
Defines functions ecospat.npred ecospat.caleval sensitivity specificity pod dsg ecospat.Epred ecospat.maxentvarimport

Documented in ecospat.caleval ecospat.Epred ecospat.maxentvarimport ecospat.npred

ecospat.maxentvarimport <- function(model, dfvar, nperm) {
  ref <- dismo::predict(model, dfvar)
  VarImp <- vector()
  for (i in 1:ncol(dfvar)) {
    refi <- vector()
    for (j in 1:nperm) {
      cali <- dfvar
      cali[, i] <- cali[sample(1:nrow(cali), nrow(cali)), i]
      refi <- c(refi, 1 - cor(ref, dismo::predict(model, cali)))
    VarImp <- c(VarImp, round(mean(refi), 3))
  names(VarImp) <- names(dfvar)


ecospat.Epred <- function(x, w = rep(1, ncol(x)), th = 0) {

  wmean <- function(x, w) {
    a <- vector()
    for (i in 1:length(w)) {
      a <- c(a, x[i] * w[i])

  Ebin <- function(vect2bin) {
    th <- vect2bin[1]
    vec <- vect2bin[-1]
    return(biomod2::bm_BinaryTransformation(vec, th))

  if (th != 0) {
    xi <- rbind(th, x)
    xi <- apply(xi, 2, Ebin)
    Ex <- apply(xi, 1, wmean, w)
    Ex <- round(cbind(xi, Ex) * 1000)
  } else {
    Ex <- round(apply(x, 1, wmean, w))
    Ex <- cbind(x, Ex)
  colnames(Ex) <- c(colnames(x), "E")

dsg <- function(data.coor, mindist) {
  xy <- cbind(data.coor, 1:nrow(data.coor))
  sample.out <- sample(1:nrow(data.coor), nrow(data.coor))
  z <- xy[sample.out, ]
  i <- 1
  repeat {
    keep <- z[i, ]
    zx <- which(z[, 1] > (z[i, 1] - mindist) & z[, 1] < (z[i, 1] + mindist))
    zy <- which(z[, 2] > (z[i, 2] - mindist) & z[, 2] < (z[i, 2] + mindist))
    out <- zy[na.exclude(match(zx, zy))]
    if (length(out) > 1) {
      z <- rbind(keep, z[-out, ])
    # print(i)
    i <- i + 1
    if (i >= nrow(z)) {
  return(z[, 3])

pod <- function(fit, obs, th) {
  fitbin <- 2 * biomod2::bm_BinaryTransformation(fit, th)
  return(length(which((fitbin + obs) == 3))/length(which(obs == 1)))

specificity <- function(pred, obs) {
  return(length(which((obs + pred) == 0))/(length(which((obs + pred) == 0)) + length(which((pred - obs) == 1))))

sensitivity <- function(pred, obs) {
  return(length(which((obs + pred) == 2))/(length(which((obs + pred) == 2)) + length(which((obs - pred) == 1))))

ecospat.caleval <- function(data, xy, row.num = 1:nrow(data), nrep = 1, ratio = 0.7, disaggregate = 0, pseudoabs = 0,
  npres = 0, replace = FALSE) {
  SampleMat2 <- function(ref, ratio) {
    ntot <- length(ref)
    npres <- sum(ref)
    ncal <- ceiling(ntot * ratio)
    pres <- sample(which(ref == 1), ceiling(npres * ratio))
    absc <- sample(which(ref == 0), ncal - length(pres))
    samprows <- list(calibration = c(pres, absc), evaluation = (1:ntot)[-c(pres, absc)])

  pres <- row.num[sample(which(data == 1))]
  abs <- row.num[sample(which(data == 0))]

  presi <- 1:length(pres)
  pres.iter <- c()
  absi <- 1:length(abs)
  abs.iter <- c()
  for (i in 1:nrep) {
    if (disaggregate != 0) {
      pres <- row.num[sample(which(data == 1))]
      pres <- pres[dsg(xy, disaggregate)]
    if (npres != 0 & npres < length(pres)) {
      if (length(presi) < npres) {
        a <- c(presi, sample((1:length(pres))[-presi], npres - length(presi)))
        pres.iter <- cbind(pres.iter, a)
        presi <- c(1:length(pres))[-a]
      } else {
        a <- sample(presi, npres)
        pres.iter <- cbind(pres.iter, a)
        presi <- presi[-a]
    } else {
      pres.iter <- cbind(pres.iter, 1:length(pres))

    if (pseudoabs != 0 & pseudoabs < length(abs)) {
      if (length(absi) < pseudoabs) {
        a <- c(absi, sample((1:length(abs))[-absi], pseudoabs - length(absi)))
        abs.iter <- cbind(abs.iter, a)
        absi <- c(1:length(abs))[-a]
      } else {
        a <- sample(absi, pseudoabs)
        abs.iter <- cbind(abs.iter, a)
        absi <- absi[-a]
    } else {
      abs.iter <- cbind(abs.iter, 1:length(abs))

    y <- rbind(cbind(rep(1, nrow(pres.iter)), pres[pres.iter[, i]]), cbind(rep(0, nrow(abs.iter)), abs[abs.iter[,

    cal.eval <- SampleMat2(y[, 1], ratio)
    yeval <- y[cal.eval$eval, 2]
    ycal <- y[cal.eval$cal, 2]
    if (i == 1) {
      eval <- data.frame(yeval)
      cal <- data.frame(ycal)
    if (i != 1) {
      if (length(yeval) > nrow(eval)) {
        eval <- rbind(eval, matrix(nrow = length(yeval) - nrow(eval), ncol = ncol(eval), dimnames = list(c(),
          rep("yeval", ncol(eval)))))
      if (length(yeval) < nrow(eval)) {
        yeval <- c(yeval, rep(NA, nrow(eval) - length(yeval)))
      if (length(ycal) > nrow(cal)) {
        cal <- rbind(cal, matrix(nrow = length(ycal) - nrow(cal), ncol = ncol(cal), dimnames = list(c(),
          rep("ycal", ncol(cal)))))
      if (length(ycal) < nrow(cal)) {
        ycal <- c(ycal, rep(NA, nrow(cal) - length(ycal)))
      eval <- cbind(eval, yeval)
      cal <- cbind(cal, ycal)
  return(list(eval = eval, cal = cal))

ecospat.npred <- function(x, th) {
  x[abs(x) > th] <- NA
  count <- function(x) {
  xi <- x
  diag(xi) <- 1

  while (length(which(is.na(xi)) > 0)) {
    narank <- order(apply(xi, 1, count), decreasing = TRUE)[1]
    xi <- xi[-narank, ]
    xi <- xi[, -narank]

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ecospat documentation built on July 4, 2024, 5:06 p.m.