
Defines functions check_benchmark_arguments benchmark

Documented in benchmark

#' Benchmark Function
#' This function benchmarks the EBLUP estimates of an area-level model.
#' @param object an object of type "fh".
#' @param benchmark a number determining the benchmark value.
#' @param share a vector containing the shares of the population size per area
#' and the total population size (N_d/N).Values must be sorted like the domains
#' in the fh object.
#' @param type Character indicating the type of benchmarking. Types that can be
#' chosen (i) Raking ("\code{raking}"), (ii) Ratio adjustment ("\code{ratio}"),
#' (iii) MSE adjustment ("\code{MSE_adj}"). Defaults to "\code{raking}".
#' @param overwrite if \code{TRUE}, the benchmarked FH estimates are added to
#' the ind object of the emdi object and the MSE estimates are set to
#' NULL since these are not benchmarked. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @return A data frame containing a domain indicator (Domain), direct estimates
#' (Direct), point predictions (FH), benchmarked point predictions (FH_Bench)
#' and a variable indicating out-of-sample domains Out (1 for out-of-sample, 0
#' for in-sample) . If overwrite is set to TRUE, the fh object is returned, but
#' the point predictions of the ind data frame are complemented by the
#' benchmarked results.
#' @details
#' The benchmarking algorithm only works, if FH estimates are available.
#' The type "\code{MSE_adj}" only works, if MSE estimates are available.
#' If overwrite is set to TRUE, the emdi object is returned, but the
#' benchmarked FH estimates are added to the ind object of the emdi
#' object and the MSE estimates are set to NULL since these are not
#' benchmarked.
#' @references
#' Datta,G. S., Ghosh, M., Steorts, R. and Maples, J. (2010) Bayesian
#' benchmarking with applications to small area estimation. Test, 20, 574–588.
#' @examples
#' # Loading data - population and sample data
#' data("eusilcA_popAgg")
#' data("eusilcA_smpAgg")
#' # Combine sample and population data
#' combined_data <- combine_data(
#'   pop_data = eusilcA_popAgg,
#'   pop_domains = "Domain",
#'   smp_data = eusilcA_smpAgg,
#'   smp_domains = "Domain"
#' )
#' # Estimate Fay-Herriot model
#' fh_std <- fh(
#'   fixed = Mean ~ cash + self_empl, vardir = "Var_Mean",
#'   combined_data = combined_data, domains = "Domain", method = "ml",
#'   MSE = TRUE
#' )
#' # Benchmark the point estimates
#' # Example 1: Receive data frame with point estimates and their benchmarked
#' # results
#' fh_bench <- benchmark(fh_std,
#'   benchmark = 20140.09,
#'   share = eusilcA_popAgg$ratio_n, type = "ratio"
#' )
#' # Example 2: Add benchmarked results to fh object
#' fh_bench <- benchmark(fh_std,
#'   benchmark = 20140.09,
#'   share = eusilcA_popAgg$ratio_n, type = "ratio", overwrite = TRUE
#' )
#' @rdname benchmark_emdi
#' @export

benchmark <- function(object, benchmark, share, type = "raking",
                      overwrite = FALSE) {
    object = object, benchmark = benchmark,
    share = share, type = type, overwrite = overwrite

  estim <- object$ind$FH
  FH_bench <- rep(NA, length(object$ind$FH))

  if (type == "raking") {
    FH_bench <- estim + benchmark - sum(share * estim)
  } else if (type == "ratio") {
    phi <- share / object$ind$FH
    FH_bench <- estim + (1 / (sum(share^2 / phi))) *
      (benchmark - sum(share * estim)) * (share / phi)
  } else if (type == "MSE_adj") {
    phi <- share / object$MSE$FH
    FH_bench <- estim + (1 / (sum(share^2 / phi))) *
      (benchmark - sum(share * estim)) * (share / phi)
  if (overwrite == FALSE) {
    eblup_data_bench <- data.frame(Domain = object$ind$Domain)
    eblup_data_bench$Direct <- object$ind$Direct
    eblup_data_bench$FH <- object$ind$FH
    eblup_data_bench$FH_Bench <- FH_bench
    eblup_data_bench$Out <- object$ind$Out
    result <- eblup_data_bench
  } else {
    object$ind$FH_Bench <- FH_bench
    object$ind <- object$ind[, c("Domain", "Direct", "FH", "FH_Bench", "Out")]
    object["MSE"] <- list(NULL)

    message(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                    "Please note that only point estimates are benchmarked.
                    Thus, the MSE element in the new emdi object is NULL."))
    result <- object

# Argument checking
check_benchmark_arguments <- function(object, benchmark, share, type,
                                      overwrite) {
  if (!inherits(object, "fh")) {
    stop("Object needs to be fh object.")

  throw_class_error(object, "fh")

  if ((any(is.na(object$ind$FH)))) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                "If no predictions for out-of-sample domains are available,
                the benchmarking algorithm does not work."))
  if (is.null(type) || !(is.character(type)) || !(type == "raking" ||
    type == "ratio" ||
    type == "MSE_adj")) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "Type must be a character. The three options for types are
                 ''raking'', ''ratio'' and ''MSE_adj''."))
  if ((is.null(object$MSE)) && type == "MSE_adj") {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "If no MSE estimates are available, ''MSE_adj'' benchmarking
                 does not work. The fh object has to contain MSE estimates.
                 Therefore set the MSE argument of the fh function to TRUE."))
  if ((any(is.na(object$MSE$FH))) && type == "MSE_adj") {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "For the benchmarking type ''MSE_adj'' the MSE estimates of
                 the fh object must not contain NAs. If no MSE estimates for
                 out-of-sample domains are available,''MSE_adj'' benchmarking
                 does not work."))
  if (is.null(benchmark) || !(is.numeric(benchmark) &&
    length(benchmark) == 1)) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "benchmark needs to be a single numeric value. See also
  if (!is.vector(share) || length(share) != length(object$ind$Domain)) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "share must be a vector with length equal to the number of
                 domains. See also help(benchmark)."))
  if (any(is.na(share))) {
    stop("share must not contain NAs.")
  if (!is.logical(overwrite) || length(overwrite) != 1) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "overwrite must be a logical value. Set overwrite to TRUE or
                 FALSE. The default is set to FALSE. See also

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emdi documentation built on Nov. 5, 2023, 5:07 p.m.