
#' Geospatial data of Europe from GISCO in 1:60 million scale from
#'   year 2016
#' @description Geospatial data of Europe from GISCO in 1:60 million scale
#'  from year 2016
#' @family datasets
#' @family geospatial
#' @format sf object
#' @docType data
#' @name eurostat_geodata_60_2016
#' @details
#' The dataset contains 2016 observations (rows) and 12 variables (columns).
#' The object contains the following columns:
#' * **id**: JSON id code, the same as **NUTS_ID**. See **NUTS_ID** below for
#'   further clarification.
#' * **LEVL_CODE**: NUTS level code: 0 (national level), 1 (major
#'   socio-economic regions), 2 (basic regions for the application of regional
#'   policies) or 3 (small regions).
#' * **NUTS_ID**: NUTS ID code, consisting of country code and numbers (1 for
#'   NUTS 1, 2 for NUTS 2 and 3 for NUTS 3)
#' * **CNTR_CODE**: Country code: two-letter ISO code (ISO 3166 alpha-2), except
#'   in the case of Greece (EL).
#' * **NAME_LATN**: NUTS name in local language, transliterated to Latin script
#' * **NUTS_NAME**: NUTS name in local language, in local script.
#' * **MOUNT_TYPE**: Mountain typology for NUTS 3 regions.
#'   * 1: "where more than 50 % of the surface is covered by topographic
#'     mountain areas"
#'   * 2: "in which more than 50 % of the regional population lives in
#'     topographic mountain areas"
#'   * 3: "where more than 50 % of the surface is covered by topographic
#'     mountain areas and where more than 50 % of the regional population lives
#'     in these mountain areas"
#'   * 4: non-mountain region / other region
#'   * 0: no classification provided (e.g. in the case of NUTS 1 and NUTS 2 and
#'     non-EU countries)
#' * **URBN_TYPE**: Urban-rural typology for NUTS 3 regions.
#'   * 1: predominantly urban region
#'   * 2: intermediate region
#'   * 3: predominantly rural region
#'   * 0: no classification provided (e.g. in the case of NUTS 1 and NUTS 2
#'     regions)
#' * **COAST_TYPE**: Coastal typology for NUTS 3 regions.
#'   * 1: coastal (on coast)
#'   * 2: coastal (>= 50% of population living within 50km of the coastline)
#'   * 3: non-coastal region
#'   * 0: no classification provided (e.g. in the case of NUTS 1 and NUTS 2
#'     regions)
#' * **FID**: Same as NUTS_ID.
#' * **geo**: Same as NUTS_ID, added for for easier joins with dplyr. However,
#'   it is recommended to use other identical fields for this purpose.
#' * **geometry**: geospatial information.
#' Dataset updated: 2023-06-29. For a more recent version, please use
#'   [giscoR::gisco_get_nuts()] function.
#' @source
#' Data source: Eurostat via [giscoR::gisco_get_nuts()].
#' © EuroGeographics for the administrative boundaries
#' Data downloaded from:
#' <https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/gisco/geodata/reference-data/administrative-units-statistical-units>
#' @references
#' The following copyright notice is provided for end user convenience.
#' Please check up-to-date copyright information from the eurostat website:
#' [GISCO: Geographical information and maps - Administrative units/statistical units](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/gisco/geodata/reference-data/administrative-units-statistical-units)
#' "In addition to the
#' [general copyright and licence policy](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/main/about/policies/copyright)
#' applicable to the whole Eurostat website, the following
#' specific provisions apply to the datasets you are downloading. The download
#' and usage of these data is subject to the acceptance of the following
#' clauses:
#' 1. The Commission agrees to grant the non-exclusive and not transferable
#' right to use and process the Eurostat/GISCO geographical data downloaded
#' from this page (the "data").
#' 1. The permission to use the data is granted on condition that:
#'    1. the data will not be used for commercial purposes;
#'    2. the source will be acknowledged. A copyright notice, as specified
#'    below, will have to be visible on any printed or electronic publication
#'    using the data downloaded from this page.
#' ## Copyright notice
#' When data downloaded from this page is used in any printed or electronic
#' publication, in addition to any other provisions applicable to the whole
#' Eurostat website, data source will have to be acknowledged in the legend of
#' the map and in the introductory page of the publication with the following
#' copyright notice:
#' EN: © EuroGeographics for the administrative boundaries
#' FR: © EuroGeographics pour les limites administratives
#' DE: © EuroGeographics bezüglich der Verwaltungsgrenzen
#' For publications in languages other than English, French or German, the
#' translation of the copyright notice in the language of the publication shall
#' be used.
#' If you intend to use the data commercially, please contact EuroGeographics
#' for information regarding their licence agreements."
#' @seealso [giscoR::gisco_get_nuts()] and
#' [Eurostat. (2019). Methodological manual on territorial typologies -- 2018 edition. Manuals and guidelines.](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-manuals-and-guidelines/-/ks-gq-18-008)
#' @examples
#' eurostat_geodata_60_2016 <- eurostat::eurostat_geodata_60_2016
#' # Manipulate and plot
#' if (require(sf)) {
#'   library(sf)
#'   # Filter NUTS3 from select countries like in a regular data frame
#'   example_nuts <- subset(eurostat_geodata_60_2016, LEVL_CODE == 3 &
#'     CNTR_CODE %in% c("DK", "DE", "PL"))
#'   plot(example_nuts["CNTR_CODE"])
#' }

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