#' Get data from different exvatools objects
#' Extracts exporting country and sector and destination data from a specific
#' variable in an `exvatools` object.
#' @param exvatools_object An `exvatools` object (`wio`,
#' `exvadec` or `exvadir`). If it is an ICIO `wio`, it will
#' be previously melded (i.e., China and Mexico will be grouped).
#' @param var String for the selected variable included in the `exvatools`
#' object: `"VA"`, `"X"`, `"EXGR"`, `"VAX"`,
#' `"DC"`, `"DVA"`, etc.
#' @param exporter String vector with codes of the exporting countries.\
#' If the `exvadec` object includes only one country or country group,
#' `exporter` is not required (data can only be extracted
#' for that country).\
#' If `exporter` is not specified and it is an `exvadir` object,
#' the exporter will be considered the world (`"WLD"`), as by
#' definition exporters in `exvadir` objects are the countries of
#' origin of value added. \
#' To include a vector with several exporters (e.g., `c("ESP", "FRA")`)
#' the `exvadec` object must have been created with the option
#' `exporter = "all"` in the command [make_exvadec()].
#' `get_data()` will then produce matrices horizontally bound.
#' @param sector A character vector with sector codes, e.g. `TOTAL`,
#' `AGF`, `MANUF`, `c("TOTAL", "AGF", "MANUF", "SERVS")`.
#' Available codes can be checked with [info_sec()].
#' @param demand_comp A character vector of demand components, e.g.,
#' `"HFCE"`, `c("HFCE", "GCFC")`. Only valid for `wio`
#' objects.
#' @param importer String vector with importing country or country group codes,
#' e.g. `"WLD"`, `"ESP"`, `"EU27"`, `c("WLD", "EU27",
#' "NONEU27")`. Available codes can be checked with
#' [info_geo()].\
#' Please note that country groups will not show the strict values of
#' `"DVA"`, `"VAX"` etc. but an average value of the countries
#' included in that group. To obtain the specific `"DVA"`,
#' `"VAX"`, etc. for a group, an `exvadec` object must be
#' specifically created for that country group.\
#' Of course, variables that do not require to exclude double-counting,
#' like `"EXGR"`, `"DC"` or`"FC"` will be the same in
#' both cases, so no specific `exvadec` object will be required.
#' @param custom Boolean specifying whether custom-made groups of countries
#' or sectors are present in the environment to be used. For instance, a
#' custom `HITECH` custom variable including high-tech sectors or
#' a `LDC` variable with list of least-developed countries. Note that
#' custom variables should be referred to as strings in `get_data()`,
#' i.e. as `"HITECH"` and `"LDC"`.
#' @return A two-dimensional matrix with sector and geographical data of a
#' variable.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' wio <- make_wio("wiodtest")
#' get_data(wio, "EXGR", exp = "ESP", sec = "MANUF")
#' get_data(wio, "EXGR", exp = "ESP", sec = c("TOTAL", "MANUF", "SRVWC"),
#' imp = c("USA", "FRA"))
get_data <- function(exvatools_object, var, exporter,
sector = "TOTAL", importer = "WLD",
demand_comp = "TOTAL", custom = FALSE){
# Check object and type
is_wio <- methods::is(exvatools_object, "wio")
is_std <- methods::is(exvatools_object, "std")
is_exvadec <- methods::is(exvatools_object, "exvadec")
is_exvadir <- methods::is(exvatools_object, "exvadir")
# Error if none
is_exvatools <- any(is_wio, is_std, is_exvadec, is_exvadir)
if (is_exvatools == FALSE) {
stop(paste0(deparse(substitute(exvatools_object)), " is not ",
"a valid exvatools object"))
} else {
exvatools_object_name <- deparse(substitute(exvatools_object))
# Check wio source (wiotype)
if (any(is_wio, is_std)) {
wio_type <- exvatools_object$type
} else {
wio_type <- exvatools_object$source
# Check icio
is_icio <- is.icio(wio_type)
# Names and dimensions
g_names <- exvatools_object$names$g_names
n_names <- exvatools_object$names$n_names
fd_names <- exvatools_object$names$fd_names
gn_names <- exvatools_object$names$gn_names
gfd_names <- exvatools_object$names$gfd_names
G <- exvatools_object$dims$G
N <- exvatools_object$dims$N
FD <- exvatools_object$dims$FD
GN <- exvatools_object$dims$GN
GFD <- exvatools_object$dims$GFD
# Meld if wio
if (all(is_wio, is_icio)) {
exvatools_object <-
function(x) if (is.matrix(x)) {meld(x)} else {x})
# *************
# Missing var
# *************
# If no var included
if (missing(var)) {
if (is_exvadir) {
# If exvadir, there is only one var, get the name
var <- names(exvatools_object[1])
# Get it
VAR <- exvatools_object[[var]]
#var is a string
var_name <- var
} else {
stop("Missing variable in function arguments")
# If there is a var
} else {
# Check if exists
if (exists(var, exvatools_object)) {
# Get it
VAR <- exvatools_object[[var]]
#var is a string
var_name <- var
} else {
cli::cli_abort(paste0("There is no variable called '{var}' ",
" in {exvatools_object_name}"))
# ******************
# Missing exporter
# ******************
# If no exporter included, look for exporter in object
if (missing(exporter)) {
if (exists("exporter", exvatools_object)) {
# If exists, check if it is exvadir
if (is_exvadir) {
# Default in exvadir is WLD (all origins)
exporter <- "WLD"
} else {
# ESP, CHN, NAFTA, etc: take it
exporter <- exvatools_object$exporter
} else{
stop("Missing exporter in function arguments")
# ************************
# Importer not available
# ************************
# Also show error if trying to breakdown by importer a var
# that is nor broken down
if(length(importer) > 1 && var_name %in% c("VA", "X")){
"cannot be disaggregated by countries of destination"))
# Save col_names for later
row_names <- rownames(VAR)
col_names <- colnames(VAR)
# ***************
# Replace "all"
# ***************
# If vectors of countries or sectors contain "all"
# replace 'all' by codes of all individual elements
# e.g., c("all", "WLD") would become c("AUS", "AUT", ... "ROW", "WLD")
if ("all" %in% exporter) {
lst <- as.list(exporter)
exporter <- unlist(lapply(lst, function(x) if(x == "all") g_names else x))
if ("all" %in% importer) {
lst <- as.list(importer)
importer <- unlist(lapply(lst, function(x) if(x == "all") g_names else x))
if ("all" %in% sector) {
lst <- as.list(sector)
sector <- unlist(lapply(lst, function(x) if(x == "all") n_names else x))
if ("all" %in% demand_comp) {
lst <- as.list(demand_comp)
demand_comp <-
unlist(lapply(lst, function(x) if(x == "all") fd_names else x))
# *********
# *********
# We initialize a matrix that will collect data for all exporters
# in the vector exporter
tmp <- NULL
# Loop through elements of exporter
for (i in seq_along(exporter)){
# If is custom group and exists in environment
if (all(exists(exporter[i]), custom == TRUE)) {
# Use custom codes
exp_codes <- paste(get(exporter[i]), collapse = "|")
# If it is not a custom group
} else {
# If the object includes a variable exporter
# do not look further. And if it is a group, it should
# not be disaggregated (e.g. NAFTA will be NAFTA_01, etc.)
# Typical case: exvadec for one country
# Exception: exvadir, which always has a exporter
if (exists("exporter", exvatools_object)) {
# If it is exvadir and there is an exporter, we still need the codes
# because exvadir's rows include all countries as origin
# of value added for the real exporter. So, if for instance
# we have NAFTA as a exporter, we can select EU27 as 'exporter' for
# get_data, as we are really selecting the EU27 origin of VA for
# the ultimate exporter NAFTA
if (is_exvadir) {
# This added 17/01
# If is a custom wio and exporter is "WLD", we need to calculate it
# as the sum of all countries (we have no database for that)
if (wio_type == "custom" && exporter[i] == "WLD") {
exp_codes <- paste0(exvatools_object$names$g_names, collapse = "|")
# If not, use get_geo_codes (which will also return the same value
# if wio_type is "custom")
} else {
exp_codes <- get_geo_codes(exporter[i], wio_type)
} else {
# If it is a country-exvadec object, just take the name
# (if is NAFTA, rows will be NAFTA_01T02, etc)
exp_codes <- exvatools_object$exporter
# If the object does not include a variable exporter
# we can only have a full exvadec or a wio
} else {
# If is a custom wio and exporter is "WLD", we need to calculate it
# as the sum of all countries (we have no database for that)
if (wio_type == "custom" && exporter[i] == "WLD") {
exp_codes <- paste0(exvatools_object$names$g_names, collapse = "|")
# If not, use get_geo_codes (which will also return the same value
# if wio_type is "custom")
} else {
exp_codes <- get_geo_codes(exporter[i], wio_type)
# Now that we know exactly what exporter stands for, we can get the
# corresponding rows (always grepping from row_names, as country-exvadir
# has only n rows)
pgn_exp <- grep(exp_codes, row_names)
# Do not forget drop = FALSE
tmp2 <- VAR[pgn_exp, , drop = FALSE]
# If it is group e.g. EU27, the
# selected rows would be more than N.
# If this is the case, we sum every Nth row
if(length(pgn_exp) > N){
tmp2 <- as.matrix(sum_every_nth_row(tmp2, N))
# Add horizontally for each exporter
tmp <- rbind(tmp, tmp2)
# Assign result to variable VAR and name rows and columns
VAR <- tmp
rownames(VAR) <- paste0(rep(exporter, each = N),
gsub("[CD]", "_", n_names))
colnames(VAR) <- col_names
# *********
# *********
# We first create a temporary variable to accumulate all exporters
tmp <- NULL
# We run every exporter and all sectors for every exporter
# First all exporters
for(i in seq_along(exporter)){
# Get all sectors for country i (can be just 1)
m <- (i - 1) * N + 1
n <- (i - 1) * N + N
# tmp_i is a matrix with all sectors for exporter i
# Don't forget drop = FALSE
tmp_i <- VAR[m:n, , drop = FALSE]
# Then get selected sectors for that country
for(s in seq_along(sector)){
# Get sector codes
# If it is a custom sector, use it
if (all(exists(sector[s]), custom == TRUE)){
sec_codes <- paste(get(sector[s]), collapse = "|")
} else {
# If sector is "TOTAL" in a custom wio we need to calculate it
# (as there is no database). We take all the names of n_names
if (wio_type == "custom" && sector[s] == "TOTAL") {
sec_codes <- paste(exvatools_object$names$n_names, collapse = "|")
# If not, use get_sec_codes (which will also return the same value
# if wio_type is "custom")
} else {
sec_codes <- get_sec_codes(sector[s], wio_type)
# Now get the sector row(s) (do not forget the drop = FALSE, as
# it may be just one sector)
tmp_is <- tmp_i[grep(sec_codes, n_names), , drop = FALSE]
# We sum all the rows belnging to the sector (in case it is a
# sector group, or TOTAL)
tmp_is <- csums(tmp_is, sector[s])
# Now we can add the sector row to the rows of each exporter matrix
tmp <- rbind(tmp, tmp_is)
# We assign the result to VAR and we name rows and colums
VAR <- tmp
# Each block for each exporter or group will have a number of rows
# equal to the length of the argument sector
rownames(VAR) <- paste0(rep(exporter, each = length(sector)), "_", sector)
# It might be AUS_MANUF, but it can also be AUS_D01T02, so we try to
# remove the initial letter D or C. Because it could also be AUS_CHM, we
# will only remove if after initial C or D there is a number.
rownames(VAR) <- gsub("(_)([CD]{1})([0-9])", "_\\3", rownames(VAR))
colnames(VAR) <- col_names
# ****************
# ****************
# If the selected variable is the matrix of final demand with components
# we have columns as AUS_HFCF, AUS_GGCF, etc
if (var == "Yfd"){
row_names <- rownames(VAR)
# We initialize a column
tmp <- NULL
# We loop the countries in columns
for (i in seq_along(g_names)){
p <- (i-1) * FD + 1
q <- (i-1) * FD + FD
# tmp_i is a matrix with all demand components of importer i
tmp_i <- as.matrix(VAR[ , p:q, drop = FALSE])
for(d in seq_along(demand_comp)){
# If it is a custom demand component
if (all(exists(demand_comp[d]), custom == TRUE)){
# Use custom codes
dem_codes <- paste(get(demand_comp[d]), collapse = "|")
# If not, just use the demand component
} else {
# If it is "TOTAL", we do not have database for demand components,
# so we create the code
if (demand_comp[d] == "TOTAL"){
dem_codes <- paste0(fd_names, collapse = "|")
} else {
dem_codes <- demand_comp[d]
# We select the demand component(s)
tmp_id <- tmp_i[, grep(dem_codes, fd_names), drop = FALSE]
# And we sum them
tmp_id <- rsums(tmp_id, demand_comp[d])
# We add the column to the importer
tmp <- cbind(tmp, tmp_id)
VAR <- tmp
# Row names have not varied
rownames(VAR) <- row_names
# Colnames yes, each country/group has as many columns as the
# number of elements of the vector demand_comp
colnames(VAR) <- paste0(rep(g_names, each = length(demand_comp)),
"_", demand_comp)
# *********
# *********
# *******************************************
# Importer with demand components (Yfd only)
# *******************************************
# If the selected variable is the matrix of final demand with components
# and we want to select country
# If we want a specific demand components for a country (demand_comp
# is not "TOTAL"), e.g. HFCF for USA
if (all(var == "Yfd", !demand_comp == "TOTAL")){
row_names <- rownames(VAR)
# Initialize
tmp <- NULL
for (i in seq_along(importer)){
# If it is a custom code
if (all(exists(importer[i]), custom == TRUE)){
# Use custom codes
imp_codes <- paste(get(importer[i]), collapse = "|")
# If not, look for the importer
} else{
# If is a custom wio and importer is "WLD", we need to calculate it
# as the sum of all countries (we have no database for that)
if (wio_type == "custom" && importer[i] == "WLD") {
imp_codes <- paste0(exvatools_object$names$g_names, collapse = "|")
# If not, use get_geo_codes (which will also return the same value
# if wio_type is "custom")
} else {
imp_codes <- get_geo_codes(importer[i], wio_type)
# Get available components for each importer
tmp_i <- VAR[, grep(imp_codes, colnames(VAR)), drop = FALSE]
# Now we sum every Nth column (N being the demand component)
tmp_i <- sum_every_nth_col(tmp_i, length(demand_comp))
# And we add names
rownames(tmp_i) <- row_names
colnames(tmp_i) <- paste0(importer[i], "_", demand_comp)
tmp <- cbind(tmp, tmp_i)
VAR <- tmp
rownames(VAR) <- row_names
colnames(VAR) <- paste0(rep(importer, each = length(demand_comp)),
"_", demand_comp)
# **********************************
# Importer without demand components
# **********************************
# If we are not selecting a Yfd var, we will have G columns (or just 1
# in the case of X or VA in wio
} else {
# Take the row names
row_names <- rownames(VAR)
if (all(ncol(VAR) == 1, !importer == "WLD")) {
# stop(paste("The variable", var, "has no breakdown by importer"))
cli::cli_abort("The variable {var} has no breakdown by importer")
if (ncol(VAR) > 1) {
# We initialize
tmp <- NULL
for(i in seq_along(importer)){
# If it is a custom code
if (all(exists(importer[i]), custom == TRUE)){
# Use custom codes from environment
imp_codes <- paste(get(importer[i]), collapse = "|")
# If not, get geo codes
} else{
# In custom wios there is no "WLD", so we create it
if (wio_type == "custom" && importer[i] == "WLD") {
imp_codes <- paste0(g_names, collapse = "|")
} else {
imp_codes <- get_geo_codes(importer[i], wio_type)
tmp_i <- VAR[, grep(imp_codes, colnames(VAR)), drop = FALSE]
tmp_i <- rsums(tmp_i, importer[i])
# And we add
tmp <- cbind(tmp, tmp_i)
VAR <- tmp
rownames(VAR) <- row_names
# The columns will be the importer or vector of importers
colnames(VAR) <- importer
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