
		definition = function(object, value) {
			object@fractions <- value

setGeneric( name = 'computePosterior', def = function(object, n1, n2, replacement = FALSE, b = 1e-10, alg = 'DUP') standardGeneric ('computePosterior') )
setMethod(f = 'computePosterior',
		signature = 'Counts',
		definition = function(object, n1, n2, replacement = FALSE, b, alg = 'DUP') {
			stopifnot( is(object, 'Counts') )	
			#init vars
			k.vec <- object@counts
			r.vec <- object@fractions
			X <- object@X
			K <- sum(k.vec)	#total counts
			R <- sum(r.vec)	#total sampling fractions
			#choose support
			if(missing(n1) & missing(n2)) {
				n1 <- object@n1
				n2 <- object@n2
			object@n1 <- n1
			object@n2 <- n2
			switch(alg, 'DUP' = {
				if(R < 1/32) {	#compute with replacement, use Clough
					message("Notice: Effect of replacement negligible, used faster algorithm (Gamma approximation).")
					posterior <- Clough(object, n1, n2, b = b)
					object@posterior <- posterior
					object@gamma <- TRUE
				s <- n1 : n2
				if(replacement) {	#with replacement
					denominator <- normalizeConstant(X, k.vec, n1, n2)		
					posterior <- sapply(s, getPwithR, k.vec, X, denominator)
					object@nconst <- denominator
					object@posterior <- posterior
				else {			#without replacement
					posterior <- dnbinom(s - K, K + 1, R)
					object@posterior <- posterior
				'GP' = {
					posterior <- Clough(object, n1, n2, b = b)
					object@posterior <- posterior
					object@gamma <- TRUE

setGeneric( name = 'getPosteriorParam', def = function(object, low = 0.025, up = 0.975, ...) standardGeneric ('getPosteriorParam') )
setMethod(f = 'getPosteriorParam',
		signature = 'Counts',
		definition = function(object, low = 0.025, up = 0.975, ...) {
			k.vec <- object@counts
			r.vec <- object@fractions
			K <- sum(k.vec)
			R <- sum(r.vec)
			posterior <- object@posterior
			if(!is.null(posterior)) {	#not computed with a Gamma
				n1 <- object@n1
				n2 <- object@n2
				s <- n1 : n2
				map.idx <- which.max(posterior)
				map.p <- posterior[map.idx]
				map <- s[map.idx]
				ecdf <- getECDF(posterior)
				tmp <- which((ecdf <= low) == TRUE)
				if(length(tmp) == 0) {
					qlow.idx <- as.integer(1)
					qlow.p <- posterior[qlow.idx]
					qlow.cum <- 0
					qlow <- 0
				else {
					qlow.idx <- tmp[length(tmp)]
					qlow.p <- posterior[qlow.idx]
					qlow.cum <- ecdf[qlow.idx]
					qlow <- s[qlow.idx]
				tmp <- which((ecdf >= up) == TRUE)
				qup.idx <- tmp[1]
				qup.p <- posterior[qup.idx]
				qup.cum <- ecdf[qup.idx]
				qup <- s[qup.idx]
			else {	#computed with a Gamma
				a <- 1
				b <- 1e-10
				object@gamma <- TRUE
				qlow <- round(qgamma(low,  a + K, b + R))
				qup <- round(qgamma(up,  a + K, b + R))
				#update n1,n2
				n1 <- round(0.9 * qlow)
				n2 <- round(1.1 * qup)
				map <- round(K / (R + b))
				map.idx <- ifelse(n1 == 0, map, map - n1 + 1)
				map.p <- dgamma(map, a + K, b + R)
				qlow.idx <- as.integer(ifelse(n1 == 0, qlow, qlow - n1 + 1))
				qlow.p <- dgamma(qlow,  a + K, b + R)	#
				qlow.cum <- pgamma(qlow,  a + K, b + R)
				qup.idx <- as.integer(ifelse(n1 == 0, qup, qup - n1 + 1))
				qup.p <- dgamma(qup,  a + K, b + R)
				qup.cum <- pgamma(qup,  a + K, b + R)		
		object@n1 <- n1
		object@n2 <- n2
		object@map.p <- map.p
		object@map.idx <- map.idx
		object@map <- map
		object@qlow.p <- qlow.p
		object@qlow.idx <- qlow.idx
		object@qlow.cum <- qlow.cum
		object@qlow <- qlow
		object@qup.p <- qup.p
		object@qup.idx <- qup.idx
		object@qup.cum <- qup.cum
		object@qup <- qup

setGeneric( name = 'plotPosterior', def = function(object, low = 0.025, up = 0.975, xlab, step, ...) standardGeneric ('plotPosterior') )
setMethod(f = 'plotPosterior',
		signature = 'Counts',
		definition = function(object, low = 0.025, up = 0.975, xlab, step, ...) {
			stopifnot( is(object, 'Counts') )
			k.vec <- object@counts
			r.vec <- object@fractions
			posterior <- object@posterior

			tmp <- getPosteriorParam(object, low, up)	#returns an object (tmp)			
			n1 <- tmp@n1
			n2 <- tmp@n2
			s <- n1 : n2
			a <- 1
			b <- 1e-10
			main.text <- paste('Posterior probability distribution \n ', 'K=', sum(k.vec), '; ', 'R=', sum(r.vec), sep = '')
			if(!is.null(posterior)) {
				l <- length(s)
				plot( posterior, xaxt = 'n', pch = 19, cex = 0.5, 
			      		main = main.text, xlab = ifelse(missing(xlab), 'n', xlab), ylab = 'density', ylim = c(0, 1.05 * max(posterior)), ...)
			    if(missing(step)) {
					axis( side = 1, at = seq(1, l, by = round(l / 15)), labels = seq(n1, n2, by = round(l / 15)) )
				else {
					at <- which(s %% step == 0)
					axis( side = 1, at = at, labels = s[at] )
				abline(v = tmp@map.idx, lwd = 1.5, col = 'blue3')
				lines(c(tmp@qlow.idx, tmp@qlow.idx), c(0, tmp@qlow.p), lwd = 1.5, lty = 2, col = 'gray50')
				lines(c(tmp@qup.idx, tmp@qup.idx), c(0, tmp@qup.p), lwd = 1.5, lty = 2, col = 'gray50')
				rect(tmp@qlow.idx, 0, tmp@qup.idx, 1/30 * tmp@map.p, col = 'gray70')
			else {
				l <- n2 - n1 + 1
				x <- NULL
				curve(dgamma(x, a + sum(k.vec), b + sum(r.vec)), from = n1, to = n2, 
					xaxt = 'n', pch = 19, cex = 0.5,
					main = main.text, xlab = ifelse(missing(xlab), 'n', xlab), ylab = 'density', ...)
				if(missing(step)) {
					axis( side = 1, at = seq(1, l, by = round(l / 15)), labels = seq(n1, n2, by = round(l / 15)) )
				else {
					at <- which(s %% step == 0)
					axis( side = 1, at = at, labels = s[at] )
				abline(v = tmp@map, lwd = 1.5, col = 'blue3')
				lines(c(tmp@qlow, tmp@qlow), c(0, tmp@qlow.p), lwd = 1.5, lty = 2, col = 'gray50')
				lines(c(tmp@qup, tmp@qup), c(0, tmp@qup.p), lwd = 1.5, lty = 2, col = 'gray50')
				rect(tmp@qlow, 0, tmp@qup, 1/30 * tmp@map.p, col = 'gray70')
			leg <- legend('topright', legend = c(paste('MAP: ', tmp@map, ', (p=', signif(tmp@map.p, 3), ')', sep = ''),
				      paste('CI: [', s[tmp@qlow.idx] , ',', s[tmp@qup.idx], ']', sep = ''),
				      paste('CL: ', signif(1 - (signif(tmp@qup.cum, 3) - signif(tmp@qlow.cum, 3)), 3), sep = ''),
				      paste('Tails: [', signif(tmp@qlow.cum, 3), ',', 1-signif(tmp@qup.cum, 3), ']', sep = '')),
				col = c('blue3', NA, NA, 'gray50'), lty = c(1,0,0,2), lwd = c(2,0,0,2), 
				fill = c(NA, 'gray70', 'gray70', NA), bty = 'n', border = rep('white', 4), plot = TRUE)
			#add counts table
			D <- cbind(k.vec, r.vec)
			colnames(D) <- c('Counts', 'Fractions')
			rownames(D) <- 1 : nrow(D)
			addtable2plot(leg$rect$left + leg$rect$w / 3, tmp@map.p * 0.85, xjust = 0, yjust = 0, D, bty = "o",
				      display.rownames = FALSE, hlines = FALSE)

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dupiR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:43 a.m.