
#' Electoral Results for the House and Presidential Races in 1988
#' This data set contains, on a House district level, the percentage of the
#' vote for the Democratic House candidate, the percentage of the vote for the
#' Democratic presidential candidate (Dukakis), the number of voters who voted
#' for a major party candidate in the presidential race, and the ratio of
#' voters in the House race versus the number who cast a ballot for President.
#' Eleven (11) uncontested races are not included.  Dataset compiled and
#' analyzed by Burden and Kimball (1988). Complete dataset and documentation
#' available at ICSPR study number 1140.
#' @name housep88
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame containing 5 variables and 424 observations
#' \tabular{lll}{ X \tab numeric \tab proportion voting for the Democrat in the
#' presidential race \cr Y \tab numeric \tab proportion voting for the Democrat
#' in the House race \cr N \tab numeric \tab number of major party voters in
#' the presidential contest \cr HPCT \tab numeric \tab House election turnout
#' divided by presidential election turnout (set to 1 if House turnout exceeds
#' presidential turnout) \cr DIST \tab numeric \tab 4-digit ICPSR state and
#' district code: first 2 digits for the state code, last two digits for the
#' district number (e.g., 2106=IL 6th) }
#' @references Burden, Barry C. and David C. Kimball (1988). ``A New Approach
#' To Ticket- Splitting.'' The American Political Science Review. vol 92., no.
#' 3, pp. 553-544.
#' @keywords datasets

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