
Defines functions fit_model

Documented in fit_model

#' Model fitting
#' @description
#' This function fits a hidden Markov model via numerical likelihood 
#' maximization.
#' @details
#' Multiple optimization runs starting from different initial values are 
#' computed in parallel if \code{ncluster > 1}.
#' @param data
#' An object of class \code{\link{fHMM_data}}.
#' @param ncluster
#' Set the number of clusters for parallel optimization runs to reduce 
#' optimization time.
#' By default, \code{ncluster = 1} (no clustering).
#' @param verbose
#' Set to \code{TRUE} to print progress messages.
#' @inheritParams set_controls
#' @inheritParams get_initial_values
#' @inheritParams set_controls
#' @return
#' An object of class \code{\link{fHMM_model}}.
#' @examples
#' ### 2-state HMM with normal distributions
#' # set specifications
#' controls <- set_controls(
#'   states = 2, sdds = "normal", horizon = 100, runs = 10
#' )
#' # define parameters
#' parameters <- fHMM_parameters(controls, mu = c(-1, 1), seed = 1)
#' # sample data
#' data <- prepare_data(controls, true_parameter = parameters, seed = 1)
#' # fit model
#' model <- fit_model(data, seed = 1)
#' # inspect fit
#' summary(model)
#' plot(model, "sdds")
#' # decode states
#' model <- decode_states(model)
#' plot(model, "ts")
#' # predict
#' predict(model, ahead = 5)
#' @export

fit_model <- function(
    data, controls = data[["controls"]], 
    fit = list(), runs = 10, origin = FALSE, accept = 1:3, gradtol = 0.01, 
    iterlim = 100, print.level = 0, steptol = 0.01, 
    ncluster = 1, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE, initial_estimate = NULL
) {
  ### check inputs
  if (!inherits(data, "fHMM_data")) {
    stop("'data' is not of class 'fHMM_data'.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!checkmate::test_count(ncluster, positive = TRUE)) {
    stop("'ncluster' must be a positive integer.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!checkmate::test_flag(verbose)) {
    stop("'verbose' must be either TRUE or FALSE.", call. = FALSE)
  data[["controls"]] <- set_controls(
    controls = controls,
    hierarchy = data[["controls"]][["hierarchy"]],
    states = data[["controls"]][["states"]],
    sdds = data[["controls"]][["sdds"]],
    horizon = data[["controls"]][["horizon"]],
    period = data[["controls"]][["period"]],
    data = data[["controls"]][["data"]],
    fit = fit,
    runs = runs,
    origin = origin,
    accept = accept,
    gradtol = gradtol,
    iterlim = iterlim,
    print.level = print.level,
    steptol = steptol
  ### generate initial values
  initial_values <- get_initial_values(
    data = data, ncluster = ncluster, seed = seed, verbose = verbose,
    initial_estimate = initial_estimate
  runs <- length(initial_values)
  ### define likelihood function
  target <- ifelse(!data[["controls"]][["hierarchy"]], nLL_hmm, nLL_hhmm)
  ### start optimization
  if (verbose) {
    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
      format = "[:bar] :percent, :eta ETA",
      total = runs, width = 45, clear = TRUE,
      complete = "=", incomplete = "-", current = ">"
    pb$message("Maximizing likelihood...")
  start_time <- Sys.time()
  if (ncluster == 1) {
    mods <- list()
    for (run in seq_len(runs)) {
      if (verbose) pb$tick(0)
        mod <- try(
            f = target,
            p = initial_values[[run]],
            observations = data[["data"]],
            controls = data[["controls"]],
            iterlim = data[["controls"]][["fit"]][["iterlim"]],
            steptol = data[["controls"]][["fit"]][["steptol"]],
            gradtol = data[["controls"]][["fit"]][["gradtol"]],
            print.level = data[["controls"]][["fit"]][["print.level"]],
            hessian = FALSE
          silent = TRUE
      accept_run <- !inherits(mod, "try-error") && 
        mod[["code"]] %in% data[["controls"]][["fit"]][["accept"]]

      if (accept_run) {
        mods[[run]] <- mod
      } else {
        mods[[run]] <- NA
      if (verbose) pb$tick()
  } else if (ncluster > 1) {
    cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(ncluster)
    opts <- if (verbose) list(progress = function(n) pb$tick()) else list()
    mods <- foreach::foreach(
      run = seq_len(runs), .packages = "fHMM", .options.snow = opts
    ) %dopar% {
      if (verbose) pb$tick(0)
        mod <- try(
            f = target,
            p = initial_values[[run]],
            observations = data[["data"]],
            controls = data[["controls"]],
            iterlim = data[["controls"]][["fit"]][["iterlim"]],
            steptol = data[["controls"]][["fit"]][["steptol"]],
            gradtol = data[["controls"]][["fit"]][["gradtol"]],
            print.level = data[["controls"]][["fit"]][["print.level"]],
            hessian = FALSE
          silent = TRUE
      if (verbose) pb$tick()
      accept_run <- !inherits(mod, "try-error") &&
        mod[["code"]] %in% data[["controls"]][["fit"]][["accept"]]
      if (accept_run) {
      } else {

  end_time <- Sys.time()
  ### save and check likelihood values
  lls <- -unlist(sapply(mods, `[`, "minimum"), use.names = FALSE)
  if (all(is.na(lls))) {
      "None of the estimation runs ended successfully.\n",
      "Adapt 'accept' or increase 'runs' in 'controls'.", 
      call. = FALSE
  ### compute inverse Fisher information
  if (verbose) message("Approximating Hessian...")
  fisher <- pracma::hessdiag(
    f = target,
    x = mods[[which.max(lls)]][["estimate"]],
    observations = data[["data"]],
    controls = data[["controls"]]
  if (all(fisher > 0)) {
    inverse_fisher <- 1 / fisher
  } else {
    hessian <- suppressWarnings(pracma::hessian(
      f = target,
      x0 = mods[[which.max(lls)]][["estimate"]],
      observations = data[["data"]],
      controls = data[["controls"]]
    inverse_fisher <- diag(MASS::ginv(hessian))
  ### final message
  if (verbose) message("Fitting completed!")
  ### extract estimation results
  mod <- mods[[which.max(lls)]]
  ll <- -mod[["minimum"]]
  estimate <- mod[["estimate"]]
  class(estimate) <- "parUncon"
  estimation_time <- ceiling(difftime(end_time, start_time, units = "mins"))
  ### create and return 'fHMM_model' object
  out <- fHMM_model(
    data = data,
    estimate = estimate,
    nlm_output = mod,
    estimation_time = estimation_time,
    ll = ll,
    lls = lls,
    gradient = mod$gradient,
    inverse_fisher = inverse_fisher,
    decoding = NULL
  ### reorder states
  out <- reorder_states(out, state_order = "mean")
  ### return 'fHMM_model' object

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fHMM documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:22 p.m.