
Defines functions get_inventory_cmip5

Documented in get_inventory_cmip5

#' Get inventory from path containing CMIP5 GCMs .nc files
#' Returns a data.table with information by splitting the netcdf files into
#' their components (GCM, variable, experiment, ...) and aggregates over
#' years.
#' @param path Path that will be searched recursively for .nc files.
#' @param add_files Boolean (default \code{TRUE}), if \code{TRUE}, will add a
#'   column containing lists of associated files with their full paths (useful
#'   e.g. for further processing).
#' @return A data.table with the inventory information.
#' @seealso \code{\link{check_inventory_cmip5}} for performing some checks.
#' @export
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @examples
#' # some empty example files
#' fn_zip <- system.file("extdata", "inv-test-files-cmip5.zip", package = "eurocordexr")
#' tmpdir <- tempdir()
#' unzip(fn_zip, exdir = tmpdir)
#' dat_inv <- get_inventory_cmip5(fs::path(tmpdir, "testdata-cmip5", "basic"))
#' print(dat_inv)
get_inventory_cmip5 <- function(path,
                                add_files = TRUE){

  # NSE in R CMD check
  list_files <- timefreq <- experiment <- NULL
  gcm <- variable <- ensemble <- fn <- NULL
  V6 <- file_fullpath <- NULL
  period <- date_start <- date_end <- NULL

  all_files_fullpath <- fs::dir_ls(path,
                                   regexp = "[.]nc$",
                                   recurse = TRUE)

  all_files_base <- fs::path_file(all_files_fullpath)

  # create info data
  data.table(fn = fs::path_ext_remove(all_files_base)) %>%
    .[, tstrsplit(fn, "_")] -> dat_info

  # add period column, if it does not exist, as e.g. for OROG
  if(! "V6" %in% names(dat_info)){
    dat_info[, V6 := NA_character_]

           old = paste0("V", 1:6),
           new = c("variable", "timefreq", "gcm", "experiment","ensemble", "period"))

  # check for errors in period encoding
  # dat_info[period == ensemble, period := NA]

  # add file
  dat_info[, file_fullpath := all_files_fullpath]

  # prep dates
  dat_info[, c("date_start", "date_end") := tstrsplit(period, "-")]
  dat_info[, date_start := lubridate::ymd(date_start, truncated = 1 )]
  dat_info[, date_end := lubridate::ymd(date_end, truncated = 1)]

  # helper fun to check for complete contiguous period (monthly, but also works for daily)
  f_date_complete_month <- function(date_start, date_end){

    if(all(is.na(date_start))) return(NA)
    # if(length(date_start) == 1) return(TRUE)

    # 360 calendar adjustment
    # lgl_check <- month(date_end) == 12 & day(date_end) == 30
    # day(date_end[lgl_check]) <- 31

    mapply(seq, date_start, date_end, by = "month") %>%
      unlist %>%
      # do.call(c, .) %>%
      sort %>%
      unique %>%
      diff %>%
      magrittr::is_weakly_less_than(31) %>%


  f_sim_years <- function(date_start, date_end){

    if(all(is.na(date_start))) return(NA_integer_)

    mapply(seq, lubridate::year(date_start), lubridate::year(date_end), SIMPLIFY = FALSE) %>%
      unlist %>%
      unique %>%


  # get unique models
  dat_info_summary <- dat_info[,
                               .(nn_files = .N,
                                 date_start = min(date_start),
                                 date_end = max(date_end),
                                 total_simulation_years = f_sim_years(date_start, date_end),
                                 period_contiguous = f_date_complete_month(date_start, date_end),
                                 list_files = list(file_fullpath)),
                               keyby = .(variable, timefreq, gcm, experiment, ensemble)]

  # remove files if not requested
  if(!add_files) dat_info_summary[, list_files := NULL]

  # make a class to define specific print options
  setattr(dat_info_summary, "class", c("eurocordexr_inv", "cmip5", class(dat_info_summary)))


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eurocordexr documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 9:07 a.m.