
Defines functions `!=.IdfObject` `==.IdfObject` `$<-.IdfObject` .DollarNames.IdfObject print.IdfObject str.IdfObject as.character.IdfObject format.IdfObject idfobj_print idfobj_to_string idfobj_to_table idfobj_has_ref_node idfobj_has_ref_by idfobj_has_ref_to idfobj_has_ref idfobj_ref_to_node idfobj_ref_by_object idfobj_ref_to_object idfobj_value_relation idfobj_is_valid idfobj_validate idfobj_value_possible idfobj_set idfobj_value idfobj_comment idfobj_definition idfobj_class_name idfobj_group_name idfobj_name idfobj_id idfobj_parent idfobj_version idf_object

Documented in as.character.IdfObject format.IdfObject idf_object

#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @include impl-idfobj.R

#' Create and Modify an EnergyPlus Object
#' `IdfObject` is an abstraction of a single object in an [Idf]. It provides
#' more detail methods to modify object values and comments. An `IdfObject`
#' object can also be created using function [idf_object()] or from methods of a
#' parent [Idf] object, using `$object()`, `$objects_in_class()` and equivalent.
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @docType class
#' @name IdfObject
#' @seealso [Idf] class
#' @author Hongyuan Jia

#' @export
# IdfObject {{{
IdfObject <- R6::R6Class(classname = "IdfObject",
    public = list(
        # INITIALIZE {{{
        #' @description
        #' Create an `IdfObject` object
        #' @details
        #' It is not recommended to directly use `$new()` method to create an
        #' `IdfObject` object, instead considering to use [idf_object],
        #' \href{../../eplusr/html/Idf.html#method-object}{\code{Idf$object()}}
        #' and other equivalent to create `IdfObject` objects. They provide
        #' more user-friendly interfaces. `$new()` is a lower level API which is
        #' mainly used inside methods in other classes.
        #' @param object An integer specifying an object ID.
        #' @param class An integer specifying a class index.
        #' @param parent An [Idf] object specifying the parent object.
        #' @return An `IdfObject` object.
        #' @export
        #' @examples
        #' \dontrun{
        #' # example model shipped with eplusr from EnergyPlus v8.8
        #' path_idf <- system.file("extdata/1ZoneUncontrolled.idf", package = "eplusr") # v8.8
        #' idf <- read_idf(path_idf, use_idd(8.8, "auto"))
        #' roof <- IdfObject$new(26, parent = idf)
        #' # get the IdfObject of material named "C5 - 4 IN HW CONCRETE"
        #' mat <- idf$Material[["C5 - 4 IN HW CONCRETE"]]
        #' }
        #' @importFrom checkmate assert_count
        initialize = function(object, class = NULL, parent) {
            if (missing(parent) || (!is_idf(parent) && !is_epw(parent))) {
                abort(paste("IdfObject can only be created based a parent Idf object.",
                    "Please give 'parent', which should be an Idf object.")
            } else {
                private$m_parent <- parent
            object <- assert_count(object, positive = TRUE, coerce = TRUE)
            if (!is.null(class)) {
                class <- assert_count(class, positive = TRUE, coerce = TRUE)
            } else {
                class <- get_idf_object(private$idd_env(), private$idf_env(), NULL, object)$class_id

            private$m_object_id <- object
            private$m_class_id <- class
        # }}}

        # PUBLIC FUNCTIONS {{{
        # version {{{
        #' @description
        #' Get the version of parent `Idf`
        #' @details
        #' `$version()` returns the version of parent `Idf` in a
        #' [base::numeric_version()] format. This makes it easy to direction
        #' compare versions of different `IdfObject`s, e.g. `idfobj$version() > 8.6` or
        #' `idfobj1$version() > idfobj2$version()`.
        #' @return A [base::numeric_version()] object.
        #' @examples
        #' \dontrun{
        #' # get version
        #' roof$version()
        #' }
        version = function()
            idfobj_version(self, private),
        # }}}

        # parent {{{
        #' @description
        #' Get parent [Idf]
        #' @details
        #' `$parent()` returns parent [Idf] object.
        #' @return A [Idf] object.
        #' @examples
        #' \dontrun{
        #' roof$parent()
        #' }
        parent = function()
            idfobj_parent(self, private),
        # }}}

        # id {{{
        #' @description
        #' Get the unique ID for current object
        #' @details
        #' In [Idf], each object is assigned with an integer as an universally
        #' unique identifier (UUID) in the context of current [Idf]. UUID is
        #' not reused even if the object associated is deleted.
        #' `$id()` returns an integer of current object unique ID.
        #' @return A single integer.
        #' @examples
        #' \dontrun{
        #' roof$id()
        #' }
        id = function()
            idfobj_id(self, private),
        # }}}

        # name {{{
        #' @description
        #' Get the name for current object.
        #' @details
        #' In `Idf`, each object is assigned with a single string as the name
        #' for it, if the class it belongs to has name attribute, e.g. class
        #' `RunPeriod`, `Material` and etc. That name should be unique among all
        #' objects in that class. EnergyPlus will fail with an error if
        #' duplications are found among object names in a class.
        #' `$name()` returns a single string of current object name. If
        #' specified class does not have name attribute, `NA` is returned.
        #' @return A single string.
        #' @examples
        #' \dontrun{
        #' roof$name()
        #' # NA will be returned if the class does not have name attribute. For example,
        #' # "Version" class
        #' idf$Version$name()
        #' }
        name = function()
            idfobj_name(self, private),
        # }}}

        # group_name {{{
        #' @description
        #' Get name of group for current object.
        #' @details
        #' `$group_name()` returns a single string of group name current
        #' `IdfObject` belongs to.
        #' @return A single string.
        #' @examples
        #' \dontrun{
        #' roof$group_name()
        #' }
        group_name = function()
            idfobj_group_name(self, private),
        # }}}

        # class_name {{{
        #' @description
        #' Get name of class for current object.
        #' @details
        #' `$class_name()` returns a single string of class name current
        #' `IdfObject` belongs to.
        #' @return A single string.
        #' @examples
        #' \dontrun{
        #' roof$class_name()
        #' }
        class_name = function()
            idfobj_class_name(self, private),
        # }}}

        # definition {{{
        #' @description
        #' Get the [IddObject] object for current class.
        #' @details
        #' `$definition()` returns an [IddObject] of current class. [IddObject]
        #' contains all data used for parsing and creating current `IdfObject`.
        #' For details, please see [IddObject] class.
        #' @return An [IddObject] object.
        #' @examples
        #' \dontrun{
        #' roof$definition()
        #' }
        definition = function()
            idfobj_definition(self, private),
        # }}}

        # comment {{{
        #' @description
        #' Get and modify object comments
        #' @details
        #' `$comment()` returns current `IdfObject` comments if `comment` is not
        #' given, or modifies current `IdfObject` comments if `comment` is given.
        #' If no comments found, `NULL` is returned.
        #' @param comment A character vector.
        #'    * If missing, current comments are returned. If there is no
        #'      comment in current `IdfObject`, `NULL` is returned.
        #'    * If `NULL`, all comments in current `IdfObject` is deleted.
        #'    * If a character vector, it is inserted as comments depending on
        #'      the `append` value.
        #' @param append Only applicable when `commment` is a character vector.
        #'        Default: `FALSE`.
        #'    * If `NULL`, existing comments is deleted before adding `comment`.
        #'    * If `TRUE`, comment will be appended to existing comments.
        #'    * If `FALSE`, `comment` is prepended to existing currents.
        #' @param width A positive integer giving the target width for wrapping
        #'        inserted `comment`.
        #' @return If calling without any argument, a character vector or `NULL`
        #' (if no comments) is return. Otherwise, the modified object itself.
        #' @examples
        #' \dontrun{
        #' # get object comments
        #' roof$comment()
        #' # add new object comments
        #' roof$comment(c("This is a material named `WD01`", "This object has an ID of 47"))
        #' roof$comment()
        #' # append new comments
        #' roof$comment("This is an appended comment")
        #' roof$comment()
        #' # prepend new comments
        #' roof$comment("This is a prepended comment", append = FALSE)
        #' roof$comment()
        #' # wrap long comments
        #' roof$comment("This is a very long comment that is needed to be wrapped.", width = 30)
        #' roof$comment()
        #' # delete old comments and add new one
        #' roof$comment("This is the only comment", append = NULL)
        #' roof$comment()
        #' # delete all comments
        #' roof$comment(NULL)
        #' roof$comment()
        #' }
        comment = function(comment, append = TRUE, width = 0L)
            idfobj_comment(self, private, comment, append, width),
        # }}}

        # value {{{
        #' @description
        #' Get object field values.
        #' @details
        #' `$value()` takes an integer vector of valid field indexes or a
        #' character vector of valid field names, and returns a named list
        #' containing values of specified fields when `simplify` is `FALSE` and
        #' a character vector when `simplify` is `TRUE`.
        #' eplusr also provides custom S3 method of `$` and \code{[[} which make
        #' it more convenient to get a single value of current `IdfObject`.
        #' Basically, `idfobj$FieldName` and \code{idfobj[[Field]]} is
        #' equivalent to \code{idfobj$value(FieldName)[[1]]} and
        #' \code{idfobj$value(Field)[[1]]}.
        #' @param which An integer vector of field indexes or a character vector
        #'        of field names.
        #' @param all If `TRUE`, values of all possible fields in current class
        #'        the `IdfObject` belongs to are returned. Default: `FALSE`
        #' @param simplify If `TRUE`, values of fields are converted into
        #'        characters and the converted character vector is returned.
        #' @param unit If `TRUE`, values of numeric fields are assigned with
        #'        units using [units::set_units()] if applicable. Default:
        #'        `FALSE`.
        #' @return A named list.
        #' @examples
        #' \dontrun{
        #' # get all existing field values
        #' str(mat$value())
        #' # get values of field 1, 3, 5
        #' str(mat$value(c(1, 3, 5)))
        #' # get character format values instead of a named list
        #' mat$value(c(1, 3, 5), simplify = TRUE)
        #' # get values of all field even those that are not set
        #' str(roof$value())
        #' str(roof$value(all = TRUE))
        #' # get field values using shortcuts
        #' mat$Roughness
        #' mat[["Specific_Heat"]]
        #' mat[c(1,2)]
        #' mat[c("Name", "Density")]
        #' }
        value = function(which = NULL, all = FALSE, simplify = FALSE, unit = FALSE)
            idfobj_value(self, private, which, all, simplify, unit),
        # }}}

        # set {{{
        #' @description
        #' Modify object field values.
        #' @details
        #' `$set()` takes new field value definitions in `field = value` format
        #' or in a single list format, sets new values for fields specified, and
        #' returns the modified `IdfObject`. Unlike `$set()` method in [Idf]
        #' class, the special element `.comment` is **not allowed**. To modify
        #' object comments, please use `$comment()`.
        #' @note
        #' * Only one single list is allowed, e.g. `idfobj$set(lst1)` where `lst1 <-
        #'   list(field1 = value1)` is allowed, but `idfobj$set(lst1, lst2)` is not.
        #' * You can delete a field by assigning `NULL` to it, e.g. `iddobj$set(fld =
        #'   NULL)` means to delete the value of field `fld`. If `.default` is FALSE,
        #'   also `fld` is not a required field and the index of `fld` is larger than
        #'   the number minimum fields required for that class, it will be deleted.
        #'   Otherwise it will be left as blank. If `.default` is `TRUE`, that field
        #'   will be filled with default value if applicable and left as blank if not.
        #' * By default, trailing empty fields that are not required will be removed and
        #'   only minimum required fields are kept. You can keep the trailing empty
        #'   fields by setting `.empty` to `TRUE`.
        #' * New fields that currently do not exist in that object can also be set. They
        #'   will be automatically added on the fly.
        #' * Field name matching is **case-insensitive**. For convenience,
        #'   underscore-style field names are also allowed, e.g. `eNd_MoNtH` is
        #'   equivalent to `End Month`.
        #' * If not all field names are given, positions of those values without field
        #'   names are determined after those values with names. E.g. in
        #'   `model$set(Construction = list("out_layer", name = "name"))`, `"out_layer"`
        #'   will be treated as the value of field `Outside Layer` in `Construction`, as
        #'   value of field `Name` has been given as `"name"`.
        #' eplusr also provides custom S3 method of `$<-` and
        #' \code{[[<-} which makes it more convenient to set a single field value of an
        #' `IdfObject`. Basically, `idfobj$FieldName <- value` and \code{idfobj[[Field]]
        #' <- value} is equivalent to `idfobj$set(FieldName = value)` and
        #' `idfobjset(Field = value)`.
        #' @param ... New field value definitions in `field = value` format or a
        #'        single list in format:
        #' ```
        #' list(field1 = value1, field2 = value2)
        #' ```
        #' @param .default If `TRUE`, default values are used for those blank
        #'        fields if possible. Default: `TRUE`.
        #' @param .empty If `TRUE`, trailing empty fields are kept. Default: `FALSE`.
        #' @examples
        #' \dontrun{
        #' # set field values
        #' mat$set(name = "new_name", Thickness = 0.02)
        #' mat[c("Name", "Thickness")]
        #' # When `default` argument is set to TRUE and input field values are empty, i.e.
        #' # NULL, the field values will be reset to defaults.
        #' mat[c("Thermal Absorptance", "Solar Absorptance")]
        #' mat$set(visible_absorptance = NULL, Solar_Absorptance = NULL, .default = TRUE)
        #' mat[c("Visible Absorptance", "Solar Absorptance")]
        #' # set field values using shortcuts
        #' mat$Name <- "another_name"
        #' mat$Name
        #' mat[["Thickness"]] <- 0.019
        #' mat$Thickness
        #' }
        set = function(..., .default = TRUE, .empty = FALSE)
            idfobj_set(self, private, ..., .default = .default, .empty = .empty),
        # }}}

        # value_possible {{{
        #' @description
        #' Get possible object field values.
        #' @details
        #' `$value_possible()` takes an integer vector of valid field indexes or a character
        #' vector of valid field names, and returns all possible values for specified
        #' fields. For a specific field, there are 5 types of possible values:
        #' * `auto`: Whether the field can be filled with `Autosize` and
        #'   `Autocalculate`. This field attribute can also be retrieved using:
        #'   ```
        #'   idfobj$definition()$is_autosizable_field()
        #'   idfobj$definition()$is_autocalculatable_field()
        #'   ```
        #' * `default`: The default value. This value can also be retrieved using
        #'   `idfobj$defintion()$field_default()`.
        #' * `choice`: The choices which the field can be set. This value can also be
        #'   retrieved using `idfobj$definition()$field_choice()`.
        #' * `range`: The range which the field value should fall in. This range can
        #'   also be retrieved using `idfobj$definition()$field_range()`.
        #' * `source`: All values from other objects that current field can refer to.
        #' @param which An integer vector of field indexes or a character vector
        #'        of field names.
        #' @param type A character vector. What types of possible values should
        #'        be returned. Should be one of or a combination of `"auto"`,
        #'        `"default"`, `"choice"`, `"range"` and `"source"`. Default:
        #'        All of those.
        #' @return `$value_possible()` returns an `IdfValuePossible` object
        #' which is a [data.table][data.table::data.table()] with at most 15
        #' columns:
        #' * `class_id`: index of class that current `IdfObject` belongs to
        #' * `class_name`: name of class that current `IdfObject` belongs to
        #' * `object_id`: ID of current `IdfObject`
        #' * `object_name`: name of current `IdfObject`
        #' * `field_id`: indexes (at Idd level) of object fields specified
        #' * `field_index`: indexes of object fields specified
        #' * `field_name`: names (without units) of object fields specified
        #' * `value_id`: value indexes (at Idf level) of object fields specified
        #' * `value_chr`: values (converted to characters) of object fields specified
        #' * `value_num`: values (converted to numbers in SI units) of object fields
        #'    specified.
        #' * `auto`: Exists only when `"auto"` is one of `type`. Character type.
        #'   Possible values are: `"Autosize"`, `"Autocalculate"` and `NA` (if current
        #'   field is neither `autosizable` nor `autocalculatable`).
        #' * `default`: Exists only when `"default"` is one of `type`. List type. The
        #'   default value of current field. The value is converted into number if
        #'   corresponding field type yells so. Note that if current field is a numeric
        #'   field but the default value is `"Autosize"` or `"Autocalculate"`, it is
        #'   left as it is, leaving the returned type being a string instead of a
        #'   number.
        #' * `range`: Exists only when `"range"` is one of `type`. List type. The range
        #'   that field value should fall in. Every range has four components: `minimum`
        #'   (lower limit), `lower_incbounds` (`TRUE` if the lower limit should be
        #'   included), `maximum` (upper limit), and `upper_incbounds` (`TRUE` if the
        #'   upper limit should be included). For fields of character type, empty lists
        #'   are returned. For fields of numeric types with no specified ranges,
        #'   `minimum` is set to `-Inf`, `lower_incbounds` is set to FALSE, `upper` is
        #'   set to `Inf`, and `upper_incbounds` is set to FALSE. The field range is
        #'   printed in number interval denotation.
        #' * `source`: Exists only when `"source"` is one of `type`. List type. Each
        #'   element is a character vector which includes all values from other objects
        #'   that current field can use as sources and refers to.
        #' @examples
        #' \dontrun{
        #' mat$value_possible()
        #' }
        value_possible = function(which = NULL, type = c("auto", "default", "choice", "range", "source"))
            idfobj_value_possible(self, private, which, type),
        # }}}

        # validate {{{
        #' @description
        #' Check possible object field value errors
        #' @details
        #' `$validate()` checks if there are errors in current `IdfObject` object
        #' under specified validation level and returns an `IdfValidity` object.
        #' `$validate()` is useful to help avoid some common errors before
        #' running the model. By default, validation is performed when calling
        #' all methods that modify objects, e.g.
        #' \href{../../eplusr/html/IdfObject.html#method-set}{\code{$set()}}
        #' and etc.
        #' In total, there are 10 different validate checking components:
        #' * `required_object`: Check if required objects are missing in current
        #'   `Idf`.
        #' * `unique_object`: Check if there are multiple objects in one
        #'   unique-object class. An unique-object class means that there should
        #'   be at most only one object existing in that class.
        #' * `unique_name`: Check if all objects in each class have unique names.
        #' * `extensible`: Check if all fields in an extensible group have
        #'   values. An extensible group is a set of fields that should be
        #'   treated as a whole, such like the X, Y and Z vertices of a building
        #'   surfaces. An extensible group should be added or deleted together.
        #'   `extensible` component checks if there are some, but not all,
        #'   fields in an extensible group are empty.
        #' * `required_field`: Check if all required fields have values.
        #' * `auto_field`: Check if all fields filled with value `"Autosize"` and
        #'   `"Autocalculate"` are actual autosizable and autocalculatable
        #'   fields or not.
        #' * `type`: Check if all fields have value types complied with their
        #'   definitions, i.e. character, numeric and integer fields should be
        #'   filled with corresponding type of values.
        #' * `choice`: Check if all choice fields are filled with valid choice
        #'   values.
        #' * `range`: Check if all numeric fields have values within prescibed
        #'   ranges.
        #' * `reference`: Check if all fields whose values refer to other fields
        #'   are valid.
        #' The `level` argument controls what checkings should be performed.
        #' `level` here is just a list of 10 element which specify the toggle
        #' status of each component. You can use helper [custom_validate()] to
        #' get that list and pass it directly to `level`.
        #' There are 3 predefined validate level that indicates different
        #' combinations of checking components, i.e. `none`, `draft` and
        #' `final`. Basically, `none` level just does not perform any
        #' checkings; `draft` includes 5 components, i.e. `auto_field`, `type`,
        #' `unique_name`, `choice` and `range`; and `final` level includes all
        #' 10 components. You can always get what components each level contains
        #' using [level_checks()]. By default, the result from
        #' `eplusr_option("validate_level")` is passed to `level`. If not set,
        #' `final` level is used.
        #' Underneath, an `IdfValidity` object which `$validate()` returns is a
        #' list of 13 element as shown below. Each element or several elements
        #' represents the results from a single validation checking component.
        #' * `missing_object`: Result of `required_object` checking.
        #' * `duplicate_object`: Result of `unique_object` checking.
        #' * `conflict_name`: Result of `unique_name` checking.
        #' * `incomplete_extensible`: Result of `extensible` checking.
        #' * `missing_value`: Result of `required_field` checking.
        #' * `invalid_autosize`: Result of `auto_field` checking for invalid
        #'   `Autosize` field values.
        #' * `invalid_autocalculate`: Result of `auto_field` checking for
        #'   invalid `Autocalculate` field values.
        #' * `invalid_character`: Result of `type` checking for invalid
        #'   character field values.
        #' * `invalid_numeric`: Result of `type` checking for invalid
        #'   numeric field values.
        #' * `invalid_integer`: Result of `type` checking for invalid
        #'   integer field values.
        #' * `invalid_choice`: Result of `choice` checking.
        #' * `invalid_range`: Result of `range` checking.
        #' * `invalid_reference`: Result of `reference` checking.
        #' Except `missing_object`, which is a character vector of class names
        #' that are missing, all other elements are
        #' [data.table][data.table::data.table()] with 9 columns containing data
        #' of invalid field values:
        #' * `object_id`: IDs of objects that contain invalid values
        #' * `object_name`: names of objects that contain invalid values
        #' * `class_id`: indexes of classes that invalid objects belong to
        #' * `class_name`: names of classes that invalid objects belong to
        #' * `field_id`: indexes (at Idd level) of object fields that are invalid
        #' * `field_index`: indexes of object fields in corresponding that are invalid
        #' * `field_name`: names (without units) of object fields that are invalid
        #' * `units`: SI units of object fields that are invalid
        #' * `ip_units`: IP units of object fields that are invalid
        #' * `type_enum`: An integer vector indicates types of invalid fields
        #' * `value_id`: indexes (at Idf level) of object field values that are invalid
        #' * `value_chr`: values (converted to characters) of object fields that are
        #'   invalid
        #' * `value_num`: values (converted to numbers in SI units) of object fields
        #'    that are invalid
        #' Knowing the internal structure of `IdfValidity`, it is easy to extract
        #' invalid [IdfObject]s you interested in. For example, you can get all IDs of
        #' objects that contain invalid value references using
        #' `model$validate()$invalid_reference$object_id`. Then using
        #' \href{../../eplusr/html/IdfObject.html#method-set}{\code{$set()}}
        #' method to correct them.
        #' Different validate result examples are shown below:
        #' * No error is found:
        #'   ```
        #'   v No error found.
        #'   ```
        #'   Above result shows that there is no error found after conducting all
        #'   validate checks in specified validate level.
        #' * Errors are found:
        #'   ```
        #'    x [2] Errors found during validation.
        #'   =========================================================================
        #'   -- [2] Invalid Autocalculate Field --------------------------------------
        #'      Fields below cannot be `autocalculate`:
        #'       Class: <AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat>
        #'       \- Object [ID:176] <SPACE5-1 VAV Reheat>
        #'          +- 17: AUTOCALCULATE, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
        #'          \- 18: AUTOCALCULATE; !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
        #'   ```
        #'   Above result shows that after all validate components
        #'   performed under current validate level, 2 invalid field values
        #'   are found. All of them are in a object named `SPACE5-1 VAV Reheat`
        #'   with ID `176`. They are invalid because those two fields do not
        #'   have an autocalculatable attribute but are given `AUTOCALCULATE`
        #'   value. Knowing this info, one simple way to fix the
        #'   error is to correct those two fields by doing:
        #'   ```
        #'   idf$set(..176 =
        #'       list(`Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat` = "autosize",
        #'            `Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat` = "autosize"
        #'       )
        #'   )
        #'   ```
        #' @param level One of `"none"`, `"draft"`, `"final"` or a list of 10
        #'        elements with same format as [custom_validate()] output.
        #' @return An `IdfValidity` object.
        #' @examples
        #' \dontrun{
        #' mat$validate()
        #' # check at predefined validate level
        #' mat$validate("none")
        #' mat$validate("draft")
        #' mat$validate("final")
        #' # custom validate checking components
        #' mat$validate(custom_validate(auto_field = TRUE, choice = TRUE))
        #' }
        validate = function(level = eplusr_option("validate_level"))
            idfobj_validate(self, private, level),
        # }}}

        # is_valid {{{
        #' @description
        #' Check if there is any error in current object
        #' @details
        #' `$is_valid()` returns `TRUE` if there is no error in current `IdfObject`
        #' object under specified validation level and `FALSE` otherwise.
        #' `$is_valid()` checks if there are errors in current `IdfObject` object
        #' under specified validation level and returns `TRUE` or `FALSE`
        #' accordingly. For detailed description on validate checking, see
        #' \href{../../eplusr/html/IdfObject.html#method-validate}{\code{$validate()}}
        #' documentation above.
        #' @param level One of `"none"`, `"draft"`, `"final"` or a list of 10
        #'        elements with same format as [custom_validate()] output.
        #' @return A single logical value of `TRUE` or `FALSE`.
        #' @examples
        #' \dontrun{
        #' mat$is_valid()
        #' mat$definition()$field_range("Density")
        #' eplusr_option(validate_level = "none") # have to set validate to "none" to do so
        #' mat$Density <- -1
        #' eplusr_option(validate_level = "final") # change back to "final" validate level
        #' mat$is_valid()
        #' # check at predefined validate level
        #' mat$is_valid("none")
        #' mat$is_valid("draft")
        #' mat$is_valid("final")
        #' # custom validate checking components
        #' mat$is_valid(custom_validate(auto_field = TRUE, choice = TRUE))
        #' }
        is_valid = function(level = eplusr_option("validate_level"))
            idfobj_is_valid(self, private, level),
        # }}}

        # value_relation {{{
        #' @description
        #' Get value relations
        #' @details
        #' Many fields in [Idd] can be referred by others. For example, the
        #' `Outside Layer` and other fields in `Construction` class refer to the
        #' `Name` field in `Material` class and other material related classes.
        #' Here it means that the `Outside Layer` field **refers to** the `Name`
        #' field and the `Name` field is **referred by** the `Outside Layer`. In
        #' EnergyPlus, there is also a special type of field called `Node`,
        #' which together with `Branch` and `BranchList` define the topography
        #' of the HVAC connections. A outlet node of a component can be referred
        #' by another component as its inlet node, but can also exists
        #' independently, such as zone air node.
        #' `$value_relation()` provides a simple interface to get this kind of
        #' relation. It takes field indexes or field names, together a relation
        #' direction, and returns an `IdfRelation` object which contains data
        #' presenting such relation described above. For instance, if
        #' `idfobj$value_relation("Name", "ref_by")` gives results below:
        #' ```
        #' -- Referred by Others ------------------------
        #'   \- 1: "WALL-1";      !- Name
        #'      ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        #'      \- Class: <BuildingSurface:Detailed>
        #'         \- Object [ID:3] <WALL-1PF>
        #'            \- 3: "WALL-1";      !- Construction Name
        #' ```
        #' This means that the value `"WALL-1"` of field `Name` is referred by
        #' field `Construction Name` in a surface named `WALL-1PF`. All those
        #' objects can be further easily extracted using `$ref_by_object()`
        #' method.
        #' Note that `$value_relation()` shows all fields specified, even some of them
        #' may do not have relation.
        #' @param which An integer vector of field indexes or a character vector
        #'        of field names.
        #' @param direction The relation direction to extract. Should be either
        #'        `"all"`, `"ref_to"` or "ref_by".
        #' @param object A character vector of object names or an integer vector
        #'        of object IDs used for searching relations. Default: `NULL`.
        #' @param class A character vector of class names used for searching
        #'        relations. Default: `NULL`.
        #' @param group A character vector of group names used for searching
        #'        relations. Default: `NULL`.
        #' @param depth If > 0, the relation is searched recursively. A
        #'        simple example of recursive reference: one material named
        #'        `mat` is referred by a construction named `const`, and `const`
        #'        is also referred by a surface named `surf`. If `NULL`,
        #'        all possible recursive relations are returned. Default: `0`.
        #' @param keep If `TRUE`, all input fields are returned regardless they
        #'        have any relations with other objects or not. If `FALSE`, only
        #'        fields in input that have relations with other objects are
        #'        returned. Default: `FALSE`.
        #' @param class_ref Specify how to handle class-name-references. Class
        #'        name references refer to references in like field `Component 1
        #'        Object Type` in `Branch` objects. Their value refers to other
        #'        many class names of objects, instaed of referring to specific
        #'        field values. There are 3 options in total, i.e. `"none"`,
        #'        `"both"` and `"all"`, with `"both"` being the default.
        #'     * `"none"`: just ignore class-name-references. It is a reasonable
        #'       option, as for most cases, class-name-references always come
        #'       along with field value references. Ignoring
        #'       class-name-references will not impact the most part of the
        #'       relation structure.
        #'     * `"both"`: only include class-name-references if this object
        #'       also reference field values of the same one. For example, if the
        #'       value of field `Component 1 Object Type` is
        #'       `Coil:Heating:Water`, only the object that is referenced in the
        #'       next field `Component 1 Name` is treated as referenced by
        #'       `Component 1 Object Type`. This is the default option.
        #'     * `"all"`: include all class-name-references. For example, if the
        #'       value of field `Component 1 Object Type` is
        #'       `Coil:Heating:Water`, all objects in `Coil:Heating:Water` will
        #'       be treated as referenced by that field. This is the most
        #'       aggressive option.
        #' @return An `IdfRelation` object, which is a list of 3
        #' [data.table::data.table()]s named `ref_to`, `ref_by` and `node`.
        #' Each [data.table::data.table()] contains 24 columns.
        #' @examples
        #' \dontrun{
        #' # check each layer's reference of a construction named FLOOR
        #' roof$value_relation("zone name", "ref_to")
        #' # check where is this construction being used
        #' roof$value_relation("name", direction = "ref_by")
        #' }
        value_relation = function(which = NULL, direction = c("all", "ref_to", "ref_by", "node"),
                                   object = NULL, class = NULL, group = NULL, depth = 0L, keep = FALSE,
                                   class_ref = c("both", "none", "all"))
            idfobj_value_relation(self, private, which, match.arg(direction),
                                  object = object, class = class, group = group,
                                  depth = depth, keep = keep, class_ref = match.arg(class_ref)),
        # }}}

        # ref_to_object {{{
        #' @description
        #' Extract multiple `IdfObject` objects referred by specified field values
        #' @details
        #' For details on field value relations, see
        #' \href{../../eplusr/html/IdfObject.html#method-value_relation}{\code{$value_relation()}}.
        #' `$ref_to_object()` takes an integer vector of field indexes or a
        #' character vector of field names, and returns a list of `IdfObject`s
        #' that specified fields refer to.
        #' @param which An integer vector of field indexes or a character vector
        #'        of field names.
        #' @param object A character vector of object names or an integer vector
        #'        of object IDs used for searching relations. Default: `NULL`.
        #' @param class A character vector of class names used for searching
        #'        relations. Default: `NULL`.
        #' @param group A character vector of group names used for searching
        #'        relations. Default: `NULL`.
        #' @param depth If > 0, the relation is searched recursively. A
        #'        simple example of recursive reference: one material named
        #'        `mat` is referred by a construction named `const`, and `const`
        #'        is also referred by a surface named `surf`. If `NULL`,
        #'        all possible recursive relations are returned. Default: `0`.
        #' @param class_ref Specify how to handle class-name-references. Class
        #'        name references refer to references in like field `Component 1
        #'        Object Type` in `Branch` objects. Their value refers to other
        #'        many class names of objects, instaed of referring to specific
        #'        field values. There are 3 options in total, i.e. `"none"`,
        #'        `"both"` and `"all"`, with `"both"` being the default.
        #'     * `"none"`: just ignore class-name-references. It is a reasonable
        #'       option, as for most cases, class-name-references always come
        #'       along with field value references. Ignoring
        #'       class-name-references will not impact the most part of the
        #'       relation structure.
        #'     * `"both"`: only include class-name-references if this object
        #'       also reference field values of the same one. For example, if the
        #'       value of field `Component 1 Object Type` is
        #'       `Coil:Heating:Water`, only the object that is referenced in the
        #'       next field `Component 1 Name` is treated as referenced by
        #'       `Component 1 Object Type`. This is the default option.
        #'     * `"all"`: include all class-name-references. For example, if the
        #'       value of field `Component 1 Object Type` is
        #'       `Coil:Heating:Water`, all objects in `Coil:Heating:Water` will
        #'       be treated as referenced by that field. This is the most
        #'       aggressive option.
        #' @return A named list of `IdfObject` objects.
        #' @examples
        #' \dontrun{
        #' # get other objects that this object refereces
        #' mat$ref_to_object() # not referencing other objects
        #' }
        ref_to_object = function(which = NULL, object = NULL, class = NULL, group = NULL, depth = 0L, class_ref = c("both", "none", "all"))
            idfobj_ref_to_object(self, private, which, object = NULL, class = class, group = group, depth = depth, class_ref = match.arg(class_ref)),
        # }}}

        # ref_by_object {{{
        #' @description
        #' Extract multiple `IdfObject` objects referring to specified field values
        #' @details
        #' For details on field value relations, see
        #' \href{../../eplusr/html/IdfObject.html#method-value_relation}{\code{$value_relation()}}.
        #' `$ref_by_object()` takes an integer vector of field indexes or a
        #' character vector of field names, and returns a list of `IdfObject`s
        #' that refer to specified fields.
        #' @param which An integer vector of field indexes or a character vector
        #'        of field names.
        #' @param object A character vector of object names or an integer vector
        #'        of object IDs used for searching relations. Default: `NULL`.
        #' @param class A character vector of class names used for searching
        #'        relations. Default: `NULL`.
        #' @param group A character vector of group names used for searching
        #'        relations. Default: `NULL`.
        #' @param depth If > 0, the relation is searched recursively. A
        #'        simple example of recursive reference: one material named
        #'        `mat` is referred by a construction named `const`, and `const`
        #'        is also referred by a surface named `surf`. If `NULL`,
        #'        all possible recursive relations are returned. Default: `0`.
        #' @param class_ref Specify how to handle class-name-references. Class
        #'        name references refer to references in like field `Component 1
        #'        Object Type` in `Branch` objects. Their value refers to other
        #'        many class names of objects, instaed of referring to specific
        #'        field values. There are 3 options in total, i.e. `"none"`,
        #'        `"both"` and `"all"`, with `"both"` being the default.
        #'     * `"none"`: just ignore class-name-references. It is a reasonable
        #'       option, as for most cases, class-name-references always come
        #'       along with field value references. Ignoring
        #'       class-name-references will not impact the most part of the
        #'       relation structure.
        #'     * `"both"`: only include class-name-references if this object
        #'       also reference field values of the same one. For example, if the
        #'       value of field `Component 1 Object Type` is
        #'       `Coil:Heating:Water`, only the object that is referenced in the
        #'       next field `Component 1 Name` is treated as referenced by
        #'       `Component 1 Object Type`. This is the default option.
        #'     * `"all"`: include all class-name-references. For example, if the
        #'       value of field `Component 1 Object Type` is
        #'       `Coil:Heating:Water`, all objects in `Coil:Heating:Water` will
        #'       be treated as referenced by that field. This is the most
        #'       aggressive option.
        #' @return A named list of `IdfObject` objects.
        #' @examples
        #' \dontrun{
        #' # get other objects that reference this object
        #' mat$ref_by_object() # referenced by construction "FLOOR"
        #' }
        ref_by_object = function(which = NULL, object = NULL, class = NULL, group = NULL, depth = 0L, class_ref = c("both", "none", "all"))
            idfobj_ref_by_object(self, private, which, object = object, class = class, group = group, depth = depth, class_ref = match.arg(class_ref)),
        # }}}

        # ref_to_node {{{
        #' @description
        #' Extract multiple `IdfObject` objects referring to same nodes
        #' @details
        #' For details on field value relations, see
        #' \href{../../eplusr/html/IdfObject.html#method-value_relation}{\code{$value_relation()}}.
        #' `$ref_to_node()` takes an integer vector of field indexes or a
        #' character vector of field names, and returns a list of `IdfObject`s
        #' whose nodes are referred by specified fields.
        #' @param which An integer vector of field indexes or a character vector
        #'        of field names.
        #' @param object A character vector of object names or an integer vector
        #'        of object IDs used for searching relations. Default: `NULL`.
        #' @param class A character vector of class names used for searching
        #'        relations. Default: `NULL`.
        #' @param group A character vector of group names used for searching
        #'        relations. Default: `NULL`.
        #' @param depth If > 0, the relation is searched recursively. A
        #'        simple example of recursive reference: one material named
        #'        `mat` is referred by a construction named `const`, and `const`
        #'        is also referred by a surface named `surf`. If `NULL`,
        #'        all possible recursive relations are returned. Default: `0`.
        #' @return A named list of `IdfObject` objects.
        #' @examples
        #' \dontrun{
        #' if (is_avail_eplus(8.8)) {
        #'     path <- file.path(eplus_config(8.8)$dir, "ExampleFiles/5Zone_Transformer.idf")
        #'     idf_5z <- read_idf(path)
        #'     idf_5z$NodeList$OutsideAirInletNodes$ref_to_node()
        #' }
        #' }
        ref_to_node = function(which = NULL, object = NULL, class = NULL, group = NULL, depth = 0L)
            idfobj_ref_to_node(self, private, which, object = NULL, class = class, group = group, depth = depth),
        # }}}

        # has_ref_to {{{
        #' @description
        #' Check if object field values refer to others
        #' @details
        #' For details on field value relations, see
        #' \href{../../eplusr/html/IdfObject.html#method-value_relation}{\code{$value_relation()}}.
        #' `$has_ref_to()` takes an integer vector of field indexes or a
        #' character vector of field names, and returns a logical vector showing
        #' whether specified fields refer to other object values or not.
        #' @param which An integer vector of field indexes or a character vector
        #'        of field names.
        #' @param object A character vector of object names or an integer vector
        #'        of object IDs used for searching relations. Default: `NULL`.
        #' @param class A character vector of class names used for searching
        #'        relations. Default: `NULL`.
        #' @param group A character vector of group names used for searching
        #'        relations. Default: `NULL`.
        #' @param recursive If `TRUE`, the relation is searched recursively. A
        #'        simple example of recursive reference: one material named
        #'        `mat` is referred by a construction named `const`, and `const`
        #'        is also referred by a surface named `surf`. Default: `FALSE`.
        #' @param class_ref Specify how to handle class-name-references. Class
        #'        name references refer to references in like field `Component 1
        #'        Object Type` in `Branch` objects. Their value refers to other
        #'        many class names of objects, instaed of referring to specific
        #'        field values. There are 3 options in total, i.e. `"none"`,
        #'        `"both"` and `"all"`, with `"both"` being the default.
        #'     * `"none"`: just ignore class-name-references. It is a reasonable
        #'       option, as for most cases, class-name-references always come
        #'       along with field value references. Ignoring
        #'       class-name-references will not impact the most part of the
        #'       relation structure.
        #'     * `"both"`: only include class-name-references if this object
        #'       also reference field values of the same one. For example, if the
        #'       value of field `Component 1 Object Type` is
        #'       `Coil:Heating:Water`, only the object that is referenced in the
        #'       next field `Component 1 Name` is treated as referenced by
        #'       `Component 1 Object Type`. This is the default option.
        #'     * `"all"`: include all class-name-references. For example, if the
        #'       value of field `Component 1 Object Type` is
        #'       `Coil:Heating:Water`, all objects in `Coil:Heating:Water` will
        #'       be treated as referenced by that field. This is the most
        #'       aggressive option.
        #' @return A logical vector with the same length as specified field.
        #' @examples
        #' \dontrun{
        #' mat$has_ref_to()
        #' }
        has_ref_to = function(which = NULL, object = NULL, class = NULL, group = NULL, recursive = FALSE, class_ref = c("both", "none", "all"))
            idfobj_has_ref_to(self, private, which, object = object, class = class, group = group, recursive = recursive, class_ref = match.arg(class_ref)),
        # }}}

        # has_ref_by {{{
        #' @description
        #' Check if object field values are referred by others
        #' @details
        #' For details on field value relations, see
        #' \href{../../eplusr/html/IdfObject.html#method-value_relation}{\code{$value_relation()}}.
        #' `$has_ref_by()` takes an integer vector of field indexes or a
        #' character vector of field names, and returns a logical vector showing
        #' whether there are other object values ref to specified fields.
        #' @param which An integer vector of field indexes or a character vector
        #'        of field names.
        #' @param object A character vector of object names or an integer vector
        #'        of object IDs used for searching relations. Default: `NULL`.
        #' @param class A character vector of class names used for searching
        #'        relations. Default: `NULL`.
        #' @param group A character vector of group names used for searching
        #'        relations. Default: `NULL`.
        #' @param recursive If `TRUE`, the relation is searched recursively. A
        #'        simple example of recursive reference: one material named
        #'        `mat` is referred by a construction named `const`, and `const`
        #'        is also referred by a surface named `surf`. Default: `FALSE`.
        #' @param class_ref Specify how to handle class-name-references. Class
        #'        name references refer to references in like field `Component 1
        #'        Object Type` in `Branch` objects. Their value refers to other
        #'        many class names of objects, instaed of referring to specific
        #'        field values. There are 3 options in total, i.e. `"none"`,
        #'        `"both"` and `"all"`, with `"both"` being the default.
        #'     * `"none"`: just ignore class-name-references. It is a reasonable
        #'       option, as for most cases, class-name-references always come
        #'       along with field value references. Ignoring
        #'       class-name-references will not impact the most part of the
        #'       relation structure.
        #'     * `"both"`: only include class-name-references if this object
        #'       also reference field values of the same one. For example, if the
        #'       value of field `Component 1 Object Type` is
        #'       `Coil:Heating:Water`, only the object that is referenced in the
        #'       next field `Component 1 Name` is treated as referenced by
        #'       `Component 1 Object Type`. This is the default option.
        #'     * `"all"`: include all class-name-references. For example, if the
        #'       value of field `Component 1 Object Type` is
        #'       `Coil:Heating:Water`, all objects in `Coil:Heating:Water` will
        #'       be treated as referenced by that field. This is the most
        #'       aggressive option.
        #' @return A logical vector with the same length as specified field.
        #' @examples
        #' \dontrun{
        #' mat$has_ref_by()
        #' }
        has_ref_by = function(which = NULL, object = NULL, class = NULL, group = NULL, recursive = FALSE, class_ref = c("both", "none", "all"))
            idfobj_has_ref_by(self, private, which, object = object, class = class, group = group, recursive = recursive, class_ref = match.arg(class_ref)),
        # }}}

        # has_ref_node {{{
        #' @description
        #' Check if object field values refer to other nodes
        #' @details
        #' For details on field value relations, see
        #' \href{../../eplusr/html/IdfObject.html#method-value_relation}{\code{$value_relation()}}.
        #' `$has_ref_node()` takes an integer vector of field indexes or a
        #' character vector of field names, and returns a logical vector showing
        #' whether specified fields refer to other objects' nodes.
        #' @param which An integer vector of field indexes or a character vector
        #'        of field names.
        #' @param object A character vector of object names or an integer vector
        #'        of object IDs used for searching relations. Default: `NULL`.
        #' @param class A character vector of class names used for searching
        #'        relations. Default: `NULL`.
        #' @param group A character vector of group names used for searching
        #'        relations. Default: `NULL`.
        #' @param recursive If `TRUE`, the relation is searched recursively. A
        #'        simple example of recursive reference: one material named
        #'        `mat` is referred by a construction named `const`, and `const`
        #'        is also referred by a surface named `surf`. Default: `FALSE`.
        #' @return A logical vector with the same length as specified field.
        #' @examples
        #' \dontrun{
        #' mat$has_ref_node()
        #' }
        has_ref_node = function(which = NULL, object = NULL, class = NULL, group = NULL, recursive = FALSE)
            idfobj_has_ref_node(self, private, which, object = object, class = class, group = group, recursive = recursive),
        # }}}

        # has_ref {{{
        #' @description
        #' Check if object field values refer to or are referred by others
        #' @details
        #' For details on field value relations, see
        #' \href{../../eplusr/html/IdfObject.html#method-value_relation}{\code{$value_relation()}}.
        #' `$has_ref()` takes an integer vector of field indexes or a character
        #' vector of field names, and returns a logical vector showing whether
        #' there are other object values ref to specified field values or
        #' specified field values refer to other object values or specified
        #' field values refer to other objects' nodes.
        #' @param which An integer vector of field indexes or a character vector
        #'        of field names.
        #' @param object A character vector of object names or an integer vector
        #'        of object IDs used for searching relations. Default: `NULL`.
        #' @param class A character vector of class names used for searching
        #'        relations. Default: `NULL`.
        #' @param group A character vector of group names used for searching
        #'        relations. Default: `NULL`.
        #' @param recursive If `TRUE`, the relation is searched recursively. A
        #'        simple example of recursive reference: one material named
        #'        `mat` is referred by a construction named `const`, and `const`
        #'        is also referred by a surface named `surf`. Default: `FALSE`.
        #' @return A logical vector with the same length as specified field.
        #' @examples
        #' \dontrun{
        #' # check if having any referenced objects or is referenced by other objects
        #' mat$has_ref()
        #' }
        has_ref = function(which = NULL, object = NULL, class = NULL, group = NULL, recursive = FALSE)
            idfobj_has_ref(self, private, which, object = object, class = class, group = group, recursive = recursive),
        # }}}

        # to_table {{{
        #' @description
        #' Format `IdfObject` as a data.frame
        #' @details
        #' `$to_table()` returns a [data.table][data.table::data.table()] that
        #' contains core data of current `IdfObject`. It has 6 columns:
        #' * `id`: Integer type. Object IDs.
        #' * `name`: Character type. Object names.
        #' * `class`: Character type. Current class name.
        #' * `index`: Integer type. Field indexes.
        #' * `field`: Character type. Field names.
        #' * `value`: Character type if `string_value` is `TRUE` or list type if
        #'   `string_value` is `FALSE` or `group_ext` is not `"none"`. Field values.
        #' Note that when `group_ext` is not `"none"`, `index` and `field`
        #' values will not match the original field indices and names. In this
        #' case, `index` will only indicate the indices of sequences. For
        #' `field` column, specifically:
        #' * When `group_ext` is `"group"`, each field name in a extensible group
        #'   will be abbreviated using [abbreviate()] with `minlength` being
        #'   `10L` and all abbreviated names will be separated by `|` and
        #'   combined together. For example, field names in the extensible group
        #'   (`Vertex 1 X-coordinate`, `Vertex 1 Y-coordinate`, `Vertex 1
        #'   Z-coordinate`) in class `BuildiBuildingSurface:Detailed` will be
        #'   merged into one name `Vrtx1X-crd|Vrtx1Y-crd|Vrtx1Z-crd`.
        #' * When `group_ext` is `"index"`, the extensible group indicator in field
        #'   names will be removed. Take the same example as above, the
        #'   resulting field names will be `Vertex X-coordinate`, `Vertex
        #'   Y-coordinate`, and `Vertex Z-coordinate`.
        #' @param string_value If `TRUE`, all field values are returned as
        #'        character. If `FALSE`, `value` column in returned
        #'        [data.table][data.table::data.table()] is a list column with
        #'        each value stored as corresponding type. Note that if the
        #'        value of numeric field is set to `"Autosize"` or
        #'        `"Autocalculate"`, it is left as it is, leaving the returned
        #'        type being a string instead of a number. Default: `TRUE`.
        #' @param unit Only applicable when `string_value` is `FALSE`. If
        #'        `TRUE`, values of numeric fields are assigned with units using
        #'        [units::set_units()] if applicable. Default: `FALSE`.
        #' @param wide Only applicable if target objects belong to a same class.
        #'        If `TRUE`, a wide table will be returned, i.e. first three
        #'        columns are always `id`, `name` and `class`, and then every
        #'        field in a separate column. Note that this requires all
        #'        objects specified must from the same class.
        #'        Default: `FALSE`.
        #' @param all If `TRUE`, all available fields defined in IDD for the
        #'        class that objects belong to will be returned. Default:
        #'        `FALSE`.
        #' @param group_ext Should be one of `"none"`, `"group"` or `"index"`.
        #'        If not `"none"`, `value` column in returned
        #'        [data.table::data.table()] will be converted into a list.
        #'        If `"group"`, values from extensible fields will be grouped by the
        #'        extensible group they belong to. For example, coordinate
        #'        values of each vertex in class `BuildingSurface:Detailed` will
        #'        be put into a list. If `"index"`, values from extensible fields
        #'        will be grouped by the extensible field indice they belong to.
        #'        For example, coordinate values of all x coordinates will be
        #'        put into a list. If `"none"`, nothing special will be done.
        #'        Default: `"none"`.
        #' @return A [data.table][data.table::data.table()] with 6 columns (if
        #' `wide` is `FALSE`) or at least 6 columns (if `wide` is `TRUE`).
        #' @examples
        #' \dontrun{
        #' # get all object data in a data.table format without field units
        #' str(mat$to_table(unit = FALSE))
        #' # get all object data in a data.table format where all field values are put in a
        #' # list column and field names without unit
        #' str(mat$to_table(string_value = FALSE, unit = FALSE))
        #' # get all object data in a data.table format, including tailing empty fields
        #' str(idf$Zone$`ZONE ONE`$to_table(all = TRUE))
        #' # get all object data in a data.table format where each field becomes a column
        #' str(mat$to_table(wide = TRUE))
        #' # group extensible by extensible group number
        #' surf <- idf$BuildingSurface_Detailed[["Zn001:Roof001"]]
        #' surf$to_table(group_ext = "group")
        #' # group extensible by extensible group number and convert into a wide table
        #' surf$to_table(group_ext = "group", wide = TRUE)
        #' # group extensible by extensible field index
        #' surf$to_table(group_ext = "index")
        #' # group extensible by extensible field index and convert into a wide table
        #' surf$to_table(group_ext = "index", wide = TRUE)
        #' # when grouping extensible, 'string_value' and 'unit' still take effect
        #' surf$to_table(group_ext = "index", wide = TRUE, string_value = FALSE, unit = TRUE)
        #' }
        to_table = function(string_value = TRUE, unit = TRUE, wide = FALSE, all = FALSE, group_ext = c("none", "group", "index"))
            idfobj_to_table(self, private, all, string_value, unit, wide, match.arg(group_ext)),
        # }}}

        # to_string {{{
        #' @description
        #' Format current object as a character vector
        #' @details
        #' `$to_string()` returns the text format of current object.
        #' @param comment If `FALSE`, all comments will not be included.
        #'        Default: `TRUE`.
        #' @param leading Leading spaces added to each field. Default: `4L`.
        #' @param sep_at The character width to separate value string and field
        #'        string. Default: `29L` which is the same as IDF Editor.
        #' @param all If `TRUE`, all available fields defined in IDD for the
        #'        class that objects belong to will be returned. Default:
        #'        `FALSE`.
        #' @return A character vector.
        #' @examples
        #' \dontrun{
        #' # get string format object
        #' mat$to_string()
        #' # get string format of object, and decrease the space between field values and
        #' # field names
        #' mat$to_string(sep_at = 15)
        #' # get string format of object, and decrease the leading space of field values
        #' mat$to_string(leading = 0)
        #' }
        to_string = function(comment = TRUE, leading = 4L, sep_at = 29L, all = FALSE)
            idfobj_to_string(self, private, comment, leading, sep_at, all),
        # }}}

        # print {{{
        #' @description
        #' Print `IdfObject` object
        #' @details
        #' `$print()` prints the `IdfObject`. Basically, the print output can be
        #' divided into 3 parts:
        #' * OBJECT: Class name, object id and name (if applicable).
        #' * COMMENTS: Object comments if exist.
        #' * VALUES: fields and values of current `IdfObject`. Required fields are marked
        #'   with start `*`. String values are quoted. Numeric values are printed as
        #'   they are. Blank string values are printed as `<"Blank">` and blank number
        #'   values are printed as `<Blank>`.
        #' @param comment If `FALSE`, all comments are not included.
        #' @param auto_sep If `TRUE`, values and field names are separated at
        #'        the largest character length of values. Default: `FALSE`.
        #' @param brief If `TRUE`, only OBJECT part is printed. Default:
        #'        `FALSE`.
        #' @param all If `TRUE`, all fields defined in [Idd] are printed even
        #'        they do not exist in current object. Default: `FALSE`.
        #' @return The `IdfObject` itself, invisibly.
        #' @examples
        #' \dontrun{
        #' # print the object without comment
        #' mat$print(comment = FALSE)
        #' # print the object, and auto separate field values and field names at the
        #' # largetst character length of field values
        #' mat$print(auto_sep = TRUE)
        #' }
        print = function(comment = TRUE, auto_sep = TRUE, brief = FALSE, all = FALSE)
            idfobj_print(self, private, comment, auto_sep, brief, all)
        # }}}
        # }}}

    private = list(
        # PRIVATE FIELDS {{{
        # shared data from parent Idf object
        m_parent = NULL,
        m_object_id = NULL,
        m_class_id = NULL,
        # }}}

        idf_env = function() get_priv_env(private$m_parent)$idf_env(),
        idd_env = function() get_priv_env(private$m_parent)$idd_env(),
        log_env = function() get_priv_env(private$m_parent)$m_log
        # }}}
# }}}

#' Create an `IdfObject` object.
#' `idf_object()` takes a parent `Idf` object, an object name or class name, and
#' returns a corresponding [IdfObject].
#' If `object` is not given, an empty [IdfObject] of specified class is created,
#' with all field values filled with defaults, if possible.  Note that
#' validation is performed when creating, which means that an error may occur if
#' current [validate level][level_checks()] does not allow empty required fields.
#' The empty [IdfObject] is directly added into the parent [Idf] object. It is
#' recommended to use `$validate()` method in [IdfObject] to see what kinds of
#' further modifications are needed for those empty fields and use `$set()`
#' method to set field values.
#' @param parent An [Idf] object.
#' @param object A valid object ID (an integer) or name (a string). If `NULL`
#' and `class` is not `NULL`, an empty [IdfObject] is created with all fields
#' fill with default values if possible. Default: `NULL`.
#' @param class A valid class name (a string). If `object` is not `NULL`,
#' `class` is used to further specify what class is the target object belongs
#' to. If `object` is `NULL`, an empty [IdfObject] of `class` is created.
#' @return An [IdfObject] object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' model <- read_idf(system.file("extdata/1ZoneUncontrolled.idf", package = "eplusr"))
#' # get an IdfObject using object ID
#' idf_object(model, 14)
#' # get an IdfObject using object name (case-insensitive)
#' idf_object(model, "zone one")
#' # `class` argument is useful when there are objects with same name in
#' # different class
#' idf_object(model, "zone one", "Zone")
#' # create a new zone
#' eplusr_option(validate_level = "draft")
#' zone <- idf_object(model, class = "Zone")
#' zone
#' eplusr_option(validate_level = "final")
#' zone$validate()
#' }
#' @export
# idf_object {{{
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_string
idf_object <- function(parent, object = NULL, class = NULL) {
    if (missing(parent) || !is_idf(parent)) {
        abort(paste("IdfObject can only be created based a parent Idf object.",
            "Please give `parent`, which should be an Idf object.")

    idd_env <- get_priv_env(parent)$idd_env()
    idf_env <- get_priv_env(parent)$idf_env()

    # add an empty object
    if (is.null(object)) {
        if (is.null(class)) stop("'class' must be given when 'object' is not")


        lst <- list(list())
        names(lst) <- class
        obj <- parent$add(lst)[[1L]]

            paste0("New empty object [ID:", obj$id(), "] in class ",
                surround(obj$class_name()), " created."
    } else {
        obj <- get_idf_object(idd_env, idf_env, class, object, ignore_case = TRUE)

        object <- obj$object_id
        class <- obj$class_id
        obj <- IdfObject$new(object, class, parent)

# }}}

# idfobj_version {{{
idfobj_version <- function(self, private) {
# }}}
# idfobj_parent {{{
idfobj_parent <- function(self, private) {
# }}}
# idfobj_id {{{
idfobj_id <- function(self, private) {
# }}}
# idfobj_name {{{
idfobj_name <- function(self, private) {
    private$idf_env()$object[J(private$m_object_id), on = "object_id", object_name]
# }}}
# idfobj_group_name {{{
idfobj_group_name <- function(self, private) {
        J(private$idd_env()$class[J(private$m_class_id), on = "class_id", group_id]),
        on = "group_id",
# }}}
# idfobj_class_name {{{
idfobj_class_name <- function(self, private) {
    private$idd_env()$class[J(private$m_class_id), on = "class_id", class_name]
# }}}
# idfobj_definition {{{
idfobj_definition <- function(self, private) {
    IddObject$new(private$m_class_id, get_priv_env(private$m_parent)$m_idd)
# }}}
# idfobj_comment {{{
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_character
idfobj_comment <- function(self, private, comment, append = TRUE, width = 0L) {
    if (missing(comment)) {
        return(private$idf_env()$object[J(private$m_object_id), on = "object_id"]$comment[[1L]])

    assert_character(comment, null.ok = TRUE)
    obj <- set_idfobj_comment(private$idd_env(), private$idf_env(), private$m_object_id,
        comment = comment, append = append, width = width

    log_add_order(private$log_env(), obj$object_id)

    # update object in parent
    private$idf_env()$object[obj, on = "object_id", `:=`(comment = i.comment)]

# }}}
# idfobj_value {{{
idfobj_value <- function(self, private, which = NULL, all = FALSE, simplify = FALSE, unit = FALSE) {
    get_idfobj_value(private$idd_env(), private$idf_env(), private$m_object_id, which, all, simplify, unit)
# }}}
# idfobj_set {{{
idfobj_set <- function(self, private, ..., .default = TRUE, .empty = FALSE) {
    # support value input in a list format
    lst <- list(...)
    if (!(length(lst) == 1L && is.list(lst[[1L]]))) lst <- list(lst)
    names(lst) <- paste0("..", private$m_object_id)
    idf_set(get_self_env(private$m_parent), get_priv_env(private$m_parent),
        lst, .default = .default, .empty = .empty

# }}}
# idfobj_value_possible {{{
idfobj_value_possible <- function(self, private, which = NULL, type = c("auto", "default", "choice", "range", "source")) {

    get_idfobj_possible(private$idd_env(), private$idf_env(), private$m_object_id, which, type)
# }}}
# idfobj_validate {{{
idfobj_validate <- function(self, private, level = eplusr_option("validate_level")) {
    obj <- get_idf_object(private$idd_env(), private$idf_env(), object = private$m_object_id)
    val <- get_idf_value(private$idd_env(), private$idf_env(), object = private$m_object_id)
    validate_on_level(private$idd_env(), private$idf_env(), obj, val, level)
# }}}
# idfobj_is_valid {{{
idfobj_is_valid <- function(self, private, level = eplusr_option("validate_level")) {
    count_check_error(idfobj_validate(self, private, level)) == 0L
# }}}
# idfobj_value_relation {{{
idfobj_value_relation <- function(self, private, which = NULL,
                                   direction = c("all", "ref_to", "ref_by", "node"),
                                   object = object, class = NULL, group = NULL, depth = 0L,
                                   keep = FALSE, class_ref = c("both", "none", "all")) {
    direction <- match.arg(direction)

    val <- get_idf_value(private$idd_env(), private$idf_env(),
        object = private$m_object_id, field = which

    get_idfobj_relation(private$idd_env(), private$idf_env(), object_id = NULL,
        value_id = val$value_id, name = TRUE, direction = direction, object = object,
        class = class, group = group, depth = depth, keep_all = keep, class_ref = match.arg(class_ref))
# }}}
# idfobj_ref_to_object {{{
idfobj_ref_to_object <- function(self, private, which = NULL, object = NULL,
                                  class = NULL, group = NULL, depth = 0L,
                                  class_ref = c("both", "none", "all")) {
    val <- get_idf_value(private$idd_env(), private$idf_env(),
        object = private$m_object_id, field = which

    # exclude invalid references
    rel <- get_idf_relation(private$idd_env(), private$idf_env(),
        value_id = val$value_id, direction = "ref_to", class_ref = match.arg(class_ref),
        object = object, class = class, group = group, depth = depth

    if (!nrow(rel)) {
        if (in_verbose()) {
            msg <- paste("Target object does not refer to any objects")

            if (is.null(object) && is.null(class) && is.null(group)) {
                verbose_info(msg, ".")
            } else {
                verbose_info(msg, " specifed.")
    } else {
        rel <- rel[, list(src_object_id = unique(src_object_id)), by = "object_id"]
        res <- apply2(
            private$idf_env()$object[J(rel$src_object_id), on = "object_id", class_id],
            IdfObject$new, list(parent = private$m_parent)
        setattr(res, "names", private$idf_env()$object[J(rel$src_object_id), on = "object_id", object_name])
# }}}
# idfobj_ref_by_object {{{
idfobj_ref_by_object <- function(self, private, which = NULL, object = NULL,
                                  class = NULL, group = NULL, depth = 0L,
                                  class_ref = c("both", "none", "all")) {
    val <- get_idf_value(private$idd_env(), private$idf_env(),
        object = private$m_object_id, field = which

    # exclude invalid references
    rel <- get_idf_relation(private$idd_env(), private$idf_env(),
        value_id = val$value_id, direction = "ref_by", class_ref = match.arg(class_ref),
        object = object, class = class, group = group, depth = depth

    if (!nrow(rel)) {
        if (eplusr_option("verbose_info")) {
            msg <- paste("Target object is not referred by any objects")

            if (is.null(object) && is.null(class) && is.null(group)) {
                verbose_info(msg, ".")
            } else {
                verbose_info(msg, " specifed.")
    } else {
        rel <- rel[, list(object_id = unique(object_id)), by = "src_object_id"]
        res <- apply2(
            private$idf_env()$object[J(rel$object_id), on = "object_id", class_id],
            IdfObject$new, list(parent = private$m_parent)
        setattr(res, "names", private$idf_env()$object[J(rel$object_id), on = "object_id", object_name])
# }}}
# idfobj_ref_to_node {{{
idfobj_ref_to_node <- function(self, private, which = NULL, object = NULL, class = NULL, group = NULL, depth = 0L) {
    val <- get_idf_value(private$idd_env(), private$idf_env(),
        object = private$m_object_id, field = which

    # exclude invalid references
    rel <- get_idf_node_relation(private$idd_env(), private$idf_env(),
        value_id = val$value_id, object = object, class = class, group = group, depth = depth

    if (!nrow(rel)) {
        if (eplusr_option("verbose_info")) {
            msg <- paste("Target object has no node or their nodes have no reference to any objects")

            if (is.null(object) && is.null(class) && is.null(group)) {
                verbose_info(msg, ".")
            } else {
                verbose_info(msg, "specifed.")
    } else {
        rel <- rel[, list(object_id = unique(object_id)), by = "src_object_id"]
        res <- apply2(
            private$idf_env()$object[J(rel$object_id), on = "object_id", class_id],
            IdfObject$new, list(parent = private$m_parent)
        setattr(res, "names", private$idf_env()$object[J(rel$object_id), on = "object_id", object_name])
# }}}
# idfobj_has_ref {{{
idfobj_has_ref <- function(self, private, which = NULL, object = NULL,
                            class = NULL, group = NULL, type = c("all", "ref_to", "ref_by", "node"),
                            recursive = FALSE, class_ref = c("both", "none", "all")) {
    depth <- if (recursive) NULL else 0L
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (is.null(which)) {
        rel <- get_idfobj_relation(private$idd_env(), private$idf_env(), private$m_object_id,
            NULL, FALSE, direction = type, object = object, class = class, group = group, depth = depth,
            keep_all = TRUE, class_ref = match.arg(class_ref))
    } else {
        val <- get_idf_value(private$idd_env(), private$idf_env(),
            object = private$m_object_id, field = which

        rel <- get_idfobj_relation(private$idd_env(), private$idf_env(),
            value_id = val$value_id, direction = type, object = object,
            class = class, group = group, depth = depth, keep_all = TRUE,
            class_ref = match.arg(class_ref))

    if (type == "all") {
        rel$ref_to[, list(.N > 0 && any(!is.na(src_value_id))), by = "value_id"]$V1 |
        rel$ref_by[, list(.N > 0 && any(!is.na(value_id))), by = "src_value_id"]$V1 |
        rel$node[, list(.N > 0 && any(!is.na(value_id))), by = "src_value_id"]$V1
    } else if (type == "ref_to") {
        rel$ref_to[, list(.N > 0 && any(!is.na(src_value_id))), by = "value_id"]$V1
    } else if (type == "ref_by") {
        rel$ref_by[, list(.N > 0 && any(!is.na(value_id))), by = "src_value_id"]$V1
    } else {
        rel$node[, list(.N > 0 && any(!is.na(value_id))), by = "src_value_id"]$V1
# }}}
# idfobj_has_ref_to {{{
idfobj_has_ref_to <- function(self, private, which = NULL, object = NULL,
                               class = NULL, group = NULL, recursive = FALSE,
                               class_ref = c("both", "none", "all")) {
    idfobj_has_ref(self, private, which, object = object, class = class, group = group,
        recursive = recursive, type = "ref_to", class_ref = match.arg(class_ref))
# }}}
# idfobj_has_ref_by {{{
idfobj_has_ref_by <- function(self, private, which = NULL, object = NULL,
                               class = NULL, group = NULL, recursive = FALSE,
                               class_ref = c("both", "none", "all")) {
    idfobj_has_ref(self, private, which, object = object, class = class, group = group,
        recursive = recursive, type = "ref_by", class_ref = match.arg(class_ref))
# }}}
# idfobj_has_ref_node {{{
idfobj_has_ref_node <- function(self, private, which = NULL, object = NULL, class = NULL, group = NULL, recursive = FALSE) {
    idfobj_has_ref(self, private, which, object = object, class = class, group = group, recursive = recursive, type = "node")
# }}}
# idfobj_to_table {{{
idfobj_to_table <- function(self, private, all = FALSE, string_value = TRUE,
                             unit = TRUE, wide = FALSE, group_ext = c("none", "group", "index")) {
    get_idfobj_table(private$idd_env(), private$idf_env(), private$m_object_id,
        all = all, unit = unit, wide = wide, string_value = string_value,
        group_ext = match.arg(group_ext)
# }}}
# idfobj_to_string {{{
idfobj_to_string <- function(self, private, comment = TRUE, leading = 4L, sep_at = 29L, all = FALSE) {
    get_idfobj_string(private$idd_env(), private$idf_env(), private$m_object_id,
        comment = comment, leading = leading, sep_at = sep_at, all = all
# }}}
# idfobj_print {{{
idfobj_print <- function(self, private, comment = TRUE, auto_sep = FALSE, brief = FALSE, all = FALSE) {
    obj <- get_idf_object(private$idd_env(), private$idf_env(), object = private$m_object_id)

    if (is.na(obj$object_name)) {
        h <- paste0("<IdfObject: ", surround(obj$class_name), "> [ID:", obj$object_id, "]")
    } else {
        h <- paste0("<IdfObject: ", surround(obj$class_name), "> [ID:", obj$object_id, "] `", obj$object_name, "`")


    if (brief) return(invisible(self))

    val <- get_idf_value(private$idd_env(), private$idf_env(), object = private$m_object_id, all = all)

    # comment
    if (comment && !is.null(obj$comment[[1L]])) {
        cli::cat_line(cli::ansi_strtrim(paste0("!", obj$comment[[1L]])))

    if (auto_sep) {
        sep_at <- max(nchar(val$value_chr, "width", keepNA = FALSE)) + 4L
        if (sep_at > 20L) sep_at <- 20L
        if (sep_at < 12L) sep_at <- 12L
    } else {
        sep_at <- 20L

    # value
    add_joined_cols(private$idd_env()$field, val, "field_id", c("units", "ip_units", "type_enum", "required_field"))
    fmt <- format_objects(val, c("class", "value"), brief = FALSE, sep_at = sep_at, required = TRUE)$out[[1L]]
    # remove trailing blank line

# }}}

#' Format an IdfObject
#' Format an [IddObject] into a character vector in the same way as in IDF Editor.
#' @param x An [IdfObject] object.
#' @param comment If `FALSE`, all comments will not be included. Default: `TRUE`.
#' @param leading Leading spaces added to each field. Default: `4L`.
#' @param sep_at The character width to separate value string and field string.
#' Default: `29L` which is the same as IDF Editor.
#' @param all If `TRUE`, values of all possible fields in current class the
#'   [IdfObject] belongs to are returned. Default: `FALSE`
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A character vector.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' idf <- read_idf(system.file("extdata/1ZoneUncontrolled.idf", package = "eplusr"),
#'     idd = use_idd("8.8", download = "auto"))
#' # get the IdfObject of material named "C5 - 4 IN HW CONCRETE"
#' mat <- idf$Material[["C5 - 4 IN HW CONCRETE"]]
#' cat(format(mat, leading = 0, sep_at = 10))
#' }
#' @export
# format.IdfObject {{{
format.IdfObject <- function(x, comment = TRUE, leading = 4L, sep_at = 29L, all = FALSE, ...) {
    paste0(x$to_string(comment = comment, leading = leading, sep_at = sep_at, all = all), collapse = "\n")
# }}}

#' Coerce an IdfObject into a Character Vector
#' Coerce an [IdfObject] into a character vector in the same way as in IDF Editor.
#' @inherit format.IdfObject
#' @return A character vector.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' idf <- read_idf(system.file("extdata/1ZoneUncontrolled.idf", package = "eplusr"),
#'     idd = use_idd("8.8", download = "auto"))
#' # get the IdfObject of material named "C5 - 4 IN HW CONCRETE"
#' mat <- idf$Material[["C5 - 4 IN HW CONCRETE"]]
#' as.character(mat, leading = 0, sep_at = 10)
#' }
#' @export
# as.character.IdfObject {{{
as.character.IdfObject <- function(x, comment = TRUE, leading = 4L, sep_at = 29L, all = FALSE, ...) {
    x$to_string(comment = comment, leading = leading, sep_at = sep_at, all = all)
# }}}

#' @export
# str.IdfObject {{{
str.IdfObject <- function(object, ...) {
    object <- object$value()
# }}}

#' @export
# print.IdfObject {{{
print.IdfObject <- function(x, comment = TRUE, auto_sep = TRUE, brief = FALSE, all = FALSE, ...) {
    x$print(comment = comment, auto_sep = auto_sep, brief = brief, all = all)
# }}}

#' @export
# [.IdfObject {{{
'[.IdfObject' <- function(x, i, j, ...) {
    if (!missing(j)) stop("incorrect number of dimensions")
    .subset2(x, "value")(i)
# }}}

#' @export
# .DollarNames.IdfObject {{{
.DollarNames.IdfObject <- function(x, pattern = "") {
    private <- get_priv_env(x)
    fld_id <- private$idf_env()$value[J(private$m_object_id), on = "object_id", field_id]
    fld_nm <- private$idd_env()$field[J(fld_id), on = "field_id", field_name]
    grep(pattern, c(fld_nm, names(x)), value = TRUE)
# }}}

#' @export
# $.IdfObject {{{
'$.IdfObject' <- function(x, name) {
    if (name %chin% ls(x)) return(NextMethod())

    self <- get_self_env(x)
    private <- get_priv_env(x)

    # In order to make sure `idfobj$nAmE` is not acceptable
    fld_nm <- private$idd_env()$field[J(private$m_class_id), on = "class_id", field_name]
    fld_idx <- chmatch(name, fld_nm)
    if (is.na(fld_idx)) fld_idx <- chmatch(name, underscore_name(fld_nm))

    if (!is.na(fld_idx)) {
            get_idfobj_value(private$idd_env(), private$idf_env(),
                private$m_object_id, which = fld_idx
            eplusr_error_invalid_field_name = function(e) NextMethod()
    } else {
# }}}

#' @export
# [[.IdfObject {{{
'[[.IdfObject' <- function(x, i) {
    if (length(i) != 1L) return(NextMethod())

    if (as.character(i) %chin% ls(x)) {
    } else {
        self <- get_self_env(x)
        private <- get_priv_env(x)

        # In order to make sure `idfobj$nAmE` is not acceptable
        if (checkmate::test_count(i, positive = TRUE) || i %chin% private$idd_env()$field[J(private$m_class_id), on = "class_id", field_name]) {
                get_idfobj_value(private$idd_env(), private$idf_env(), private$m_object_id, which = i)[[1L]],
                eplusr_error_invalid_field_name = function(e) NextMethod()
        } else {
# }}}

#' @export
# $<-.IdfObject {{{
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_scalar
`$<-.IdfObject` <- function(x, name, value) {
    # all field names start with a capital letter
    if (!substr(name, 1, 1) %chin% LETTERS && name %chin% ls(x)) return(NextMethod())

    self <- get_self_env(x)
    private <- get_priv_env(x)

    # In order to make sure `idfobj$nAmE <- "a"` is not acceptable
    fld_nm <- private$idd_env()$field[J(private$m_class_id), on = "class_id", field_name]
    fld_idx <- chmatch(name, fld_nm)
    if (is.na(fld_idx)) fld_idx <- chmatch(name, underscore_name(fld_nm))

    if (!is.na(fld_idx)) {
        if (is.null(value)) value <- list(NULL)
        names(value) <- name
        tryCatch(do.call(.subset2(x, "set"), c(as.list(value), .default = FALSE, .empty = FALSE)),
            eplusr_error_invalid_field_name = function(e) NextMethod())

    } else {
# }}}

#' @export
# [[<-.IdfObject {{{
'[[<-.IdfObject' <- function(x, i, value) {
    if (length(i) != 1) return(NextMethod())

    if (!substr(as.character(i), 1, 1) %chin% LETTERS && as.character(i) %chin% ls(x)) return(NextMethod())

    self <- get_self_env(x)
    private <- get_priv_env(x)

    # In order to make sure only standard field name is not acceptable
    fld_nm <- private$idd_env()$field[J(private$m_class_id), on = "class_id", field_name]
    if (checkmate::test_count(i, positive = TRUE)) {
        fld_idx <- i
        nm <- paste0("..", i)
    } else {
        fld_idx <- chmatch(i, fld_nm)
        nm <- i
    if (!is.na(fld_idx)) {
        if (is.null(value)) value <- list(NULL)
        names(value) <- nm
        tryCatch(do.call(.subset2(x, "set"), c(as.list(value), .default = FALSE, .empty = FALSE)),
            eplusr_error_invalid_field_name = function(e) NextMethod())

    } else {
# }}}

#' @export
# ==.IdfObject {{{
`==.IdfObject` <- function(e1, e2) {
    if (!is_idfobject(e2)) return(FALSE)
    ) &&
    identical(get_priv_env(e1)$m_object_id, get_priv_env(e2)$m_object_id)
# }}}

#' @export
# !=.IdfObject {{{
`!=.IdfObject` <- function(e1, e2) {
    Negate(`==.IdfObject`)(e1, e2)
# }}}

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