
Defines functions distLweights

Documented in distLweights

#' Compute distribution weights from GOF
#' Determine distribution function weights from RMSE for weighted averages.
#' The weights are inverse to RMSE: weight1 for all dists,
#' weight2 places zero weight on the worst fitting function,
#' weight3 on the worst half of functions.
#' @return data.frame
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}, Dec 2016
#' @seealso \code{\link{distLfit}}, \code{\link{distLquantile}}
#' @keywords distribution
#' @importFrom berryFunctions traceCall
#' @importFrom lmomco dist.list
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # weights from RMSE vector:
#' RMSE <- c(gum=0.20, wak=0.17, gam=0.21, gev=0.15)
#' distLweights(RMSE)
#' distLweights(RMSE, order=FALSE)
#' # weights from RMSE in data.frame:
#' df <- data.frame("99.9%"=2:5, RMSE=sample(3:6))
#' rownames(df) <- letters[1:4]
#' df ;  distLweights(df, onlydn=FALSE)
#' # custom weights:
#' set.seed(42); x <- data.frame(A=1:5, RMSE=runif(5)) ; x
#' distLweights(x) # two warnings
#' distLweights(x, weightc=c("1"=3, "3"=5), onlydn=FALSE)
#' distLweights(x, weightc=c("1"=3, "3"=5), order=FALSE, onlydn=FALSE)
#' # real life example:
#' data(annMax)
#' cw <- c("gpa"=7, "gev"=3, "wak"=6, "wei"=4, "kap"=3.5, "gum"=3, "ray"=2.1,
#'         "ln3"=2, "pe3"=2.5, "gno"=4, "gam"=5)
#' dlf <- distLfit(annMax, weightc=cw, quiet=TRUE, order=FALSE)
#' plotLweights(dlf)
#' # GOF judgement by RMSE, not R2 --------
#' # Both RMSE and R2 are computed with ECDF and TCDF
#' # R2 may be very good (see below), but fit needs to be close to 1:1 line,
#' # which is better measured by RMSE
#' dlf <- distLfit(annMax, ks=TRUE)
#' op <- par(mfrow=c(1,2), mar=c(3,4,0.5,0.5), mgp=c(1.9,0.7,0))
#' yy <- nrow(dlf$gof):1 # depends on length of lmomco::dist.list()
#' plot(dlf$gof$RMSE, yy, yaxt="n", ylab="", type="o"); axis(2, yy, rownames(dlf$gof), las=1)
#' plot(dlf$gof$R2,   yy, yaxt="n", ylab="", type="o"); axis(2, yy, rownames(dlf$gof), las=1)
#' par(op)
#' sel <- c("wak","lap","nor","revgum")
#' plotLfit(dlf, selection=sel, cdf=TRUE)
#' dlf$gof[sel,-(2:7)]
#' x <- sort(annMax, decreasing=TRUE)
#' ECDF <- ecdf(x)(x)
#' TCDF <- sapply(sel, function(d) lmomco::plmomco(x,dlf$parameter[[d]]))
#' plot(TCDF[,"lap"],    ECDF, col="cyan", asp=1, las=1)
#' points(TCDF[,"nor"],    ECDF, col="green")
#' #points(TCDF[,"wak"],    ECDF, col="blue")
#' #points(TCDF[,"revgum"], ECDF, col="red")
#' abline(a=0, b=1, lwd=3, lty=3)
#' legend("bottomright", c("lap good RMSE bad R2", "nor bad RMSE good R2"),
#'        col=c("cyan","green"), lwd=2)
#' berryFunctions::linReg(TCDF[,"lap"], ECDF, add=TRUE, digits=3, col="cyan", pos1="topleft")
#' berryFunctions::linReg(TCDF[,"nor"], ECDF, add=TRUE, digits=3, col="green", pos1="left")
#' # more distinct example (but with fake data)
#' set.seed(42); x <- runif(30)
#' y1 <-     x+rnorm(30,sd=0.09)
#' y2 <- 1.5*x+rnorm(30,sd=0.01)-0.3
#' plot(x,x, asp=1, las=1, main="High cor (R2) does not necessarily mean good fit!")
#' berryFunctions::linReg(x, y2, add=TRUE, digits=4, pos1="topleft")
#' points(x,y2, col="red", pch=3)
#' points(x,y1, col="blue")
#' berryFunctions::linReg(x, y1, add=TRUE, digits=4, col="blue", pos1="left")
#' abline(a=0, b=1, lwd=3, lty=3)
#' @param RMSE    Numeric: Named vector with goodness of fit values (RMSE).
#'                Can also be a data.frame, in which case the column rmse or RMSE is used.
#' @param order   Logical: should result be ordered by RMSE? If order=FALSE,
#'                the order of appearance in RMSE is kept (alphabetic or selection
#'                in \code{\link{distLfit}}). DEFAULT: TRUE
#' @param onlydn  Logical: weight only distributions from \code{lmomco::\link{dist.list}}?
#'                DEFAULT: TRUE (all other RMSEs are set to 0)
#' @param weightc Optional: a named vector with custom weights for each distribution.
#'                Are internally normalized to sum=1 after removing nonfitted dists.
#'                Names match the parameter names from \code{RMSE}.
#'                DEFAULT: NA
#' @param quiet   Logical: Suppress messages. DEFAULT: FALSE
#' @param \dots   Ignored arguments (so a set of arguments can be passed to
#'                distLfit and distLquantile and arguments used only in the latter
#'                will not throw errors)
distLweights <- function(
# warning:
unused <- names(list(...))
unused <- unused[!unused %in% names(formals(distLfit))]
if(length(unused)>0) warning("unused arguments in ", traceCall(1,"",""), ": ",
                             toString(unused), call.=FALSE)
# get data.frame column:
if(is.data.frame(RMSE) | is.matrix(RMSE))
  colm <- grep("rmse", colnames(RMSE), ignore.case=TRUE)
  if(length(colm)<1) stop("There is no column matching 'RMSE' among ",
  if(length(colm)>1) stop("There are several columns matching 'RMSE' among ",
  RMSE2 <- RMSE[,colm]
  names(RMSE2) <- rownames(RMSE)

if(is.null(names(RMSE))) stop("RMSE must have names.")

# convert character NAs to numerics without losing the names:
mode(RMSE) <- "numeric"

RMSE_orig <- RMSE
  dnexcl <- !names(RMSE) %in% lmomco::dist.list()
  RMSE[dnexcl] <- NA
  if(sum(!dnexcl)<1) warning("There are no distributions matching lmomco::dist.list(). ",
                             "Probably you need to set onlydn=FALSE. ",
                             "The distributions in RMSE are: ", toString(names(RMSE)))

# the lower RMSE, the better GOF, the more weight
maxRMSE <- suppressWarnings(max(RMSE, na.rm=TRUE))

# Zero weight to worst fit (needs 2 or more distributions to work):
weight2 <- maxRMSE - RMSE
if(sum(weight2,na.rm=TRUE)==0) weight2[weight2==0] <- 1

# at least a little weight for all distributions:
weight1 <- maxRMSE - RMSE + suppressWarnings(min(RMSE, na.rm=TRUE))
# with min or mean added, the worst fit is not completely excluded
if(sum(weight1,na.rm=TRUE)==0) weight1[weight1==0] <- 1

# use only best half (needs 3 or more values):
weight3 <-  weight2
weight3[weight3<median(weight3, na.rm=TRUE)] <- 0

# custom weight:
check_custom_weights <- FALSE
  check_custom_weights <- TRUE
  cn <- names(weightc) # custom names
  rn <- names(RMSE)
  if(onlydn) rn <- rn[!dnexcl]
  if(is.null(cn)) stop("weightc must have names.")
  miss <- ! rn %in% cn
  if(any(miss)&!quiet) message("Note in distLweights: names present in RMSE, but not in weightc, thus given zero weight: ",
  miss <- ! cn %in% rn
    if(!quiet) message("Note in distLweights: names present in weightc, but not in RMSE, thus ignored: ", toString(cn[miss]))
    weightc <- weightc[!miss]
    cn <- names(weightc)
  weightc2 <- rep(0,length(RMSE))
  names(weightc2) <- names(RMSE) # cannot be rn, might be changed if onlydn
  weightc2[cn] <- weightc
  weightc <- weightc2
} else
weightc <- rep(NA, length(RMSE))

# replace NAs with 0
weight1[!is.finite(weight1)] <- 0
weight2[!is.finite(weight2)] <- 0
weight3[!is.finite(weight3)] <- 0
weightc[!is.finite(weightc)] <- 0

# normalize to get sum=1
mysum <- function(x) {y <- sum(x); if(y==0) 1 else y}
weight1 <- weight1/mysum(weight1)
weight2 <- weight2/mysum(weight2)
weight3 <- weight3/mysum(weight3)
weightc <- weightc/mysum(weightc)

# output data.frame:
out <- data.frame(RMSE=RMSE_orig, weight1, weight2, weight3, weightc)

if(length(RMSE_orig)>1 & !quiet)
cols2check <- 2:4
if(check_custom_weights) cols2check <- 2:5
weightsums <- round(colSums(out[,cols2check]),10)
if(!all(weightsums==1) & !quiet) message("Note in distLweights: Weights do not sum to 1. ",
                                         "Sums are: ", toString(weightsums))

# order by GOF:
if(order) out <- out[ order(RMSE_orig), ] # sorting by R2 does not work, see examples


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