Man pages for enRich
Analysis of Multiple ChIP-Seq Data

enrich.mixDetection of enriched and differentially bound regions for...
enrich.mrfDetection of enriched and differentially bound regions for...
enRich-packageAnalysis of multiple ChIP-seq data.
FDRIdentification of enriched regions by controlling a given FDR...
IPEEstimating the ImmunoPrecipitation (IP) efficiency of a...
mixFitting mixture of two densities, either Poisson or Negative...
mix.jointJoint fitting of mixture of Poisson or NB densities to...
mrfFitting a one-dimensional Markov random field mixture model...
mrf.jointJoint fitting of a one-dimensional Markov random field model...
p300cbp.1000bpExample Data
p300cbp.200bpExample Data
enRich documentation built on March 13, 2020, 2:46 a.m.