
#' Foreign-born literacy in 1930
#' This data set contains, on a state level, the proportion of white residents
#' ten years and older who are foreign born, and the proportion of those
#' residents who are literate.  Data come from the 1930 census and were first
#' analyzed by Robinson (1950).
#' @name forgnlit30
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame containing 5 variables and 48 observations
#' \tabular{lll}{ X \tab numeric \tab proportion of the white population at
#' least 10 years of age that is foreign born \cr Y \tab numeric \tab
#' proportion of the white population at least 10 years of age that is
#' illiterate \cr W1 \tab numeric \tab proportion of the foreign-born white
#' population at least 10 years of age that is illiterate \cr W2 \tab numeric
#' \tab proportion of the native-born white population at least 10 years of age
#' that is illiterate \cr ICPSR \tab numeric \tab the ICPSR state code }
#' @references Robinson, W.S. (1950). ``Ecological Correlations and the
#' Behavior of Individuals.'' \emph{American Sociological Review}, vol. 15,
#' pp.351-357.
#' @keywords datasets

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