
Defines functions eblup_robust

eblup_robust <- function(framework, combined_data, method, k = 1.345, vardir,
                         mult_constant, correlation, corMatrix) {
  if (correlation == "no") {
    eblupobject <- saeRobust::rfh(framework$formula,
      data = framework$data,
      samplingVar = vardir,
      tol = framework$tol, maxIter = framework$maxit

    # Identity matrix mxm
    D <- diag(1, framework$m)
    model_X <- as.matrix(eblupobject$x)
    # Total variance-covariance matrix - only values on the diagonal due to
    # independence of error terms
    V <- eblupobject$variance * D %*% t(D) + diag(as.numeric(framework$vardir))
    # Inverse of the total variance
    Vi <- solve(V)
    # Inverse of X'ViX
    Q <- solve(t(model_X) %*% Vi %*% model_X)

    # Inference for coefficients
    std.errorbeta <- sqrt(diag(Q))
    tvalue <- eblupobject$coefficients / std.errorbeta
    pvalue <- 2 * pnorm(abs(tvalue), lower.tail = FALSE)

    eblup_coef <- data.frame(
      coefficients = eblupobject$coefficients,
      std.error = std.errorbeta,
      t.value = tvalue,
      p.value = pvalue
  } else if (correlation == "spatial") {
    if (is.matrix(corMatrix) == FALSE) {
      corMatrix <- as.matrix(corMatrix)
    eblupobject <- saeRobust::rfh(framework$formula,
      data = framework$data,
      samplingVar = vardir, saeRobust::corSAR1(corMatrix),
      k = k, tol = framework$tol, maxIter = framework$maxit

    # Identity matrix mxm
    D <- diag(1, framework$m)
    model_X <- as.matrix(eblupobject$x)
    Wt <- t(framework$W)
    A <- solve((D - eblupobject$variance[1] *
      Wt) %*% (D - eblupobject$variance[1] * framework$W))
    G <- eblupobject$variance[2] * A
    # Total variance-covariance matrix
    V <- G + D * framework$vardir
    # Inverse of the total variance
    Vi <- solve(V)
    # Inverse of X'ViX
    Q <- solve(t(model_X) %*% Vi %*% model_X)

    # Inference for coefficients
    std.errorbeta <- sqrt(diag(Q))
    tvalue <- eblupobject$coefficients / std.errorbeta
    pvalue <- 2 * pnorm(abs(tvalue), lower.tail = FALSE)

    eblup_coef <- data.frame(
      coefficients = eblupobject$coefficients,
      std.error = std.errorbeta,
      t.value = tvalue,
      p.value = pvalue

  eblupobject$linear <- stats::predict(eblupobject, type = "linear")$linear
  eblupobject$reblupbc <- stats::predict(eblupobject,
    type = "reblupbc",
    c = mult_constant

  eblup_data <- data.frame(
    Domain =
  # direct
  eblup_data$Direct <- NA
  eblup_data$Direct[framework$obs_dom == TRUE] <- framework$direct
  # eblup
  # bias corrected prediction
  if (is.element("linear", method)) {
    eblup_data$FH[framework$obs_dom == TRUE] <- eblupobject$linear
  if (is.element("reblup", method)) {
    eblup_data$FH[framework$obs_dom == TRUE] <- eblupobject$reblup
  if (is.element("reblupbc", method)) {
    eblup_data$FH[framework$obs_dom == TRUE] <- eblupobject$reblupbc
  eblup_data$Out[framework$obs_dom == TRUE] <- 0
  eblup_data$Out[framework$obs_dom == FALSE] <- 1

  if (!all(framework$obs_dom == TRUE)) {
    message(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                   "Please note that the results are only returned for
                   in-sample domains. For more information see help(fh)."))

  eblup_out <- list(
    eblup_data = eblup_data,
    fitted = eblupobject$fitted,
    coefficients = eblup_coef,
    real_res = eblupobject$residuals,
    std_real_res =
      eblupobject$residuals / sqrt(eblupobject$samplingVar),
    random_effects = eblupobject$re,
    eblupobject = eblupobject,
    variance = eblupobject$variance,
    beta_vcov = Q


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