
Defines functions InitErgmProposal.HammingTNT InitErgmProposal.HammingConstantEdges InitErgmProposal.ConstantEdges InitErgmProposal.CondOutDegreeDist InitErgmProposal.CondInDegreeDist InitErgmProposal.CondDegreeDist InitErgmProposal.CondB2Degree InitErgmProposal.CondB1Degree InitErgmProposal.CondInDegree InitErgmProposal.CondOutDegree InitErgmProposal.CondDegreeMix InitErgmProposal.CondDegree InitErgmProposal.BDStratTNT InitErgmProposal.TNT InitErgmProposal.randomtoggle

Documented in InitErgmProposal.BDStratTNT InitErgmProposal.CondB1Degree InitErgmProposal.CondB2Degree InitErgmProposal.CondDegree InitErgmProposal.CondDegreeDist InitErgmProposal.CondDegreeMix InitErgmProposal.CondInDegree InitErgmProposal.CondInDegreeDist InitErgmProposal.CondOutDegree InitErgmProposal.CondOutDegreeDist InitErgmProposal.ConstantEdges InitErgmProposal.HammingConstantEdges InitErgmProposal.HammingTNT InitErgmProposal.randomtoggle InitErgmProposal.TNT

#  File R/InitErgmProposal.R in package ergm, part of the
#  Statnet suite of packages for network analysis, https://statnet.org .
#  This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license.  It is free,
#  open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) at
#  https://statnet.org/attribution .
#  Copyright 2003-2023 Statnet Commons
# The <InitErgmProposal> file contains the following 24 functions for
# initializing the proposal object; each is prepended with 'InitErgmProposal.'
#       <randomtoggle>      <CondOutDegreeDist> 
#       <TNT>               <ConstantEdges>    
#       <CondInDegree>      <CondDegree>
#       <CondOutDegree>     <HammingTNT>   
#       <CondDegreeTetrad>         <HammingConstantEdges>
#       <CondDegreeHexad>            <randomtoggleNonObserved>
#       <CondDegreeDist>          <nobetweengroupties>
#       <CondInDegreeDist>  

# Each of the <InitErgmProposal.X> functions initializes and returns a
# proposal list; when appropriate, proposal types are checked against
# covariates and network types for 1 of 2 side effects: to print warning
# messages or to halt execution (only <InitErgmProposal.nobetweengroupties> can
# halt execution)
#   arguments: is ignored by all but <InitErgmProposal.nobetweengroupties>,
#              where 'arguments' is used to get the nodal attributes
#              via <get.node.attr>
#   nw       : the network given by the model
#   proposal: a list containing:
#        name   : the name of the proposal
#        inputs : a vector to be passed to the proposal
#        package: is "ergm"
DyadGenType <- list(RandDyadGen=0L, WtRandDyadGen=1L, RLEBDM1DGen=2L, EdgeListGen=3L)

#' @templateVar name randomtoggle
#' @aliases InitErgmProposal.randomtoggle
#' @title Propose a randomly selected dyad to toggle
#' @description Propose a randomly selected dyad to toggle
#' @template ergmProposal-general
InitErgmProposal.randomtoggle <- function(arguments, nw){
  list(name = "randomtoggle", dyadgen = ergm_dyadgen_select(arguments, nw), bd = ergm_bd_init(arguments, nw))

#' @templateVar name TNT
#' @aliases InitErgmProposal.TNT
#' @title Default MH algorithm
#' @description Stratifies the population of dyads
#'   edge status: those having ties and those having no ties (hence T/NT).
#'   This is useful for improving performance in sparse networks,
#'   because it gives at least 50\% chance of proposing a toggle of an existing edge.
#' @template ergmProposal-general
InitErgmProposal.TNT <- function(nw, arguments, ...){
  list(name = "TNT", dyadgen = ergm_dyadgen_select(arguments, nw), bd = ergm_bd_init(arguments, nw))

#' @templateVar name BDStratTNT
#' @aliases InitErgmProposal.BDStratTNT
#' @title TNT proposal with degree bounds, stratification, and a blocks constraint
#' @description Implements a TNT proposal with any subset of the following features:
#'   1. upper bounds on degree, specified via the [`bd`][bd-ergmConstraint]
#'      constraint's `maxout`, `maxin`, and `attribs` arguments;
#'   2. stratification of proposals according to mixing type on a vertex attribute,
#'      specified via the [`strat`][strat-ergmHint] hint;
#'   3. fixation of specified mixing types on a(nother) vertex attribute, specified
#'      via the [`blocks`][blocks-ergmConstraint] constraint.
#' @template ergmProposal-general
InitErgmProposal.BDStratTNT <- function(arguments, nw) {
  ## constraints are dyad-independent if bd is not being used
  dyad_indep <- is.null(arguments$constraints$bd)

  ## handle defaults for hints
  NVL(arguments$constraints$bd) <- InitErgmConstraint.bd(nw, list())
  NVL(arguments$constraints$blocks) <- InitErgmConstraint.blocks(nw, list(attr = trim_env(~0)))
  NVL(arguments$constraints$strat) <- InitErgmConstraint.strat(nw, list(attr = trim_env(~0)))

  attribs <- NVL(arguments$constraints$bd$attribs,
                 matrix(TRUE, ncol = 1L, nrow = network.size(nw)))

  maxout <- NVL(arguments$constraints$bd$maxout, network.size(nw))
  maxout[is.na(maxout)] <- network.size(nw)
  maxout <- matrix(rep(maxout, length.out = length(attribs)), ncol = ncol(attribs))

  maxin <- NVL(arguments$constraints$bd$maxin, network.size(nw))
  maxin[is.na(maxin)] <- network.size(nw)
  maxin <- matrix(rep(maxin, length.out = length(attribs)), ncol = ncol(attribs))

  bd_vattr <- which(attribs, arr.ind = TRUE)
  bd_vattr <- bd_vattr[order(bd_vattr[, 1L]), 2L]
  bd_nlevels <- NCOL(attribs)

  ## allowed bd pairings
  bd_mixmat <- matrix(TRUE, nrow = NCOL(attribs), ncol = NCOL(attribs))
  if(!is.directed(nw)) {
    bd_mixmat[lower.tri(bd_mixmat, diag = FALSE)] <- FALSE

  bd_pairs <- which(bd_mixmat, arr.ind = TRUE)
  bd_tails <- bd_pairs[, 1L]
  bd_heads <- bd_pairs[, 2L]

  ## need to handle undirected case as for blocks, but bipartite along with unip for now
  bd_offdiag_pairs <- which(bd_tails != bd_heads)

  bd_allowed_tails <- c(bd_tails, if(!is.directed(nw)) bd_heads[bd_offdiag_pairs])
  bd_allowed_heads <- c(bd_heads, if(!is.directed(nw)) bd_tails[bd_offdiag_pairs])

  ## number of bd mixtypes that need to be considered when strat and blocks
  ## mixing types are off-diag and on-diag, respectively
  bd_nmixtypes <- c(length(bd_allowed_tails), length(bd_tails))

  blocks_vattr <- arguments$constraints$blocks$nodecov
  amat <- arguments$constraints$blocks$amat

  blocks_pairs <- which(amat, arr.ind = TRUE)
  if(!is.directed(nw) && !is.bipartite(nw)) {
    blocks_pairs <- blocks_pairs[blocks_pairs[, 1L] <= blocks_pairs[, 2L], , drop = FALSE]
  blocks_tails <- blocks_pairs[, 1L]
  blocks_heads <- blocks_pairs[, 2L]

  blocks_nlevels <- NROW(amat)
  blocks_node_counts <- tabulate(blocks_vattr, nbins = blocks_nlevels)

  pairs_to_keep <- (blocks_tails != blocks_heads
                    & blocks_node_counts[blocks_tails] > 0
                    & blocks_node_counts[blocks_heads] > 0) |
                   (blocks_tails == blocks_heads
                    & blocks_node_counts[blocks_tails] > 1)
  blocks_tails <- blocks_tails[pairs_to_keep]
  blocks_heads <- blocks_heads[pairs_to_keep]

  blocks_offdiag_pairs <- which(blocks_tails != blocks_heads)

  blocks_allowed_tails <- c(blocks_tails,
                            if(!is.bipartite(nw) && !is.directed(nw)) blocks_heads[blocks_offdiag_pairs])
  blocks_allowed_heads <- c(blocks_heads,
                            if(!is.bipartite(nw) && !is.directed(nw)) blocks_tails[blocks_offdiag_pairs])

  ## number of blocks mixtypes that need to be considered
  ## when strat mixing type is off-diag and on-diag, respectively
  blocks_nmixtypes <- c(length(blocks_allowed_tails), length(blocks_tails))

  strat_vattr <- arguments$constraints$strat$nodecov
  strat_nlevels <- arguments$constraints$strat$nlevels

  strat_vattr <- strat_vattr - 1L
  blocks_vattr <- blocks_vattr - 1L
  bd_vattr <- bd_vattr - 1L

  combined_vattr <- strat_vattr*blocks_nlevels*bd_nlevels + blocks_vattr*bd_nlevels + bd_vattr
  combined_nlevels <- strat_nlevels*blocks_nlevels*bd_nlevels
  combined_vattr_counts <- tabulate(combined_vattr + 1L, nbins = combined_nlevels)  

  proposal <- list(name = "BDStratTNT",
                   inputs = NULL, # passed by name below
                   strat_vattr = as.integer(strat_vattr),
                   strat_nlevels = as.integer(strat_nlevels),
                   strat_tails = as.integer(arguments$constraints$strat$tailattrs - 1L),
                   strat_heads = as.integer(arguments$constraints$strat$headattrs - 1L),
                   blocks_vattr = as.integer(blocks_vattr),
                   blocks_nlevels = as.integer(blocks_nlevels),
                   blocks_tails = as.integer(blocks_allowed_tails - 1L),
                   blocks_heads = as.integer(blocks_allowed_heads - 1L),
                   blocks_nmixtypes = as.integer(blocks_nmixtypes),
                   bd_vattr = as.integer(bd_vattr),
                   bd_nlevels = as.integer(bd_nlevels),
                   bd_tails = as.integer(bd_allowed_tails - 1L),
                   bd_heads = as.integer(bd_allowed_heads - 1L),
                   bd_nmixtypes = as.integer(bd_nmixtypes),
                   combined_vattr = as.integer(combined_vattr),
                   combined_nlevels = as.integer(combined_nlevels),
                   combined_vattr_counts = as.integer(combined_vattr_counts),
                   maxout = as.integer(maxout),
                   maxin = as.integer(maxin),
                   probvec = as.double(arguments$constraints$strat$probvec),
                   empirical_flag = as.integer(arguments$constraints$strat$empirical),
                   amat = as.integer(t(amat)),
                   dyad_indep = as.integer(dyad_indep))


#' @templateVar name CondDegree
#' @aliases InitErgmProposal.CondDegree
#' @title MHp for degree constraints
#' @description MHp for `constraints= ~degree`. Propose either 4 toggles (MH_CondDegreeTetrad) or 6 toggles
#'   (MH_CondDegreeHexad) at once. For undirected networks, propose 4 toggles (MH_CondDegreeTetrad).
#'   MH_CondDegreeTetrad selects two edges with no nodes in common, A1-A2 and B1-B2, s.t. A1-B2 and B1-A2 are
#'   not edges, and propose to replace the former two by the latter two. MH_CondDegreeHexad selects three edges
#'   A1->A2, B1->B2, C1->C2 at random and rotate them to A1->B2, B1->C2, and C1->A2.
#' @template ergmProposal-general
InitErgmProposal.CondDegree <- function(arguments, nw) {
  proposal <- list(name = "CondDegree", inputs=NULL)

#' @templateVar name CondDegreeMix
#' @aliases InitErgmProposal.CondDegreeMix
#' @title MHp for degree mix constraints
#' @description MHp for `constraints= ~degreesmix`. Similar to `InitErgmProposal.CondDegree`, except that
#'   the toggle is proposed only if the mixing matrix of degrees is preserved before and after the toggle.
#' @template ergmProposal-general
InitErgmProposal.CondDegreeMix <- function(arguments, nw) {
  proposal <- list(name = "CondDegreeMix",

#' @templateVar name CondOutDegree
#' @aliases InitErgmProposal.CondOutDegree
#' @title MHp for odegree constraints
#' @description MHp for `constraints= ~odegrees`. For directed networks, randomly select two dyads with a
#'   common tail node, one having an edge and one not, and propose to swap the tie from one head to the other.
#' @template ergmProposal-general
InitErgmProposal.CondOutDegree <- function(arguments, nw) {
  proposal <- list(name = "CondOutDegree", inputs=NULL)
  if (!is.directed(nw)) # Really, this should never trigger, since the InitErgmConstraint function should check.
    ergm_Init_abort("The CondOutDegree proposal function does not work with an",
          "undirected network.")

#' @templateVar name CondInDegree
#' @aliases InitErgmProposal.CondInDegree
#' @title MHp for idegree constraints
#' @description MHp for `constraints= ~idegrees`. For directed networks, randomly select two dyads with a
#'   common head node, one having an edge one not, and propose to swap the tie from one tail to the other.
#' @template ergmProposal-general
InitErgmProposal.CondInDegree <- function(arguments, nw) {
  proposal <- list(name = "CondInDegree", inputs=NULL)
  if (!is.directed(nw)) # Really, this should never trigger, since the InitErgmConstraint function should check.
    ergm_Init_abort("The CondInDegree proposal function does not work with an",
          "undirected network.")

#' @templateVar name CondB1Degree
#' @aliases InitErgmProposal.CondB1Degree
#' @title MHp for b1degree constraints
#' @description MHp for `constraints= ~b1degrees`. For bipartite networks, randomly select an edge \eqn{(B_{1i},B_{2j})}
#'   and an empty dyad with the same node B1i, \eqn{(B_{1i},B_{2k})}, and propose to toggle both \eqn{(B_{1i},B_{2j})} and \eqn{(B_{1i},B_{2k})}.
#'   This ensures that the degrees of individual nodes in mode 1 are preserved.
#' @template ergmProposal-general
InitErgmProposal.CondB1Degree <- function(arguments, nw) {
  proposal <- list(name = "CondB1Degree", inputs=NULL)
  if (!is.bipartite(nw)) # Really, this should never trigger, since the InitErgmConstraint function should check.
    ergm_Init_abort("The CondB1Degree proposal function does not work with a non-bipartite network.")

#' @templateVar name CondB2Degree
#' @aliases InitErgmProposal.CondB2Degree
#' @title MHp for b2degree constraints
#' @description MHp for `constraints= ~b2degrees`. For bipartite networks, randomly select an edge \eqn{(B_{1j},B_{2i})}
#'   and an empty dyad with the same node B2i, \eqn{(B_{1k},B_{2i})}, and propose to toggle both \eqn{(B_{1j},B_{2i})} and \eqn{(B_{1k},B_{2i})}.
#'   This ensures that the degrees of individual nodes in mode 2 are preserved.
#' @template ergmProposal-general
InitErgmProposal.CondB2Degree <- function(arguments, nw) {
  proposal <- list(name = "CondB2Degree", inputs=NULL)
  if (!is.bipartite(nw)) # Really, this should never trigger, since the InitErgmConstraint function should check.
    ergm_Init_abort("The CondB2Degree proposal function does not work with a non-bipartite network.")

#' @templateVar name CondDegreeDist
#' @aliases InitErgmProposal.CondDegreeDist
#' @title MHp for degreedist constraints
#' @description MHp for `constraints= ~degreedist`. Randomly select a node (T) and its edge (E).  If the head
#'   node of the edge (H) has 1 degree more than another randomly select node (A), and A is disconnected to both
#'   T and H, then propose to toggle E and the dyad between T and A.
#' @template ergmProposal-general
InitErgmProposal.CondDegreeDist <- function(arguments, nw) {
  proposal <- list(name = "CondDegreeDist", inputs=NULL)
  if (is.directed(nw)) {
    ergm_Init_warn("Using the 'degreedist' constraint with a directed network ",
          "is currently perilous.  We recommend that you use 'outdegree' or ",
          "'idegrees' instead.")
     proposal$name <- "BipartiteCondDegreeDist"

#' @templateVar name CondInDegreeDist
#' @aliases InitErgmProposal.CondInDegreeDist
#' @title MHp for idegreedist constraints
#' @description MHp for `constraints= ~idegreedist`. For directed networks, similar to
#'   `InitErgmProposal.CondDegreeDist`, except for indegree case
#' @template ergmProposal-general
InitErgmProposal.CondInDegreeDist <- function(arguments, nw) {
  proposal <- list(name = "CondInDegreeDist", inputs=NULL)
  if (!is.directed(nw)) {
    ergm_Init_warn("Using the 'idegreedist' constraint with an undirected network ",
          "is currently perilous.  We recommend that you use 'degreedist' ",
          " instead.")
     proposal$name <- "BipartiteCondDegreeDist"

#' @templateVar name CondOutDegreeDist
#' @aliases InitErgmProposal.CondOutDegreeDist
#' @title MHp for odegreedist constraints
#' @description MHp for `constraints= ~odegreedist`. For directed networks, similar to
#'   `InitErgmProposal.CondDegreeDist`, except for outdegree case
#' @template ergmProposal-general
InitErgmProposal.CondOutDegreeDist <- function(arguments, nw) {
  proposal <- list(name = "CondOutDegreeDist", inputs=NULL)
  if (!is.directed(nw)) {
    ergm_Init_warn("Using the 'odegreedist' constraint with an undirected network n",
          "is currently perilous.  We recommend that you use 'degreedist' ",
          " instead.")
     proposal$name <- "BipartiteCondDegreeDist"
  proposals$bd <- ergm_bd_init(arguments, nw)

#' @templateVar name ConstantEdges
#' @aliases InitErgmProposal.ConstantEdges
#' @title MHp for edges constraints
#' @description MHp for `constraints= ~edges`. Propose pairs of toggles that keep number of edges the same.
#'   This is done by:
#'   1. choosing an existing edge at random;
#'   2. choosing a dyad at random that does not have an edge; and
#'   3. proposing toggling both these dyads.
#' @template ergmProposal-general
InitErgmProposal.ConstantEdges <- function(nw, arguments, ...) {
  list(name = "ConstantEdges", dyadgen = ergm_dyadgen_select(arguments, nw), bd = ergm_bd_init(arguments, nw))

#' @templateVar name HammingConstantEdges
#' @aliases InitErgmProposal.HammingConstantEdges
#' @title TODO
#' @description TODO
#' @template ergmProposal-general
InitErgmProposal.HammingConstantEdges <- function(arguments, nw) {
  proposal <- list(name = "HammingConstantEdges", inputs=NULL)
    proposal$name <- "BipartiteHammingConstantEdges"

#' @templateVar name HammingTNT
#' @aliases InitErgmProposal.HammingTNT
#' @title TODO
#' @description TODO
#' @template ergmProposal-general
InitErgmProposal.HammingTNT <- function(arguments, nw) {
  proposal <- list(name = "HammingTNT", inputs=NULL)
    proposal$name <- "BipartiteHammingTNT"

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