
Defines functions load_dbConfigFromEmuTemplate

## Create emuDB database schema object from EMU template (.tpl) file
## @param tplPath EMU template file path
## @param dbUUID optional database UUID
## @param encoding  encoding of the template file
## @return object of class emuDB.schema.db
## @import stringr uuid wrassp
## @keywords emuDB database schema Emu 
load_dbConfigFromEmuTemplate = function(tplPath,
                                        dbUUID = NULL,
                                        encoding = NULL){
  LEVEL_CMD = 'level'
  LABFILE_CMD = 'labfile'
  LABEL_CMD = 'label'
  SET_CMD = 'set'
  TRACK_CMD = 'track'
  PATH_CMD = 'path'
  LEGAL_CMD = 'legal'
  if(is.null(tplPath)) {
    stop("Argument tplPath (path to Emu template file) must not be NULL\n")
  tplBasename = basename(tplPath)
  dbName = gsub("[.][tT][pP][lL]$",
  # read
    tpl = try(readr::read_lines(tplPath))
    tpl = try(readr::read_lines(tplPath, 
                                readr::locale(encoding = encoding)))
  if(inherits(tpl, "try-error")) {
    stop("read tpl: cannot read from file ", tplPath)
  # check if file (not directory)
  tplFInfo = try(file.info(tplPath))
  if(inherits(tplFInfo, "try-error") | is.null(tplFInfo)) {
    stop("check template file: cannot get file info: ", tplPath)
    stop(tplPath," is a directory. Expected a legacy EMU template file path.")
  tracks = list()
  flags = list()
  levelDefinitions = list()
  linkDefinitions = list()
  pathDescriptors = list()
  annotationDescriptors = list()
  hlbTierDescriptors = list()
  hlbAnnotationDescriptor = NULL;
  lineNr = 0
  for(line in tpl){
    lineNr = lineNr + 1L
    trimmedLine = stringr::str_trim(line)
    if(trimmedLine != ''){
      firstChar = substr(trimmedLine, 1, 1)
      if(firstChar != '!'){
        lineTokensLst = strsplit(trimmedLine, '[[:space:]]+')
        lineTokens = lineTokensLst[[1]]
        lineTokenCount = length(lineTokens)
        if(lineTokenCount >= 1){
          command = lineTokens[1]
          if(command == LABFILE_CMD){
            tierName = lineTokens[2]
            # TODO are there any default values for this properties?
            extension = NULL
            type = NULL
            timeFactor = NULL
            for(tki in 3:length(lineTokens)){
              tk = lineTokens[[tki]]
              if(substr(tk, 1, 1) == ':'){
                # property key
                key = substring(tk, 2)
                #property value
                  stop("Emu template parser key/value error in ", 
                val = tk
                if(key == 'extension'){
                  extension = val
                }else if(key == 'type'){
                  type = val
                }else if(key == 'time-factor'){
                  timeFactor = val
                # reset key
                key = NULL 
            ad = list(name = tierName,
                      extension = extension,
                      type = type,
                      timeFactor = timeFactor)
            annotationDescriptors[[length(annotationDescriptors)+1L]] <- ad
            # lab file can reference hlb level
            replaced = FALSE
            tdLen = length(levelDefinitions)
            for(i in 1:tdLen){
              td = levelDefinitions[[i]]
              if(td[['name']] == tierName){
                # replace 
                levelDefinitions[[i]] = list(name = td[['name']],
                                             type = type,
                                             attributeDefinitions = td[['attributeDefinitions']])
                replaced = TRUE
              # append
              levelDefinitions[[length(levelDefinitions)+1L]] = list(name = tierName);
          }else if(command == TRACK_CMD){
            name = lineTokens[2]
            extension = lineTokens[3]
            track = list(name = name, 
                         columnName = name, 
                         fileExtension = extension)
            tracks[[length(tracks) + 1L]] <- track
          }else if(command == SET_CMD){
            key = lineTokens[2]
            value = lineTokens[3]
            flags[[key]] = value
          }else if(command == PATH_CMD){
            annoKeysStr = lineTokens[2]
            annoBasePath = lineTokens[3]
            annoKeysLst = strsplit(annoKeysStr, ',')[[1]]
            for(aki in 1:length(annoKeysLst)){
              annoKey = annoKeysLst[[aki]]
              pathDescr = list(basePath = annoBasePath,
                               key = annoKey)
              pathDescriptors[[length(pathDescriptors)+1L]] <- pathDescr
              if(annoKey == 'hlb'){
                # special meaning
                # hlb files are neither declared by tracks nor by labfile directive
                # add as annotationDescriptor
                ad = list(name = NULL,
                          extension = annoKey,
                          type = 'HLB')
                annotationDescriptors[[length(annotationDescriptors)+1L]] <- ad
          }else if(command == LEVEL_CMD){
            levelTierName = lineTokens[2]
            if(lineTokenCount >= 3){
              linkType = "ONE_TO_MANY"
              if(lineTokenCount >= 4){
                relationshipType = lineTokens[4]
                if(relationshipType == 'many-to-many'){
                  linkType = "MANY_TO_MANY"
              linkDefinition = list(type = linkType, 
                                    superlevelName = lineTokens[3],
                                    sublevelName = levelTierName)
              linkDefinitions[[length(linkDefinitions) + 1L]] = linkDefinition
            tierDescr = list(name = levelTierName,
                             type = 'ITEM', 
                             attributeDefinitions = list(list(name = levelTierName, type = "STRING")))
            exists = FALSE
            for(lDef in levelDefinitions){
              if(lDef[['name']] == levelTierName){
                exists = TRUE
              levelDefinitions[[length(levelDefinitions) + 1L]] = tierDescr
            # TODO constraints
          }else if(command == LABEL_CMD){
            levelTierName = lineTokens[2]
            labelNames = list(levelTierName)
            if(lineTokenCount != 3){
              stop("Expected label directive \"label levelName labelName\"")
            for(i in 1:length(levelDefinitions)){
              if(td[['name']] == levelTierName){
                # replace
                attrDefs = levelDefinitions[[i]][['attributeDefinitions']]
                attrDefs[[length(attrDefs) + 1L]] = list(name = lineTokens[3],
                                                         type = 'STRING')
                levelDefinitions[[i]] = list(name = levelTierName, 
                                             type = td[['type']],
                                             attributeDefinitions = attrDefs);
          }else if(command == LEGAL_CMD){
            if(lineTokenCount <= 3){
              stop("Expected legal directive \"legal levelName groupName label1 label2 ... labeln\"")
            attrName = lineTokens[2]
            labelGroupName = lineTokens[3]
            groupLabels = list()
            for(i in 4:lineTokenCount){
              groupLabels[[length(groupLabels) + 1]] = lineTokens[i]
            set = FALSE
            for(i in 1:length(levelDefinitions)){
              td = levelDefinitions[[i]]
              ads = td[['attributeDefinitions']]
              for(j in 1:length(ads)){
                ad = ads[[j]]
                if(ad[['name']] == attrName){
                  lblGrIdx = length(ad[['labelGroups']]) + 1
                  levelDefinitions[[i]][['attributeDefinitions']][[j]][['labelGroups']][[lblGrIdx]] = list(name = labelGroupName,
                                                                                                           values = groupLabels)
                  set = TRUE
  tl = length(tracks)
  al = length(annotationDescriptors)
  # apply pathes to tracks  
  tss2 = 1:tl
  for(ti2 in tss2){
    for(pd in pathDescriptors){
      if(tracks[[ti2]][['fileExtension']] == pd[['key']]){
        tracks[[ti2]][['basePath']] = pd[['basePath']]
  # apply pathes to annotations
  as = 1:al
  for(ai in as){
    for(pd in pathDescriptors){
      if(annotationDescriptors[[ai]][['extension']] == pd[['key']]){
        annotationDescriptors[[ai]][['basePath']] = pd[['basePath']]
  ssffTrackDefinitions = list()
  assign = list()
  mediafileBasePathPattern = NULL
  mediafileExtension = NULL
  for(tr in tracks){
    n = tr[['name']]
    e = tr[['fileExtension']]
    if(e == flags[['PrimaryExtension']]){
      primaryBasePath = tr[['basePath']]
    if(n == 'samples'){
      if(e != 'wav'){
        warning("WARNING: Media file type with extension ", e, " are not supported by the EMU-webApp.\n")
      if(e == 'ssd'){
        warning("WARNING: Converting 'ssd' media files to wav! Note that all attr(ssd,'startTime') values that vary from 0 will be normalized to 0.\n")
        warning("WARNING: 'ssd' files will still be copied into each bundle but not added as an ssffTrackDefinition.\n")
      mediafileExtension = e
      mediafileBasePathPattern = tr[['basePath']]
      #array !
      ssffTrackDefinitions[[length(ssffTrackDefinitions) + 1L]] = tr
      # default assign all to spectrum TODO
    # Generate UUID 
    # problem: the UUID will change on every reload
    dbUUID = uuid::UUIDgenerate()
  # default perspective
  # assign all SSFF tracks to sonagram
  assign = list()
  for(ssffTrack in ssffTrackDefinitions){
    # TODO dirty workaround
    # detect formant tracks by number of channels
    if(ssffTrack[['name']] == 'fm'){
  contourLims = list()
  sc = list(order = c("OSCI","SPEC"), 
            assign = assign, 
            contourLims = contourLims)
  defaultLvlOrder = list()
  for(ld in levelDefinitions){
    if(ld[['type']] == 'SEGMENT' || ld[['type']] == 'EVENT'){
      defaultLvlOrder[[length(defaultLvlOrder) + 1L]] = ld[['name']]
  defPersp = list(name = 'default',
                  signalCanvases = sc,
                  levelCanvases = list(order = defaultLvlOrder),
                  twoDimCanvases = list(order=list()))
  waCfg = list(perspectives = list(defPersp))
  dbSchema = list(name = dbName,
                  UUID = dbUUID,
                  mediafileBasePathPattern = mediafileBasePathPattern,
                  mediafileExtension = mediafileExtension,
                  ssffTrackDefinitions = ssffTrackDefinitions,
                  levelDefinitions = levelDefinitions,
                  linkDefinitions = linkDefinitions,
                  EMUwebAppConfig = waCfg,
                  annotationDescriptors = annotationDescriptors,
                  tracks = tracks,
                  flags = flags);
  # get max label array size
  maxLbls = 0
  for(lvlDef in levelDefinitions){
    attrCnt = length(lvlDef[['attributeDefinitions']])
    if(attrCnt > maxLbls){
      maxLbls = attrCnt
  dbSchema[['maxNumberOfLabels']] = maxLbls

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emuR documentation built on Nov. 4, 2023, 1:06 a.m.