# expandFunctions.R
# roxygen2::roxygenize(getwd()) # save file first!
#' Reset annoyingly persistent warning messages.
#' @return Returns TRUE invisibly. Used for side effects only.
#' @export
#' @references
#' This function is built around the snippet found here:
#' \url{}
#' @examples
#' ## reset.warnings()
# This might be better as an add-in
reset.warnings <- function() {
assign("last.warning", NULL, envir = baseenv())
#' Select and fit sparse linear model with LASSO
#' @description The purpose of this function is to make the process
#' of LASSO modelling as simple as possible.
#' This is a simple wrapper on two glmnet functions
#' which, when given input matrix X and response vector
#' y, and a criterion for model selection, will
#' estimate the lambda parameter, and return the
#' LASSO results as a glmnet model. This model
#' can then be used to find coefficients and predictions.
#' @param X Predictor matrix, nXp, with n observations and p
#' features.
#' @param y Response vector, or column or row matrix. Must
#' have length n.
#' @param criterion String describing which lambda criterion to
#' use in selecting a LASSO model. Choices
#' currently are c("lambda.1se","lambda.min").
#' @return a glmnet model
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[glmnet]{glmnet}} and
#' \code{\link[glmnet]{cv.glmnet}}
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' nObs <- 100
#' X <- distMat(nObs,6)
#' A <- cbind(c(1,0,-1,rep(0,3)))
#' # Y will only depend on X[,1] and X[,3]
#' Y <- X %*% A + 0.1*rnorm(nObs)
#' lassoObj <- easyLASSO(X=X,y=Y) # LASSO fitting
#' Yhat <- predict(lassoObj,newx=X)
#' yyHatPlot(Y,Yhat)
#' coef( lassoObj ) # Sparse coefficients
#' coefPlot( lassoObj )
easyLASSO <- function(X,y,criterion="lambda.1se") {
# Cross-validate a choice of lambda
cvglmnetObj <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x=X,y=y)
# Fit LASSO using the estimated lambda and criterion
lassoObj <- glmnet::glmnet(x=X,y=y,lambda=cvglmnetObj[[criterion]])
return( lassoObj )
#' @title Extend outer product.
#' @description
#' Extends outer \{base\} \code{outer(x,y,FUN)} to include functions
#' \code{FUN(x,y,\dots)} where the first argument of \code{FUN}
#' is a vector but the second argument must be a scalar.
#' @param x Vector, with the same function as
#' in outer \{base\}. Each value will
#' correspond to a row in the return matrix.
#' @param y Vector. Each
#' element in the vector corresponds
#' to a column in the return matrix.
#' @param FUN Function. x and y will
#' be the first and second arguments. Unlike
#' \code{outer}, however, while a vector can be the
#' first argument, FUN might only allow
#' \emph{one value} as the
#' second argument. This means eOuter
#' can use lagshift, for instance, as FUN.
#' @param ... Additional parameters for FUN.
#' @details
#' outer has limitations; it only works with functions which
#' can take vector inputs for \emph{both}
#' the first and second arguments, such as "^". As a result,
#' many functions cannot be used for FUN. The function eOuter
#' gets around this limitation by additionally allowing functions
#' which accept a vector for the first argument, but only scalars
#' for the second argument. It can be used everywhere
#' that \code{outer} can be used, but also when FUN is
#' limited in this way.
#' @return A matrix \code{Z} of size
#' \code{length(x) X length(y)}
#' containing \code{Z[,i]} with values \code{FUN(x,y[i],\dots)}.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{outer}} and \code{\link{ePow}}
#' @examples
#' # This implements a function similar to ePow
#' # FIXME: change ePow to use eOuter!!!
#' eOuter(1:6,0:2,FUN = `^`)
#' # Other functions of columns
#' eOuter(1:10,0:3,FUN = lagshift,lagMax=3,pad=NA)
#' # FIXME: Make function to allow polynomials to be used:
#' # eOuter(1:10,1:3,FUN = glaguerre.polynomials, alpha=0.5)
eOuter <- function(x,y,FUN,...) {
temp <- lapply(y,function(w) FUN(x,w,...))
return(, temp ) )
#' Convert vector x into a matrix \eqn{X_{ij} = {x_i}^j}
#' @param x Data vector.
#' @param colParamVector Vector of column powers.
#' @return A matrix X of size length(x) X length(colParamVector)
#' \deqn{X_{ij} = {x_i}^j}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- 1:6
#' ePow(x,0:2)
ePow <- function(x,colParamVector) {
return( eOuter(x,colParamVector,FUN=`^`) )
#' Helper function for eLag.
#' Generates shifted columns.
#' @param x Input vector
#' @param i Shift (integer)
#' @param lagMax Maximum lag that will be needed
#' @param pad Scalar used for padding.
#' @return vector padded front and back with padding appropriate
#' for generating lag.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' lagshift(1:3,0,1,NA)
lagshift <- function(x,i,lagMax,pad) {
return( c(rep(pad,i),x,rep(pad,lagMax - i)) )
#' Convert vector into a matrix of lag columns
#' @param x Data \emph{vector}
#' @param colParamVector Vector of lags for embedding
#' @param pad Scalar for padding embedding
#' @return A matrix whose columns are x lagged by the
#' corresponding values in colParamVector.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{embed}} and
#' \code{\link[tseriesChaos]{embedd}}, which
#' are related functions.
#' @examples
#' eLag(1:6, 0:2)
#' eLag(1:6, 0:2, pad=0)
eLag <- function(x,colParamVector,pad=NA) {
colParamVector <- colParamVector - min(colParamVector)
lagMax <- max(colParamVector)
X <- eOuter(x,colParamVector,FUN=lagshift,
return( X )
#' Multivariate second order polynomial expansion.
#' Expand matrix columns into linear, square, and unique product columns.
#' @param X vector or matrix. If a vector, it will be converted to
#' a column matrix. If it is desired that the squares
#' and products of a \emph{vector} are computed, pass rbind(X)
#' instead of X, and thereby pass a row matrix.
#' @param FUN Binary function which forms the products of the columns.
#' By default, this is `*`, but other \emph{commuting} operators
#' or kernels can be used if desired.
#' @param ... Options for FUN. Not needed if FUN doesn't have options.
#' @details Form a matrix with columns composed of into linear, square, and
#' product columns:
#' \deqn{[X | FUN(X[,i], X[,j])]}
#' where \eqn{i, j} are the unique combinations of \eqn{i} and \eqn{j},
#' including \eqn{i=j}.
#' By default, the function used to form the squares and
#' products, FUN, is just conventional multiplication = `*`, but any
#' \emph{commuting} binary operator can be used.
#' This particular expansion is often applied in
#' \itemize{
#' \item{General Method of Data Handling (GMDH).}
#' \item{Nonlinear Slow Feature Analysis (SFA). Performing
#' a multivariate polynomial of second degree expansion
#' in all the features, then
#' performing \emph{linear} SFA on the resulting expanded
#' feature matrix, is a very common approach, and in fact
#' is the default method in \code{sfa2 \{rSFA\}}.}
#' }
#' @return \eqn{[X,X^2,unique products of columns of X]}. The unique
#' products are in row major upper right triangular order.
#' Thus, for X with columns 1:3, the order is
#' \deqn{X[,1]^2, X[,2]^2, X[,3]^2,
#' X[,1]*X[,2], X[,1]*X[,3], X[,2]*X[,3]}
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[rSFA]{sfa2}}
#' @examples
#' # # Examples
#' # eQuad(1:5)
#' # eQuad(matrix(1:12,ncol=3),FUN=`+`)
eQuad <- function(X,FUN=`*`,...) {
# If X is a vector, make a column matrix
if (is.vector(X)) X <- cbind(X)
nVar <- NCOL(X) # Number of columns
# If X only has one column, there are no product columns,
# so handle as a special case
if (nVar==1) return( cbind(X,FUN(X,X,...)) )
a <- combn(1:nVar,2) # Matrix of all unique (transposes excluded)
# 2 element combinations of 1:nVar. Each row is one
# pair
# Form X, X^2 and unique products of columns of X and return
return( cbind( X, FUN(X,X,...), FUN(X[,a[1,]], X[,a[2,]], ...) ) )
# wrap polynomial functions into a format of
# FUN(x,degree,...); this will allow eOuter to be used
# to build matrices from vectors.
# Additionally, it would be good to have a "matricize"
# function that allows this to be applied to an X matrix
# rather than an x vector, generating blocks corresponding
# to each column.
#' Extends eOuter to allow a matrix for the first argument
#' @param X R object coercible to a matrix
#' the columns of this will be the
#' argument of FUN (see below).
#' @param colParamVector Vector input which will be the second
#' argument of FUN (see below).
#' @param FUN Function which will be applied to
#' FUN(X[,i],colParamVector[j],...)
#' @param ... Additional arguments to FUN.
#' @details This function is a simple extension of eOuter which allows
#' the function eOuter(X[,i],colParamVector,FUN,...) for
#' i in the columns of X.
#' @return Returns a matrix with the matrics generated by eOuter
#' for each column column bound together. This means that each
#' row of the returned matrix represents single observations (at
#' least as long as no lags are used).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' A <- matrix(1:6,ncol=2)
#' temp <- eMatrixOuter(A,0:2,FUN=`^`)
eMatrixOuter <- function(X,colParamVector,FUN,...) {
alply(X,2,function(y) eOuter(y,colParamVector,FUN,...)))
#' Matrix size-preserving diff function
#' Returns a matrix, the same size as the
#' input matrix X, containing the back difference.
#' @param X R object coercible to matrix
#' @param pad Pad the first row with this value;
#' the default is NA. 0 would be another value often
#' used in signal processing.
#' @return Returns a matrix, the same size as the
#' input matrix X, containing the back difference by column.
#' The first row is filled with copies of pad.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' eDiff( 1:8 )
#' eDiff( )
#' eDiff( matrix(1:8,ncol=2) )
# The pattern used here makes sense for any operator
# that operates by columns.
eDiff <- function(X,pad=NA) {
temp <- diff( as.matrix(X) )
return( rbind(rep(pad,NCOL(temp)), temp ) )
#' Remove padded rows from matrix X
#' @param X R object coercible to matrix
#' @param pad Value representing padded elements. By
#' default it is NA, but could be any value.
#' @return A matrix.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' n <- 10
#' x <- rnorm(n) # x vector
#' X <- eLag(x,0:1) # X matrix
#' t <- 1:n # time vector
#' T <- eLag(t,0:1) # time matrix; the column corresponding
#' # to 0 is the time for each row,
#' # even after trimming
#' matplot(X,type="l",lty=1)
#' X <- eTrim(X)
#' T <- eTrim(T)
#' matplot(x=T[,1],y=X,type="l",lty=1,
#' xlab="Time")
# The reference seems clunky; it would be nice if the
# reference information was carried along from operation to
# operation (say, as an attribute of the matrix object)
# TODO: Make this work for time series, and have the
# time series time values inherited.
eTrim <- function(X,pad=NA) {
# Coerce X to a matrix; vectors become column matrices.
X <- as.matrix(X)
# Find and keep rows w/o pad
cleanRow <- apply(X,1,function(y) !any(pad %in% y))
X <- X[cleanRow,,drop=FALSE]
#' Replace values in an R object coerible to a matrix
#' @description Replace values in an R object coerible to a matrix.
#' It is useful for replacing NA with other values, etc.,
#' such as with padding values.
#' @param X R object coercible to a matrix
#' @param a Value to be replaced
#' @param b Value to replace
#' @return X with all a's replaced with b's. a may be NA
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[base]{replace}}, which performs the same
#' operation on vectors, and on which this operation is based.
#' @examples
#' A <- matrix(1:6,ncol=2)
#' A <- eReplace(A,1,NA)
#' A <- eReplace(A,NA,-9999)
#' A <- eReplace(A,-9999,0)
eReplace <- function(X,a,b) {
if ((length(a)!=1) || (length(b)!=1)) {
stop("Use scalar values for a and/or b")
X <- as.matrix(X)
if ( {
X[] <- b
} else {
X[X==a] <- b
# Notes:
# purrr may be useful. It is based on data.frames, not matrices,
# but much of the functionality is useful for both, or
# a matrix version easily made. Most of purrr is actually
# oriented around manipulating lists, and making
# lists easier to use.
# purrr::prepend, append look useful.
# purrr::rbernouli - have written elsewhere.
# reduce, map, etc. - generally useful.
# split_by
# transpose for lists
# ExpandList
# 1) Uses a list of closure? Function + parameter vector?
# pipes w/data in function calls? For optimization
# needs to have parameters some place that optimization
# routines can get at them, or has a function for extracting
# the parameters, modifying them, and reinserting them.
# stft (with NA padding) is another expanding function
# random projection is another expanding closure (need
# to store the random projection matrix)
# recursive random projection (with NA padding)
# Jacobian blocks
# Layers (which is nearly there based on lists of expansions)
# Transformations - Gaussianization, Haar-Fisz, returns.
# Several "activation functions" can be used in expanding.
# AR values
# column differences
# last error(s)
# Blocking - takes vector and converts to frame-type matrix.
# Note this is different from regular embedding, in that
# the time offset can be different from row to row.
# Find time index of a given embedding, blocking, or descendent.
# Random projectors - store seed in attr? - probably
# not, since this may reset the seed for other routines.
# FIXME: make wrapper functions for polynomial functions
# to return simple functions of the right degree.
# (Tchebyshev) polynomial expansion
# arbitrary embedding would be good in this package as well.
# random projection would be good as well.
# polynom
# orthopolynom
# MonoPoly
# moments - might be useful
# mpoly - symbolic and more multivariate polynomials
#' Generate special functions using orthonormal functions
#' orthopolynom can be used to generate special functions,
#' but for expansion they should be modified. As of this
#' writing, orthopolynom generates polynomials for
#' Chebyshev, Hermite, Legendre and many other functions,
#' their integrals and derivatives, and more.
#' The function polywrapper does 2 things:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Generate functions from polynomial coefficients.}
#' \item{Uses x as the 1st argument, and the order as
#' the second; this means the generated functions can be
#' used in eOuter and eMatrixOuter.}
#' }
#' The functions so generated can be used as simple special functions,
#' as well as being useful in feature building.
#' @param basePoly A polynomial list from orthopoly
#' @param kMax Integer. The maximum order of the function
#' generated.
#' @details Since the coefficients from orthopolynom are generated
#' by recursion, an upper limit of the function order
#' needs to be set when calling polywrapper. This is the
#' main limitation of polywrapper. Fortunately, since
#' the functions are compactly stored, kMax can be set
#' quite high if desired. Note that usually the kMax
#' is known, and is relatively small.
#' NB: The input x may need to be normalized. orthopolynom
#' has the function scaleX for just such a purpose.
#' @return Function which is compatible with eOuter and eMatrixOuter
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Generate a Chebyshev function of the form
#' # chebyFUN(x,k), where x is the input and k is the order.
#' # In this case, k must be no more than 5 (since that
#' # is the value passed to kMax), although it is
#' # easy to set this to a higher order if desired.
#' chebyFUN <- polywrapper(basePoly=orthopolynom::chebyshev.t.polynomials,
#' kMax=5)
#' # Now the function chebyFUN
#' # can be used as any other function:
#' x <- seq(-1,+1,0.01)
#' plot(x,chebyFUN(x,5),type="l")
#' eOuter(seq(-1,+1,0.01),0:3,chebyFUN)
polywrapper <-
function(basePoly=orthopolynom::chebyshev.t.polynomials,kMax=0) {
# Get a list of the polynomials; this will
# be encapsulated into the function returned
polyList <- basePoly(kMax)
# Build a function whose 2nd argument chooses the
# function of the appropriate degree
FUN <- function(x,k) {
if (k>kMax) stop("Order must be no greater than kMax.")
return( polynomial.values( list(polyList[[k+1]]), x )[[1]] )
#' Make a matrix with coefficients distributed as dist
#' @description Generate a pXq matrix with coefficients drawn
#' from the univariate distribution dist with
#' options distOpt.
#' @param p Number of rows
#' @param q Number of columns
#' @param dist distribution of coefficients to draw from;
#' default is rnorm.
#' @param distOpt Named list of additional parameters for dist.
#' \emph{Always omit the first parameter,n, of the
#' distribution sampling function}. Defaults may
#' be omitted if desired (see examples).
#' @details The user may provide their own distribution function,
#' but note that the number of values to return, n,
#' \emph{must} be the first argument, just as with
#' the built-in distributions. The first argument does
#' not have to be named.
#' @return A pXq matrix with coefficients distributed
#' as dist with parameters defined in `...`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' X <- distMat(10,2)
#' X <- distMat(10,2,distOpt=list(mean=1,sd=2))
#' X <- distMat(5,3,rnorm,list(mean=1,sd=2))
#' X <- distMat(5,3,rnorm,list(sd=2))
#' X <- distMat(50,3,rt,list(df=3))
distMat <- function(p,q,dist=rnorm,distOpt=NULL) {
w <-,c(p*q,distOpt,list()))
return( matrix(w,nrow=p,ncol=q) )
#' @title Define a Random Affine Projection Transformation (RAPT) object
#' @description
#' Create a Random Affine Projection Transformation (RAPT) object.
#' Such objects use random affine projection transformation to the
#' resulting matrix. This allows RAPT objects serve as a basis
#' for a large number of kinds of expansions.
#' @param p Number of input features (columns of \code{X}).
#' @param q Number of output features,
#' @param Wdist W distribution function. Coefficients for
#' the random projection matrix W are drawn from
#' this distribution. The default is rnorm.
#' @param WdistOpt List of optional parameters for Wdist.
#' If this is NULL (default),
#' then only defaults of the distribution
#' are used.
#' @param bDist b distribution function. Coefficients for
#' the offset vector b are drawn from this
#' distribution. The default is runif.
#' @param bDistOpt List of optional parameters for bDist.
#' If this is NULL
#' then only defaults of the distribution
#' are used. The default is
#' \code{bDistOpt=list(min=0,max=0)},
#' which results in b = 0, with no offset.
#' @details This initializes a eRAPTobj, which holds all the
#' parameters needed to perform a random projection
#' transformation expansion (RAPT).
#' An RAPT of X is defined as
#' \deqn{X W + b}
#' where
#' X is the input matrix
#' W is a matrix of coefficients drawn from Wdist with
#' options WdistOpt
#' b is a column matrix of coefficients drawn from bDist
#' with options bDistOpt
#' If there is a need for multiple W or b distributions,
#' then make multiple raptObj. This makes
#' each raptObj fairly simple, while allowing arbitrary
#' complexity through multiple expansion and composition.
#' A simple way to get a linear feature, in addition
#' to the RAPT features, is to simply cbind the
#' original matrix X in with the raptObj matrix.
#' @return An expand object, which defines the following fields:
#' W Input weighting matrix
#' b Input offset matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' raptObj <- raptMake(21,210,bDistOpt=list(min=-pi,max=+pi))
raptMake <- function(p, q,
Wdist=rnorm, WdistOpt=NULL,
bDist=runif, bDistOpt=list(min=0,max=0) ) {
# Generate affine transform coefficients.
W <- distMat(p,q,Wdist,WdistOpt)
b <- distMat(q,1,bDist,bDistOpt)
# Assemble components into eRAPTobj structure
raptObj <- list(W = W, b = b)
# Return object
return( raptObj )
#' @title Expand an input matrix X using raptObj.
#' @description Expand an input matrix X using
#' a Random Affine Projection Transformation (RAPT) object.
#' Such objects use random affine projection transformation to the
#' resulting matrix. This allows RAPT objects serve as a basis
#' for a large number of kinds of expansions. If p are the
#' number of features of X, and q are number of expanded features,
#' the applications fall into two broad categories:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{p > q using the Johnson-Lindenstrauss theorem:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Compressed sensing.}
#' \item{Manifold learning.}
#' \item{Dimension reduction.}
#' \item{Graph embedding.}
#' \item{...}
#' }
#' }
#' \item{p < q using Bochner's theorem:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Approximate kernel projection.}
#' \item{Fast approximate SVD.}
#' \item{Estimation of dependence.}
#' \item{...}
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' @param X Input data matrix
#' @param raptObj raptObj generated by raptMake
#' @details Computes
#' \deqn{X W + b}
#' where
#' W = raptObj$W
#' b = raptObj$b
#' @return A matrix of randomly (but repeatable) features.
#' @export
#' @seealso Details of how the rapt object is built
#' are in \code{\link{raptMake}}.
#' @references
#' \url{\%E2\%80\%93Lindenstrauss_lemma},
#' \url{\%27s_theorem}
#' @examples
#' # Toy problem
#' set.seed(1)
#' nObs <- 100 # Number of observations
#' X <- matrix(seq(-4,+4,length.out = nObs),ncol=1)
#' Ytrue <- sin(5*X) + 2*cos(2*X) # True value Ytrue = g(X)
#' Y <- Ytrue + rnorm(nObs) # Noisy measurement Y
#' # Standardize X
#' Xstd <- scale(X)
#' attributes(Xstd) <- attributes(X)
#' # Bochner (random Fourier) projection object
#' nDim <- NCOL(X)
#' h <- 10 # Estimated by goodness of fit Adj R^2.
#' # Normally this would be fit by cross validation.
#' raptObj <- raptMake(nDim,nDim*200,WdistOpt = list(sd=h),
#' bDistOpt=list(min=-pi,max=+pi))
#' # Apply raptObj to Xstd to generate features,
#' # keeping unaltered features Xstd as well.
#' Xrapt <- cbind( Xstd, cos( rapt(Xstd,raptObj) ) )
#' # Standardize results
#' XraptStd <- scale(Xrapt)
#' attributes(XraptStd) <- attributes(Xrapt)
#' # A linear fitting of Y to the features XraptStd
#' lmObj <- lm(Y ~ XraptStd)
#' summary(lmObj)
#' # Plot measurements (Y), predictions (Yhat),
#' # Kernel smoothing with Gaussian kernel and same bandwidth,
#' # true Y without noise.
#' Yhat <- predict(lmObj)
#' plot (X,Y ,main="Linear Fitting", ylim=c(-6,10))
#' lines(X,Yhat,col="red",lty=1,lwd=2)
#' grid(col="darkgray")
#' kFit <- ksmooth(X,Y,kernel="normal",bandwidth=1/h)
#' lines(kFit$x,kFit$y,lty=1,col="green",lwd=2)
#' lines(X,Ytrue,lty=1,col="blue",lwd=2)
#' legend("topleft",
#' legend=c("Noisy measurements",
#' "Estimated Y from RAPT",
#' "Estimated Y from Kernel Smooth",
#' "True Y"),
#' col=1:4,
#' pch=c( 1,NA,NA,NA),
#' lty=c(NA, 1, 1, 1),
#' lwd=2,
#' bty="n")
#' # Fit sparse model w/LASSO and
#' # lambda criteria = 1 standard deviation.
#' # This avoids overgeneralization errors usually
#' # associated with fitting large numbers of features
#' # to relatively few data points. It also improves
#' # the end effects, which are of paramount importance
#' # in high dimensional problems (since by the curse
#' # of dimensionality, almost all points are close an edge
#' # in high dimensional problems).
#' lassoObj <- easyLASSO(XraptStd,Y)
#' Yhat <- predict(lassoObj, newx = XraptStd)
#' # Use linear fit of prediction Yhat as goodness of fit.
#' summary(lm(Y ~ Yhat))
#' # Plot results of LASSO fitting
#' # These show LASSO does a better job fitting edges.
#' plot(X,Y,main="LASSO Fitting",ylim=c(-6,10))
#' lines(X,Yhat,col="red",lty=1,lwd=2)
#' grid(col="darkgray")
#' kFit <- ksmooth(X,Y,kernel="normal",bandwidth=1/h)
#' lines(kFit$x,kFit$y,lty=1,col="green",lwd=2)
#' lines(X,Ytrue,lty=1,col="blue",lwd=2)
#' legend("topleft",
#' legend=c("Noisy measurements",
#' "Estimated Y from RAPT",
#' "Estimated Y from Kernel Smooth",
#' "True Y"),
#' col=1:4,
#' pch=c( 1,NA,NA,NA),
#' lty=c(NA, 1, 1, 1),
#' lwd=2,
#' bty="n")
rapt <- function(X,raptObj) {
return( sweep(X %*% raptObj$W, 2, raptObj$b, `+`) )
#' Freeman-Tukey transform
#' This transform takes Poisson (count) information and
#' makes it more Gaussian, then z-scales (standardizes
#' by centering and scaling to var = 1) the results.
#' @param x Data vector
#' @return The transformed vector
#' @export
#' @references
#' Taken from
#' \url{}
#' @examples
#' x <- freemanTukey(sunspot.month)
freemanTukey <- function(x) {
x <- as.vector(x)
x <- sqrt(x) + sqrt(x+1)
x <- as.vector( scale(x) )
#' Plot y and yHat on the same scale w/reference line
#' @description Plots y and yHat on the same scale as a
#' scatterplot with a 1:1 reference line in red.
#' This is useful for visually comparing actual
#' data y with estimates yHat, determining
#' outliers, etc.
#' @param y Vector or matrix coercible to vector. Typically
#' will be the quantity to be predicted.
#' @param yHat Vector or matrix coercible to vector, same
#' length as y. Typically will be the prediction.
#' @param ... Optional additional graph parameters.
#' @details Normally only makes sense with vectors, column matrices,
#' or row matrices.
#' @return Returns invisibly - only used for graphic side effects.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' nObs <- 80
#' X <- distMat(nObs,2)
#' A <- cbind(c(1,-1))
#' Y <- X %*% A + rnorm(nObs) # Response data
#' lmObj <- lm(Y ~ X)
#' Yhat <- predict(lmObj) # Estimated response
#' yyHatPlot(Y,Yhat)
yyHatPlot <- function(y,yHat,...) {
#' Informative plots for Y and Yhat
#' This function presents diagnostic plots of estimate Yhat
#' and response Y.
#' @param Y R object representing response,
#' coercible to a vector.
#' @param Yhat R object representing estimate,
#' coercible to a vector.
#' The length of Y and Yhat must be equal.
#' @param ... Options for \code{\link[stats]{cor}} function.
#' The defaults are use = "everything" and
#' method = "pearson".
#' @details The plots shown are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Y vs Yhat. Under a perfect noise-free fitting,
#' this would be a straight line with
#' the points lined up on the red line, and the
#' correlation wpuld be 1.0000.}
#' \item{Y, Yhat and Y-Yhat (residual) time domain plots.
#' The time steps are in samples.}
#' \item{These show the ACF for the original Y, the residual,
#' and |residual|. The latter helps identify
#' nonlinearity in the residual.}
#' }
#' @return Invisibly returns TRUE; this routine
#' is only used for its graphical side effects
#' described in Details.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{cor}}
#' @examples
#' # The order here looks backwards, but is chosen to
#' # simulate a typical pair - Yhat will normally have
#' # a smaller range than Y.
#' set.seed(2)
#' nObs <- 100 # Number of observations
#' x <- stats::filter(rnorm(nObs),c(-0.99),
#' method="recursive")
#' x <- x + (x^2) # Nonlinear component
#' myLags <- 0:2
#' X <- eTrim(eLag(x,myLags))
#' Y <- X[,+1,drop=FALSE]
#' X <- X[,-1,drop=FALSE]
#' lmObj <- lm(Y ~ X)
#' Yhat <- predict(lmObj)
#' Ydiagnostics(Y,Yhat)
Ydiagnostics <- function(Y,Yhat,...) {
# A useful metric
myMetric <- cor(Y,Yhat,...)
# Symmetrical limits on y plots
temp <- max(abs(range(Y,Yhat)))
ylim <- c(-temp,temp)
yyHatPlot(Y, Yhat, xlim=ylim, xlab="Y", ylab="Yhat",
main=sprintf("Correlation = %4.4f",myMetric))
myResidual <- Y - Yhat
ylab="Y, Yhat")
plot(myResidual, type="l",ylab="Residual",ylim=ylim)
lag.max <- length(Y)
# Save and set margins
marOld <- par(mar=c(0,5.1,0,0))
acf(Y , lag.max = lag.max, ylab="Y",
ylim=c(-1,+1), main="ACF(Y)")
acf(myResidual , lag.max = lag.max, ylab="Residual",
ylim=c(-1,+1), main="ACF(Residual)")
acf(abs(myResidual), lag.max = lag.max, ylab="|Residual|",
ylim=c(-1,+1), main="ACF(|Residual|)")
# Restore margins to original values.
#' Plots coefficients in an impulse response format
#' @description Given a model xObj for which coef(xObj)
#' returns a set of coefficients, plot the coefficients.
#' The plots make it easier to compare which features are large,
#' which are set to zero, and how features change from run
#' to run in a graphical manner.
#' If the fitting process is linear (e.g. lm, glmnet, etc.)
#' and the original features are appropriately ordered lags,
#' this will generate an impulse response.
#' Any coefficients that are \emph{exactly} zero (for instance,
#' set that way by LASSO) will appear as red X's; non-zero
#' points will be black O's.
#' @param xObj Output of a fitting model.
#' @param includeIntercept Should the 1st coefficient be plotted?
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @param type Graphics type. Default is "h", which
#' results in an impulse-like plot.
#' @param main "main" title; default is the relative
#' number of non-zero coefficients,
#' a measure of sparsity.
#' @param ... Optional additional graphical parameters,
#' for instance to set ylim to a fixed value.
#' @details If includeIntercept==TRUE, the intercept of the model
#' will be plotted as index 0.
#' Changing the type using \code{type="b"}
#' will result in a parallel coordinate-like plot rather
#' than an impulse-like plot. It is sometimes easier to
#' see the differences in coefficients with type="b"
#' rather than type="h".
#' @return Invisibly returns TRUE. Used for its
#' graphic side effects only.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' nObs <- 100
#' X <- distMat(nObs,6)
#' A <- cbind(c(1,0,-1,rep(0,3))) # Y will only depend on X[,1] and X[,3]
#' Y <- X %*% A + 0.1*rnorm(nObs)
#' lassoObj <- easyLASSO(X,Y)
#' Yhat <- predict(lassoObj,newx=X)
#' yyHatPlot(Y,Yhat)
#' coef( lassoObj ) # Sparse coefficients
#' coefPlot( lassoObj )
#' coefPlot( lassoObj, includeIntercept=TRUE )
#' coefPlot( lassoObj, type="b" )
coefPlot <- function(xObj, includeIntercept=FALSE,
type = "h",
main = NULL, ...) {
# Get coefficients,including intercept as needed.
if (includeIntercept) {
xCoef <- coef(xObj)
myIndex <- seq_along(xCoef) - 1
} else {
xCoef <- coef(xObj)[-1]
myIndex <- seq_along(xCoef)
# Which xCoef are exactly zero?
myZeros <- xCoef==0
# Default main is 0 (all xCoef are exactly zero) to
# 1 (all xCoef are used)
if (is.null(main)) main <- mean(!myZeros)
# Colors and symbols for zeros and non-zeros
myCol <- ifelse(myZeros,"red","black")
myPch <- ifelse(myZeros, 4, 1)
# Plot
plot (myIndex, xCoef, type=type, main=mean(xCoef!=0), ...)
points(myIndex, xCoef, pch= myPch, col=myCol)
# For STFT and wavelets, note that not only
# does padding have to occur up front, but
# depending on the frame rate used, features
# need to be repeated or interpolated.
# e1071::stft is magnitude only (still useful, though).
# The interface is simple, but also isn't very
# flexible - no ability to specify window, for instance.
# seewave::spectro is the stft, istft is the inverse
# (uses OLA).
# complex can be returned using complex=TRUE.
# temp <- spectro(rnorm(16000),f=1,complex=TRUE,
# norm=FALSE,dB=NULL,plot=FALSE)
# tuneR::melfcc - calculates mel-frequency cepstral coefficients.
# seewave::ceps - cepstrum or real cepstrum.
# Linear SFA can be applied to resulting features.
# NB: SFA that only saves centering and projection
# information w/o saving the input data is much more
# compact. SFA that has a predict.sfa method is
# also a useful approach. plot.sfa also can be useful.
# Since SFA is an instantaneous projection method,
# the inputs can contain NAs for predict.sfa
# (although they must be removed for the actual
# fitting process). summary.sfa is also useful.
# purrr may be able to perform interaction expansion
# by converting formulas to functions.
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