
Defines functions dynamic_proj

Documented in dynamic_proj

#'Project species distribution and abundance models onto dynamic environmental covariates.
#'Projects fitted species distribution and abundance models onto projection covariates for each date
#'@param dates a character string, vector of dates in format "YYYY-MM-DD".
#'@param cov.file.type a character string, the type of file that contains projection covariates. One
#'  of: "`tif`" (raster stack) or `csv`(data frame).
#'@param projection.method a character string or vector, the method or methods to project
#'  distribution and abundance onto projection covariates. Options include `proportional`, `binary`,
#'  `abundance` and `stacked`. See details for more information.
#'@param drive.folder optional; a character string, the Google Drive folder to read projection
#'  covariate data frames from. Folder must be uniquely named within Google Drive. Do not provide
#'  path.
#'@param local.directory optional; a character string, the path to a local directory to read
#'  projection covariate data frames from.
#'@param user.email optional; a character string, user email for initialising Google Drive. Required
#'  if `drive.folder` or `save.drive.folder` used.
#'@param sdm.mod optional; a model object or list of model objects fitted to species distribution
#'  data.
#'@param sam.mod optional; a model object or list of model objects fitted to species abundance data.
#'@param sdm.weight optional; a numeric string, weights given to each `sdm.mod` model projection,
#'  given in the same order as the `sdm.mod` list. Default is equal weighting to all models.
#'@param sdm.thresh optional; a numeric value, the threshold to convert projected distribution
#'  suitability into binary presence-absence. Default 0.5. Required if projection.method is
#'  "`binary`" or  "`stacked`".
#'@param sam.weight optional; a numeric string, weights given to each `sdm.mod` model projection,
#'  given in the same order as the `sam.mod` list. Default is equal weighting to all models.
#'@param save.directory optional; a character string, path to local directory to save projection
#'  rasters to.
#'@param save.drive.folder optional; a character string, Google Drive folder to save projection
#'  rasters to. Folder must be uniquely named within Google Drive. Do not provide path.
#'@param prj a character string, the coordinate reference system of input projection covariates.
#'  Default is "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84".
#'@param proj.prj a character string, the coordinate reference system desired for output projection
#'  rasters. Default is assumed to be the same as prj.
#'@param spatial.mask an object of class `SpatRaster` or`sf` polygon, representing a mask in which
#'  NA cells in the mask layer are removed from the projection covariates.
#'@details Function projects a model object or list of model objects onto projection covariate data
#'  frames for each projection date given.
#'  # Projection covariate input
#'  * Data frames: if `cov.file.type = csv`, then projection covariates must be saved "csv" files
#'  in the `drive.folder` or `local.directory` given. Here, they must be unique in containing the
#'  relevant projection date in YYYY-MM-DD format. For instance, two or more csv files saved
#'  within the Google Drive folder or local directory that contain the projection date will result
#'  in function error. Additionally, column names of projection covariate data frames must match the
#'  explanatory variable names that fitted models are trained on.
#'  * Raster stacks: if `cov.file.type = tif`, then projection covariates must be saved "tif"
#'  files, similarly named and formatted as above. Raster layer names must match the explanatory
#'  variable names that fitted models are trained on.
#'  Note: It is important to state the coordinate reference system projection of covariates using
#'  argument `prj`.
#'  # Model input
#'  When multiple models are provided in `sdm.mod` or `sam.mod`, the function projects each model
#'  onto the projection covariates and takes the average value across all model projections. If
#'  `sdm.weight` or `sam.weight` is specified, then the weighted average of model projections is
#'  returned. For example, this could be used to down weigh projections by poorly performing models
#'  in an ensemble (Ara?jo and New, 2007).
#'  # Projection output
#'  * proportional: Projects `sdm.mod` model objects onto projection covariates for each date,
#'  exporting rasters for projected distribution suitability, a continuous measure between 0 (least
#'  suitable) and 1 (most suitable).
#'  * binary: Projects `sdm.mod` onto projection covariates for each date, exporting rasters for
#'  projected binary presence (1) or absence (0), derived from distribution suitability using
#'  user-specified threshold (`sdm.thresh`) or default threshold of 0.5 (Jim?nez-Valverde And Lobo,
#'  2007).
#'  * abundance: Projects `sam.mod` onto projections covariates for each date, exporting rasters for
#'  projected abundance in the units that `sam.mod` were fitted onto.
#'  * stacked: Follows the binary projection method and then projects abundance onto only binary
#'  presence (1) cells using the abundance projection method.
#'  # Projection output
#'  Projections are output as rasters. These can be reprojected to a different coordinate reference
#'  system using argument `proj.prj`.
#'  One or both of `save.drive.folder` and `save.directory` are required to specify where projection
#'  rasters are to be saved.
#'  # Google Drive compatibility
#'  If `drive.folder` or `save.drive.folder` given, please ensure the folder name is unique within
#'  your Google Drive. Do not provide the path if the folder is nested within others.
#'  If one of `drive.folder` or `save.drive.folder` are used then `user.email` is required to access
#'  the appropriate Google Drive user account. This requires users to have installed R package
#'  `googledrive` and initialised Google Drive with valid log-in credentials. Please follow
#'  instructions on <https://googledrive.tidyverse.org/>.
#'@return Exports projection rasters for each projection date to user-specified Google Drive
#'  folder or local directory.
#'Araujo, M. B. & New, M. 2007. Ensemble Forecasting Of Species Distributions. Trends In Ecology &
#'Evolution, 22, 42-47.
#' Jimenez-Valverde, A. & Lobo, J. M. 2007. Threshold Criteria For Conversion Of Probability Of
#' Species Presence To Either-Or Presence-Absence. Acta Oecologica, 31, 361-369.
#'# Read in data
#'# Set variable names
#' model <- brt_fit(sample_explan_data,
#'                  response.col = "presence.absence",
#'                  varnames = variablenames,
#'                  interaction.depth = 1,
#'                  distribution = "bernoulli",
#'                  n.trees = 1500)
#'dynamic_proj(dates = "2018-04-01",
#'             projection.method = c("proportional"),
#'             local.directory = tempdir(),
#'             cov.file.type = "csv",
#'             sdm.mod = model,
#'             save.directory = tempdir())

dynamic_proj <-  function(dates,
                          sdm.weight ,
                          prj =  "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84",
                          spatial.mask) {

  # Set thresholds
  if (!missing(sdm.mod) && missing(sdm.thresh)) {
    message("No sdm.thresh. Default 0.5")
    sdm.thresh <- 0.5

  if (missing(proj.prj)) {
    proj.prj <- prj

  if (!missing(sdm.mod) && !missing(sdm.thresh)) {
    if (!length(sdm.thresh) == 1) {
      stop("sdm.thresh should be of length(1) ")
  if (!missing(sdm.mod) && missing(sdm.weight)) {
    message("No sdm.weight specified. Default equal weighting.")
    sdm.weight <- 1

  if (!missing(sdm.mod)){

  if (!length(sdm.weight) == length(sdm.mod) && !length(sdm.weight) == 1) {
      "sdm.weight should be of length(1) or equal to number of sdm models."

  if (!missing(sam.mod)) {
    if (missing(sam.weight)) {
      message("No sam.weight specified. Default equal weighting")
    sam.weight <- 1
    if (!length(sam.weight) == length(sam.mod) && !length(sam.weight) == 1) {
        "sam.weight should be of length(1) or equal to number of sam models."

  # Convert mask to SPDF for use with raster::mask

  if (!missing(spatial.mask)) {

    spatial.mask <- convert_to_sf(spatial.mask, prj)

    if(inherits(spatial.mask, "sfc_POLYGON")){
      spatial.mask <- terra::vect(spatial.mask)

    if(inherits(spatial.mask, "sfc_MULTIPOLYGON")){
      spatial.mask <- terra::vect(spatial.mask)


  #Check directory exists if provided
  if (!missing(local.directory)) {
    if (!dir.exists(local.directory)) {
      stop("local.directory does not exist")

  if (missing(save.directory) && missing(save.drive.folder)) {
    stop("No folder or directory to save projections too.")

  if (!missing(save.drive.folder)) {
    # Check user email provided
    if (missing(user.email)) {
      stop("Please provide user email (user.email) linked to Google Drive")

  # Check Google Drive folder exists if provided
  if (!missing(drive.folder)) {
    # Check user email provided
    if (missing(user.email)) {
      stop("Please provide user email (user.email) linked to Google Drive")
    googledrive::drive_auth(email = user.email)  #Initiate Google Drive

    # Check folder exists in user's Google Drive
    folderpath <- googledrive::drive_find(pattern = drive.folder, type = 'folder')

    if (nrow(folderpath) == 0) {stop("drive.folder does not exist.")}

    # If more than one partial match, use grep to extract exact match
    if(nrow(folderpath)>1) {
      folderpath <- folderpath[grep(paste0("^", drive.folder, "$"),
                                    folderpath$name), ]

    # If exact match to more than one folder then not uniquely named. Cannot write file.
    if (nrow(folderpath) > 1) {
      stop("save.drive.folder is not uniquely named in your Google Drive ")

    drivefiles <- googledrive::drive_ls(path = googledrive::as_id(folderpath$id))[,1:2]


  # Match projection.method argument to available options
  projection.method <- match.arg(projection.method, choices = c("proportional",
                                                                "stacked"), several.ok = TRUE)

  cov.file.type <- match.arg(cov.file.type, choices = c("tif", "csv"))

  for (x in 1:length(dates)) {

    date <- dates[x]

    # Read in projection data from local directory
    if (!missing(local.directory)) {

      filename <- list.files(local.directory, full.names = TRUE) # List all files
      filename <- filename[grep(date, filename)] # Get file name matching date

      if(cov.file.type == "csv") {

        filename <- filename[grep("*.csv", filename)] # Get only .csv file name
        projection_df <- read.csv(filename)
      } # Read in file

      if (cov.file.type == "tif") {
        filename <- filename[grep("*rasterstack.tif", filename)] # Get only .csv file name
        projection_df <- terra::rast(filename)

        if (!missing(spatial.mask)) {
          projection_df <- terra::mask(projection_df, spatial.mask)



    # Read in projection data from Google Drive folder
    if (!missing(drive.folder)) {

      fileid <- drivefiles[grep(date, drivefiles$name),]

      if (cov.file.type == "csv") {

        fileid <- fileid[grep("*.csv", fileid$name),"id"]# Get file name matching date

        pathforthisfile <- paste0(tempfile(), ".csv") # Temporary file name
        googledrive::drive_download(file = googledrive::as_id(fileid$id),
                                    path = pathforthisfile,
                                    overwrite = TRUE) # Download file to temp dir
        projection_df <- read.csv(pathforthisfile) }# Read in file

      if (cov.file.type == "tif") {

        fileid <- fileid[grep("*rasterstack.tif", fileid$name),"id"]# Get file name matching date

        pathforthisfile <- paste0(tempfile(), ".tif") # Temporary file name
        googledrive::drive_download(file = googledrive::as_id(fileid$id),
                                    path = pathforthisfile,
                                    overwrite = TRUE) # Download file to temp dir

        projection_df <- terra::rast(pathforthisfile)

        if (!missing(spatial.mask)) {
          projection_df <- terra::mask(projection_df, spatial.mask)


    ### If one model object given for either

    if (!missing(sdm.mod)) {
      if (!inherits(sdm.mod, "list")) {

        pred_type <- "response"

        if (cov.file.type == "tif") {

          if (!inherits(sdm.mod, "randomForest")) {
              SDMpred <- terra::predict(model = sdm.mod,
                                      object = projection_df,
                                      type = pred_type)

          if(inherits(sdm.mod, "randomForest")){
            pred_type <- "prob"
            SDMpred <- terra::predict(model = sdm.mod,
                                      object = projection_df,
                                      type = pred_type)[[2]]


          SDMbinary <- SDMpred > sdm.thresh} # Probability to binary

        if(cov.file.type=="csv") {

          if (!inherits(sdm.mod, "randomForest")) {
          SDMpred <- stats::predict(sdm.mod,
                                    newdata = projection_df,
                                    type = pred_type,
                                    na.action = stats::na.pass)}

          if(inherits(sdm.mod, "randomForest")){
            pred_type <- "prob"

            SDMpred <- stats::predict(sdm.mod,
                                      newdata = projection_df,
                                      type = pred_type,
                                      na.action = stats::na.pass)[,2]}

          SDMbinary <- as.numeric(SDMpred > sdm.thresh)} # Probability to binary


      if (inherits(sdm.mod, "list")) {

        proj_blocks = NULL

        proj_stack<- vector("list",length(sdm.mod))

        # Make projection with each model
        for (model in 1:length(sdm.mod)) {

          pred_type <- "response"

          if(inherits(sdm.mod[[model]], "randomForest")){pred_type <- "prob"}

          if(cov.file.type == "tif") {

            if(!inherits(sdm.mod[[model]], "randomForest")){

            proj_stack[[model]] <- terra::predict(model=sdm.mod[[model]],
                                                  object = projection_df,
                                                  type = pred_type)}

            if(inherits(sdm.mod[[model]], "randomForest")){
              pred_type <- "prob"
              proj_stack[[model]] <- terra::predict(model=sdm.mod[[model]],
                                                    object = projection_df,
                                                    type = pred_type)[[2]]}


            if(!inherits(sdm.mod[[model]], "randomForest")){
            proj_blocks <- cbind(proj_blocks,
                                                newdata = projection_df,
                                                type = pred_type,
                                                na.action = stats::na.pass))}

            if(inherits(sdm.mod[[model]], "randomForest")){
              pred_type <- "prob"

              proj_blocks <- cbind(proj_blocks,
                                                  newdata = projection_df,
                                                  type = pred_type,
                                                  na.action = stats::na.pass)[,2])}


        if(cov.file.type=="tif") {proj_stack <- terra::rast(proj_stack)}
        if (length(sdm.weight) == 1) {
          if(cov.file.type=="csv") {
            SDMpred <- matrixStats::rowWeightedMeans(proj_blocks,
                                                     w = rep(sdm.weight, length(sdm.mod)),
                                                     na.rm = TRUE)

          if(cov.file.type=="tif") {
            SDMpred <- terra::weighted.mean(proj_stack,
                                            w = rep(sdm.weight, length(sdm.mod)),
                                            na.rm = TRUE)


        if (length(sdm.weight) > 1) {

          if (cov.file.type == "csv") {
            SDMpred <- matrixStats::rowWeightedMeans(proj_blocks, w = sdm.weight, na.rm = TRUE)

          if (cov.file.type == "tif") {
            SDMpred <- terra::weighted.mean(proj_stack, w = sdm.weight, na.rm = TRUE)


        if (cov.file.type == "tif") {
          SDMbinary <- SDMpred > sdm.thresh # Probability to binary

        if (cov.file.type == "csv") {
          SDMbinary <- as.numeric(SDMpred > sdm.thresh) # Probability to binary


    if (!missing(sam.mod)) {

      if (!inherits(sam.mod, "list")) {

        pred_type <- "response"

        if (cov.file.type == "tif") {
          SAMpred <- terra::predict(model = sam.mod,
                                    object = projection_df,
                                    type = pred_type)

        if (cov.file.type == "csv") {
          SAMpred <- stats::predict(sam.mod,
                                    newdata = projection_df,
                                    type = pred_type,
                                    na.action = stats::na.pass)

      if (inherits(sam.mod, "list")) {

        proj_blocks = NULL
        proj_stack <- vector("list", length(sam.mod))

        # Make projection with each model
        for (model in 1:length(sam.mod)) {

          pred_type <- "response"

          if (cov.file.type == "tif") {
            proj_stack[[model]] <- terra::predict(model = sam.mod[[model]],
                                                  object = projection_df,
                                                  type = pred_type)

          if(cov.file.type=="csv") {
            proj_blocks <- cbind(proj_blocks,stats::predict(sam.mod[[model]],
                                                            newdata = projection_df,
                                                            type = pred_type,
                                                            na.action = stats::na.pass))

        if (cov.file.type == "tif") {
          proj_stack <- terra::rast(proj_stack)

        if (length(sam.weight) == 1) {

          if (cov.file.type == "csv") {

            SAMpred <- matrixStats::rowWeightedMeans(proj_blocks,
                                                     w = rep(sam.weight, length(sam.mod)),
                                                     na.rm = TRUE)
          if(cov.file.type=="tif") {
            SAMpred <- terra::weighted.mean(proj_stack,
                                            w = rep(sam.weight, length(sam.mod)),
                                            na.rm = TRUE)

        if (length(sam.weight) > 1) {
          if (cov.file.type == "csv") {
            SAMpred <- matrixStats::rowWeightedMeans(proj_blocks, w = sam.weight, na.rm = TRUE)
          if (cov.file.type == "tif") {
            SAMpred <- terra::weighted.mean(proj_stack, w = sam.weight, na.rm = TRUE)


    ## Stacked
    if (!missing(sdm.mod) && !missing(sam.mod)) {
      stacked <- SDMbinary * SAMpred

    # Create rasters for each projection method requested by user
    if ("binary" %in% projection.method) {

      if (cov.file.type == "tif") {
        binaryrast <- SDMbinary

      if(cov.file.type == "csv") {

        binaryrast <- terra::rast(as.matrix(cbind(projection_df[, "x"],
                                                  projection_df[, "y"],
                                                  SDMbinary)), crs = prj,


      if (!missing(spatial.mask)) {

        binaryrast <- terra::mask(binaryrast, spatial.mask)

      # If projection of covariates are not the same as desired, reproject the projection
      if (!prj == proj.prj) {
        binaryrast <- terra::project(binaryrast, y = proj.prj)


    if ("abundance" %in% projection.method) {

      if (cov.file.type == "tif") {
        abundancerast <- SAMpred

      if (cov.file.type == "csv") {
        abundancerast <-  terra::rast(as.matrix(cbind(projection_df[, "x"],
                                                      projection_df[, "y"],
                                                      SAMpred)), crs = prj,


      if (!missing(spatial.mask)) {
        abundancerast <- terra::mask(abundancerast, spatial.mask)

      # If projection of covariates are not the same as desired, reproject the projection
      if (!prj == proj.prj) {
        abundancerast <- terra::project(abundancerast, y = proj.prj)


    if ("proportional" %in% projection.method) {

      if (cov.file.type == "tif") {
        proportionalrast <- SDMpred

      if (cov.file.type == "csv") {
        proportionalrast <- terra::rast(as.matrix(cbind(projection_df[, "x"],
                                                        projection_df[, "y"],
                                                        SDMpred)), crs = prj,
                                        type = "xyz")

      if (!missing(spatial.mask)) {
        proportionalrast <- terra::mask(proportionalrast, spatial.mask)

      # If projection of covariates are not the same as desired, reproject the projection
      if (!prj == proj.prj) {
        proportionalrast <- terra::project(proportionalrast, y = proj.prj)


    if ("stacked" %in% projection.method) {

      if (cov.file.type == "tif") {
        stackedrast <- stacked

      if (cov.file.type == "csv") {
        stackedrast <- terra::rast(as.matrix(cbind(projection_df[, "x"],
                                                   projection_df[, "y"],
                                                   stacked)), crs = prj,

      if (!missing(spatial.mask)) {
        stackedrast <- terra::mask(stackedrast, spatial.mask)

      # If projection of covariates are not the same as desired, reproject the projection
      if (!prj == proj.prj) {
        stackedrast <- terra::project(stackedrast, y = proj.prj)


    ## Save projection rasters to local directory
    if (!missing(save.directory)) {

      if (exists("binaryrast")) {

                           file = paste0(save.directory, "/", date, "_binary.tif"),
                           overwrite = TRUE)

      if (exists("abundancerast")) {

                           file = paste0(save.directory, "/", date, "_abundance.tif"),
                           overwrite = TRUE)
      if (exists("proportionalrast")) {

                           file = paste0(save.directory, "/", date, "_proportional.tif"),
                           overwrite = TRUE

      if (exists("stackedrast")) {

                           file = paste0(save.directory, "/", date, "_stacked.tif"),
                           overwrite = TRUE)

    # Save projection rasters to Google Drive folder
    if (!missing(save.drive.folder)) {
      # Check user email provided
      if (missing(user.email)) {
        stop(" Please provide user email linked to Google Drive account")

      # Initiate Google Drive
      googledrive::drive_auth(email = user.email)
      save.folderpath <- googledrive::drive_find(pattern = save.drive.folder,
                                                 type = 'folder')

      # If more than one folder partially matches, use grep to get exact match
      if(nrow(save.folderpath)>1) {
        save.folderpath <- save.folderpath[grep(paste0("^", save.drive.folder, "$"),
                                                save.folderpath$name), ]
      # If exact match to more than one folder then not uniquely named. Cannot write file.
      if (nrow(save.folderpath) > 1) {
        stop("save.drive.folder is not uniquely named in your Google Drive ")

      if (nrow(save.folderpath) == 0) {
        stop("save.drive.folder doesn't exist")

      filename <- paste0(tempfile(), ".tif") # Temporary file name

      if (exists("binaryrast")) {

        terra::writeRaster(binaryrast, filename, overwrite = TRUE)
          media = filename,
          path = googledrive::as_id(save.folderpath$id),
          name = paste0(date, "_binary.tif"),
          overwrite = TRUE

      if (exists("abundancerast")) {
        terra::writeRaster(abundancerast, filename, overwrite = TRUE)
          media = filename,
          path = googledrive::as_id(save.folderpath$id),
          name = paste0(date, "_abundance.tif"),
          overwrite = TRUE

      if (exists("proportionalrast")) {
        terra::writeRaster(proportionalrast, filename, overwrite = TRUE)
          media = filename,
          path = googledrive::as_id(save.folderpath$id),
          name = paste0(date, "_proportional.tif"),
          overwrite = TRUE

      if (exists("stackedrast")) {
        terra::writeRaster(stackedrast, filename, overwrite = TRUE)
          media = filename,
          path = googledrive::as_id(save.folderpath$id),
          name = paste0(date, "_stacked.tif"),
          overwrite = TRUE

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dynamicSDM documentation built on June 28, 2024, 5:08 p.m.