# Dynamic trees for learning, design, variable selection, and sensitivity
# Copyright (C) 2011, The University of Chicago
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# Questions? Contact Robert B. Gramacy (
## dynaTree:
## Initialization and PL for dynamic tree models
dynaTree <-
function(X, y, N=1000, model=c("constant", "linear", "class", "prior"),
nu0s20=c(0,0), ab=c(0.95, 2), minp=NULL, sb=NULL,
nstart=minp, icept=c("implicit", "augmented", "none"),
rprop=c("luvar", "luall", "reject"), verb=round(length(y)/10))
## extract vitals of X, and check dims
X <- as.matrix(X)
m <- ncol(X)
T <- nrow(X)
if(T != length(y)) stop("dim of X and Y mismatch")
## check model and encode as integer
model <- match.arg(model)
if(model == "constant") imodel <- 1
else if(model == "linear") imodel <- 2
else if(model == "class") {
imodel <- 3
y <- round(y)-1 ## check for sain class labels
if(any(y < 0)) stop("class labels must start at 1")
if(length(setdiff(y, 0:max(y))) != 0)
warning("y without one label in each class")
} else imodel <- 4 ## or sample from prior
## check splitmin and basemax
if(!is.null(sb)) {
if(model != "linear") stop("sb only makes sense for linear model\n")
if(length(sb) != 2) stop("must have length(sb) = 2")
if(sb[1] <= 0 || sb[1] > m) stop("must have 1 <= sb[1] <= ncol(X)")
if(sb[2] <= 0 || sb[2] > m) stop("must have 1 <= sb[2] <= ncol(X)")
} else sb <- c(1, m)
## default minimum number of data points in each parition
if(is.null(minp)) {
if(model == "constant") minp <- 4
else if(model == "linear") minp <- 2*sb[2] + 4
else minp <- 1 ## for classify or prior
} else if(length(minp) != 1 || minp <= 0) stop("minp must be a positive integer")
## check nstart
if(is.null(nstart)) nstart <- 2*minp
else if(length(nstart) != 1 || nstart < minp) stop("nstart must be >= minp")
if(length(y) <= nstart) stop("must have more than nstart X-y pairs")
## check intercept
icept <- match.arg(icept)
if(icept != "implicit" && model != "linear")
stop("icept != \"implicit\" only valid for linear model")
if(icept == "augmented") {
X <- cbind(rep(1, T), X)
m <- m + 1; sb <- sb + 1
if(icept == "implicit") icepti <- 1
else icepti <- 0
## check for missing data
tXNA <- Xna <- NULL; NAX <-
if(any(NAX)) {
o <- order(apply(NAX, 1, sum))
X <- X[o,]; y <- y[o]; NAX <- NAX[o,] ## NOT SURE THIS IS NECESSARY
Xna <- apply(NAX, 1, any)
tXNA <- t(NAX[Xna,])
X[] <- -12345 ## sanity checking code
## double check that minp is largest that longest initial run
if(model != "class" && model != "prior") {
if(length(unique(y[1:minp])) == 1)
stop("initial minp run in y must have at 2+ unique values")
## check variance prior parameters
if(length(nu0s20) != 2 || nu0s20[1] < 0 || nu0s20[2] < 0)
stop("must have nu0s20[1] >= 0 and nu0s20[2] >= 0")
if(nu0s20[1] == 0 && nu0s20[2] != 0)
stop("must have nu0s20[2] == 0 when nu0s20[1] == 0")
## check tree prior parameters
if(length(ab) != 2 || ab[1] < 0 || ab[1] >= 1 || ab[2] <= 0)
stop("must have 0 <= ab[1] < 1 and ab[2] > 0 ")
## check rprop
rprop <- match.arg(rprop)
if(rprop == "luall") irprop <- 1
else if(rprop == "luvar") irprop <- 2
else irprop <- 3
## collect all parameters
params <- c(nu0s20, ab, minp, sb, icepti, irprop)
## for timing purposes
p1 <- proc.time()[3]
## call the C routine to build up the PL object
obj <- .C("dynaTree_R",
m = as.integer(m),
T = as.integer(T),
N = as.integer(N),
X = as.double(t(X)),
bna = as.integer(any(NAX)),
Xna = as.integer(Xna),
XNA = as.integer(tXNA),
y = as.double(y),
model = as.integer(imodel),
params = as.double(params),
nstart = as.integer(nstart),
verb = as.integer(verb),
lpred = double(T),
num = integer(1),
PACKAGE = "dynaTree")
## end timing
obj$time <- proc.time()[3] - p1
## put non-transposed X back and model
if(!is.null(tXNA)) {
X[NAX] <- NA
obj$XNA <- t(tXNA)
} else obj$XNA <- NULL
obj$X <- X
obj$Xna <- Xna
obj$T <- NULL
obj$bna <- NULL
obj$model <- model
if(obj$model == "class") {
obj$y <- y + 1
obj$classes <- sort(unique(obj$y))
obj$icept <- icept
## assign class and return
class(obj) <- "dynaTree"
## update:
## update the particle cloud to include new (x,y) pairs
update.dynaTree <- function(object, X, y, verb=round(length(y)/10), ...)
## for timing purposes
p1 <- proc.time()[3]
## sanity check
if(is.null(object$num)) stop("no cloud number in object")
## extract vitals of X
m <- object$m
X <- as.matrix(X)
T <- nrow(X)
if(object$icept == "augmented") X <- cbind(rep(1,T), X)
if(ncol(X) != m) stop("column mismatch for X")
## check for missing data
tXNA <- Xna <- NULL; NAX <-
if(any(NAX)) {
o <- order(apply(NAX, 1, sum))
X <- X[o,]; y <- y[o]; NAX <- NAX[o,] ## NOT SURE THIS IS NECESSARY
Xna <- apply(NAX, 1, any)
tXNA <- t(NAX[Xna,])
X[] <- -12345 ## sanity checking code
## ensure new class labels are valid
if(object$model == "class") {
y <- round(y)-1 ## check for sain class labels
if(any(y < 0)) stop("class labels must start at 1")
if(any(y >= max(object$classes)))
stop("class labels must be <= max(object$classes)")
## echo something to the screen
if(verb > 0 && T > verb) cat("updating with", T, "new (x,y) pairs\n");
## call the C routine to build up the PL object
object2 <- .C("update_R",
cloud = as.integer(object$num),
m = as.integer(m),
T = as.integer(T),
X = as.double(t(X)),
bna = as.integer(any(NAX)),
Xna = as.integer(Xna),
tXNA = as.integer(tXNA),
y = as.double(y),
verb = as.integer(verb),
lpred = double(T),
PACKAGE = "dynaTree")
## remove cloud
object2$cloud <- NULL
## put non-transposed X back, and combine
if(object$model == "class") y <- y + 1
if(!is.null(tXNA)) {
X[NAX] <- NA
obj$XNA <- rbind(object$XNA, t(tXNA))
object$X <- rbind(object$X, X)
object$Xna <- c(object$Xna, Xna)
object$y <- c(object$y, y)
object$lpred <- c(object$lpred, object2$lpred)
## update time
object$time <- object$time + proc.time()[3] - p1
## assign class and return
class(object) <- "dynaTree"
## retire.dynaTree:
## move the specified indices into the prior, retireing them,
## i.e., removing them from the marginal likelihood calculation
function(object, indices, lambda=1, verb=0)
retire.dynaTree <- function(object, indices, lambda=1, verb=0)
## make sure object$num is defined
if(is.null(object$num)) stop("no cloud number in object")
## for timing purposes
p1 <- proc.time()[3]
## must have explicit intercept or none
if(object$model == "linear" && object$icept == "implicit")
stop("must use explicit intercept (i.e., augmented or none)")
## check to make sure we're not removing non-existant indices
n <- nrow(object$X)
indices <- unique(indices)
if(length(union(1:n, indices)) > n)
stop("indices must lie in 1:nrow(object$X)")
## check lambda
if(length(lambda) != 1 || lambda <= 0 || lambda > 1)
stop("lambda must be a postive scalar proportion")
## new data size
removed <- length(indices)
nnew <- n - removed
m <- ncol(object$X)
## check that we're not removing too many
if(nnew == 0) stop("cannot remove all rows of object$X")
out <- .C("retire_R",
cloud = as.integer(object$num),
indicies = as.integer(indices-1),
ilen = as.integer(removed),
lambda = as.double(lambda),
verb = as.integer(verb),
X = double(nnew * m),
y = double(nnew),
PACKAGE = "dynaTree")
## copy new X and y into object
object$X <- matrix(out$X, ncol=m, byrow=TRUE)
if(object$model == "class") out$y <- out$y + 1
object$y <- out$y
if(is.null(object$removed)) object$removed <- removed
else object$removed <- object$removed + removed
## update time
object$time <- object$time + proc.time()[3] - p1
setMethod("retire", "dynaTree", retire.dynaTree)
## deletes the C-side in a particular
deletecloud <- function(obj)
if(is.null(obj$num)) stop("no cloud number in object")
num = as.integer(obj$num),
PACKAGE = "dynaTree")
## deleteclouds:
## deletes all dynatree clouds on the C side
deleteclouds <- function()
.C("delete_clouds_R", PACKAGE="dynaTree")
## copy.dynaTree:
## copyies the entire object, also duplicating the clouds
## on the C side
copy.dynaTree <- function(obj)
if(is.null(obj$num)) stop("no cloud number in object")
r <- .C("copy_cloud_R",
num = as.integer(obj$num),
newnum = integer(1),
obj$num <- r$newnum
setMethod("copy", "dynaTree", copy.dynaTree)
## rejuvenate.dynaTree:
## re-initializes a particle set and combines it with the old
## one
function(object, odr=order(runif(length(object$y))),
rejuvenate.dynaTree <- function(object, odr=order(runif(length(object$y))),
## for timing purposes
p1 <- proc.time()[3]
## check the cloud
if(is.null(object$num)) stop("no cloud number in object")
## sanity check o is a reordering of 1:length(object$y)
n <- length(odr)
if(!is.null(odr)) {
odr <- round(odr)
if(n != length(object$y))
stop("odr should be a length(object$y) vector")
if(min(odr) <= 0 || max(odr) > n || length(unique(odr)) != n)
stop("odr should be a reordering of 1:length(object$y)")
## perhaps print something
## if(verb > 0) cat("rejuvenating particles\n")
## call C-side rejuvenate
r <- .C("rejuvenate_R",
num = as.integer(object$num),
odr = as.integer(odr-1),
n = as.integer(n),
verb = as.integer(verb),
lpred = double(length(object$y)),
## update time
object$time <- object$time + proc.time()[3] - p1
setMethod("rejuvenate", "dynaTree", rejuvenate.dynaTree)
## dynaTrees:
## calls dynaTree and then predict R times in order to asses
## the Monte Carlo error of the PL procedure and aggregate the
## predictive distributions of many re-roderings of the data
function(X, y, N=1000, R=10, sub=length(y),
model=c("constant", "linear", "class", "prior"),
nu0s20=c(0,0), ab=c(0.95, 2), minp=NULL, sb=NULL,
nstart=minp,icept=c("implicit", "augmented", "none"),
rprop=c("luvar", "luall", "reject"), XX=NULL, yy=NULL,
varstats=FALSE, lhs=NULL, plotit=FALSE, proj=1, rorder=TRUE,
verb=round(sub/10), pverb=round(N/10), ...)
## use dynaTree and predict by themselves when R = 1
if(R <= 1) stop("R should be >= 2")
## coerse X
X <- as.matrix(X)
n <- nrow(X)
## check model
model <- match.arg(model)
if(model == "prior" && !is.null(XX))
stop("cannot predict at XX for prior model")
## check rorder
if(length(rorder) > 1) {
if(nrow(rorder) != sub && ncol(rorder) != R)
stop("bad rorder argument")
else o <- rorder
} else o <- apply(matrix(runif(sub*(R-1)), ncol=R-1), 2, order)
o <- cbind((1:sub), o)
## check varstats
if(length(varstats) != 1 || !is.logical(varstats))
stop("varstats should be a scalar logical")
## build the first model
if(verb > 0) cat("\nround 1:\n")
obj <- dynaTree(X[1:sub,], y[1:sub], N, model, nu0s20, ab, minp, sb, nstart, icept, rprop, verb)
## predict or perform sensitivity analysis
if(!is.null(XX)) {
if(is.character(XX) && XX == "sens") {
if(!is.null(yy)) warning("yy ignored in sensitivity analysis")
obj <- sens.dynaTree(obj, lhs=lhs, verb=pverb, ...)
} else obj <- predict(obj, XX, yy, verb=pverb, ...)
## maybe accumulate variable use proportions
if(varstats) {
obj$vpu <- varpropuse(obj)
obj$vpt <- varproptotal(obj)
obj <- relevance(obj, verb=pverb, ...)
## delete cloud
deletecloud(obj); obj$num <- NULL
## possibly plot in 1d case
if(plotit) {
warning("cannot plot without XX predictive grid", immediate.=TRUE)
if(is.character(XX) && XX == "sens")
warning("sens plots not implemented yet", immediate.=TRUE)
else plot(obj, proj=proj)
## now do the same ting R-1 more times and combine outputs
for(r in 2:R) {
## build the Rth model on a the random re-ordering
if(verb > 0) cat("\nround ", r, ":\n", sep="")
obj2 <- dynaTree(X[o[,r],], y[o[,r]], N, model, nu0s20, ab, minp, sb,
nstart, icept, rprop, verb)
## predict or perform sensitivity analysis
if(!is.null(XX)) {
if(is.character(XX) && XX == "sens")
obj2 <- sens.dynaTree(obj2, lhs=lhs, verb=pverb, ...)
else obj2 <- predict(obj2, XX, yy, verb=pverb, ...)
## maybe accumulate variable use proportions
if(varstats) {
obj2$vpu <- varpropuse(obj2)
obj2$vpt <- varproptotal(obj2)
obj2 <- relevance(obj2, verb=pverb, ...)
## delete cloud
deletecloud(obj2); obj2$num <- NULL
## possibly add to the plot in the 1d/non-sens case
if(plotit) {
if(!is.null(XX) && !(is.character(XX) && XX == "sens"))
plot(obj2, add=TRUE, proj=proj)
## combine the PL bits of the object
obj$N <- obj$N + obj2$N
obj$lpred <- cbind(obj$lpred, obj2$lpred)
## combine times
obj$time <- c(obj$time, obj2$time)
## combine the predictive bits
if(!is.null(XX)) {
if(is.character(XX) && XX == "sens") {
## sensitivity collecting
if(model != "class") { ## regression
obj$MEmean <- ((r-1)*obj$MEmean + obj2$MEmean)/r
obj$MEq1 <- ((r-1)*obj$MEq1 + obj2$MEq1)/r
obj$MEq2 <- ((r-1)*obj$MEq2 + obj2$MEq2)/r
obj$S <- rbind(obj$S, obj2$S)
obj$T <- rbind(obj$T, obj2$T)
} else { ## classification
for(i in obj2$sens.class) {
obj$MEmean[[i]] <- ((r-1)*obj$MEmean[[i]] + obj2$MEmean[[i]])/r
obj$MEq1[[i]] <- ((r-1)*obj$MEq1[[i]] + obj2$MEq1[[i]])/r
obj$MEq2[[i]] <- ((r-1)*obj$MEq2[[i]] + obj2$MEq2[[i]])/r
obj$S[[i]] <- rbind(obj$S[[i]], obj2$S[[i]])
obj$T[[i]] <- rbind(obj$T[[i]], obj2$T[[i]])
} else {
if(obj$model != "class") {
## regression collecting
obj$mean <- cbind(obj$mean, obj2$mean)
obj$vmean <- cbind(obj$vmean, obj2$vmean)
obj$var <- cbind(obj$var, obj2$var)
obj$df <- cbind(obj$df, obj2$df)
obj$q1 <- cbind(obj$q1, obj2$q1)
obj$q2 <- cbind(obj$q2, obj2$q2)
obj$alc <- cbind(obj$alc, obj2$alc)
} else { ## classification averaging
obj$p <- ((r-1)*obj$p + obj2$p)/r
obj$entropy <- cbind(obj$entropy, obj2$entropy)
if(!is.null(yy)) obj$yypred <- cbind(obj$yypred, obj2$yypred)
## combine the variable use bits
if(varstats) {
obj$vpu <- rbind(obj$vpu, obj2$vpu)
obj$vpt <- rbind(obj$vpt, obj2$vpt)
obj$relevance <- rbind(obj$relevance, obj2$relevance)
## print for next round
if(verb > 0) cat("\n")
## assign R and class and return
obj$R <- R
class(obj) <- "dynaTree"
## intervals:
## returns the upper and lower bounds for the column
## of all tree partitions used by any X[index,] in the object
intervals.dynaTree <- function(object, index, var)
## make sure object$num is defined
if(is.null(object$num)) stop("no cloud number in object")
## check index
n <- nrow(object$X)
if(length(index) != 1 || index <= 0 || index > n)
stop("index must be scalar in in 1:nrow(object$X)")
## check var
m <- ncol(object$X)
if(length(var) != 1 || var < 1)
stop("var must be scalar >= 1 and <= ncol(X)")
if(object$icept == "augmented") var <- var + 1
if(var > m) stop("var must be scalar >= 1 and <= ncol(X)")
out <- .C("intervals_R",
cloud = as.integer(object$num),
index = as.integer(index),
var = as.integer(var),
a = double(object$N),
b = double(object$N),
PACKAGE = "dynaTree")
return(data.frame(a=out$a, b=out$b))
## treestats:
## returns the upper and lower bounds for the column
## of all tree partitions used by any X[index,] in the object
treestats.dynaTree <- function(object)
## make sure object$num is defined
if(is.null(object$num)) stop("no cloud number in object")
out <- .C("treestats_R",
cloud = as.integer(object$num),
avgheight = double(1),
avgleaves = double(1),
avgsize = double(1),
avgretire = double(1),
PACKAGE = "dynaTree")
return(data.frame(avgheight=out$avgheight, avgleaves=out$avgleaves,
avgsize=out$avgsize, avgretire=out$avgretire))
setMethod("treestats", "dynaTree", treestats.dynaTree)
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