
Defines functions parse_jn parse_aut get_mesh_subheadings epmc_details

Documented in epmc_details

#' Get details for individual records
#' This function returns parsed metadata for a given publication ID
#' including abstract, full text links, author details including ORCID and affiliation,
#' MeSH terms, chemicals, grants.
#' @param ext_id character, publication identifier
#' @param data_src character, data source, by default Pubmed/MedLine index will
#'   be searched.
#'   Other sources Europe PubMed Central supports are:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{agr}{Agricola is a bibliographic database of citations to the
#'     agricultural literature created by the US National Agricultural Library
#'     and its co-operators.}
#'     \item{cba}{Chinese Biological Abstracts}
#'     \item{ctx}{CiteXplore}
#'     \item{eth}{EthOs Theses, i.e. PhD theses (British Library)}
#'     \item{hir}{NHS Evidence}
#'     \item{med}{PubMed/Medline NLM}
#'     \item{pat}{Biological Patents}
#'     \item{pmc}{PubMed Central}
#'     \item{ppr}{Preprint records}
#'     }
#' @return list of data frames
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' epmc_details(ext_id = "26980001")
#' epmc_details(ext_id = "24270414")
#' # PMC record
#' epmc_details(ext_id = "PMC4747116", data_src = "pmc")
#' # Other sources:
#' # Agricolo
#' epmc_details("IND43783977", data_src = "agr")
#' # Biological Patents
#' epmc_details("EP2412369", data_src = "pat")
#' # Chinese Biological Abstracts
#' epmc_details("583843", data_src = "cba")
#' # CiteXplore
#' epmc_details("C6802", data_src = "ctx")
#' # NHS Evidence
#' epmc_details("338638", data_src = "hir")
#' # Theses
#' epmc_details("409323", data_src = "eth")
#' # Preprint
#' epmc_details("PPR158112", data_src = "ppr")
#' }
epmc_details <- function(ext_id = NULL, data_src = "med") {
  if (is.null(ext_id))
    stop("Please provide a publication id")
  if (!tolower(data_src) %in% supported_data_src)
        "Data source '",
        "' not supported. Try one of the
        following sources: ",
        paste0(supported_data_src, collapse = ", ")
  # build request
  path <- paste0(rest_path(), "/search")
  if (data_src == "pmc") {
    q <- list(
      query = paste0("PMCID:", ext_id),
      format = "json",
      resulttype = "core"
  } else {
    q <- list(
      query = toupper(paste0("ext_id:", ext_id, "%20src:", data_src)),
      format = "json",
      resulttype = "core"
  req <- rebi_GET(path = path, query = q)
  doc <- jsonlite::fromJSON(req)
  if (doc$hitCount == 0) {
    message("nothing found, please check your query")
  } else {
    res <- doc$resultList$result
    out <- list(
      basic = res[,!names(res) %in% fix_list(res)],
      author_details = parse_aut(res),
      journal_info = parse_jn(res),
      ftx = plyr::rbind.fill(res$fullTextUrlList$fullTextUrl),
      chemical = plyr::rbind.fill(res$chemicalList$chemical),
      mesh_topic = plyr::rbind.fill(res$meshHeadingList$meshHeading)[-3],
      mesh_qualifiers = get_mesh_subheadings(res = res),
      comments = plyr::rbind.fill(res$commentCorrectionList$commentCorrection),
      grants =  plyr::rbind.fill(res$grantsList$grant)
    lapply(out, tibble::as_tibble)

#' parsing MeSH subheadings to be returned as data.frame
#' @param res json results node
#' @noRd
get_mesh_subheadings <- function(res) {
  # no mesh
  if (is.null(res$meshHeadingList$meshHeading))
  # no mesh qualifiers in nested list
  if (ncol(res$meshHeadingList$meshHeading[[1]]) == 2)
  mesh_qualifier <-
  names(mesh_qualifier) <-
  dplyr::bind_rows(plyr::compact(mesh_qualifier), .id = "descriptorName")

#' get nested author infos
#' @param res json results node
#' @noRd
parse_aut <- function(res) {
  if (!is.null(res$authorList$author)) {
    out <- plyr::rbind.fill(res$authorList$author) %>%
  } else {
    out <- tibble::tibble()
  if("authorAffiliationDetailsList.authorAffiliation" %in% colnames(out))
    out <- tidyr::unnest(out, cols = c("authorAffiliationDetailsList.authorAffiliation"))

#' get nested journal info
#' @param res json results node
#' @noRd
parse_jn <- function(res) {
  if (!is.null(res$journalInfo))

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europepmc documentation built on Sept. 21, 2023, 1:07 a.m.