
Defines functions requery_hier requery_seq check_tibbleForRequery check_emuRsegsForRequery drop_requeryTmpTables create_requeryTmpTables

Documented in requery_hier requery_seq

database.DDL.emuRsegsTmp = paste0("CREATE TEMP TABLE emursegs_tmp (",
                                  " labels TEXT, ",
                                  " start FLOAT, ",
                                  " end FLOAT, ",
                                  " utts TEXT, ",
                                  " db_uuid VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL, ",
                                  " session TEXT, ",
                                  " bundle TEXT, ",
                                  " start_item_id INTEGER, ",
                                  " end_item_id INTEGER, ",
                                  " level TEXT, ",
                                  " start_item_seq_idx INTEGER, ",
                                  " end_item_seq_idx INTEGER, ",
                                  " type TEXT, ",
                                  " sample_start INTEGER, ",
                                  " sample_end  INTEGER, ",
                                  " sample_rate FLOAT, ",
                                  " attribute TEXT ",

create_requeryTmpTables <- function(emuDBhandle){
  DBI::dbExecute(emuDBhandle$connection, database.DDL.emuRsegsTmp)

drop_requeryTmpTables <- function(emuDBhandle){
  if("emursegs_tmp" %in% DBI::dbListTables(emuDBhandle$connection)){
    DBI::dbExecute(emuDBhandle$connection, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS emursegs_tmp")

check_emuRsegsForRequery <- function(sl){
  if(length(unique(sl$level)) != 1){
    warning("emuRsegs contains segments/annotation items of multiple levels!")
  sl_df = as.data.frame(sl)
  sl_df_sorted = dplyr::arrange(sl_df, .data$session, .data$bundle, .data$sample_start)
  comp_res = compare::compare(sl_df, sl_df_sorted, allowAll = FALSE, ignoreAttrs = TRUE)
    warning("emuRsegs is not ordered correctly (by session; bundle; seq_idx)! ",
            "Hence, the ordering of the resulting emuRsegs object of the requery will ",
            "NOT be the same! Use sort(emuRsegs) to sort the emuRsegs object correctly!")

check_tibbleForRequery <- function(tbl){
  req_columns = c("db_uuid", "session", "bundle", "start_item_id", 
                  "end_item_id", "level", "attribute", "start_item_seq_idx", 
  if(!all(req_columns %in% names(tbl))){
    stop(paste0("tibble object does not contain all required columns. The required columns are: ", 
                paste(req_columns, collapse = "; ")))

##' Requery sequential context of segment list in an emuDB
##' @description Function to requery sequential context of a segment list queried 
##' from an emuDB
##' @details Builds a new segment list on the same hierarchical level 
##' and the same length as the segment list given in \code{seglist}. The 
##' resulting segments usually have different start position and length (in 
##' terms of items of the respective level) controlled by the \code{offset},
##' \code{offsetRef} and \code{length} parameters.
##' A segment here is defined as a single item or a chain of items from the 
##' respective level, e.g. if a level in a bundle instance has labels 'a', 'b' 
##' and 'c' in that order, 'a' or 'a->b' oder 'a->b->c' are all valid segments, 
##' but not 'a->c'.
##' \code{offsetRef} determines if the position offset is referenced to the 
##' start or the end item of the segments in the input list \code{seglist}; 
##' parameter \code{offset} determines the offset of the resulting item start 
##' position to this reference item; parameter \code{length} sets the item 
##' length of the result segments. If the requested segments are out of bundle 
##' item boundaries and parameter \code{ignoreOutOfBounds} is \code{FALSE} 
##' (the default), an error is generated. To get residual resulting segments 
##' that lie within the bounds the \code{ignoreOutOfBounds} parameter can be 
##' set to \code{TRUE}. The returned segment list is usually of the same 
##' length and order as the input \code{seglist}; if \code{ignoreOutOfBounds=FALSE}, 
##' the resulting segment list may be out of sync.
##' @param emuDBhandle emuDB handle as returned by \code{\link{load_emuDB}}
##' @param seglist segment list to requery on (type: 'tibble' or 'emuRsegs')
##' @param offset start item offset in sequence (default is 0, meaning the start 
##' or end item of the input segment)
##' @param offsetRef reference item for offset: 'START' for first and 'END' 
##' for last item of segment
##' @param length item length of segments in the returned segment list
##' @param ignoreOutOfBounds ignore result segments that are out of bundle bounds
##' @param resultType type of result (either 'tibble' == default, 'emuRsegs')
##' @param calcTimes calculate times for resulting segments (results in \code{NA} 
##' values for start and end times in emuseg/emuRsegs). As it can be very 
##' computationally expensive to calculate the times for large nested hierarchies, 
##' it can be turned off via this boolean parameter.
##' @param timeRefSegmentLevel set time segment level from which to derive time 
##' information. It is only necessary to set this parameter if more than one 
##' child level contains time information and the queried parent level is of type ITEM.
##' @param verbose be verbose. Set this to \code{TRUE} if you wish to choose which 
##' path to traverse on intersecting hierarchies. If set to \code{FALSE} (the 
##' default) all paths will be traversed (= legacy EMU behaviour).
##' @return result set object of class \link{emuRsegs} or \link{tibble}
##' @export
##' @seealso \code{\link{query}} \code{\link{requery_hier}} \code{\link{emuRsegs}}
##' @keywords emuDB database requery
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ##################################
##' # prerequisite: loaded ae emuDB 
##' # (see ?load_emuDB for more information)
##' ## Requery previous item of 'p' on level 'Phonetic'
##' sl1 = query(ae, "Phonetic == p")
##' requery_seq(ae, sl1, offset = -1)
##' ## Requery context (adding previuos and following elements) 
##' ## of 'p' on phonetic level
##' requery_seq(ae, sl1, offset = -1, length = 3)
##' ## Requery previous item of n->t sequence
##' sl2 = query(ae, "[Phoneme == n -> Phoneme == t]")
##' requery_seq(ae, sl2, offset = -1)
##' ## Requery last item within n->t sequence
##' requery_seq(ae, sl2, offsetRef = 'END')
##' ## Requery following item after n->t sequence
##' requery_seq(ae, sl2, offset = 1, offsetRef = 'END')
##' ## Requery context (previous and following items) of n->t sequence
##' requery_seq(ae, sl2, offset = -1, length = 4)
##' ## Requery next word contexts (sequence includes target word)
##' sl3 = query(ae, "Text == to")
##' requery_seq(ae, sl3, length = 2)
##' ## Requery following two word contexts, ignoring segment 
##' ## sequences that are out of bundle end bounds 
##' requery_seq(ae, sl3, length = 3, ignoreOutOfBounds = TRUE)
##' }
requery_seq <- function(emuDBhandle, 
                        offset = 0, 
                        offsetRef = 'START', 
                        length = 1, 
                        ignoreOutOfBounds = FALSE, 
                        resultType = "tibble", 
                        calcTimes = TRUE, 
                        timeRefSegmentLevel = NULL, 
                        verbose = FALSE){
  if(!inherits(seglist, c("emuRsegs", "tbl_df"))){
    stop("Segment list 'seglist' must be of type 'emuRsegs' or ",
         "'tibble' with the requiered fields. (Do not set a ",
         "value for 'resultType' parameter in the query() command; ",
         "then the default resultType=emuRsegs will be used)")
  if(length <= 0){
    stop("Parameter length must be greater than 0")
  if(nrow(seglist) == 0){
    # empty seglist, return the empty list
    if(inherits(seglist, "emuRsegs")){
    # drop create tmp tables and recreate (will ensure they are empty)
    # place in emuRsegsTmp table
                   "DELETE FROM emursegs_tmp;") # delete 
                      append = TRUE,
                      row.names = FALSE) # append to make sure field names don't get overwritten
    # load config
    dbConfig = load_DBconfig(emuDBhandle)
    if(FALSE){ # here the boolean input parameter should be 
      join_type = "LEFT JOIN"
      join_type = "JOIN"
      heQueryStr = paste0("SELECT ",
                          " sl.db_uuid, ",
                          " sl.session, ",
                          " sl.bundle, ",
                          " items_start.item_id AS seq_start_id, ",
                          " items_end.item_id AS seq_end_id, ",
                          length, " AS seq_len, ",
                          " sl.level AS level, ",
                          " sl.attribute AS attribute, ",
                          " items_start.seq_idx AS seq_start_seq_idx, ",
                          " items_end.seq_idx AS seq_end_seq_idx ",
                          "FROM emursegs_tmp sl ",
                          join_type, " items items_start ",
                          "ON sl.db_uuid = items_start.db_uuid ",
                          " AND sl.session = items_start.session ",
                          " AND sl.bundle = items_start.bundle ",
                          " AND sl.level = items_start.level ",
                          " AND sl.start_item_seq_idx + ", offset, " = items_start.seq_idx ",
                          join_type, " items AS items_end ",
                          "ON sl.db_uuid = items_end.db_uuid ",
                          " AND sl.session = items_end.session ",
                          " AND sl.bundle = items_end.bundle ",
                          " AND sl.level = items_end.level ",
                          " AND sl.start_item_seq_idx + ", offset + length - 1, " = items_end.seq_idx ",
      #heQueryStr=paste0(heQueryStr,"il.level = sll.level AND il.seq_idx = sll.seq_idx + ", offset, " AND ",
      #                  "ir.level=sll.level AND ir.seq_idx=sll.seq_idx+",offset+length-1)
    }else if(offsetRef == 'END'){
      heQueryStr=paste0("SELECT ",
                        " sl.db_uuid, ",
                        " sl.session, ",
                        " sl.bundle, ",
                        " items_start.item_id AS seq_start_id, ",
                        " items_end.item_id AS seq_end_id, ", 
                        length, " AS seq_len, ",
                        " sl.level AS level, ",
                        " sl.attribute AS attribute, ",
                        " items_start.seq_idx AS seq_start_seq_idx, ",
                        " items_end.seq_idx AS seq_end_seq_idx ",
                        "FROM emursegs_tmp AS sl ",
                        join_type, " items items_start ",
                        "ON sl.db_uuid = items_start.db_uuid ",
                        " AND sl.session = items_start.session ",
                        " AND sl.bundle = items_start.bundle ",
                        " AND sl.level = items_start.level ",
                        " AND sl.end_item_seq_idx + ", offset, " = items_start.seq_idx ",
                        join_type, " items items_end ",
                        "ON sl.db_uuid = items_end.db_uuid ",
                        " AND sl.session = items_end.session ",
                        " AND sl.bundle = items_end.bundle ",
                        " AND sl.level = items_end.level ",
                        " AND sl.end_item_seq_idx + ", offset + length - 1, " = items_end.seq_idx ",
      #heQueryStr=paste0(heQueryStr,"il.level=slr.level AND il.seq_idx=slr.seq_idx+",offset," AND ",
      #                  "ir.level=slr.level AND ir.seq_idx=slr.seq_idx+",offset+length-1)
      stop("Parameter offsetRef must be one of 'START' or 'END'\n")
    #heQueryStr=paste0(heQueryStr," ORDER BY il.ROWID");
    he = DBI::dbGetQuery(emuDBhandle$connection, heQueryStr)
    slLen = nrow(seglist)
    resLen = nrow(he)
    outOfBndCnt = slLen - resLen
    if(!ignoreOutOfBounds & outOfBndCnt > 0){
      if(outOfBndCnt == slLen){
        stop("All (", 
             ") of the requested sequence(s) is/are out of boundaries.")
             " of the requested sequence(s) is/are out of boundaries.\nSet parameter ",
             "'ignoreOutOfBounds=TRUE' to get residual result segments that lie within the bounds.")
    # drop and create tmpQueryTables and write to table
                      overwrite = TRUE)
    trSl = convert_queryResultToEmuRsegs(emuDBhandle, 
                                         timeRefSegmentLevel = timeRefSegmentLevel, 
                                         sessionPattern = ".*", 
                                         bundlePattern = ".*", 
                                         queryStr = "FROM REQUERY", 
                                         calcTimes = calcTimes, 
                                         verbose = verbose)
    if(inSlLen != trSlLen){
      warning("Found missing items in resulting segment list! ",
              "Replacing missing rows with NA values.")
      seglist_manip = seglist
        seglist_manip$start_item_seq_idx = seglist_manip$start_item_seq_idx + offset
        seglist_manip$end_item_seq_idx = seglist_manip$start_item_seq_idx + length - 1
      } else{
        seglist_manip$start_item_seq_idx = seglist_manip$end_item_seq_idx + offset
        seglist_manip$end_item_seq_idx = seglist_manip$end_item_seq_idx + offset + length - 1
      join_col_names = c("db_uuid", 
      joined_with_orig_sl = dplyr::left_join(seglist_manip, 
                                             by = join_col_names) %>%
        dplyr::select(join_col_names, dplyr::matches(".+\\.y$"))
      # remove trailing .y from column names
      colnames(joined_with_orig_sl) = stringr::str_replace(colnames(joined_with_orig_sl), 
      # re-add utts column
      joined_with_orig_sl$utts = paste0(joined_with_orig_sl$session, 
      # resort columns
      joined_with_orig_sl = joined_with_orig_sl %>% 
      # NA-out entire line
      joined_with_orig_sl[is.na(joined_with_orig_sl$labels),] = NA
      # replace trSl
      trSl = make.emuRsegs(emuDBhandle$dbName, 
                           seglist = joined_with_orig_sl, 
                           query = attr(trSl, "query"), 
                           type = attr(trSl, "type"))
    if(resultType == "emuRsegs"){
      result = trSl
    }else if(resultType == "tibble"){
      result = convert_queryEmuRsegsToTibble(emuDBhandle, trSl)
      # should probably check this somewhere above
      stop("Unsupported resultType!") 

##' Requery hierarchical context of a segment list in an emuDB
##' @description Function to requery the hierarchical context of a segment list queried from an emuDB
##' @details A segment is defined as a single item or a chain of items from the respective level, e.g. 
##' if a level in a bundle instance has labels 'a', 'b' and 'c' in that order, 'a' or 'a->b' or 'a->b->c' 
##' are all valid segments, 'a->c' is not. For each segment of the input segment list \code{seglist} 
##' the function checks the start and end item for hierarchically linked items in the given target 
##' level, and based on them constructs segments in the target level. As the start item in the resulting 
##' segment the item with the lowest sequence index is chosen; for the end item that with the highest 
##' sequence index. If the parameter \code{collapse} is set to \code{TRUE} (the default), it is guaranteed 
##' that result and input segment list have the same length (for each input 
##' segment one or multiple segments on the target level was found). If multiple linked segments where found
##' they are collapsed into a sequence of segments ('a->b->c') and if no linked items where found an NA row 
##' is inserted. 
##' @param emuDBhandle emuDB handle as returned by \code{\link{load_emuDB}}
##' @param seglist segment list to requery on (type: \link{emuRsegs})
##' @param level character string: name of target level
##' @param collapse collapse the found items in the requested level to a sequence (concatenated with ->). 
##' If set to \code{FALSE} separate items as new entries in the emuRsegs object are returned.
##' @param resultType type of result (either 'tibble' == default or 'emuRsegs')
##' @param calcTimes calculate times for resulting segments (results in \code{NA} values for start and end 
##' times in emuseg/emuRsegs). As it can be very computationally expensive to 
##' calculate the times for large nested hierarchies, it can be turned off via this boolean parameter.
##' @param timeRefSegmentLevel set time segment level from which to derive time information. It is only 
##' necessary to set this parameter if more than one child level contains time information and the queried 
##' parent level is of type ITEM.
##' @param verbose be verbose. Set this to \code{TRUE} if you wish to choose which path to traverse on intersecting 
##' hierarchies. If set to \code{FALSE} (the default) all paths will be traversed (= legacy EMU behaviour).
##' @return result set object of class \link{emuRsegs} or \link{tibble}
##' @export
##' @seealso \code{\link{query}} \code{\link{requery_seq}} \code{\link{emuRsegs}}
##' @keywords emuDB database requery
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ##################################
##' # prerequisite: loaded ae emuDB 
##' # (see ?load_emuDB for more information)
##' ## Downward requery: find 'Phoneme' sequences of all words 'beautiful' (of level 'Text')
##' ## Note that the resulting segments consists of phoneme sequences and have therefore 
##' ## the same length as the word segments.
##' sl1 = query(ae, "Text == beautiful")
##' requery_hier(ae, sl1, level = "Phoneme")
##' ## Upward requery: find all word segments that dominate a 'p' on level 'Phoneme'
##' ## Note that the resulting segments are larger than the input segments,
##' ## because they contain the complete words.
##' sl1 = query(ae, "Phonetic == p")
##' requery_hier(ae, sl1, level = 'Text')
##' ## Why is there a 'p' the word 'emphazised'? Requery the whole words back down to 'Phoneme' level:
##' requery_hier(ae, sl1, level = 'Phoneme')
##' ## ... because of 'stop epenthesis' a 'p' is inserted between 'm' and 'f'
##' ## Combined requery: last phonemes of all words beginning with 'an'.
##' ## Note that we use a regular expression 'an.*' (EQL operator '=~') in the query.
##' sl1=query(ae, "Text =~ an.*")
##' requery_seq(ae, requery_hier(ae, sl1, level = 'Phoneme'), offsetRef = 'END')
##' }
requery_hier <- function(emuDBhandle, 
                         collapse = TRUE, 
                         resultType = "tibble",
                         calcTimes = TRUE, 
                         timeRefSegmentLevel = NULL, 
                         verbose = FALSE){
  if(!inherits(seglist, c("emuRsegs", "tbl_df"))){
    stop("Segment list 'seglist' must be of type 'emuRsegs'. (Do not set a value ",
         "for 'resultType' parameter for the query, the default resultType will be used)")
  if(nrow(seglist) == 0){
    # empty seglist, return the empty list
    # drop create tmp tables and recreate (will ensure they are empty)
    # place in emursegs_tmp table
    DBI::dbExecute(emuDBhandle$connection, "DELETE FROM emursegs_tmp;")
                      append = TRUE,
                      row.names = FALSE) # append to avoid rewirte of col names
    # get level for attribute definition specified in seglist
    segListLevel = DBI::dbGetQuery(emuDBhandle$connection, 
                                   "SELECT DISTINCT level FROM emursegs_tmp;")$level
    if(length(segListLevel) > 1){
      stop("Multiple levels found in seglist! This is not supported by requery_hier()!")
    seglistAttrDefLn = get_levelNameForAttributeName(emuDBhandle, segListLevel)
    # get level for req level (which is actually a attribute definition)
    reqAttrDef = level # TODO rename input parameter
    check_levelAttributeName(emuDBhandle, reqAttrDef) # check if valid attr. def
    reqAttrDefLn = get_levelNameForAttributeName(emuDBhandle, reqAttrDef)
    alreadyInInterm_res_items_tmp_root = FALSE
    if(seglistAttrDefLn != reqAttrDefLn){
      # insert all original emuRsegs items new table
      origSeglistItemsTableSuffix = "orig_seglist_items"
                                        suffix = origSeglistItemsTableSuffix)
                     paste0("INSERT INTO interm_res_items_tmp_", origSeglistItemsTableSuffix, " ",
                            "SELECT  ",
                            " erst.db_uuid,",
                            " erst.session, ",
                            " erst.bundle, ",
                            " erst.start_item_id AS seq_start_id, ",
                            " erst.end_item_id AS seq_end_id, ",
                            " (i_end.seq_idx - i_start.seq_idx) + 1 AS seq_len, ",
                            " erst.level AS level, ",
                            " erst.attribute AS attribute, ",
                            " erst.start_item_seq_idx AS seq_start_seq_idx, ",
                            " erst.end_item_seq_idx AS seq_end_seq_idx ",
                            "FROM emursegs_tmp AS erst, ", 
                            " items AS i_start, ",
                            " items AS i_end ",
                            "WHERE erst.db_uuid = i_start.db_uuid ",
                            " AND erst.session = i_start.session ",
                            " AND erst.bundle = i_start.bundle ",
                            " AND erst.start_item_id = i_start.item_id ",
                            " AND erst.db_uuid = i_end.db_uuid ",
                            " AND erst.session = i_end.session ",
                            " AND erst.bundle = i_end.bundle ",
                            " AND erst.end_item_id = i_end.item_id ",
      # don't need requery tmp tables any more -> drop them
      # get hierarchy paths to check if going up or 
      # down the hierarchy (requery to parent or to child level)
      connectHierPaths = get_hierPathsConnectingLevels(emuDBhandle, 
      seglistLevelIndexInPath = match(seglistAttrDefLn, connectHierPaths[[1]])
      reqLevelIndexInPath = match(reqAttrDefLn, connectHierPaths[[1]])
      preserveChildLength = FALSE
      preserveParentLength = FALSE
      if(reqLevelIndexInPath < seglistLevelIndexInPath){
        # going up
        preserveChildLength = TRUE
          # override perserveLengths if not collapsing
          preserveChildLength = FALSE
        if(any(seglist$end_item_seq_idx - seglist$start_item_seq_idx + 1 != 1)){
          # first get all parents
                              startItemsTableSuffix = origSeglistItemsTableSuffix, 
                              targetItemsAttributeName = reqAttrDef,
                              preserveStartItemsRowLength = FALSE,
                              walkDown = FALSE,
                              verbose = verbose) # result written to lr_exp_res_tmp table
          # DBI::dbReadTable(emuDBhandle$connection, "lr_exp_res_tmp")
          # place parents into new table 
          allParentsItemsTableSuffix = "all_parents_items"
                                            suffix = allParentsItemsTableSuffix)
                         paste0("INSERT INTO interm_res_items_tmp_", allParentsItemsTableSuffix, " ", 
                                "SELECT ",
                                " db_uuid, ",
                                " session, ",
                                " bundle, ",
                                " r_seq_start_id AS seq_start_id, ",
                                " r_seq_end_id AS seq_end_id, ",
                                " r_seq_len AS seq_len, ",
                                " '", reqAttrDef, "' AS attribute, ",
                                " '", reqAttrDefLn, "' AS level, ",
                                " r_seq_start_seq_idx AS seq_start_seq_idx, ",
                                " r_seq_end_seq_idx AS seq_end_seq_idx ",
                                " FROM lr_exp_res_tmp"))
          # DBI::dbReadTable(emuDBhandle$connection, 
          #                  paste0("interm_res_items_tmp_", allParentsItemsTableSuffix))
          # get all seqs on seglist level that are dominated by parents
                              startItemsTableSuffix = allParentsItemsTableSuffix, 
                              targetItemsAttributeName = seglistAttrDefLn,
                              preserveStartItemsRowLength = TRUE,
                              walkDown = TRUE,
                              verbose = verbose) # result written to lr_exp_res_tmp table
          # DBI::dbReadTable(emuDBhandle$connection, "lr_exp_res_tmp")
          # DBI::dbReadTable(emuDBhandle$connection, 
          #                  paste0("interm_res_items_tmp_", origSeglistItemsTableSuffix))
          # extract parents that are parents of sequences that encapsulate the seglist seqs
          # and write to new table
          alreadyInInterm_res_items_tmp_root = TRUE
          # DBI::dbReadTable(emuDBhandle$connection, "interm_res_items_tmp_root")
          DBI::dbExecute(emuDBhandle$connection, paste0("INSERT INTO interm_res_items_tmp_root ",
                                                         "SELECT lrert.db_uuid, ",
                                                         " lrert.session, ",
                                                         " lrert.bundle, ",
                                                         " lrert.l_seq_start_id AS seq_start_id, ",
                                                         " lrert.l_seq_end_id AS seq_end_id, ",
                                                         " lrert.l_seq_len AS seq_len, ",
                                                         "'", reqAttrDefLn, "' AS level, ",
                                                         "'", reqAttrDef, "' AS attribute,", 
                                                         " lrert.l_seq_start_seq_idx AS seq_start_seq_idx, ",
                                                         " lrert.l_seq_end_seq_idx AS seq_end_seq_idx ",
                                                         "FROM interm_res_items_tmp_", origSeglistItemsTableSuffix, " AS irit ",
                                                         "LEFT JOIN lr_exp_res_tmp AS lrert ",
                                                         "ON irit.db_uuid == lrert.db_uuid ",
                                                         " AND irit.session == lrert.session ", 
                                                         " AND irit.bundle == lrert.bundle ", 
                                                         " AND irit.level == lrert.r_level ", 
                                                         " AND irit.seq_start_seq_idx BETWEEN lrert.r_seq_start_seq_idx ",
                                                         "  AND lrert.r_seq_end_seq_idx",
                                                         " AND irit.seq_end_seq_idx BETWEEN lrert.r_seq_start_seq_idx ", 
                                                         "  AND lrert.r_seq_end_seq_idx",
        } else {
                              startItemsTableSuffix = origSeglistItemsTableSuffix, 
                              targetItemsAttributeName = reqAttrDef,
                              preserveStartItemsRowLength = preserveChildLength,
                              walkDown = FALSE,
                              verbose = verbose) # result written to lr_exp_res_tmp table
        # going down
          # override perserveLengths if not collapsing
          preserveParentLength = TRUE
                            startItemsTableSuffix = origSeglistItemsTableSuffix, 
                            targetItemsAttributeName = reqAttrDef,
                            preserveStartItemsRowLength = preserveParentLength,
                            verbose = verbose) # result written to lr_exp_res_tmp table
        # move query_databaseHier results into interm_res_items_tmp_root
        # and reset level back to requested attribute
                       paste0("INSERT INTO interm_res_items_tmp_root ",
                              "SELECT ",
                              " db_uuid, ",
                              " session, ",
                              " bundle, ",
                              " r_seq_start_id AS seq_start_id, ",
                              " r_seq_end_id AS seq_end_id, ",
                              " r_seq_len AS seq_len, ",
                              " r_level AS level, ",
                              " r_attribute AS attribute, ",
                              " r_seq_start_seq_idx AS seq_start_seq_idx, ",
                              " r_seq_end_seq_idx AS seq_end_seq_idx ",
                              " FROM lr_exp_res_tmp"))
    } else {
      # just reset level as convert_queryResultToEmuRsegs does the rest!
                     paste0("INSERT INTO interm_res_items_tmp_root ",
                            "SELECT erst.db_uuid, ",
                            " erst.session, ",
                            " erst.bundle, ",
                            " erst.start_item_id AS seq_start_id, ",
                            " erst.end_item_id AS seq_end_id, ",
                            " (i_end.seq_idx - i_start.seq_idx) + 1 AS seq_len, ",
                            " '", level, "' AS level, ",
                            " '", level, "' AS attribute, ",
                            " erst.start_item_seq_idx AS seq_start_seq_idx, ",
                            " erst.end_item_seq_idx AS seq_end_seq_idx ",
                            "FROM emursegs_tmp AS erst, ",
                            " items AS i_start, ",
                            " items AS i_end ",
                            "WHERE erst.db_uuid = i_start.db_uuid ",
                            " AND erst.session = i_start.session ",
                            " AND erst.bundle = i_start.bundle ",
                            " AND erst.start_item_id = i_start.item_id ", 
                            " AND erst.db_uuid = i_end.db_uuid ",
                            " AND erst.session = i_end.session ",
                            " AND erst.bundle = i_end.bundle ",
                            " AND erst.end_item_id = i_end.item_id "))
      # don't need requery tmp tables any more -> drop them
    trSl = convert_queryResultToEmuRsegs(emuDBhandle, 
                                         timeRefSegmentLevel = timeRefSegmentLevel, 
                                         sessionPattern = ".*", 
                                         bundlePattern = ".*",
                                         queryStr = "FROM REQUERY", 
                                         calcTimes = calcTimes, 
                                         preserveParentLength = TRUE,
                                         verbose = verbose)
    inSlLen = nrow(seglist)
    trSlLen = nrow(trSl)
    if(inSlLen != trSlLen){
      warning("Length of requery segment list (",
              ") differs from input list (",
    if(resultType == "emuRsegs"){
      result = trSl
    }else if(resultType == "tibble"){
      result = convert_queryEmuRsegsToTibble(emuDBhandle, trSl)
      # should probably check this somewhere above
      stop("Unsupported resultType!") 
      warning("Found missing items in resulting segment list! ",
              "Replaced missing rows with NA values.")

# library('testthat')
# test_file("tests/testthat/test_aaa_initData.R")
# test_file('tests/testthat/test_emuR-requery.database.R')

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emuR documentation built on Nov. 4, 2023, 1:06 a.m.