#' Simple plot from wrf emission file
#' @description Create a quick plot from wrf emission file
#' @param file emission file name
#' @param name pollutant name
#' @param time time from emission file
#' @param nivel level from the emission file
#' @param barra barblot if TRUE
#' @param lbarra length of barplot
#' @param col color vector
#' @param skip logical, skip plot of constant valuess
#' @param map function call to plot map lines, points and annotation (experimental)
#' @param no_title no title plot
#' @param verbose if TRUE print some information
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to plot methods
#' @note If the file contains levels (kemit>1), and one frame (auxinput5_interval_m = 1)
#' time with control the level which will be ploted
#' @note In case of an error related to margins lbarra must be adjusted
#' @author Daniel Schuch
#' @import ncdf4
#' @importFrom grDevices cm.colors gray.colors
#' @importFrom graphics .filled.contour Axis axis box layout mtext par plot.window rect title
#' @importFrom utils menu
#' @importFrom cptcity cpt
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{Lights}}, \code{\link{to_wrf}} and \code{\link{wrf_create}}
#' @examples {
#'dir.create(file.path(tempdir(), "EMISS"))
#'wrf_create(wrfinput_dir = system.file("extdata", package = "eixport"),
#' wrfchemi_dir = file.path(tempdir(), "EMISS"))
#'# get the name of created file
#'files <- list.files(path = file.path(tempdir(), "EMISS"),
#' pattern = "wrfchemi",
#' full.names = TRUE)
#'# load end write some data in this emission file
#'to_wrf(Lights, files[1], total = 1521983, name = "E_CO")
#' wrf_plot(files[1], "E_CO")
wrf_plot <- function(file = file.choose(),
name = NA,
time = 1,
nivel = 1,
barra = T,
lbarra = 0.2,
col = cptcity::cpt(n = 20, rev = T),
map = NULL,
skip = FALSE,
no_title = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE,
wrfchem <- ncdf4::nc_open(file) # iteractive
if({ # nocov start
name <- menu(names(wrfchem$var)[c(-1,-2,-3)], title = "Choose the variable:")
POL <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(wrfchem, names(wrfchem$var)[name+3])
name <- names(wrfchem$var)[name+3] # nocov end
POL <- ncvar_get(wrfchem,name)
coordvarList = names(wrfchem[['var']])
if ("XLONG_M" %in% coordvarList & "XLAT_M" %in% coordvarList) {
xlong <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(wrfchem, "XLONG_M") # nocov
xlat <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(wrfchem, "XLAT_M") # nocov
} else if ("XLONG" %in% coordvarList & "XLAT" %in% coordvarList) {
xlong <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(wrfchem, "XLONG")
xlat <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(wrfchem, "XLAT")
} else if ("lon" %in% coordvarList & "lat" %in% coordvarList) { # nocov
xlong <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(wrfchem, "lon") # nocov
xlat <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(wrfchem, "lat") # nocov
} else if ("longitude" %in% coordvarList & "latitude" %in% coordvarList) { # nocov
xlong <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(wrfchem, "longitude") # nocov
xlat <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(wrfchem, "latitude") # nocov
} else {
stop('Error: Latitude and longitude fields not found (tried: XLAT_M/XLONG_M, XLAT/XLONG, lat/lon longitude/latitude') # nocov
lat <- range(xlat)
lon <- range(xlong)
y <- xlat [1, ]
x <- xlong[ ,1]
Times <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(wrfchem, varid="Times")
if(length(dim(POL)) == 3){
POL <- POL[,,max(time,nivel,na.rm=TRUE)] # nocov
if(length(dim(POL)) == 4){
POL <- POL[,,nivel,time] # nocov
cat(wrfchem$filename,"\n",name,":\n",sep = "") # nocov
if(max(POL) == min(POL)){ # nocov
cat(paste("Max value = Min Value =",max(POL),"\n")) # nocov
cat(paste("Max value: ",max(POL),", Min value: ",min(POL),sep = "","\n")) # nocov
if(skip & max(POL) == min(POL)){
cat('skiping plot\n') # nocov
return() # nocov
filled.contour2 <- function (x = seq(0, 1, length.out = nrow(z)),
y = seq(0, 1, length.out = ncol(z)), z,
xlim = range(x, finite = TRUE),
ylim = range(y, finite = TRUE),
zlim = range(z, finite = TRUE),
levels = pretty(zlim, nlevels),
nlevels = length(col),
color.palette = cm.colors,
col = col,
map = map,
asp = NA,
xaxs = "i",
yaxs = "i",
las = 1,
axes = TRUE,
frame.plot = axes,
mar, ...) {
if (missing(z)) {
if (!missing(x)) { # nocov
if (is.list(x)) { # nocov
z <- x$z # nocov
y <- x$y # nocov
x <- x$x # nocov
else {
z <- x # nocov
x <-, 1, length.out = nrow(z)) # nocov
else stop("no 'z' matrix specified") # nocov
else if (is.list(x)) {
y <- x$y # nocov
x <- x$x # nocov
if (any(diff(x) <= 0) | any(diff(y) <= 0))
stop("increasing 'x' and 'y' values expected") # nocov
mar.orig <- (par.orig <- par(c("mar", "las", "mfrow")))$mar
w <- (3 + mar.orig[2]) * par("csi") * 2.54
par(las = las)
mar <- mar.orig
plot.window(xlim, ylim, "", xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs, asp = asp)
if (!is.matrix(z) | nrow(z) <= 1 | ncol(z) <= 1)
stop("no proper 'z' matrix specified") # nocov
if (!is.double(z))
storage.mode(z) <- "double" # nocov
.filled.contour(as.double(x), as.double(y), z, as.double(levels), col = col)
.filled.contour(x, y, z, c(levels[length(levels)],999999999), col[length(col)])
if (missing(plot.axes)) {
if (axes) {
title(main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "")
Axis(x, side = 1)
Axis(y, side = 2)
else plot.axes # nocov
if (frame.plot)
if (missing(plot.title))
else plot.title # nocov
barras <- function(x,
levels = pretty(x,nlevels),
nlevels = length(col),
col = gray.colors(length(levels)-1),
titulo = "",...){
plot.window(xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = range(levels), xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i")
rect(0, levels[-length(levels)], 1, levels[-1L], col = col)
oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
ncol = 2,
nrow = 1,
byrow = T),
widths = c(1,lbarra))
par(mar=c(3.5, 3.5, 3, 0))
filled.contour2(x, y, POL, col = col)
mtext(paste("WRF-Chem emissions - Time:", Times[time]), 3, line = 0.8)
mtext("Latitude", 2, line = 2.2,cex = 1.2, las=0)
mtext("Longitude", 1, line = 2.2,cex = 1.2)
map # nocov
par(mar = c(3.5, 1, 3, 4))
barras(POL, col = col)
mtext(name, 3, line = 0.8)
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
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