
context("Testing LAPACK wrapper functions")


# Function to simulate the a covariance matrix
get_random_sym_post_def_mat <- function(n){
  Z <- matrix(ncol=n, rnorm(n^2))
  decomp <- qr(Z)
  Q <- qr.Q(decomp)
  R <- qr.R(decomp)
  d <- diag(R)
  ph <- d / abs(d)
  O <- Q %*% diag(ph)
  t(O) %*% diag(runif(n, 0, 10)) %*% O


test_that("rank one update of chol decomp works", {
  for(n in c(5, 10, 50, 100)){
    r_mat <- get_random_sym_post_def_mat(n)

    d1 <- t(chol(r_mat))
    x <- rnorm(n)
    d2 <- t(chol(r_mat + x %*% t(x)))

    d1_tmp <- d1 # Take copy as it will be overwritten

    chol_rank_one_update_test(d1_tmp, x)

    expect_equal(d2, d1_tmp)

# # Should be rougly quadratic in n
# (ns <- 2^(5:11))
# in_dat <- lapply(
#   ns, function(x) get_random_sym_post_def_mat(x))
# xs <- lapply(ns, rnorm)
# library(microbenchmark)
# out <- microbenchmark(
#   n32 = {
#     x <- xs[[1]]
#     tmp <- in_dat[[1]]
#     chol_rank_one_update(tmp, x)
#   },
#   n64 = {
#     x <- xs[[2]]
#     tmp <- in_dat[[2]]
#     chol_rank_one_update(tmp, x)
#   },
#   n128 = {
#     x <- xs[[3]]
#     tmp <- in_dat[[3]]
#     chol_rank_one_update(tmp, x)
#   },
#   n256 = {
#     x <- xs[[4]]
#     tmp <- in_dat[[4]]
#     chol_rank_one_update(tmp, x)
#   },
#   n512 = {
#     x <- xs[[5]]
#     tmp <- in_dat[[5]]
#     chol_rank_one_update(tmp, x)
#   },
#   n1024 = {
#     x <- xs[[6]]
#     tmp <- in_dat[[6]]
#     chol_rank_one_update(tmp, x)
#   },
#   n2048 = {
#     x <- xs[[7]]
#     tmp <- in_dat[[7]]
#     chol_rank_one_update(tmp, x)
#   })
# out_sum <- summary(out)
# plot(out_sum$median ~ ns , log="xy")
# lm(log(out_sum$median) ~ log(ns))$coefficients
# lm(log(out_sum$median) ~ log(ns), subset = 3:length(ns))$coefficients


test_that("Square triangular inversion works followed by rank one update", {
  for(n in c(5, 10, 50, 100)){
    r_mat <- get_random_sym_post_def_mat(n)

    d1 <- t(chol(r_mat))
    d2 <- square_tri_inv_test(d1)

    expect_equal(solve(d1), d2)


test_that("Symmetric matrix Choleksy decomposition works", {
  for(n in c(5, 10, 50, 100)){
    r_mat <- get_random_sym_post_def_mat(n)

    d1 <- t(chol(r_mat))
    d2 <- matrix(0, ncol = n, nrow = n)

    symmetric_mat_chol_test(r_mat, d2)

    expect_equal(d1, d2)


test_that("Triangular matrix times vector works", {
  for(n in c(10, 50, 100)){
    r_mat <- get_random_sym_post_def_mat(n)
    d1 <- t(chol(r_mat))

    v1 <- rnorm(n)
    out <- rep(0, n)
    tri_mat_times_vec_test(d1, v1, out, FALSE)
    expect_equal(c(d1 %*% v1), out)

    v2 <- rnorm(n)
    out <- rep(0, n)
    tri_mat_times_vec_test(d1, v2, out, TRUE)
    expect_equal(c(t(d1) %*% v2), out)

    v3 <- rnorm(n / 2)
    out <- rep(0, n)
    tri_mat_times_vec_test(d1, v3, out, FALSE)
    expect_equal(c(d1[, 1:(n/2)] %*% v3), out)

    v4 <- rnorm(n / 2)
    out <- rep(0, n)
    tri_mat_times_vec_test(d1, v4, out, TRUE)
    expect_equal(c(t(d1)[, 1:(n/2)] %*% v4), out)


test_that("Symmetric matrix rank one update works",{
  for(n in c(5, 10, 50, 100)){
    d1 <- get_random_sym_post_def_mat(n)
    x <- rnorm(n)
    alpha <- rnorm(1)

    d2 <- d1 + x %o% (x * alpha)

    sym_mat_rank_one_update_test(alpha, x, d1)

    expect_equal(d2[upper.tri(d2, diag = TRUE)],
                 d1[upper.tri(d1, diag = TRUE)])


test_that("solve_w_precomputed_chol_test gives solve solution", {
  for(n in c(5, 10, 50, 100)){
    r_mat <- get_random_sym_post_def_mat(n)
    B <- rnorm(n)
    D <- matrix(rnorm(n * n), n, n)
    .chol <- chol(r_mat)

    B_copy <- B
    B_copy[1] <- B_copy[1] - 1
    B_copy[1] <- B_copy[1] + 1

    cpp_out <- solve_w_precomputed_chol_test(.chol, B, D)
    R_out_1 <- solve(r_mat, B)
    R_out_2 <- solve(r_mat, D)

    expect_equal(B, B_copy)
    expect_equal(drop(cpp_out$B), R_out_1, check.attributes = FALSE)
    expect_equal(drop(cpp_out$D), R_out_2, check.attributes = FALSE)

# test_func <- function(n){
#   r_mat <- get_random_sym_post_def_mat(n)
#   B <- rnorm(n)
#   .chol <- chol(r_mat)
#   out <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
#     solve = .solve <- solve(r_mat, B),
#     fw_bw = fw_bw <- backsolve(
#       .chol, forwardsolve(.chol, B, upper.tri = TRUE, transpose = TRUE)),
#     cpp = cpp_out <- solve_w_precomputed_chol_test(.chol, B))
#   expect_equal(.solve, fw_bw)
#   expect_equal(.solve, drop(cpp_out))
#   out
# }
# test_func(10)
# test_func(100)
# test_func(250)


test_that("LU_factorization.solve gives correct answer for a vector and matrix", {
  A <- matrix(c(
     3, -7, -2,  2,
    -3,  5,  1,  0,
     6, -4,  0, -5,
    -9,  5, -5, 12), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 4)

  b <- c(-9, 5, 7, 11)
  expect_equal(drop(solve_LU_vec(A, b)), solve(A, b))

  B <- cbind(b, c(2, -3, 9, 7))
  expect_equal(solve_LU_mat(A, B), solve(A, B), check.attributes = FALSE)


test_that("LU_factorization inverse gives correct answer", {
  A <- matrix(c(
     3, -7, -2,  2,
    -3,  5,  1,  0,
     6, -4,  0, -5,
    -9,  5, -5, 12), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 4)

  expect_equal(solve_LU_inv(A), solve(A))


test_that("qr_qty gives correct answer for a vector and matrix", {
  A <- matrix(c(
     3, -7, -2,
    -3,  5,  1,
     6, -4,  0,
    -9,  5, -5), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3)

  qr. <- qr(A, LAPACK = TRUE)
  expect_equal(qr.R(qr.), qr_R_test(A))

  b <- c(-9, 5, 7, 11)
  expect_equal(qr_qty_vec_test(A = A, b), qr.qty(qr., b))

  B <- cbind(b, c(2, -3, 9, 7))
  expect_equal(qr_qty_mat_test(A = A, B), unname(qr.qty(qr., B)))

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