
Defines functions rescale_hmc_rps rescale_hmc_llo rescale_hmc_lno rescale_hmc_gef rescale_hmc_wph rescale_hmc_wei rescale_hmc_exp make_sim_mle

#' Helper function to make the simulations for the survival curves using MLE
#' for a given formula and dataset
#' @param m The output of a 'survHE' object including the model
#' @param t A vector of times for which the survival curves are to be
#' computed
#' @param X The covariates profile for which to compute the survival curve
#' @param nsim The number of simulations to be computed
#' @param newdata A list with the "new data". This is a specific profile of
#' covariates in correspondence of which to compute the survival curves.
#' @param dist The string identifying the abbreviated name for the 
#' underlying model used 
#' @return \item{sim}{A list containing the generated simulations.}
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso make.surv
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords MLE
#' @noRd 
make_sim_mle <- function(m,t,X,nsim,newdata,dist,summary_stat,...) {
  # Simulates from the distribution of the model parameters - takes 100000 bootstrap samples
  if(is.null(newdata)) {
    #####X=X %>% as_tibble()
    # NB: 'flexsurv' needs to exclude the intercept
    if(grep("Intercept",colnames(X))>0) {
      # If the intercept is part of the design matrix X then remove it (to make normboot work!)
    # If X has only one row, needs to create a list, with length equal to the number of profiles (=nrow(X))
    if(nrow(X)==1) {
    } else {
      # Otherwise normboot will take care of it with the proper length for the automatically created list
  } else {
    # If there are newdata, then create the list of sims using it
    sim <- lapply(1:nrow(X),function(i) flexsurv::normboot.flexsurvreg(m,B=B,newdata=newdata[[i]]))
  # Then if 'nsim'=1, then take the average over the bootstrap samples. 
  if(nsim==1) {
    sim=lapply(sim,function(x) x %>% tibble::as_tibble() %>% dplyr::summarise_all(summary_stat) %>% as.matrix(.,ncol=ncol(X)))
  # If nsim<=5000 (number of bootstrap samples), then samples only 'nsim' of them
  if(nsim>1 & nsim<nboot) {
    sim=lapply(sim,function(x) x %>% tibble::as_tibble() %>% dplyr::sample_n(ifelse(nsim<nboot,nsim,B),replace=FALSE) %>% 

#' Helper function to make the rescale the original simulations to the 
#' list sim to be used by 'make.surv' Exponential distribution/HMC
#' @param m The output of a 'survHE' object including the model
#' @param X The covariates profile for which to compute the survival curve
#' @param linpred The linear predictor obtained by multiplying the 
#' simulated values for the model coefficients and the covariates profile
#' @return \item{sim}{A list containing the generated simulations.}
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso make.surv
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords HMC Exponential
#' @noRd 
rescale_hmc_exp <- function(m,X,linpred){
  # Rescales the original simulations to the list sim to be used by 'make.surv'
  # Exponential distribution
  sim <- as.matrix(exp(linpred)) # exp(rstan::extract(m)$beta %*% t(X)); 
  colnames(sim) <- "rate"

#' Helper function to make the rescale the original simulations to the 
#' list sim to be used by 'make.surv' WeibullAFT distribution/HMC
#' @param m The output of a 'survHE' object including the model
#' @param X The covariates profile for which to compute the survival curve
#' @param linpred The linear predictor obtained by multiplying the 
#' simulated values for the model coefficients and the covariates profile
#' @return \item{sim}{A list containing the generated simulations.}
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso make.surv
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords HMC Weibull AFT
#' @noRd 
rescale_hmc_wei <- function(m,X,linpred){
  # Rescales the original simulations to the list sim to be used by 'make.surv'
  # Weibull distribution
  shape <- as.numeric(rstan::extract(m)$alpha)
  scale <- exp(linpred) #exp(rstan::extract(m)$beta %*% t(X))
  sim <- cbind(shape,scale) 
  colnames(sim) <- c("shape","scale")

#' Helper function to make the rescale the original simulations to the 
#' list sim to be used by 'make.surv' WeibullPH distribution/HMC
#' @param m The output of a 'survHE' object including the model
#' @param X The covariates profile for which to compute the survival curve
#' @param linpred The linear predictor obtained by multiplying the 
#' simulated values for the model coefficients and the covariates profile
#' @return \item{sim}{A list containing the generated simulations.}
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso make.surv
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords HMC Weibull PH
#' @noRd 
rescale_hmc_wph <- function(m,X,linpred){
  # Rescales the original simulations to the list sim to be used by 'make.surv'
  # Weibull PH distribution
  shape <- as.numeric(rstan::extract(m)$alpha)
  scale <- exp(linpred) #exp(rstan::extract(m)$beta %*% t(X))
  sim <- cbind(shape,scale) 
  colnames(sim) <- c("shape","scale")

#' Helper function to make the rescale the original simulations to the 
#' list sim to be used by 'make.surv' Gen F distribution/HMC
#' @param m The output of a 'survHE' object including the model
#' @param X The covariates profile for which to compute the survival curve
#' @param linpred The linear predictor obtained by multiplying the 
#' simulated values for the model coefficients and the covariates profile
#' @return \item{sim}{A list containing the generated simulations.}
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso make.surv
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords HMC Generalised F
#' @noRd 
rescale_hmc_gef <- function(m,X,linpred){
  # Rescales the original simulations to the list sim to be used by 'make.surv'
  # Generalised F distribution
  Q <- as.numeric(rstan::extract(m)$Q)
  P <- as.numeric(rstan::extract(m)$P)
  sigma <- as.numeric(rstan::extract(m)$sigma)
  # NB: The linpred is already the mean mu on the natural scale so no need to exponentiate!
  mu <- (linpred) 
  sim <- cbind(mu,sigma,Q,P) 
  colnames(sim) <- c("mu","sigma","Q","P")

#' Helper function to make the rescale the original simulations to the 
#' list sim to be used by 'make.surv' logNormal distribution/HMC
#' @param m The output of a 'survHE' object including the model
#' @param X The covariates profile for which to compute the survival curve
#' @param linpred The linear predictor obtained by multiplying the 
#' simulated values for the model coefficients and the covariates profile
#' @return \item{sim}{A list containing the generated simulations.}
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso make.surv
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords HMC logNormal
#' @noRd 
rescale_hmc_lno <- function(m,X,linpred){
  # Rescales the original simulations to the list sim to be used by 'make.surv'
  # logNormal distribution
  sdlog <- as.numeric(rstan::extract(m)$alpha)
  meanlog <- linpred 
  sim <- cbind(meanlog,sdlog) 
  colnames(sim) <- c("meanlog","sdlog")

#' Helper function to make the rescale the original simulations to the 
#' list sim to be used by 'make.surv' logLogistic distribution/HMC
#' @param m The output of a 'survHE' object including the model
#' @param X The covariates profile for which to compute the survival curve
#' @param linpred The linear predictor obtained by multiplying the 
#' simulated values for the model coefficients and the covariates profile
#' @return \item{sim}{A list containing the generated simulations.}
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso make.surv
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords HMC logLogistic
#' @noRd 
rescale_hmc_llo <- function(m,X,linpred){
  # Rescales the original simulations to the list sim to be used by 'make.surv'
  # logNormal distribution
  shape <- as.numeric(rstan::extract(m)$alpha)
  scale <- exp(linpred)
  sim <- cbind(shape,scale) 
  colnames(sim) <- c("shape","scale")

#' Helper function to make the rescale the original simulations to the 
#' list sim to be used by 'make.surv' RPS distribution/HMC
#' @param m The output of a 'survHE' object including the model
#' @param X The covariates profile for which to compute the survival curve
#' @param linpred The linear predictor obtained by multiplying the 
#' simulated values for the model coefficients and the covariates profile
#' @return \item{sim}{A list containing the generated simulations.}
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso make.surv
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords HMC Royston-Parmar splines
#' @noRd 
rescale_hmc_rps <- function(m,X,linpred) {
  # Rescales the original simulations to the list sim to be used by 'make.surv'
  # RPS
  gamma <- rstan::extract(m)$gamma
  # If X has an intercept needs to remove it as RPS doesn't have one
  if(any(grepl("Intercept",colnames(X)))) {
    X <- as.matrix(tibble::as_tibble(X) %>% dplyr::select(-`(Intercept)`))
  offset <- linpred #rstan::extract(m)$beta %*% t(X) 
  sim <- cbind(offset,gamma)
  colnames(sim) <- c("offset",paste0("gamma",1:ncol(gamma)))

#' Helper function to make the rescale the original simulations to the 
#' list sim to be used by 'make.surv' INLA
#' @param linpred The linear predictor obtained by multiplying the 
#' simulated values for the model coefficients and the covariates profile
#' @param alpha The hyperparameter from the INLA model
#' @param distr The abbreviated name of the underlying distribution
#' @return \item{sim}{A list containing the generated simulations.}
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso make.surv
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords HMC Exponential
#' @noRd 
rescale.inla <- function(linpred,alpha,distr) {
  if (distr=="wei") {
    shape <- alpha
    # NB: As of Jan 11 2017, there's a little mistake in INLA and so need to minus the linpred HERE
    scale <- exp(-linpred)
    sim <- cbind(shape,scale) 
    colnames(sim) <- c("shape","scale")
  if (distr=="wph") {
    shape <- alpha
    scale <- exp(linpred)
    sim <- cbind(shape,scale) 
    colnames(sim) <- c("shape","scale")
  if (distr=="exp") {
    sim <- as.matrix(exp(linpred))
    colnames(sim) <- "rate" 
  if (distr=="llo") {
    shape <- alpha
    scale <- exp(-linpred)
    sim <- cbind(shape,scale) 
    colnames(sim) <- c("shape","scale")
  if (distr=="lno") {
    mulog <- linpred
    sdlog <- 1/sqrt(alpha)
    sim <- cbind(mulog,sdlog) 
    colnames(sim) <- c("meanlog","sdlog")

#' Helper function to make the compute the survival curves
#' @param sim A list containing the simulations for the relevant parameters
#' @param exArgs A list of extra arguments, as specified in 'make.surv'
#' @param nsim The number of simulations included
#' @param dist The abbreviated name of the underlying distribution
#' @param t The vector of times to be used in the x-axis
#' @import flexsurv
#' @return \item{mat}{A matrix of simulated values for the survival curves}
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso make.surv
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords Survival curves
#' @noRd 
compute_surv_curve <- function(sim,exArgs,nsim,dist,t,method,X) {  
  # Computes the survival curves
  args <- args_surv()
  distr <- manipulate_distributions(dist)$distr 
  if(dist=="rps") {
    # RPS-related options
    if(exists("scale",where=exArgs)) {scale=exArgs$scale} else {scale="hazard"}
    if(exists("timescale",where=exArgs)) {timescale=exArgs$timescale} else {timescale="log"}
    if(exists("log",where=exArgs)) {log=exArgs$log} else {log=FALSE}
    if(method=="hmc") {
      knots <- exArgs$data.stan$knots
      mat <- lapply(sim,function(x) {
        gamma=as_tibble(x) %>% select(contains("gamma"))
        offset=as_tibble(x) %>% select(offset)
                gamma=as.numeric(gamma %>% slice(i)),
                offset=as.numeric(offset%>% slice(i)),
    if(method=="mle") {
      # First needs to fiddle with the matrix of covariates profile
        X=X %>% as_tibble() %>% select(-"(Intercept)")
      } else {
        X=X %>% as_tibble()
###      if(exists("offset",where=exArgs)) {offset=exArgs$offset} else {offset=0}
      mat=lapply(sim,function(x) {
        gamma=as_tibble(x) %>% select(contains("gamma"))
          lapply(1:nsim,function(i) {
              gamma=as.numeric(gamma %>% slice(i)),
  } else {
    mat <- lapply(sim,function(x) {
          lapply(1:nsim,function(i) {
  for (i in 1:length(mat)){colnames(mat[[i]])=paste0("S_",1:nsim)}
  mat <- mat %>% lapply(function(x) bind_cols(tibble(t=t),as_tibble(x)))


#' Utility function to define the arguments needed to compute the cumulative 
#' distribution, with which to derive the survival function
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso make.surv
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords Survival curves
#' @noRd 
args_surv <- function() {

#' Helper function to create the covariates profile to use in the 
#' computation of the survival curves
#' @param formula a formula specifying the model to be used, in the form
#' \code{Surv(time,event)~treatment[+covariates]} in flexsurv terms, or
#' \code{inla.surv(time,event)~treatment[+covariates]} in INLA terms.
#' @param data A data frame containing the data to be used for the analysis.
#' This must contain data for the 'event' variable. In case there is no
#' censoring, then \code{event} is a column of 1s.
#' @param newdata a list **of lists**, specifiying the values of the covariates
#' at which the computation is performed. For example
#' \code{list(list(arm=0),list(arm=1))} will create two survival curves, one
#' obtained by setting the covariate \code{arm} to the value 0 and the other by
#' setting it to the value 1. In line with \code{flexsurv} notation, the user
#' needs to either specify the value for *all* the covariates or for none (in
#' which case, \code{newdata=NULL}, which is the default). If some value is
#' specified and at least one of the covariates is continuous, then a single
#' survival curve will be computed in correspondence of the average values of
#' all the covariates (including the factors, which in this case are expanded
#' into indicators).
#' @return \item{X}{A matrix with the covariates profile selected to compute
#' the survival curves}.
#' @note Something will go here
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tibble
#' @import stats
#' @import tidyselect
#' @seealso make.surv
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords Parametric survival models
#' @noRd 
make_profile_surv <- function(formula,data,newdata) {
  # Checks how many elements are given in 'newdata'
  n.elements <- ifelse(is.null(newdata),0,length(newdata))
  n.provided <- unlist(lapply(newdata,function(x) length(x)))
  # Temporarily re-writes the model formula to avoid issues with naming
  formula_temp <- stats::update(formula,paste(all.vars(formula,data)[1],"~",all.vars(formula,data)[2],"+."))
  # Creates a tibble with all the covariates in their original format
  covs <- data %>% stats::model.frame(formula_temp,.) %>% tibble::as_tibble(.) %>%  dplyr::select(-c(1:2)) %>% 
    dplyr::rename_if(is.factor,.funs=~gsub("as.factor[( )]","",.x)) %>% 
    dplyr::rename_if(is.factor,.funs=~gsub("[( )]","",.x)) %>% 
    dplyr::bind_cols(as_tibble(stats::model.matrix(formula_temp,data)) %>% 
  if("(Intercept)"%in% names(covs)) {
    covs=covs %>% dplyr::select(`(Intercept)`,dplyr::everything())
  ncovs <- covs %>% select(-contains("Intercept")) %>% with(ncol(.))
  # Selects the subset of categorical covariates
  is.fac <- covs %>% select(tidyselect::vars_select_helpers$where(is.factor))
  nfacts <- covs %>% select(tidyselect::vars_select_helpers$where(is.factor)) %>% with(ncol(.))
  # If formula is in 'inla' terms now change it back to 'flexsurv' terms
  formula_temp <- as.formula(gsub("inla.surv","Surv",deparse(formula)))
  # Computes the "average" profile of the covariates
  X <- data %>% stats::model.matrix(formula_temp,.) %>% as_tibble(.) %>% summarise_all(mean) 
  # If there's at least one factor with more than 2 levels, then do *not* rename the columns to the simpler version
  # which only has the name of the variable (rather than the combination, eg 'groupMedium' that R produces)
  if(all(unlist(lapply(fac.levels,length))<=2)) {colnames(X)=colnames(covs)}
  # The way the object X *must* be formatted depends on which way it's been generated.
  # The point is that it *always* has to be a matrix for other functions to process
    # If all the covariates are factors, then get survival curves for *all* the combinations
    if(nfacts==ncovs & nfacts>0) {
      # If there's at least one factor with more than 2 levels, then do *not* rename the columns to the simpler version
      # which only has the name of the variable (rather than the combination, eg 'groupMedium' that R produces)
      if(all(unlist(lapply(fac.levels,length))<2)) {colnames(X)=colnames(covs)}
    } else {
      X <- as.matrix(X,nrow=nrow(X),ncol=ncol(X))
  # If 'newdata' provides a specific (set of) profile(s), then use that
  if (n.elements>=1) {
    # This means that n.provided will also be > 0 but needs to check it's the right number and if not, stop
    if (!all(n.provided==ncovs)) {
      stop("You need to provide data for *all* the covariates specified in the model, in the list 'newdata'")
    } else {
      # Turns the list 'newdata' into a data.frame & ensures the factors are indeed factors
      nd=do.call(rbind.data.frame,newdata) %>% as_tibble() %>% 
      # Augments the original data with the values supplied in 'newdata'. To make things work, 
      # needs to change the type of variables that are 'factors' in the analysis as well as remove
      # the NAs and replace with 0s
      aug_data=data %>% mutate(across(names(is.fac),factor)) %>% add_row(nd) %>% replace(is.na(.),0)
      # Creates a model frame with IDs
      mf=model.frame(formula,aug_data) %>% as_tibble() %>% select(-1) %>% 
        mutate(id=row_number()) %>% rename_if(is.factor,.funs=~gsub("as.factor[( )]","",.x)) %>% 
        rename_if(is.factor,.funs=~gsub("[( )]","",.x))
      # Now creates the 'model matrix' with the combination of all the factors
      mm=stats::model.matrix(formula,aug_data) %>% as_tibble() %>% mutate(id=row_number())
      mf=suppressMessages(mf %>% right_join(nd))
      # And selects only the rows that match with the profile selected in 'newdata'
      X=as.matrix(mm %>% filter(id %in% mf$id) %>% select(-id) %>% unique,drop=FALSE)
  # Returns the output (the matrix with the covariates profile)

# Specialised function to make the PSA values and survival curves for the Poly-Weibull/HMC model
make_surv_pw=function(fit,mod,t,newdata,nsim,exArgs) {
  # Extracts the model object and the data from the survHE output
  m <- fit$models[[mod]]
  data <- fit$misc$data
  # Create a vector of times, if the user hasn't provided one, based on the observed data
  if(is.null(t)) {
    t <- sort(unique(fit$misc$km[[mod]]$time))
  # Makes sure the distribution name(s) vector is in a useable format
  dist <- fit$misc$model_name[mod]
  # Now creates the profile of covariates for which to compute the survival curves
  X <- lapply(1:length(fit$misc$formula),function(i) make_profile_surv(fit$misc$formula[[i]],data,newdata[[i]]))
  #X <- lapply(fit$misc$formula,function(f) make_profile_surv(f,data,newdata))
  # Extracts the model object from the survHE output
  iter_stan <- m@stan_args[[1]]$iter
  # Coefficients (NB array with size nsim, M=number of mixture components, H=maximum number of covariates)
  # Checks that the coefficients and covariate matrix are conformable
  # This is because the formula has different length for the components so needs to
  # create "fake" covariates for the components with fewer covariates...
  truecovs=unlist(lapply(X,function(i) ncol(i)))
  linpred=lapply(1:ncomponents,function(i) beta[,i,1:truecovs[i]]%*%t(X[[i]]))
  # Creates a list of lists containing the simulations for the rescaled model parameters
  # 'sim' has M elements (as many as the components of the mixture). Each of these has
  # as many elements as there are in the profile matrix for that component
  sim=lapply(1:ncomponents,function(k) {
    lapply(1:nrow(X[[k]]),function(i) {
      ) %>% as_tibble()
  # Selects the relevant number of simulations depending on the value of 'nsim'
  if(nsim>iter_stan) {
    stop("Please select a value for 'nsim' that is less than or equal to the value set in the call to 'fit.models'")
  if(nsim==1) {
    # If the user requested only 1 simulation, then take the mean value
      lapply(1:length(x),function(i) {
        as.matrix(tibble::as_tibble(x[[i]]) %>% dplyr::summarise_all(mean),nrow=1,ncol=ncol(x[[i]]))
  if(nsim>1 & nsim<iter_stan) {
    # If the user selected a number of simulation < the one from rstan, then select a random sample 
    sim=lapply(sim,function(x) {
      lapply(1:length(x),function(i) {
        as.matrix(tibble::as_tibble(x[[i]]) %>% dplyr::sample_n(nsim,replace=FALSE),nrow=nsim,ncol=ncol(x[[i]]))
  # Now makes some work to compute the survival curves. First rescale the rates by times and shape
  vals=lapply(sim,function(k) {
    lapply(1:length(k),function(i) {
          lapply(1:nsim,function(j) {
  # If 'vals' has 1 element only in each component, then obviously need to use these
  if(all(dims==1)) {
  } else {
    # Creates a matrix of indicators for the combination of the covariates
    combs=expand.grid(lapply(X,function(i) 1:ncol(i)))
  # Creates the list of matrices with the simulations from the survival curves
  mat=lapply(1:nrow(combs),function(i) {
    eval(parse(text=paste0("exp(- (",paste0("vals[[",1:ncol(combs),"]][[",combs[i,],"]]",collapse="+"),") )")))
  for (i in 1:length(mat)){colnames(mat[[i]])=paste0("S_",1:nsim)}
  mat <- mat %>% lapply(function(x) dplyr::bind_cols(tibble::as_tibble(t),tibble::as_tibble(x)) %>% dplyr::rename(t=value))
  # Updates the model formulae to a single one with *all* the covariates
  if(is.null(newdata)) {
    comb.formula=stats::update(fit$misc$formula[[1]],paste("~.+",paste(lapply(fit$misc$formula,function(i) stats::terms(i)[[3]]),collapse="+")))
  } else {
    colnames(X)="Custom profile"


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