
Defines functions format.exsic.rec compl.table sort.tbl prepare.table index.citations index.countries index.species index.species.short index.collections section.exsic write.exsic is.exsic is.format is.sortfilter exsic

Documented in exsic index.citations index.collections index.countries index.species index.species.short is.exsic is.format is.sortfilter prepare.table section.exsic write.exsic

#' Provides botanists with convenience functions to create exsiccatae indices
#' The tool allows creating simple specimen indices as found in
#' taxonomic treatments based on a table of specimen records. 
#' An example file of tabulated speciment data is provided. In addition,
#' four different exsiccatae styles are provided.
#' The naming of the columns in the specimen table follows largely the conventions used in the BRAHMS 
#' software package.
#' Each specimen record must at least have content in the following nine fields: 
#' id, genus, species, collcite, number, colldate, country, majorarea, minorarea.
#' If not present, the fields are added and filled with dummy values like 's.d.' for no date or 'Unknown
#' country/area'.
#' Highly recommended fields include: collector, addcoll.
#' Optional fields include: locnotes, phenology, elevation, latitude, longitude, and dups
#' The produced indices will sort countries and species alphabetically. Within a country 
#' records will be sorted alphabetically by 'majorarea' (if present) and by collector and 
#' collecting nunber. 
#' A web page in standard html format is created based on a template.
#' The template may be changed and specified in most word processing software.
#' The package provides one main function 'exsic'. 
#' See the example in this section on how to access it. 
#' @name exsic-package
#' @aliases exsic-package
#' @author Reinhard Simon, David M. Spooner
#' @example inst/examples/exsic.R
#' @docType package

if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1")  utils::globalVariables(c(".obj1", "obj2"))

globalVariables(c("format.SBMG", "format.PK", "format.ASPT", "format.NYBG"))

#' @name potato
#' @title Wild potato specimen sample list 
#' @format Contains 1000 observations of 16 variables. The variable names conform largely to the
#'  BRAHMS standard.
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{"genus"} {Genus name}
#'  \item{"species"} {Species name}
#' }
#' @note Access the data using system.file("samples/exsic.csv", package = "exsic")
#' @docType data
#' @author David M. Spooner with format edits from R. Simon
#' @family datasets
#' @aliases potato
#' @export
#' @keywords dataset

#' @name format.SBMG
#' @title A formatting scheme following SBMG (Systematic Botany Monographs) conventions for an exsiccatae record.
#' @format A dataframe with 9 entries and three variables
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{"field"} {A column name present in the exsiccatae table.}
#'  \item{"style"} {The text style applied to that element. One of: none, bold, italics, capitals, 
#'  underline or underscore, uppercase, and () or parentheses}
#'  \item{"sept"}  {A seperator following the element. One of '', ' ', ', ', '. ', ': ' and ';' }
#'  \item{"comments"} {}  
#' }
#' @docType data
#' @author R. Simon
#' @family formats
#' @aliases format.SBMG
#' @keywords dataset
#' @export

#' @name format.ASPT
#' @title A formatting scheme following ASPT (American Society of Plant Taxonomists) conventions for an exsiccatae record.
#' @format A dataframe with 9 entries and three variables
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{"field"} {A column name present in the exsiccatae table.}
#'  \item{"style"} {The text style applied to that element. One of: none, bold, italics, capitals, 
#'  underline or underscore, uppercase, and () or parentheses}
#'  \item{"sept"}  {A seperator following the element. One of '', ' ', ', ', '. ', ': ' and ';' }
#'  \item{"comments"} {}  
#' }
#' @docType data
#' @author R. Simon
#' @family formats
#' @source \url{http://www.aspt.net/publications/sysbot/checklist_systbot.php}
#' @aliases format.ASPT
#' @keywords dataset

#' @name format.NYBG
#' @title A formatting scheme following NYBG (New York Botanical Garden) conventions for an exsiccatae record.
#' @description In comparison to the two other included specimen citation formats this includes an additional field
#' to handle phenological information at the time of observation.
#' @format A dataframe with 10 entries and three variables
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{"field"} {A column name present in the exsiccatae table.}
#'  \item{"style"} {The text style applied to that element. One of: none, bold, italics, capitals, 
#'  underline or underscore, uppercase, and () or parentheses}
#'  \item{"sept"}  {A seperator following the element. One of '', ' ', ', ', '. ', ': ' and ';' }
#'  \item{"comments"} {}  
#' }
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @family formats
#' @author R. Simon
#' @source \url{http://www.nybg.org/botany/ofn/fn-gd3.htm}
#' @aliases format.NYBG
#' @keywords dataset

#' @name format.PK
#' @title A formatting scheme following PK (Phytokeys) conventions for an exsiccatae record.
#' @format A dataframe with 9 entries and three variables
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{"field"} {A column name present in the exsiccatae table.}
#'  \item{"style"} {The text style applied to that element. One of: none, bold, italics, capitals, 
#'  underline or underscore, uppercase, and () or parentheses}
#'  \item{"sept"}  {A seperator following the element. One of '', ' ', ', ', '. ', ': ' and ';' }
#'  \item{"comments"} {}  
#' }
#' @docType data
#' @author R. Simon
#' @family formats
#' @source \url{http://www.pensoft.net/journals/phytokeys/about/Author Guidelines}
#' @aliases format.PK
#' @keywords dataset

#' @name sort.specs
#' @title A sorting and filtering configuration data.frame
#' @docType data
#' @author R. Simon
#' @aliases sort.specs

sort.specs = as.data.frame(cbind(
  species = "chacoense;acaule;brevicaule",
  country = "Peru;Bolivia;Argentina"
  ), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

format.element <- function (elt, styles) {
  elt = str_trim(elt)
  if( !is.na(elt) && elt != "NA" && elt!="" && elt != " "){
  sty = str_split(styles,";")[[1]]
  sty = unique(sty)
  for(ii in 1:length(sty)){
      if(str_length(elt) > 0){
        if(sty[ii] == "uppercase") {
          elt = toupper(elt)
        if(sty[ii] == "italics") {
          elt = paste("*", elt, "*", sep="")
        if(sty[ii] == "bold") {
          elt = paste("**", elt, "**", sep="")
        if(sty[ii] == "[]") {
          elt = paste("[", elt, "]", sep="")
        if(sty[ii] == "()" | sty[ii] == "parentheses") {
          elt = paste("&#40;", elt, "&#41;", sep="")
        if(sty[ii] == "underline" | sty[ii] == "underscore") {
          elt = paste("<span style=\"text-decoration:underline\">", elt, "</span>", sep="")
        if(sty[ii] == "capitals") {
          elt = paste("<span style=\"font-variant: small-caps\">", elt, "</span>", sep="")
      } else {
        elt = ""
  } else {
    elt = ""
 # write(elt,"out.txt",app=T)

format.exsic.rec = function( record = "", form.specs = format.SBMG) {
  if(!is.data.frame(record)) return("")
  n = ncol(record)
  for(i in 1:n) record[i] = as.character(record[i])
  fsp = form.specs
  fsp = fsp[!fsp$field %in% c("species","country","majorarea","minorarea"),]
  res = ""
    for(i in 1:nrow(fsp)){
      x = ""
        nms = names(record)
        if(fsp$field[i] %in% nms){
        elt = record[fsp$field[[i]]]
        elt = str_trim(as.character(elt))
        x = ""
        styles = fsp$style[i]
        elt = format.element(elt, styles)
          y = str_trim( paste(x, elt, sep="") )
          x = paste(y, fsp$sept[i],  sep="")   
      lst = str_sub(res,str_length(res), str_length(res))
      if(lst == " " & (x==", " | x == ";")) {
        res = str_trim(res)
      lst = str_sub(res,str_length(res), str_length(res))

      if(lst == "," & x==", ") {
        res = paste(res, " ", sep="")
      } else   res = paste(res, x, sep="")
  res = str_trim(res)
  sf = str_sub(res, str_length(res),str_length(res))
  if(sf==",") {
    res = paste(str_sub(res, 1,(str_length(res)-1)),fsp$sept[length(fsp$sept)],sep="")
  if(sf!="," & sf!=";") {
    res = paste(res,";",sep="")

compl.table <- function(recs){
  must.have = c("genus", "species", "country", "majorarea", "minorarea","collcite","number")
  missing.r = c("Unknown genus",      "sp.","Unknown country","Unknown major area","Unknown minor area","Anonymous","s.n.")
  n = nrow(recs)
  nr= names(recs)
  nr = nr[!is.na(nr)]
  must.add  = must.have[!must.have %in% nr]
  must.use  = missing.r[!must.have %in% nr]
  if(length(must.add) > 0){
  for(i in 1:length(must.add)){
    acol = rep(must.use[i],n)
    recs = cbind(recs, acol)
    names(recs)[ncol(recs)] = must.add[i]
  for(i in 1:ncol(recs)) recs[,i] = as.character(recs[,i])
  atbl = recs[,must.have]
  for(i in 1:ncol(atbl)){
    atbl[atbl[,i]=="",i] = missing.r[i]
  if(any( atbl$genus == "Unknown" )){
    atbl[atbl$genus == "Unknown","species"] = "sp."
  recs[,must.have] = atbl

sort.tbl <- function(atbl, sortfilter=NULL){
  ss = sortfilter
  s.ct = "all"
  s.sp = "all"
    if("genus" %in% names(ss)){
      if(str_detect(ss$genus,";")) {
        s.gr = str_split(ss$genus,";")[[1]]    
      } else {
        s.gr = ss$genus
    } else {s.gr = NA}
    if("species" %in% names(ss)){
      if(str_detect(ss$species, ";")){
        s.sp = str_split(ss$species,";")[[1]]  
      } else {
        s.sp = ss$species
    } else {s.sp= NA}
    if("country" %in% names(ss)){
      if(str_detect(ss$country, ";")){
        s.ct= str_split(ss$country,";")[[1]]  
      } else {
        s.ct = ss$country
    } else {s.ct = NA}
  } # is null filter
  tbl.nm = names(atbl)
  if("number" %in% tbl.nm) {
    #atbl=  arrange(atbl, number)
    atbl = atbl[order(atbl[,"number"]) ,]
  if("collcite" %in% tbl.nm) {
    atbl = atbl[order(atbl[,"collcite"]) ,]
  adf = atbl
  if("minorarea" %in% tbl.nm) {
    adf = adf[-c(1:nrow(adf)),]
    s.mi = sort(unique(atbl$minorarea))
    s.mi = s.mi[s.mi!='Unknown']
    for(i in 1:length(s.mi)){
      adf = rbind(adf, atbl[atbl[,"minorarea"] == s.mi[i],])
    adf = rbind(adf, atbl[atbl[,"minorarea"] == "Unknown",])
    atbl= adf
  if("majorarea" %in% tbl.nm){
    adf = adf[-c(1:nrow(adf)),]
    s.ma = sort(unique(atbl$majorarea))
    s.ma = s.ma[s.ma!='Unknown']
    for(i in 1:length(s.ma)){
      adf = rbind(adf, atbl[atbl[,"majorarea"] == s.ma[i],])
    adf = rbind(adf, atbl[atbl[,"majorarea"] == "Unknown",])
    atbl= adf
  if(s.sp[1] == "all"){
    atbl = atbl[order(atbl[,"species"]) ,]
  } else {
    adf = atbl
    adf = adf[-c(1:nrow(adf)),]
    for(i in 1:length(s.sp)){
      adf = rbind(adf, atbl[atbl[,"species"] == s.sp[i],])
    atbl = adf
  if(s.ct[1] == "all"){
    atbl = atbl[order(atbl[,"country"]) ,]
  } else {
    adf = atbl
    adf = adf[-c(1:nrow(adf)),]
    for(i in 1:length(s.ct)){
      adf = rbind(adf, atbl[atbl[,"country"] == s.ct[i],])
    atbl = adf

#' Prepare exsic table
#' Complements missing minimal columns and missing content. If applicable (not null)
#' applies a list of countries and species in the given order to sort the table. Countries and 
#' species not present in a given sortfilter data.frame will be filtered out from the underlying
#' table.
#' @param atbl a data.frame table
#' @param sortfilter a data frame with two columns (one for species and one for genus; maybe NULL)
#' @return a table in the format expected by the exsic function
#' @aliases prepare.table
#' @author Reinhard Simon
#' @export
#' @family main
prepare.table <- function(atbl, sortfilter = NULL){
  rec = compl.table(atbl)    # fill empty space with meaningfull words
  rec = sort.tbl(rec, sortfilter)
  if(nrow(rec) > 0) class(rec) = c("exsic","data.frame")
  rec = rec[row.names(rec)!="NA", ]

#' Creates an index of specimen citations
#' @aliases index.citations
#' @param atable a table with exsiccatae records
#' @param format a data frame containing formatting options
#' @return a string in markdown format
#' @author Reinhard Simon
#' @family main
#' @export
index.citations = function(atable, format= format.SBMG #, sortfilter = sort.specs
                            ) {
  group.ma = TRUE
  group.sty= " - "
    if(format[format$field == "group.majorarea","style"] == "no") group.ma = FALSE
    group.sty = format[format$field == "group.majorarea","sept"]
  recs = atable
  fsp = format
  rec = recs
  if(nrow(rec) < 1){
    res = "**The filter applied did not give leave any records in the table. Please check the sortfilter.**"
  } else {
  pb <- txtProgressBar(0, nrow(rec), style=3)
  #update.pb(pb, 1, est)
  gsp = paste(rec$genus, rec$species)
  rec = cbind(rec, gsp)
  gsp = unique(paste(rec$genus, rec$species))
  species.lev = gsp
  country.lev = unique(rec$country)

  res = ""
    for(i in 1:length(gsp)){
      ele = paste(i,". ", gsp[i], sep="")
      sty = fsp[fsp=="species","style"]
      ele = format.element(ele, sty)
      res = paste(res," \n\n\n ",ele," ", sep="")
#      res = paste(res," \n\n\n **_",i, ". ",gsp[i],"_** ", sep="")
      s.rec = rec[rec$gsp == species.lev[i],]
      sp.country = unique(s.rec$country)

        scountry.lev =country.lev[ country.lev %in% sp.country]
        for(j in 1:length(scountry.lev)){
          #ele = paste(scountry.lev[j], fsp[fsp=="country","sept"], sep="")
          ele = scountry.lev[j]
          sty = fsp[fsp=="country","style"]
          sep = fsp[fsp=="country","sept"]
          ele = format.element(ele, sty)
          if(ele != ""){
            res = paste(res," \n ",ele,sep, sep="")  
          #res = paste(res," \n **",scountry.lev[j],".** ", sep="")
          sc.rec = s.rec[s.rec$country == scountry.lev[j],]
            ma.lev = unique(sc.rec[,"majorarea"])  
            for(k in 1:length(ma.lev)){
              if(length(ma.lev) == 0 ){
              } else if (length(ma.lev)==1 ) {
                txt = ma.lev[k]
                if(ma.lev[k]=="Unknown" | is.na(ma.lev[k])) txt = "Unknown major area"
              } else {
                txt = ma.lev[k]
                #res = paste(res," <span style=\"font-variant: small-caps\">",ma.lev[k],".</span> ", sep="")  
              #txt = paste(txt,fsp[fsp=="majorarea","sept"] ,sep="")
              sep = fsp[fsp=="majorarea","sept"] 
              sty = fsp[fsp=="majorarea","style"] 
              tx1 = format.element(txt, sty)
              if(txt != ""){
                res = paste(res,tx1, sep, sep="")   
              } else {
                res = paste(res,txt, sep, sep="")     
              scm.rec = sc.rec[sc.rec$majorarea == ma.lev[k],]
              mia.lev = unique(scm.rec[,"minorarea"])
              pp = length(mia.lev)
              if(pp > 0){
              for(p in 1:pp){
                if (!is.na(mia.lev[p]) & p>1 ) {
                  txt = mia.lev[p]
                  if(str_detect(mia.lev[p], "Unknown") ) {
                    txt <- "Unknown minor area"
                } else if ((!str_detect(mia.lev[p], "Unknown") | is.na(mia.lev[p])) & p ==1){
                  if(!str_detect(ma.lev[k],"Unknown")) {
                    txt =  mia.lev[p]
                } else txt = "Unknown minor area" #res = paste(" ",res, "Unknown minor area", ": ", sep="")  
                #txt = paste(txt,fsp[fsp=="minorarea","sept"] ,sep="")
                sep = fsp[fsp=="minorarea","sept"] 
                sty = fsp[fsp=="minorarea","style"] 
                tx1 = format.element(txt, sty)
                if(tx1 != ""){
                  res = paste(res,tx1, sep, sep="") 
                } else {
                  res = paste(res,txt, sep="")   
                scmi.rec = scm.rec[scm.rec$minorarea == mia.lev[p],]
                for(l in 1:nrow(scmi.rec)){
                  xy = xy+1
                  # Central call to format one record
                  x = format.exsic.rec(scmi.rec[l,], fsp)  
                  update.pb(pb, xy, "")
                  res = paste(res,x," ", sep="")
                res = str_trim(res)
                fs2 = str_sub(res, str_length(res)-1, str_length(res))
                if(fs2==".;") res = paste(str_sub(res, 1 , str_length(res)-1)," ", sep="")
                fs1 = str_sub(res, str_length(res), str_length(res))
                if(fs1==";") res = paste(str_sub(res, 1 , str_length(res)-1),". ", sep="")
              } # end for p
              } else {
                for(l in 1:nrow(scm.rec)){
                  x = format.exsic.rec(scm.rec[l,], fsp)  
                  res = paste(res,x," ", sep="")
              if(k < length(ma.lev) && group.ma ){
                gs = " -- "
                if(group.sty != " - ") gs = group.sty
                res = paste(res,gs,sep="")

  res = paste(res,"\n\r", sep="")

#' Creates a simple index of countries.
#' @aliases index.countries
#' @param atable a table with exsiccatae records
#' @return a string in markdown format
#' @author Reinhard Simon
#' @family main
#' @export
index.countries <-function(atable=NULL) {
  if(is.null(atable)) {
    res = "\n\n*No table given.*"
  nms = names(atable)
  if("country" %in% nms) {
    cn = unique(atable$country)
    n = length(cn)
    res=paste(1:n,". ",cn,sep="")
    res = paste(res,collapse="\n")
  } else {
    res = "\n\n*Table does not contain a 'country' column*"

#' Creates a simple index of species.
#' @aliases index.species
#' @param atable a table with exsiccatae records
#' @return a string in markdown format
#' @author Reinhard Simon
#' @family main
#' @export
index.species <-function(atable=NULL) {
  if(is.null(atable)) {
    res = "\n\n*No table given.*"
  nms = names(atable)
  if("species" %in% nms & "genus" %in% nms) {
    cl = "\n"
    gspecies = unique(paste(substr(atable$genus,1,1),". ",atable$species,sep=""))
    sp = paste(". *",gspecies,"*",sep="")
    n = 1:length(sp)
    x=paste(n,sp, sep="")
    res = paste(x,collapse=cl)
  } else {
    res = "\n\n*Table does not contain a 'species' column*"
  res = paste(res, "\n\r", sep="")

#' A condensed list of species (listed within a line).
#' Should only be used within the template file.
#' @aliases index.species.short
#' @param atable a table with exsiccatae records
#' @author Reinhard Simon
#' @return a string in markdown format
#' @family main
#' @export
  if(is.null(atable)) {
    res = "\n\n*No table given.*"
  nms = names(atable)
  if("species" %in% nms & "genus" %in% nms) {
    cl = ", "
    gspecies = unique(paste(substr(atable$genus,1,1),". ",atable$species,sep=""))
    sp = paste(". *",gspecies,"*",sep="")
    n = 1:length(sp)
    x=paste(n,sp, sep="")
    res = paste(x,collapse=cl)
    res = paste("[",res,"]\n\r", sep="")
  } else {
    res = "\n\n*Table does not contain a 'species' column*"

#' Creates the index of collectors and their specimes.
#' Should only be used within the template file.
#' @aliases index.collections
#' @param atable a table with exsiccatae records
#' @param format a format.exsic table (check with is.format)
#' @return a string in markdown format
#' @author Reinhard Simon
#' @family main
#' @export
index.collections <-function(atable = NULL, format = format.SBMG){
  group.specimens.bool = TRUE
  group.join = format[format$field=="group.specimens","sept"]
  species.name = FALSE
  species.sty = "();number;none"
  species.sept=", "
    if(format[format$field=="group.specimens","style"]=="no") {
      group.specimens.bool = FALSE
  }, silent = TRUE)
    species.sty = format[format$field=="species.referral","style"]
    species.sept= format[format$field=="species.referral","sept"]
    if(str_detect(species.sty,"name")) species.name = TRUE
  }, silent = TRUE)
    col.ord = sort(unique(atable$collcite))
    #dbs = arrange(mstr,mstr$cite, mstr$number)
      atable$number = as.numeric(atable$number)
      atable = atable[order(atable[,"number"]) ,]  
      atable$number = as.character(atable$number)
    }, silent= T)
    #atable = atable[order(atable[,"collcite"]) ,]
    atable$species = str_trim(atable$species)
    atable$number = str_trim(atable$number)
    atable$collcite = str_trim(atable$collcite)
    atable = atable[with(atable, order(collcite, species, number)) ,]
    spi = unique(atable$species)
    dbs = atable
    for(i in 1:length(col.ord)){
      res = paste(res,col.ord[i]," ",sep="")
      dbt = dbs[dbs$collcite==col.ord[i],]
      res1 = res
      res =""
      for(k in 1:nrow(dbt)){
          elt = format.element(dbt$species[k], species.sty)
          res = paste(res,dbt$number[k]," ",elt,sep="")
          #res = paste(res,dbt$number[k]," (*",dbt$species[k],"*)",sep="")
        } else {
          elt = format.element(which(spi==dbt$species[k]), species.sty)
          res = paste(res,dbt$number[k]," ",elt,sep="")
          #res = paste(res,dbt$number[k]," (",which(spi==dbt$species[k]),")",sep="")  
        if (k<nrow(dbt)){
          res = paste(res,species.sept,sep="")
        } else {
          res = paste(res,".",sep="")
        res = group.specimens(res, group.join)  
      res=paste(res1, res,"\n\n ")
  } else {
    res = "**No records found for this combination of countries and species.**\n"
  res = paste(res, "\n\r", sep="")

#' Creates a section header
#' A simple wrapper to return a section header formatted for inclusion in the final document.
#' @aliases section.exsic
#' @param title a section title
#' @return a string in markdown format
#' @author Reinhard Simon
#' @family main
#' @export
section.exsic <- function(title="My title") {

#' Writes the exsiccatae text
#' Writes the text string into a file formatted as HTML.
#' @aliases write.exsic
#' @param text a text in markdown format
#' @param file a file name
#' @author Reinhard Simon
#' @family main
#' @export
write.exsic <- function(text, file){
  markdownToHTML(text = text, output = file)

#' Checks table format
#' Checks if the table is in the expected format by the principal exsic function.
#' The format should be created either using reading a table via read.exsic or prepare.table.
#' @aliases is.exsic
#' @param obj an object
#' @author Reinhard Simon
#' @family helper
#' @export
is.exsic <-function(obj) {

#' Reads a table in .csv format.
#' The table should have a certain set of minimum columns following the conventions of 
#' the BRAHMS software.
#' The function tries to be forgiving and makes a compatible table even if none of the found 
#' columns is compliant with the expected names.
#' @param file a file path
#' @param sortfilter a dataframe containing instructions on how to sort and filter the table
#' @return a special dataframe conforming to the exsic expectations
#' @author Reinhard Simon
#' @aliases read.exsic
#' @export
#' @family main
read.exsic <- function (file, sortfilter=NULL) {
  exsic.file = file
  exsic.sortfilter = sortfilter
  data = read.csv(exsic.file, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  stopifnot(nrow(data) > 0 && ncol(data) > 0)
  data = prepare.table(data, sortfilter = exsic.sortfilter)

#' Checks if the data frame conforms to the expectations to a formatting configuration
#' data frame.
#' @param fmt a special data frame
#' @return boolean TRUE if ok
#' @author Reinhard Simon
#' @seealso format.SBMG, format.NYBG
#' @aliases is.format
#' @export
#' @family helper
is.format <- function(fmt) {
  #if(!is.data.frame(fmt)) return(FALSE)
  nms = names(fmt)
  #if(!all( c("field", "style", "sept") %in% nms)) return(FALSE)
  stopifnot(all( c("field", "style", "sept", "required", "comments") %in% nms))
  # check if all obligatory fields are present
  fields = c("species","country","majorarea","minorarea","collcite","number","group.majorarea",
             "species.referral", "group.specimens")
  stopifnot(all(fields %in% fmt$field))
  stopifnot(all(fmt$required %in% c("optional","obligatory")))
  x = paste(fmt$style, collapse=";")
  x = unique( str_split(x,";")[[1]] )
  #if(!all(x %in% c("none","underline","underscore","bold","italics","uppercase","capitals", "()", "number","name")  ) ) return(FALSE)
  stopifnot(all(x %in% c("none","yes","no","underline","underscore","bold","italics","uppercase","capitals", "()", "[]","number","name")  ))
  #x = paste(fmt$sept, collapse="+")
  x = unique( fmt$sept )
  #if(!all( x %in% c(""," ",", ",";",".",":","-"," -- ")  ) ) return(FALSE)
  #print(x %in% c(""," ",", ",";",".",":","-"," - ") )
  stopifnot(all( x %in% c(""," ",", ",";",". ",":",": ","-"," - ")  ))

#' Checks if the data frame conforms to the expectations to sort and filter the exsic database.
#' @param sf a sortfilter data frame
#' @return boolean TRUE if ok
#' @author Reinhard Simon
#' @aliases is.sortfilter
#' @export
#' @family helper
is.sortfilter <-function(sf){
  if(!is.data.frame(sf)) return(FALSE)
  nms = names(sf)
  if(!all( c("country", "species") %in% nms)) return(FALSE)
  if(nrow(sf) > 1) return(FALSE)

#' Creates three botanical indices (exsiccatae or index of specimens; numerical list of species; 
#' index to numbered collections).
#' It uses a data.frame expecting a minimum set of columns; if those are not found they will be
#' added and filled with 'unknown' or similar values as will be other columns with missing data
#' but used for sorting the final indices. 
#' @param data a table in exsic format
#' @param file Path to the .csv file containing the database
#' @param html Path to the resulting .html file
#' @param sortfilter a table containing filters for country and species
#' @param format a table containing format options for elements in the exsiccatae index
#' @param headers A list of text lines for labeling the indices
#' @return boolean TRUE if all steps executed successfully
#' @author Reinhard Simon
#' @aliases exsic
#' @example inst/examples/exsic.R
#' @family main
#' @export
exsic <- function(data, 
                  headers = 
                    c("Citations of Specimens", "Numerical List of Species", 
                      "Index to Numbered Collections",
                      "*Numbers refer to species in the Numerical List.*\n\r")){
  res = ""
  chk = FALSE
  exsic.format = format
  exsic.file = file
  out.file = html
  exsic.sortfilter = sortfilter
    if (is.null(exsic.format)) {
      exsic.format = format.SBMG
    if(!is.null(exsic.sortfilter)) stopifnot(is.sortfilter(exsic.sortfilter))
      data = read.exsic(exsic.file, exsic.sortfilter)
    } else {
      data = prepare.table(data, exsic.sortfilter)
    res = section.exsic(headers[1])
    out = index.species.short(data)
    res = paste(res, out, sep="")
    out = index.citations(data, format = exsic.format)
    res = paste(res, out, sep="")
    out = section.exsic(headers[2])
    res = paste(res, out, sep="")
    out = index.species(data)
    res = paste(res, out, sep="")
    out = section.exsic(headers[3])
    txt = headers[4]
    res = paste(res, out,txt, sep="")
    out = index.collections(data, format = exsic.format)
    res = paste(res, out, sep="")
    write.exsic(res, out.file)
    chk = TRUE

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exsic documentation built on May 2, 2019, 12:22 p.m.