
Defines functions epi.prcc

Documented in epi.prcc

epi.prcc <- function(dat, sided.test = 2, conf.level = 0.95){
  # Calculate mu and number of parameters:
  N <- dim(dat)[1]
  K <- dim(dat)[2] - 1
  # Return an error message if the number of parameters is greater than the number of model replications:
  if(K > N) 
    stop("Error: the number of replications of the model must be greater than the number of model parameters")
  mu <- (1 + N) / 2
  # Compute ranks:
  for(i in 1:(K + 1)){
    dat[,i] <- rank(dat[,i])
  # Create a K + 1 by K + 1 matrix:
  C <- matrix(rep(0, times = (K + 1)^2), nrow = (K + 1))
  # Correlations for each parameter pair:
  for(i in 1:(K + 1)){
    for(j in 1:(K + 1)){
      r.it <- dat[,i]
      r.jt <- dat[,j]
      r.js <- r.jt
      c.ij <- sum((r.it - mu) * (r.jt - mu)) / sqrt(sum((r.it - mu)^2) * sum((r.js - mu)^2))
      C[i,j] <- c.ij
  # Fudge to deal with response variables that are all the same:
  if(is.na(C[K + 1,K + 1])){
    gamma.iy <- rep(0, times = K)
    # Test statistic:
    t.iy <- gamma.iy * sqrt((N - 2) / (1 - gamma.iy^2))
    p <- rep(1, times = K)
    df <- rep((N - 2), times = K)
    # Critical value from the t distribution:
    N. <- 1 - ((1 - conf.level) / 2)
    t <- qt(p = N., df = df)
    # Standard error:
    se.t <- gamma.iy / t.iy
    # Confidence interval:
    gamma.low <- gamma.iy - (t * se.t)
    gamma.upp <- gamma.iy + (t * se.t)

    # Results:
    var <- names(dat)[1:ncol(dat) - 1]
    rval <- data.frame(var = var, est = gamma.iy, lower = gamma.low, upper = gamma.upp, test.statistic = t.iy, df = df, p.value = p) 
  else { 
    # Matrix B is defined as the inverse of c.ij:
    B <- solve(C)
    # PRCC (gamma.iy) between the ith input parameter and the yth outcome is defined by Kendall and Stewart (1979) as follows:
    gamma.iy <- c()
    for(i in 1:K){
      num <- -B[i,(K + 1)]
      den <- sqrt(B[i,i] * B[(K + 1),(K + 1)])
      gamma.iy <- c(gamma.iy, num/den)
    # Email Andrew Hill (mailto:fyu7@cdc.gov) 14 August 2009. 
    # I think there may be an error in the epi.prcc function. Looking at the example in the package documentation, I note that the p-values all close to 0 yet if we switch the sign of y to force negative correlation with the x's we get p-values near 1. Backtracking, I think the problem is in the definition of the test statistic. There is a typo in the Blower-Dowlatabadi paper. I believe they misstate the test statistic at the end of the Appendix. It should be (dropping their subscripts): t = gamma * sqrt((N-2) / (1 - gamma^2)).
    # Equivalently, the square of the PRCC gamma^2 is asymptotically Beta(1/2,(N-2)/2). (ref. Muirhead's book 'Aspects of Multivariate Statistical Theory').
    # Blower and Dowlatabadi appendix: 
    # t.iy <- gamma.iy * sqrt((N - 2) / (1 - gamma.iy))
    # Andrew Hill's correction:
    t.iy <- gamma.iy * sqrt((N - 2) / (1 - gamma.iy^2))
    df <- rep((N - 2), times = K)      
    # Blower and Dowlatabadi appendix: 
    # p <- 1 - pt(q = t.iy, df = (N - 2))
    if(sided.test == 2){
      # Andrew Hill's correction:
      p <- 2 * pt(abs(t.iy), df = N - 2, lower.tail = FALSE)
      # p <- pbeta(t.iy^2, shape1 = 1/2, shape2 = (N - 2)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
    if(sided.test == 1){
      # Andrew Hill's correction:
      p <- pt(abs(t.iy), df = N - 2,lower.tail = FALSE)

    # Critical value from the t distribution:
    N. <- 1 - ((1 - conf.level) / 2)
    t <- qt(p = N., df = df)
    # Standard error:
    se.t <- gamma.iy / t.iy
    # Confidence interval:
    gamma.low <- gamma.iy - (t * se.t)
    gamma.upp <- gamma.iy + (t * se.t)
    # Results:
    var <- names(dat)[1:ncol(dat) - 1]
    rval <- data.frame(var = var, est = gamma.iy, lower = gamma.low, upper = gamma.upp, test.statistic = t.iy, df = df, p.value = p) 

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