
Defines functions surrogates_RShiny generic_RShiny qda_ews

Documented in qda_ews

#' Quick Detection Analysis for Generic Early Warning Signals
#' Estimate autocorrelation, variance within rolling windows along a timeseries, test the significance of their trends, and reconstruct the potential landscape of the timeseries.
#' @param timeseries a numeric vector of the observed univariate timeseries values or a numeric matrix where the first column represents the time index and the second the observed timeseries values. Use vectors/matrices with headings.
#' @param param values corresponding to observations in timeseries
#' @param winsize is the size of the rolling window expressed as percentage of the timeseries length (must be numeric between 0 and 100). Default is 50\%.
#' @param detrending the timeseries can be detrended/filtered prior to analysis. There are four options: \code{gaussian} filtering, \code{linear} detrending and \code{first-differencing}. Default is \code{no} detrending.
#' @param bandwidth is the bandwidth used for the Gaussian kernel when gaussian filtering is applied. It is expressed as percentage of the timeseries length (must be numeric between 0 and 100). Alternatively it can be given by the bandwidth selector \code{\link{bw.nrd0}} (Default).
# @param incrwinsize increments the rolling window size (must be numeric between
# 0 and 100). Default is 25.
#' @param boots the number of surrogate data to generate from fitting an ARMA(p,q) model. Default is 100.
#' @param s_level significance level. Default is 0.05.
# @param incrbandwidth is the size to increment the bandwidth used for the
# Gaussian kernel when gaussian filtering is applied. It is expressed as
# percentage of the timeseries length (must be numeric between 0 and 100).
# Default is 20.
#' @param cutoff the cutoff value to visualize the potential landscape
#' @param detection.threshold detection threshold for potential minima
#' @param grid.size grid size (for potential analysis)
#' @param logtransform logical. If TRUE data are logtransformed prior to analysis as log(X+1). Default is FALSE.
#' @param interpolate logical. If TRUE linear interpolation is applied to produce a timeseries of equal length as the original. Default is FALSE (assumes there are no gaps in the timeseries).
#' @return qda_ews produces three plots. The first plot contains the original data, the detrending/filtering applied and the residuals (if selected), autocorrelation and variance. For each statistic trends are estimated by the nonparametric Kendall tau correlation.  The second plot, returns a histogram of the distributions of the Kendall trend statistic for autocorrelation and variance estimated on the surrogated data. Vertical lines represent the level of significance, whereas the black dots the actual trend found in the time series. The third plot is the reconstructed potential landscape in 2D. In addition, the function returns a list containing the output from the respective functions generic_RShiny (indicators); surrogates_RShiny (trends); movpotential_ews (potential analysis)
#' @export
#' @author Vasilis Dakos, Leo Lahti, March 1, 2013 \email{vasilis.dakos@@gmail.com}
#' @references
#' Dakos, V., et al (2012).'Methods for Detecting Early Warnings of Critical Transitions in Time Series Illustrated Using Simulated Ecological Data.' \emph{PLoS ONE} 7(7): e41010. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041010 
#' @seealso \code{\link{generic_ews}}; \code{\link{ddjnonparam_ews}}; \code{\link{bdstest_ews}}; \code{\link{sensitivity_ews}}; \code{\link{surrogates_ews}}; \code{\link{ch_ews}}; \code{\link{movpotential_ews}}; \code{\link{livpotential_ews}}; 
#' @examples 
#' data(foldbif)
#' out <- qda_ews(foldbif, param = NULL, winsize = 50, 
#'       	          detrending='gaussian', bandwidth=NULL, 
#'		  boots = 50, s_level = 0.05, cutoff=0.05, 
#'		  detection.threshold = 0.002, grid.size = 50, 
#'		  logtransform=FALSE, interpolate=FALSE)
#' @keywords early-warning

qda_ews <- function(timeseries, param = NULL, winsize = 50, detrending = c("no", 
    "gaussian", "linear", "first-diff"), bandwidth = NULL, boots = 100, s_level = 0.05, 
    cutoff = 0.05, detection.threshold = 0.002, grid.size = 50, logtransform = FALSE, 
    interpolate = FALSE) {
    timeseries <- data.matrix(timeseries)
    message("Indicator trend analysis")
    g <- generic_RShiny(timeseries, winsize, detrending, bandwidth, logtransform, 
        interpolate, AR_n = FALSE, powerspectrum = FALSE)
    message("Trend significance analysis")
    s <- surrogates_RShiny(timeseries, winsize, detrending, bandwidth, boots, s_level, 
        logtransform, interpolate)
    message("Potential analysis")
    p <- movpotential_ews(as.vector(timeseries[, 1]), param, detection.threshold = detection.threshold, 
        grid.size = grid.size, plot.cutoff = cutoff)
    # message('Sensitivity of trends') sens <-
    # sensitivity_RShiny(timeseries,winsizerange=c(25,75),incrwinsize,detrending=detrending,
    # bandwidthrange=c(5,100),incrbandwidth,logtransform=FALSE,interpolate=FALSE)
    list(indicators = g, trends = s, potential.plot = p)

# generic_Rshiny for estimating only AR1 and Variance in moving windows with
# various options for pretreating the data 26 Feb 2013

generic_RShiny <- function(timeseries, winsize = 50, detrending = c("no", "gaussian", 
    "linear", "first-diff"), bandwidth, logtransform, interpolate, AR_n = FALSE, 
    powerspectrum = FALSE) {
    # timeseries<-ts(timeseries)
    timeseries <- data.matrix(timeseries)  #strict data-types the input data as tseries object for use in later steps
    if (ncol(timeseries) == 1) {
        Y = timeseries
        timeindex = 1:dim(timeseries)[1]
    } else if (dim(timeseries)[2] == 2) {
        Y <- timeseries[, 2]
        timeindex <- timeseries[, 1]
    } else {
        warning("not right format of timeseries input")
    # return(timeindex) Interpolation
    if (interpolate) {
        YY <- approx(timeindex, Y, n = length(Y), method = "linear")
        Y <- YY$y
    } else {
        Y <- Y
    # Log-transformation
    if (logtransform) {
        Y <- log(Y + 1)
    # Detrending
    detrending <- match.arg(detrending)
    if (detrending == "gaussian") {
        if (is.null(bandwidth)) {
            bw <- round(bw.nrd0(timeindex))
        } else {
            bw <- round(length(Y) * bandwidth/100)
        smYY <- ksmooth(timeindex, Y, kernel = "normal", bandwidth = bw, range.x = range(timeindex), 
            x.points = timeindex)
        if (timeindex[1] > timeindex[length(timeindex)]) {
            nsmY <- Y - rev(smYY$y)
            smY <- rev(smYY$y)
        } else {
            nsmY <- Y - smYY$y
            smY <- smYY$y
    } else if (detrending == "linear") {
        nsmY <- resid(lm(Y ~ timeindex))
        smY <- fitted(lm(Y ~ timeindex))
    } else if (detrending == "first-diff") {
        nsmY <- diff(Y)
        timeindexdiff <- timeindex[1:(length(timeindex) - 1)]
    } else if (detrending == "no") {
        smY <- Y
        nsmY <- Y
    # Rearrange data for indicator calculation
    mw <- round(length(Y) * winsize/100)
    omw <- length(nsmY) - mw + 1  ##number of moving windows
    low <- 6
    high <- omw
    nMR <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = mw, ncol = omw)
    x1 <- 1:mw
    for (i in 1:omw) {
        Ytw <- nsmY[i:(i + mw - 1)]
        nMR[, i] <- Ytw
    # Calculate indicators
    nARR <- numeric()
    nSD <- numeric()
    nSD <- apply(nMR, 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
    for (i in 1:ncol(nMR)) {
        nYR <- ar.ols(nMR[, i], aic = FALSE, order.max = 1, dmean = FALSE, intercept = FALSE)
        nARR[i] <- nYR$ar
    nVAR = sqrt(nSD)
    # Estimate Kendall trend statistic for indicators
    timevec <- seq(1, length(nARR))
    KtAR <- cor.test(timevec, nARR, alternative = c("two.sided"), method = c("kendall"), 
        conf.level = 0.95)
    KtVAR <- cor.test(timevec, nVAR, alternative = c("two.sided"), method = c("kendall"), 
        conf.level = 0.95)
    # Plotting Generic Early-Warnings dev.new()
    par(mar = (c(1, 2, 0.5, 2) + 0), oma = c(2, 2, 2, 2), mfrow = c(4, 1))
    plot(timeindex, Y, type = "l", ylab = "", xlab = "", xaxt = "n", lwd = 2, las = 1, 
        xlim = c(timeindex[1], timeindex[length(timeindex)]))
    legend("bottomleft", "data", , bty = "n")
    if (detrending == "gaussian") {
        lines(timeindex, smY, type = "l", ylab = "", xlab = "", xaxt = "n", lwd = 2, 
            col = 2, las = 1, xlim = c(timeindex[1], timeindex[length(timeindex)]))
    if (detrending == "no") {
        plot(c(0, 1), c(0, 1), ylab = "", xlab = "", yaxt = "n", xaxt = "n", type = "n", 
            las = 1)
        text(0.5, 0.5, "no detrending - no residuals")
    } else if (detrending == "first-diff") {
        limit <- max(c(max(abs(nsmY))))
        plot(timeindexdiff, nsmY, ylab = "", xlab = "", type = "l", xaxt = "n", lwd = 2, 
            las = 1, ylim = c(-limit, limit), xlim = c(timeindexdiff[1], timeindexdiff[length(timeindexdiff)]))
        legend("bottomleft", "first-differenced", bty = "n")
    } else {
        limit <- max(c(max(abs(nsmY))))
        plot(timeindex, nsmY, ylab = "", xlab = "", type = "h", xaxt = "n", las = 1, 
            lwd = 2, ylim = c(-limit, limit), xlim = c(timeindex[1], timeindex[length(timeindex)]))
        legend("bottomleft", "residuals", bty = "n")
    plot(timeindex[mw:length(nsmY)], nARR, ylab = "", xlab = "", type = "l", xaxt = "n", 
        col = "green", lwd = 2, las = 1, xlim = c(timeindex[1], timeindex[length(timeindex)]))  #3
    legend("bottomright", paste("trend ", round(KtAR$estimate, digits = 3)), bty = "n")
    legend("bottomleft", "autocorrelation", bty = "n")
    plot(timeindex[mw:length(nsmY)], nVAR, ylab = "", xlab = "", type = "l", col = "blue", 
        lwd = 2, las = 1, xlim = c(timeindex[1], timeindex[length(timeindex)]))
    legend("bottomright", paste("trend ", round(KtVAR$estimate, digits = 3)), bty = "n")
    legend("bottomleft", "variance", bty = "n")
    mtext("time", side = 1, line = 2, cex = 0.8)
    mtext("Generic Early-Warnings: Autocorrelation - Variance", side = 3, line = 0.2, 
        outer = TRUE)  #outer=TRUE print on the outer margin
    # Output
    out <- data.frame(timeindex[mw:length(nsmY)], nARR, nSD)
    colnames(out) <- c("timeindex", "ar1", "sd")

# surrogates_Rshiny for estimating significance of trends for variance and
# autocorrelation 6 March 2013

surrogates_RShiny <- function(timeseries, winsize = 50, detrending = c("no", "gaussian", 
    "linear", "first-diff"), bandwidth = NULL, boots = 100, s_level = 0.05, logtransform = FALSE, 
    interpolate = FALSE) {
    timeseries <- data.matrix(timeseries)
    if (dim(timeseries)[2] == 1) {
        Y = timeseries
        timeindex = 1:dim(timeseries)[1]
    } else if (dim(timeseries)[2] == 2) {
        Y <- timeseries[, 2]
        timeindex <- timeseries[, 1]
    } else {
        warning("not right format of timeseries input")
    # Interpolation
    if (interpolate) {
        YY <- approx(timeindex, Y, n = length(Y), method = "linear")
        Y <- YY$y
    } else {
        Y <- Y
    # Log-transformation
    if (logtransform) {
        Y <- log(Y + 1)
    # Detrending
    detrending <- match.arg(detrending)
    if (detrending == "gaussian") {
        if (is.null(bandwidth)) {
            bw <- round(bw.nrd0(timeindex))
        } else {
            bw <- round(length(Y) * bandwidth)/100
        smYY <- ksmooth(timeindex, Y, kernel = c("normal"), bandwidth = bw, range.x = range(timeindex), 
            n.points = length(timeindex))
        nsmY <- Y - smYY$y
        smY <- smYY$y
    } else if (detrending == "linear") {
        nsmY <- resid(lm(Y ~ timeindex))
        smY <- fitted(lm(Y ~ timeindex))
    } else if (detrending == "first-diff") {
        nsmY <- diff(Y)
        timeindexdiff <- timeindex[1:(length(timeindex) - 1)]
    } else if (detrending == "no") {
        smY <- Y
        nsmY <- Y
    # Rearrange data for indicator calculation
    mw <- round(length(Y) * winsize)/100
    omw <- length(nsmY) - mw + 1
    low <- 6
    high <- omw
    nMR <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = mw, ncol = omw)
    for (i in 1:omw) {
        Ytw <- nsmY[i:(i + mw - 1)]
        nMR[, i] <- Ytw
    # Estimate indicator
    indic_ar1 <- apply(nMR, 2, function(x) {
        nAR1 <- ar.ols(x, aic = FALSE, order.max = 1, dmean = FALSE, intercept = FALSE)
    indic_var <- apply(nMR, 2, var)
    # Calculate trend statistics
    timevec <- seq(1, length(indic_ar1))
    Kt_ar1 <- cor.test(timevec, indic_ar1, alternative = c("two.sided"), method = c("kendall"), 
        conf.level = 0.95)
    Ktauestind_ar1orig <- Kt_ar1$estimate
    Kt_var <- cor.test(timevec, indic_var, alternative = c("two.sided"), method = c("kendall"), 
        conf.level = 0.95)
    Ktauestind_varorig <- Kt_var$estimate
    # Fit ARMA model based on AIC
    arma = matrix(, 4, 5)
    for (ij in 1:4) {
        for (jj in 0:4) {
            ARMA <- arima(nsmY, order = c(ij, 0, jj), include.mean = FALSE)
            arma[ij, jj + 1] = ARMA$aic
            print(paste("AR", "MA", "AIC"), quote = FALSE)
            print(paste(ij, jj, ARMA$aic), zero.print = ".", quote = FALSE)
    # Simulate ARMA(p,q) model fitted on residuals
    ind = which(arma == min(arma), arr.ind = TRUE)
    ARMA <- arima(nsmY, order = c(ind[1], 0, ind[2] - 1), include.mean = FALSE)
    Ktauestind_ar1 <- numeric()
    Ktauestind_var <- numeric()
    for (jjj in 1:boots) {
        x = arima.sim(n = length(nsmY), list(ar = c(ARMA$coef[1:ind[1]]), ma = c(ARMA$coef[(1 + 
            ind[1]):(ind[1] + ind[2] - 1)])), sd = sqrt(ARMA$sigma2))
        ## Rearrange data for indicator calculation
        nMR1 <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = mw, ncol = omw)
        for (i in 1:omw) {
            Ytw <- x[i:(i + mw - 1)]
            nMR1[, i] <- Ytw
        # Estimate indicator
        indic_ar1 <- apply(nMR1, 2, function(x) {
            nAR1 <- ar.ols(x, aic = FALSE, order.max = 1, dmean = FALSE, intercept = FALSE)
        indic_var <- apply(nMR1, 2, var)
        # Calculate trend statistics
        timevec <- seq(1, length(indic_ar1))
        Kt_ar1 <- cor.test(timevec, indic_ar1, alternative = c("two.sided"), method = c("kendall"), 
            conf.level = 0.95)
        Ktauestind_ar1[jjj] <- Kt_ar1$estimate
        Kt_var <- cor.test(timevec, indic_var, alternative = c("two.sided"), method = c("kendall"), 
            conf.level = 0.95)
        Ktauestind_var[jjj] <- Kt_var$estimate
    # Estimate probability of false positive
    q_ar1 <- sort(Ktauestind_ar1, na.last = NA)
    Kpos_ar1 <- max(which(Ktauestind_ar1orig > q_ar1), na.rm = TRUE)
    p <- (boots + 1 - Kpos_ar1)/boots
    print(paste("significance autocorrelation p = ", p, " estimated from ", boots, 
        " surrogate ARMA timeseries"))
    q_var <- sort(Ktauestind_var, na.last = NA)
    Kpos_var <- max(which(Ktauestind_varorig > q_var), na.rm = TRUE)
    p <- (boots + 1 - Kpos_var)/boots
    print(paste("significance variance p = ", p, " estimated from ", boots, " surrogate ARMA timeseries"))
    # Plotting
    layout(matrix(1:2, 1, 2))
    par(font.main = 10, mar = (c(4.6, 3.5, 0.5, 2) + 0.2), mgp = c(2, 1, 0), oma = c(0.5, 
        0.5, 2, 0), cex.axis = 0.8, cex.lab = 0.8, cex.main = 0.8)
    hist(Ktauestind_ar1, freq = TRUE, nclass = 20, xlim = c(-1, 1), col = "green", 
        main = NULL, xlab = "Surrogate trend estimates", ylab = "occurrence")  #,ylim=c(0,boots))
    abline(v = q_ar1[s_level * boots], col = "red", lwd = 2)
    abline(v = q_ar1[(1 - s_level) * boots], col = "red", lwd = 2)
    points(Ktauestind_ar1orig, 0, pch = 21, bg = "black", col = "black", cex = 4)
    title("Autocorrelation", cex.main = 1.3)
    hist(Ktauestind_var, freq = TRUE, nclass = 20, xlim = c(-1, 1), col = "blue", 
        main = NULL, xlab = "Surrogate trend estimates", ylab = "occurrence")  #,ylim=c(0,boots))
    abline(v = q_var[s_level * boots], col = "red", lwd = 2)
    abline(v = q_var[(1 - s_level) * boots], col = "red", lwd = 2)
    points(Ktauestind_varorig, 0, pch = 21, bg = "black", col = "black", cex = 4)
    title("Variance", cex.main = 1.3)

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