
#' Voter Registration in US Southern States
#' This data set contains the racial composition, the registration rate, the
#' number of eligible voters as well as the actual observed racial registration
#' rates for every county in four US southern states: Florida, Louisiana, North
#' Carolina, and South Carolina.
#' @name reg
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame containing 5 variables and 275 observations
#' \tabular{lll}{ X \tab numeric \tab the fraction of Black voters \cr Y \tab
#' numeric \tab the fraction of voters who registered themselves\cr N \tab
#' numeric \tab the total number of voters in each county \cr W1 \tab numeric
#' \tab the actual fraction of Black voters who registered themselves \cr W2
#' \tab numeric \tab the actual fraction of White voters who registered
#' themselves }
#' @references King, G. (1997). \dQuote{A Solution to the Ecological Inference
#' Problem: Reconstructing Individual Behavior from Aggregate Data}. Princeton
#' University Press, Princeton, NJ.
#' @keywords datasets

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