
Defines functions summary.bootstrap print.bootstrap is.bootstrap as.bootstrap bootstrap.freqtab bootstrap.equate bootstrap.default bootstrap

Documented in bootstrap bootstrap.default bootstrap.equate bootstrap.freqtab summary.bootstrap

#' Bootstrap Equating Error
#' These functions return bootstrap standard errors, bias, and RMSE of
#' equating. A summary method estimates mean and weighted mean errors over the
#' score scale. 
#' Samples are drawn of size \code{xn} and \code{yn}, with replacement, from
#' each score distribution. Form Y equivalents of each form X score are then
#' obtained using either the arguments in the equating output or those
#' provided. This process is repeated \code{reps} times. Standard errors are
#' calculated as standard deviations over replications for each score point;
#' bias is the mean equated score over replications, minus the criterion; and
#' RMSE is the square root of the squared standard error and squared bias
#' combined.
#' The bootstrap method for objects of class \dQuote{\code{equate}} is designed
#' to be called from within \code{\link{equate}}. It simply extracts the
#' necessary arguments from the equating output before bootstrapping.
#' When each element in \code{args} is a named list of equating arguments,
#' multiple equatings are performed at each replication in the bootstrapping.
#' The summary method returns a \code{data.frame} of mean standard errors,
#' bias, and rmse, and weighted means, as applicable.
#' @param x either an equating object, obtained with the \code{\link{equate}}
#' function, or a score distribution of class \dQuote{\code{\link{freqtab}}}.
#' @param xp,yp optional frequency tables replacing those equated in \code{x},
#' used for parametric bootstrap resampling.
#' @param y score distribution of class \dQuote{\code{\link{freqtab}}}.
#' @param xn,yn integers specifying the number of scores to sample from each
#' distribution at each replication (default is the total number observed in
#' each).
#' @param reps number of bootstrap replications.
#' @param crit vector of equated scores serving as the criterion equating
#' function when calculating bootstrap bias and RMSE, both of which are
#' returned when \code{crit} is specified.
#' @param args named list of equating arguments, passed to
#' \code{\link{equate}}, specifying, e.g., the equating type and method. See
#' below for details.
#' @param eqs logical, with default \code{FALSE}, indicating whether or not the
#' matrices of equating functions (one column per replication, per equating)
#' should be returned.
#' @param sharesmooth logical, defaulting to \code{FALSE}, indicating whether
#' or not loglinear presmoothing should be performed once per replication
#' using arguments given in \code{args}. Ignored if
#' \code{smoothmethod = "loglinear"} is not given in any \code{args}.
#' @param object \code{bootstrap} output to be summarized.
#' @param weights vector of weights to be used in calculating weighted average
#' errors with \code{summary}, defaulting to the frequencies in
#' \code{margin(object$x)}.
#' @param subset vector indicating a subset of the score scale for which errors
#' should be summarized.
#' @param \dots further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return With \code{bootstrap}, a list is returned, containing arguments
#' supplied for \code{x}, \code{y}, \code{reps}, \code{xn}, \code{yn}, and
#' \code{args}. For a single equating, the \code{mean} equating function over
#' replications and a vector of standard errors \code{se} are included,
#' along with vectors of \code{bias} and \code{rmse}, when \code{crit} is
#' provided, and a matrix of equating functions \code{eqs} when
#' \code{eqs = TRUE}. For multiple equatings, where each element of
#' \code{args} is a list of equating arguments, matrices are returned for the
#' mean functions, standard error, bias, and RMSE, and the equating functions
#' will be returned as a list of matrices. The \code{summary} method returns a
#' data frame of mean standard errors, bias, and rmse, and weighted means,
#' as applicable.
#' @author Anthony Albano \email{tony.d.albano@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.bootstrap}}
#' @keywords methods
#' @examples
#' # Parametric bootstrapping using smoothed
#' # frequency distributions
#' set.seed(111213)
#' x <- freqtab(KBneat$x, scales = list(0:36, 0:12))
#' y <- freqtab(KBneat$y, scales = list(0:36, 0:12))
#' xp <- loglinear(x, asfreqtab = TRUE)
#' yp <- loglinear(y, asfreqtab = TRUE)
#' crit <- equate(xp, yp, "e", "c")$conc$yx
#' eqargs <- list(m.t = list(type = "m", method = "t"),
#'   l.t = list(type = "l", method = "t"))
#' bootout1 <- bootstrap(x = x, y = y, xn = 20, yn = 20,
#'   crit = crit, args = eqargs, reps = 30)
#' plot(bootout1, out = "rmse", legendplace = "top",
#'   addident = FALSE)
#' # Bootstraps for an existing equating
#' eq <- equate(x, y, type = "m", method = "t")
#' bootout2 <- bootstrap(eq, xn = 100, yn = 100,
#'   crit = crit, reps = 20)
#' summary(bootout2)
#' @export
bootstrap <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("bootstrap")

#' @describeIn bootstrap Default bootstrap method for
#' \dQuote{\code{\link{freqtab}}} objects.
#' @export
bootstrap.default <- function(x, y, ...) {

	if (!is.freqtab(x) | is.freqtab(y))
		stop("'x' and 'y' must be frequency tables")
	else do.call(bootstrap.freqtab, c(list(x = x, y = y),
# Method for equate class

#' @describeIn bootstrap Method for \dQuote{\code{\link{equate}}} objects.
#' @export
bootstrap.equate <- function(x, xp = x$x, yp = x$y, ...) {
	dots <- list(...)
	if (is.character(xp))
		xp <- x[[xp]]
	if (is.character(yp))
		yp <- x[[yp]]
	rmnames <- c("x", "y", "yx", "concordance",
		"bootstraps", "coefficients", "synthstats",
		"xsynthetic", "ysynthetic", "xsmooth", "ysmooth",
	args <- x[-pmatch(rmnames, names(x), nomatch = 0)]
	dots[pmatch(rmnames, names(dots), nomatch = 0)] <- NULL
	mi <- pmatch(names(dots), names(args), nomatch = 0)
	args[mi] <- dots[as.logical(mi)]
	dots <- dots[!as.logical(mi)]
	do.call(bootstrap.freqtab, c(list("x" = xp, "y" = yp),
		args, dots))

# Method for freqtab class

#' @describeIn bootstrap Bootstrap method for \dQuote{\code{\link{freqtab}}}
#' objects.
#' @export
bootstrap.freqtab <- function(x, y, xn = sum(x), yn = sum(y), reps = 100,
  crit, args, eqs = FALSE, sharesmooth = FALSE, ...) {
  dots <- list(...)[names(list(...) != "")]
  if (missing(args)) {
    args <- list(dots)
    neq <- 1
    args[[1]]["verbose"] <- FALSE
  } else {
    neq <- length(args)
    for (i in 1:neq) {
      args[[i]][names(dots)] <- dots
      args[[i]]["verbose"] <- FALSE
  if (sharesmooth) {
    scheck <- lapply(lapply(args, names), "%in%", "smoothmethod")
    smeth <- unlist(lapply(scheck, any))
    scheck <- all(pmatch(unlist(unlist(args,
      recursive = FALSE)[unlist(scheck)]),
      "loglinear", duplicates.ok = TRUE))
    sargs <- unlist(args[smeth], recursive = FALSE)
    names(sargs) <- unlist(lapply(args[smeth], names))
    sargs <- sargs[!duplicated(sargs)]
    sargs$asfreqtab <- TRUE
    for(i in seq_along(smeth)[smeth])
      args[[i]][["smoothmethod"]] <- NULL
  } else scheck <- FALSE
  eqmats <- lapply(rep(NA, neq), matrix,
    nrow = length(scales(x, 1)), ncol = reps)
  if (missing(y)) {
    yn <- xn
    y <- NULL
    for (i in 1:reps) {
      xtemp <- sample.freqtab(x, xn)
      if (scheck) xtemp <- do.call("loglinear", c(list(x = xtemp), sargs))
      for (j in 1:neq)
        eqmats[[j]][, i] <- do.call("equate",
          c(list(x = xtemp), args[[j]]))
  } else {
    for (i in 1:reps) {
      xtemp <- sample.freqtab(x, xn)
      ytemp <- sample.freqtab(y, yn)
      if (scheck) {
        xtemp <- do.call("loglinear", c(list(x = xtemp), sargs))
        ytemp <- do.call("loglinear", c(list(x = ytemp), sargs))
      for (j in 1:neq)
        eqmats[[j]][, i] <- do.call("equate",
          c(list(x = xtemp, y = ytemp), args[[j]]))
  names(eqmats) <- names(args)
  out <- list(x = x, y = y, reps = reps, xn = xn, yn = yn,
    args = args, mean = sapply(eqmats, apply, 1, mean),
    se = sapply(eqmats, apply, 1, sd))
  if (!missing(crit)) {
    out$bias <- sapply(eqmats, apply, 1, mean) - crit
    out$rmse <- sapply(eqmats, function(z)
      sqrt(rowMeans((z - crit)^2)))
  if (neq == 1)
    out[-(1:6)] <- lapply(out[-(1:6)], c)
  if (eqs)
    out$eqs <- if (neq == 1) eqmats[[1]] else eqmats
  out <- as.bootstrap(out)

# Assign bootstrap class

as.bootstrap <- function(x) {
	class(x) <- "bootstrap"

# Test for bootstrap class

is.bootstrap <- function(x) {
	return(class(x)[1] == "bootstrap")

# Print method

#' @export
print.bootstrap <- function(x, ...) {
	nf <- length(x$args)
	cat("\nBootstrap Equating Error\n\n")
	cat("Design:", if (is.null(x$y)) "single group"
			else if (margins(x$x) == 1) "equivalent groups"
			else "nonequivalent groups", "\n\n")
	cat("Replications:", x$reps, "\n\n")
	cat("Sample Sizes: x =", paste(x$xn, "; y =", sep = ""),
		x$yn, "\n\n")

# Summary method

# @describeIn bootstrap Summary method for \dQuote{\code{bootstrap}} objects.
#' @rdname bootstrap
#' @export
summary.bootstrap <- function(object, weights,
  subset, ...) {
  if (missing(subset))
    subset <- 1:length(scales(object$x))
  if (missing(weights))
    weights <- c(margin(object$x))[subset] /
  tempse <- cbind(object$se)[subset, , drop = FALSE]
  out <- data.frame(se = sqrt(colMeans(tempse^2)),
    se_w = sqrt(colSums(tempse^2 * weights)))
  if (!is.null(object$bias)) {
    tempbias <- cbind(object$bias)[subset, , drop = FALSE]
    temprmse <- cbind(object$rmse)[subset, , drop = FALSE]
    out$bias <- sqrt(colMeans(tempbias^2))
    out$bias_w <- sqrt(colSums(tempbias^2 * weights))
    out$rmse <- sqrt(colMeans(temprmse^2))
    out$rmse_w <- sqrt(colSums(temprmse^2 * weights))
  class(out) <- c("summary.bootstrap", "data.frame")

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