
Defines functions absMoments

Documented in absMoments

# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General 
# Public License along with this library; if not, write to the 
# Free Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, 
# MA  02111-1307  USA

# FUNCTION:              MOMENTS:
#  absMoments             Compute absolute moments of a symmetric distribution

absMoments <- 
function(n, density = c("dnorm", "dged", "dstd"), ...)
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz 
    ## Georgi N. Boshnakov corrected the computation for std
    # Description:
    #   Compute the absolute moments of a standardized
    #   symmetric distribution function.
    # Arguments:
    #   n - a vector of integers i, to compute M_i
    #   density - a character denoting the density
    #       "norm", "ged", "std" or any other
    #   ... - parameters passed to the standardized
    #       symmetric density function
    # Value:
    #   Returns a numeric vector of moments M_i.
    #   Stores globally errors in the variable absMoment.error
    #     if the moments were computed numerically.
    # norm - Normal Distribution:
    if (density == "dnorm" | density == "norm") {
        return (sqrt(2)^n * gamma((n+1)/2) / sqrt(pi)) }

    # ged - Generalized Error Distribution:
    if (density == "dged" | density == "ged") {
        parm = function(n, nu) {
            lambda = sqrt ( 2^(-2/nu) * gamma(1/nu) / gamma(3/nu) )
            return ((2^(1/nu)*lambda)^n * gamma((n+1)/nu) / gamma(1/nu)) }
        return(parm(n, ...)) 

    # std - Standardized Student-t Distribution:
    # Note: nu > 2*n
    if (density == "dstd" | density == "std") {
        parm = function(n, nu) {
            ## GNB: this is  wrong, gives NaN's when it shouldn't:
            ##    beta(1/2 + 2*n, nu/2 - 2*n) / beta(1/2, nu/2) * sqrt(nu-2)
            ## This is from the paper Wuertz at all (draft for JSS), eq. (14):
            ##     r <- n / 2
            ##     beta(1/2 + r/2, nu/2 - r/2) / beta(1/2, nu/2) * (nu-2)^(r/2)
            ## but the results are not right. It looks like a typo/error in the
            ## formula and changing r/2 to n/2 gives a consistent result with
            ## the usual t-distribution
            beta(1/2 + n/2, nu/2 - n/2) / beta(1/2, nu/2) * (nu-2)^(n/2)
        return(parm(n, ...)) 

    # Any other standardized symmetric Distribution ...
    fun = match.fun(density)
    moments = function(x, n, ...) { 2 * x^n * fun(x, ...) }
    M = .absMoments.error <- NULL
    for (i in n) {
        I = integrate(moments, 0, Inf, n = i, ...)
        M = c(M, I$value)
        .absMoments.error <- c(.absMoments.error, I$abs.error) 
    attr(M, "control") <- .absMoments.error 

    # Return Value:


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