
Defines functions calc_pvalue

Documented in calc_pvalue

# TODO revisit this function if you have time

#' Calculate p-values
#' Calculate p-values from `distr` object
#' @param x A `radf_obj` object.
#' @param distr A `radf_distr` object.
#' @export
#' @importFrom tidyr nest spread
#' @importFrom purrr when map2_dbl
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' radf_psy1 <- radf(sim_psy1(100))
#' calc_pvalue(radf_psy1)
#' # Using the Wild-Bootstrapped
#' wb_psy1 <- radf_wb_distr(sim_psy1(100))
#' calc_pvalue(radf_psy1, wb_psy1)
#' sb_psy1 <- radf_sb_distr(sim_data)
#' calc_pvalue(radf(sim_data), sb_psy1)
#' }
calc_pvalue <- function(x, distr = NULL) {

  assert_class(x, "radf_obj")
  if (is.null(distr)) {
    message_glue("Using `radf_mc_distr` for `distr`.")
    distr <- radf_mc_distr(attr(x, "n"), minw = attr(x, "minw"))
  assert_class(distr, "radf_distr")
  if (is_sb(distr)) {
    tbl_x <- tidy(x, panel = TRUE) %>%
      mutate(id = "panel", stat = "gsadf_panel") %>%
      nest(value_x = gsadf_panel)
  } else{
    tbl_x <- tidy(x) %>%
      gather(stat, value_x, -id) %>%
      nest(value_x = value_x)
  if (is_wb(distr)) {
    tbl_distr <- tidy(distr) %>%
      gather(., stat, value_y, -id) %>%
      group_by(stat) %>%
      nest(value_y = value_y)
    tbl_join_nested <-
      full_join(tbl_x, tbl_distr, by = c("id","stat"))
    tbl_distr <- tidy(distr) %>%
      gather(., stat, value_y) %>%
      group_by(stat) %>%
      nest(value_y = value_y)
    tbl_join_nested <-
      full_join(tbl_x, tbl_distr, by = c("stat"))

  xy_pvalue <- purrr::as_mapper(~ mean(unlist(.x) < unlist(.y)))

  tbl_join_nested %>%
    mutate(pval = map2_dbl(value_x, value_y, xy_pvalue)) %>%
    select(id, stat, pval) %>%
    spread(stat, pval) %>%
    {if (is_sb(distr)) . else select(., id, adf, sadf, gsadf)}


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exuber documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:51 p.m.