##' Multiple Imputation of dynrModel objects
##' @param dynrModel dynrModel object. data and model setup
##' @param which.aux character. names of the auxiliary variables used in the imputation model
##' @param which.lag character. names of the variables to create lagged responses for imputation purposes
##' @param lag integer. number of lags of variables in the imputation model
##' @param which.lead character. names of the variables to create leading responses for imputation purposes
##' @param lead integer. number of leads of variables in the imputation model
##' @param m integer. number of multiple imputations
##' @param iter integer. number of MCMC iterations in each imputation
##' @param imp.obs logical. flag to impute the observed dependent variables
##' @param imp.exo logical. flag to impute the exogenous variables
##' @param diag logical. flag to use convergence diagnostics
##' @param Rhat numeric. value of the Rhat statistic used as the criterion in convergence diagnostics
##' @param conf.level numeric. confidence level used to generate confidence intervals
##' @param verbose logical. flag to print the intermediate output during the estimation process
##' @param seed integer. random number seed to be used in the MI procedure
##' @details
##' See the demo, \code{demo(package='dynr', 'MILinearDiscrete')}, for an illustrative example
##' of using \code{dynr.mi} to implement multiple imputation with
##' a vector autoregressive model.
##' @return an object of `dynrMi' class
##' that is a list containing:
##' 1. the imputation information, including a data set
##' containing structured lagged and leading variables and
##' a `mids' object from mice() function;
##' 2. the diagnostic information, including trace plots,
##' an Rhat plot and a matrix containing Rhat values;
##' 3. the estimation results, including parameter estimates,
##' standard error estimates and confidence intervals.
##' @references
##' Ji, L., Chow, S-M., Schermerhorn, A.C., Jacobson, N.C., & Cummings, E.M. (2018). Handling
##' Missing Data in the Modeling of Intensive Longitudinal Data. Structural Equation Modeling:
##' A Multidisciplinary Journal, 1-22.
##' Yanling Li, Linying Ji, Zita Oravecz, Timothy R. Brick,
##' Michael D. Hunter, and Sy-Miin Chow. (2019).
##' dynr.mi: An R Program for Multiple Imputation in Dynamic Modeling.
##' International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control
##' and Information Engineering, 13, 302-311.
dynr.mi <- function(dynrModel, which.aux=NULL,
which.lag=NULL, lag=0,
which.lead=NULL, lead=0,
m=5, iter=5,
imp.obs=FALSE, imp.exo=TRUE,
diag = TRUE, Rhat=1.1,
verbose=TRUE, seed=NA){
data <- dynrModel$data$
k <- length(dynrModel$param.names) # number of parameters estimated
ynames <- dynrModel$data$observed.names
xnames <- dynrModel$data$covariate.names
y <- subset(data, select = ynames) # observed variables
x <- subset(data, select = xnames) # covariates
au <- subset(data, select = which.aux) # auxiliary variables
ID <- dynrModel$data$id
id <- unique(ID) # a vector of IDs
time <- dynrModel$data$time
# original data
datainit <- data.frame(ID,y,x,au)
# select variables to create lags on
dataforlag <- subset(datainit,select = c("ID", which.lag))
# create a null data frame to store lagged variables
datalag <- data.frame(ID, matrix(NA, nrow = length(ID), ncol = length(which.lag)*lag))
if(lag < 1){
warning("No lagged variables in the imputation model.")
} else{
for(i in id){
# tmp used to store original variables for each subject
tmp_lag <- dataforlag[dataforlag$ID == i, which.lag]
P_lag <- length(which.lag) #number of variables to create lags on
nt <- nrow(tmp_lag) #number of time points
if (lag > nt-1){
lag <- nt-1
warning("Number of lags should be smaller than the number of time points.")
for(l in 1:lag){
# tmp1 used to store lagged variables for each subject
tmp1_lag <- data.frame(matrix(NA,nrow = nt, ncol = P_lag))
tmp1_lag[(l+1):nt,] <- tmp_lag[1:(nt-l),]
datalag[datalag$ID == i, ][, (P_lag*(l-1)+2):(P_lag*l+1)] <- tmp1_lag
} #close loop over number of lags
} #close loop over subjects
# select variables to create leads on
dataforlead <- subset(datainit,select = c("ID", which.lead))
# create a null data frame to store leading variables
datalead <- data.frame(ID, matrix(NA, nrow = length(ID), ncol = length(which.lead)*lead))
if(lead > 0){
for(i in id){
# tmp used to store original variables for each subject
tmp_lead <- dataforlead[dataforlead$ID == i, which.lead]
P_lead <- length(which.lead) #number of variables to create lags on
nt <- nrow(tmp_lead) #number of time points
if (lead > nt-1){
lead <- nt-1
warning("Number of leads should be smaller than the number of time points.")
for(l in 1:lead){
# tmp1 used to store leading variables for each subject
tmp1_lead <- data.frame(matrix(NA,nrow = nt, ncol = P_lead))
tmp1_lead[1:(nt-l),] <- tmp_lead[(l+1):nt,]
datalead[datalead$ID == i, ][, (P_lead*(l-1)+2):(P_lead*l+1)] <- tmp1_lead
} #close loop over number of leads
} #close loop over subjects
# combine original, lagged and leading variables
dataformice <- data.frame(subset(datainit,select=-ID),
subset(datalag, select = -ID),
subset(datalead, select = -ID))
print("Implementing imputations ...")
imp <- mice::mice(dataformice, m=m, maxit = iter, seed = seed)
# convergence diagnostics
diag.mi = function(imp, nvariables,variables,m,itermin=2,iter,burn=0){
chains = m
# reformat imp$chainMean to a matrix called coda
chainmean = imp$chainMean[1:nvariables,,]
chainmean2 = chainmean[!]
coda = matrix(chainmean2, nrow = chains*iter, byrow = T)
# create a null matrix to store Rhats for all variables
Rhatmatrix = matrix(NA, nrow = iter, ncol = nvariables)
#cal Rhats for each iteration and each variable
for(i in itermin:iter){
value = list() #each list contains a chain
for(k in 1:chains){
codak = coda[(iter*(k-1)+1):(iter*k),1:nvariables] # select all values from each chain
value[[k]] = codak[(1+burn):i,] #drop the values of each chain in the beginning period
# cal Rhats
iterations = i
for(j in 1:nvariables) {
# create vectors to store means and variations of values in chains for each variable
chainmeans = rep(NA, chains)
chainvars = rep(NA, chains)
for(k in 1:chains) {
sum = sum(value[[k]][,j])
var = var(value[[k]][,j])
mean = sum / iterations
chainmeans[k] = mean
chainvars[k] = var
globalmean = sum(chainmeans) / chains
# globalvar: within-chain variances
globalvar = sum(chainvars) / chains
# b: between-chains variances
b = sum((chainmeans - globalmean)^2) * iterations / (chains - 1)
# varplus: pooled variance
varplus = (iterations - 1) * globalvar / iterations + b / iterations
# Gelman-Rubin statistic (Rhat)
rhat = sqrt(varplus / globalvar)
Rhatmatrix[i,j] = rhat
} # close loop over variables
} # close loop over iterations
Rhatmatrix = data.frame(Rhatmatrix)
colnames(Rhatmatrix) = variables
pmcarqhat <- matrix(NA, nrow=m, ncol=k) #parameter estimates from each imputation
pmcaru <- array(NA, dim=c(k,k,m)) #vcov of par estimates from each imputation
print("Cooking and pooling of estimation results")
for(j in 1:m){
completedata <- mice::complete(imp, action=j) #obtain the jth imputation
if(imp.obs==TRUE){ <- subset(completedata, select = ynames)
} else{ <- y
if(imp.exo==TRUE){ <- subset(completedata, select = xnames)
} else{ <- x
newdata <- cbind(ID, time,,
colnames(newdata) <- c("ID", "Time", ynames,xnames)
data <-, id="ID", time="Time",
data <-, id="ID", time="Time",
observed=ynames, covariates=xnames)
modelnew <- dynrModel
modelnew@data <- data
modelnew@compileLib = FALSE #avoid conflicts among concurrent output C scripts of model functions
trial <- dynr.cook(modelnew, verbose = verbose)
# getting parameter estimates
pmcarqhat[j,] <- coef(trial)[1:k]
pmcaru[, ,j] <- vcov(trial)[c(1:k),c(1:k)]
pqbarmcarimpute <- apply(pmcarqhat, 2, mean)
pubarmcarimpute <- apply(pmcaru, 1:2, mean)
pe.mcarimpute <- pmcarqhat - matrix(pqbarmcarimpute, nrow = m, ncol = k, byrow = TRUE)
pb.mcarimpute <- (t(pe.mcarimpute) %*% pe.mcarimpute)/(m - 1)
pvcovmcarimpute <- pubarmcarimpute + (1 + 1/m) * pb.mcarimpute #vcov for estimates
psemcarimpute <- sqrt(diag(pvcovmcarimpute))
t <- pqbarmcarimpute/psemcarimpute
df <- nobs(dynrModel)-k
alpha <- 1-conf.level
ci.upper <- pqbarmcarimpute + qt(1-alpha/2,df)*psemcarimpute
ci.lower <- pqbarmcarimpute - qt(1-alpha/2,df)*psemcarimpute
p <- pt( abs(t), df, lower.tail=FALSE)
result <- cbind(pqbarmcarimpute, psemcarimpute, t, ci.lower, ci.upper,p)
colnames(result) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "t value", "ci.lower", "ci.upper",
row.names(result) <- names(coef(dynrModel))
if(diag == TRUE){
# obtain diagnostic information from diag.mi()
nvariables = length(c(ynames,xnames))
variables =c(ynames,xnames)
Rhatmatrix=diag.mi(imp, nvariables, variables,m=m, iter=iter)
# trace plots from mice()
p1 = plot(imp, variables)
# Rhat plot
# prepare a long format data set for ggplot
df = data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = iter*nvariables))
colnames(df) = c("variable","iteration","Rhatvalue")
for(j in 1:nvariables){
df$variable[(iter*(j-1)+1):(iter*j)] = rep(variables[j],iter)
df$iteration[(iter*(j-1)+1):(iter*j)] = 1:iter
df$Rhatvalue[(iter*(j-1)+1):(iter*j)] = Rhatmatrix[,j]
p2 = ggplot(subset(df, df$iteration!=1), aes_string(x="iteration",y="Rhatvalue")) +
geom_line(aes_string(col = "variable"))+
geom_hline(yintercept=Rhat,size=1) +
labs(x="iteration", y="Rhat")+
#x11(); # avoid plot rendering errors
res = list(dataformice = dataformice,
imp = imp,
Rhat.matrix = Rhatmatrix,
trace.plot = p1,
Rhat.plot = p2,
parameters = pqbarmcarimpute,
standard.errors = psemcarimpute,
conf.intervals = cbind(ci.lower, ci.upper),
estimation.result = result)
class(res) <- "dynrMi"
res = list(dataformice = dataformice,
imp = imp,
parameters = pqbarmcarimpute,
standard.errors = psemcarimpute,
conf.intervals = cbind(ci.lower, ci.upper),
estimation.result = result)
class(res) <- "dynrMi"
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