
Defines functions brt_fit

Documented in brt_fit

#'Fit boosted regression tree models to species distribution or abundance data.
#'Fit gradient boosting boosted regression tree models to species distribution and abundance data
#'and associated dynamic explanatory variables.
#'@param occ.data a data frame, the data to fit boosted regression tree models to, containing
#'  columns for model response and explanatory variable data. If required, `occ.data` should contain
#'  `block.col` and `weights.col` columns too.
#'@param response.col a character string, the name of the column in `occ.data` containing response
#'  variable column.
#'@param varnames a character vector, the names of the columns containing model explanatory
#'  variables in `occ.data.`
#'@param distribution a character string, the model distribution family to use, such as `gaussian`,
#'  `poisson` or `bernoulli`.
#'@param block.col optional; a character string, the name of the column in `occ.data` containing
#'  spatio-temporal block numbers for `occ.data` splitting. See details for more information.
#'@param weights.col a character string, the name of the column in `occ.data` containing
#'  spatio-temporal sampling effort weights to be used in the model fitting process.
#'@param test.data optional; a data frame, the testing dataset for optimising `interaction.depth`
#'  when blocking is not used.
#'@param n.trees optional; an integer, the number of trees in boosted regression tree models.
#'  Default is 5000.
#'@param shrinkage optional; an integer, the shrinkage parameter applied to each tree in the boosted
#'  regression tree expansion. Also known as the learning rate. Default is 0.001.
#'@param interaction.depth optional; an integer specifying the maximum depth of each tree (i.e.
#'  highest level of variable interactions allowed). Default optimises depth between 1 and 4.
#'@details This function calculates a gradient boosting `gbm` object for the response and
#'  explanatory variable data provided, using the `gbm` R package (Greenwell et al., 2019).
#'  Key functionality for dynamic SDMs within `brt_fit()` includes:
#'  * Optimise `interaction.depth`
#'  If `interaction.depth` is not given, then `brt_fit()` will vary the interaction depth parameter
#'  between 1 (an additive model) and 4 (four-way interaction model). For each `interaction.depth`
#'  value, model performance is measured by calculating the root-mean-square error of model
#'  predictions compared to actual values in the testing data. The `interaction.depth` value that
#'  results in the lowest root-mean-square error is used when fitting the returned model.
#'  The model testing dataset used can either be given using `test.data` or `block.col`
#'  (expanded on below).
#'  * Split by spatio-temporal blocks to account for spatial and temporal autocorrelation
#'  If `block.col` is specified, then each unique block is excluded in a jack-knife approach
#'  following Bagchi et al., (2013). This approach uses each block as the model testing dataset in
#'  numerical order, whilst all other `block.col` blocks are used as training data for the boosted
#'  regression tree model.
#'  In this case, the function returns a list of fitted boosted regression tree models equal to the
#'  length of unique blocking categories in `block.col`.
#'  If `block.col` is not given, models are fit to all occ.data and a single `gbm` model is
#'  returned.
#'  * Weighted by spatio-temporal sampling effort
#'  If `weights.col` is specified, records are weighted by their associated value in this column
#'  when model fitting. For instance, the user may wish to down weigh the importance of records
#'  collected at oversampled sites and times when fitting models, and vice versa, to account for
#'  spatio-temporal biases in occurrence records(Stolar and Nielsen, 2015) .
#'@return Returns a `gbm` model object or list of `gbm` model objects.
#'Bagchi, R., Crosby, M., Huntley, B., Hole, D. G., Butchart, S. H. M., Collingham, Y.,
#'  Kalra, M., Rajkumar, J., Rahmani, A. & Pandey, M. 2013. Evaluating the effectiveness of
#'  conservation site networks under climate change: accounting for uncertainty. Global Change
#'  Biology, 19, 1236-1248.
#'  Greenwell, B., Boehmke, B., Cunningham, J., & GBM Developers. 2019.
#'  Package ‘gbm’. R package version, 2.
#'  Stolar, J. & Nielsen, S. E. 2015. Accounting For Spatially Biased Sampling Effort In
#'  Presence-Only Species Distribution Modelling. Diversity And Distributions, 21, 595-608.
#' @examples
#'split <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE),
#'                replace=TRUE,
#'                nrow(sample_explan_data),
#'                prob = c(0.75, 0.25))
#'training <- sample_explan_data[split, ]
#'testing <- sample_explan_data[!split, ]
#'  occ.data = training,
#'  test.data = testing,
#'  response.col = "presence.absence",
#'  distribution = "bernoulli",
#'  varnames = colnames(training)[14:16],
#'  interaction.depth = 2

brt_fit <- function(occ.data,
                    n.trees = 5000,
                    shrinkage = 0.001) {

    # Check column names for response and explanatory variables are within data
    if (!response.col %in% colnames(occ.data)) {
      stop("response.col column not found in occ.data.")

    if (!any(varnames %in% colnames(occ.data))) {
      stop("one of varnames column not found in occ.data.")

    # Inform user of the defauls being used in model fitting.
    if (missing(block.col)) {
      message("block.col not specified. Model will be fit on all occ.data.")

    if (missing(weights.col)) {
      message("weights.col not specified. All records equally weighted.")

    if (missing(distribution)) {
      stop("Distribution not specified. Please set model distribution")

    if (!missing(block.col)) {
      if (!block.col %in% colnames(occ.data)) {
          "block.col column not found in occ.data."

    if (missing(interaction.depth)) {
      message("interaction.depth not set. Optimisation taking place.")
      if (missing(block.col) && missing(test.data)) {
        stop("No test.data provided. Required to optimise interaction.depth")

  # Create formula using response and explanatory variables specified
    formula <- stats::formula(paste(response.col, paste(varnames, collapse = " + "), sep = " ~ "))

    # Remove rows that contain NA where applicable.
    occ.data <- occ.data[!is.na(occ.data[, response.col]), ]
    for (v in 1:length(varnames)) {
      occ.data <- occ.data[!is.na(occ.data[, varnames[v]]), ]

    if (!missing(block.col)) {
      occ.data <- occ.data[!is.na(occ.data[, block.col]), ]
    if (!missing(weights.col)) {
      occ.data <- occ.data[!is.na(occ.data[, weights.col]), ]

    # Fit models on standard training/testing data split
    if (missing(block.col)) {
      # Create empty list to bind fitted models too
      modelvector <- vector("list", 1)

      # All parameters specified, fit the model.
      if (!missing(interaction.depth)) {
        if (missing(weights.col)) {
          modelvector[[1]] <- gbm::gbm(formula = formula,
                                       distribution = distribution,
                                       data = occ.data,
                                       n.trees = n.trees,
                                       shrinkage = shrinkage,
                                       interaction.depth = interaction.depth)
        if (!missing(weights.col)) {
          modelvector[[1]] <- gbm::gbm(formula = formula,
                                       distribution = distribution,
                                       data = occ.data,
                                       weights = occ.data[, weights.col],
                                       n.trees = n.trees,
                                       shrinkage = shrinkage,
                                       interaction.depth = interaction.depth)

      # No interaction.depth specified so optimises between 1 and 4 using RMSE.
      if (missing(interaction.depth)) {
        try.depth <- c(1, 2, 3, 4)
        OPTIMAL <- NULL # Empty vector to bind RMSE from each loop too.

        # Loops through each interaction.depth and measures model performance.

        for (x in 1:length(try.depth)) {

          if (missing(weights.col)) {
            model <- gbm::gbm(formula = formula,
                              distribution = distribution,
                              data = occ.data,
                              n.trees = n.trees,
                              shrinkage = shrinkage,
                              interaction.depth = try.depth[x])
          if (!missing(weights.col)) {
            model <- gbm::gbm(formula = formula,
                              distribution = distribution,
                              data = occ.data,
                              weights = occ.data[, weights.col],
                              n.trees = n.trees,
                              shrinkage = shrinkage,
                              interaction.depth = try.depth[x])

          prediction <- gbm::predict.gbm(model, newdata = test.data,  type = "response")

            # Calculate RMSE between model predicted and actual values
          RMSE <- sum((as.numeric(as.character(test.data[, response.col])) - prediction) ^2)

          OPTIMAL <- rbind(OPTIMAL, RMSE)

        # Extract interaction.depth that resulted in the lowest model RMSE
        complexno <- which.min(OPTIMAL[, 1])

        # Fit the final model with the optimal interaction.depth
        if (missing(weights.col)) {
          modelvector[[1]] <- gbm::gbm(formula = formula,
                                       distribution = distribution,
                                       data = occ.data,
                                       n.trees = n.trees,
                                       shrinkage = shrinkage,
                                       interaction.depth = complexno)

        if (!missing(weights.col)) {
          modelvector[[1]] <- gbm::gbm(formula = formula,
                                       distribution = distribution,
                                       data = occ.data,
                                       weights = occ.data[, weights.col],
                                       n.trees = n.trees,
                                       shrinkage = shrinkage,
                                       interaction.depth = complexno)

    # Each block excluded in-turn and used as the test dataset
    if (!missing(block.col)) {
      # Create empty list to bind fitted models too
      modelvector <- vector("list", length(unique(occ.data[, block.col])))

      # For every unique block
      for (blocks in 1:length(unique(occ.data[, block.col]))) {
        # Extract unique block name
        blockname <- sort(unique(occ.data[, block.col]))[blocks]
        # Train model on all blocks except the named one
        trainocc <- occ.data[!occ.data[, block.col] == blockname, ]
        # Named block becomes the test dataset
        testocc <- occ.data[occ.data[, block.col] == blockname, ]

        # All parameters specified, fit the model.
        if (!missing(interaction.depth)) {
          if (missing(weights.col)) {
            modelvector[[blocks]] <- gbm::gbm(formula = formula,
                                              distribution = distribution,
                                              data = trainocc,
                                              n.trees = n.trees,
                                              shrinkage = shrinkage,
                                              interaction.depth = interaction.depth)
          if (!missing(weights.col)) {
            modelvector[[blocks]] <- gbm::gbm(formula = formula,
                                              distribution = distribution,
                                              data = trainocc,
                                              weights = trainocc[, weights.col],
                                              n.trees = n.trees,
                                              shrinkage = shrinkage,
                                              interaction.depth = interaction.depth)

        # No interaction.depth specified so optimises between 1 and 4 using RMSE.
        if (missing(interaction.depth)) {
          try.depth <- c(1, 2, 3, 4)
          OPTIMAL <- NULL # Empty vector to bind RMSE from each loop too.

          # Loops through each interaction.depth and measures RMSE.
          for (x in 1:length(try.depth)) {

            if (missing(weights.col)) {
              model <- gbm::gbm(formula = formula,
                                distribution = distribution,
                                data = trainocc,
                                n.trees = n.trees,
                                shrinkage = shrinkage,
                                interaction.depth = try.depth[x])
            if (!missing(weights.col)) {
              model <- gbm::gbm(formula = formula,
                                distribution = distribution,
                                data = trainocc,
                                weights = trainocc[, weights.col],
                                n.trees = n.trees,
                                shrinkage = shrinkage,
                                interaction.depth = try.depth[x])

    prediction <- gbm::predict.gbm(model, newdata = testocc,  type = "response")

    # Calculate RMSE between model predicted and actual values
    RMSE <- sum((as.numeric(as.character(testocc[, response.col])) - prediction) ^ 2)

            OPTIMAL <- rbind(OPTIMAL, RMSE)}

          # Extract interaction.depth that resulted in the lowest model RMSE
          complexno <- which.min(OPTIMAL[, 1])

          if (missing(weights.col)) {
            modelvector[[blocks]]  <- gbm::gbm(formula = formula,
                                               distribution = distribution,
                                               data = trainocc,
                                               n.trees = n.trees,
                                               shrinkage = shrinkage,
                                               interaction.depth = complexno)
          # Fit the final model with the optimal interaction.depth
          if (!missing(weights.col)) {
            modelvector[[blocks]]  <- gbm::gbm(formula = formula,
                                               distribution = distribution,
                                               data = trainocc,
                                               weights = trainocc[, weights.col],
                                               n.trees = n.trees,
                                               shrinkage = shrinkage,
                                               interaction.depth = complexno)

  } # Return list of fitted model(s)

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dynamicSDM documentation built on June 28, 2024, 5:08 p.m.