MLoef <- function(robj, splitcr="median")
# performs the Martin-Loef LR-test
# robj... object of class RM
# splitcr... splitting criterion for two groups. "median" (default) and "mean"
# split items in two groups according to the median/mean or item raw
# scores.
# a vector of length k (number of items) containing two different
# elements signifying group membership of items can be supplied.
### no test with missing values rh 19-05-10
if(any($X))) stop("Martin-Loef Test with NA currently not available\n")
wrning <- NULL # initialize an object for warnings
if(length(splitcr) == 1){ # generate split-vector if "mean" or "median"
if(splitcr == "median"){
raw.scores <- colSums(robj$X,na.rm=T)
numsplit <- as.numeric(raw.scores > median(raw.scores,na.rm=T))
## removed for the time being 2011-09-08 rh
#if( any(raw.scores == median(raw.scores,na.rm=T)) ){ # Only if one item's raw score == the median, a warning is issued
# wrning <- which(raw.scores == median(raw.scores,na.rm=T)) # append a warning-slot to the object for print and summary methods
# cat("Item(s)",paste(names(wrning),collapse=", "),"with raw score equal to the median assigned to the lower raw score group!\n")
raw.scores <- colSums(robj$X,na.rm=T)
numsplit <- as.numeric(raw.scores > mean(raw.scores,na.rm=T))
## removed for the time being 2011-09-08 rh
#if( any(raw.scores == mean(raw.scores,na.rm=T)) ){ # Only if one item's raw score == the mean, a warning is issued
# wrning <- which(raw.scores == mean(raw.scores,na.rm=T)) # append a warning-slot to the object for print and summary methods
# cat("Item(s)",paste(names(wrning),collapse=", "),"with raw score equal to the mean assigned to the lower raw score group!\n")
} else { # check if the submitted split-vector is appropriate
if(length(splitcr) != ncol(robj$X)) stop("Split vector too long/short.")
# if(length(unique(splitcr)) > 2) stop("Only two groups allowed.")
if(length(unique(splitcr)) < 2) stop("Split vector must contain at least two groups.")
numsplit <- splitcr
sp.groups <- unique(numsplit)
i.groups <- sapply(sp.groups, function(g){ which(numsplit == g) }, simplify=F)
# check if any group countains less than 2 items
if( any(unlist(lapply(i.groups, length)) < 2) ){
stop("Each group of items must contain at least 2 items.")
# check if one group contains subject with <=1 valid responses
if(any(unlist(lapply(i.groups, function(g){ any(rowSums(!$X[,g])) <= 1) })))) stop("Groups contain subjects with less than two valid responses.")
### possible missing patterns and classification of persons into groups
# MV.X <- apply(matrix(as.numeric($X01)),ncol=ncol(robj$X01)),1,paste,collapse="")
# MV.p <- sort(unique(MV.X))
# MV.g <- numeric(length=length(MV.X))
# g <- 1
# for(i in MV.p){
# MV.g[MV.X == i] <- g;
# g <- g + 1
# }
# na.X01 <- list()
# for(i in 1:length(MV.p)){
# na.X01[[i]] <- matrix(robj$X01[which(MV.g == i),], ncol=ncol(robj$X01))
# }
# res1 <- RM(robj$X01[,i.groups[[1]]])
# res2 <- RM(robj$X01[,i.groups[[2]]])
# fitting the submodels
subModels <- lapply(i.groups, function(g){ PCM(robj$X[,g]) })
### calculating the numerator and denominator
sub.tabs <-, function(M){
rowSums(M$X, na.rm=T)
sub.tabs <- table(sub.tabs)
sub.term <- sub.tabs * (log(sub.tabs) - log(nrow(robj$X)))
sub.term <- sum(na.omit(as.numeric(sub.term)))
sub.max <- lapply(i.groups, function(g){ sum(apply(robj$X[,g], 2, max)) }) <- table(rowSums(robj$X, na.rm=T))
full.term <- sum(na.omit(as.numeric( * (log( - log(nrow(robj$X))) )))
ML.LR <- 2 * (
sub.term + sum(unlist(lapply(subModels, `[[`, "loglik")))
- full.term - robj$loglik
df <- prod(unlist(sub.max)+1) - (sum(apply(robj$X, 2, max))+1) - length(sp.groups) + 1
# ml.num <- ml.den <- df <- numeric()
# for(i in 1:length(MV.p)){
# .temp.num <- table(rowSums(na.X01[[i]],na.rm=T))
# .temp.num <- .temp.num[.temp.num > 0] ### rh
# ml.num[i] <- sum( (log(.temp.num)-log(sum(.temp.num)))*.temp.num )
# if(nrow(na.X01[[i]]) > 1){
# .temp.den <- table(rowSums(na.X01[[i]][,i.groups[[1]]],na.rm=T),
# rowSums(na.X01[[i]][,i.groups[[2]]],na.rm=T))
# }
# else{
# .temp.den <- table(sum(na.X01[[i]][,i.groups[[1]]],na.rm=T),
# sum(na.X01[[i]][,i.groups[[2]]],na.rm=T))
# }
# .temp.den <- .temp.den[.temp.den > 0] ### rh
# ml.den[i] <- sum( (log(.temp.den)-log(sum(.temp.den)))*.temp.den )
# k1 <- sum(![[i]][1,i.groups[[1]]])) ### rh
# k2 <- sum(![[i]][1,i.groups[[2]]])) ### rh
# df[i] <- k1 * k2 -1 ### rh
# }
# a <- sum(ml.num)
# b <- sum(ml.den)
# k <- c(length(i.groups[[1]]),length(i.groups[[2]]))
# ML.LR <- -2*( (a + robj$loglik) - (b + res1$loglik + res2$loglik) )
# DF <- prod(k) - 1
p.value <- 1 - pchisq(ML.LR, df)
result <- list(LR=ML.LR, df=df, p.value=p.value,
fullModel=robj, subModels=subModels,
Lf=robj$loglik, Ls=lapply(subModels, `[[`, "loglik"),
# theta.table.RM=table(rowSums(robj$X01)), # both used for the plotting
# theta.table.MLoef=table(rowSums(res1$X01),rowSums(res2$X01)), # routine plot.MLoef
# items1=i.groups[[1]], items2=i.groups[[2]], k=k,
splitcr=splitcr, split.vector=numsplit, warning=wrning,
class(result) <- "MLoef"
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